Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today in room 1806, I got an education into why so many young black males are on the streets in the city of Chicago killing each other. Well, as you will see the Guardian AD Litem (GAL) in this probate case, Wartowski and Groszek were given a job of life; to protect and make sure that one minor child is in a safe and secure environment; and bring an end to the cycle that some young black males find them self in everyday and that DOC and DOA.
These women felt that it was safe and more important for Zion a 2 year old to spend his weekend going from reading and being safe; just to be with his biological mother who is a know gang member and know for drug use; just so that this mother (Joyce) can fulfill her requirement under Pathway (DCFS) rules. You see as a 20 year old ward of the state; Joyce can only continue to have her Rent paid ($650), get her link card ($200) and get $68 month cash if she can show that she spends time with Zion. As you see she does not fit the standers under this program under any other way; Joyce does not have a Job; she is not in school; nor does she have a trade.
GAL Alecial Wartowski and Jennifer B. Groszek today (6/3/09), found out that Joyce doesn't feed Zion during these 36 hr weekend visit; Gal Groszek said that she does not need to know for sure if Joyce has clothes or food for Zion (like they said it’s not the job of the Gal to see the child or make sure his mother has anything for him). Zion GAL don't even care that Joyce has taking him in a car with other gang members during one of these weekend visit that they ask for; this ride was so that Joyce could go jump on some girls at her old group home. These women found out that Joyce was in Indiana with Zion at some guy home having sex; drinking and using drugs and then to top the night off Joyce pass out in their basement. The GAL for Zion told my wife’s attorney it’s our job to get the police report about these issue and the names of the people involved and then send them a copy and they might look it over then.
These GAL don't care that Joyce takes Zion to homes where drugs are being used with minors; or that when asked about this in court under oath Joyce said that Zion was getting the drug smell (that we reported to them; DCFS and the police) on him from riding the bus. Now the Gal pass this drug use off; by saying we never asked for a drug test. Well, as the GAL for Zion knows we have to pay all our legal fees; and any test our self. So and as the person who job it is to look after Zion they have not asked or demand one to this date; and they can get it free.
So we see that the Gal don't about Zion, so what does GAL Wartowski and Groszec care about? Well, apparently my blogs are more important to them, so much that they want me to stop my blogs. They have said that if I don't they will make it seem as if I'm the crazy one and ask the courts to give Zion to Joyce or any person that they can find to take him.
Now, CVLS has spent so much time looking at my blogs on line that they have forgot their main job and in doing so Joyce has been able to post gang stuff on line with Zion pictures. The Gal and the Judge in this case found nothing wrong with this; even after just this week a Chicago Police Officer have his life taking by some of these weak gang members (and it just happen to be the same one Joyce is a member of).
When will GAL Wartowski and Groszec and the Pro bate court Judge feel that Zion safety should come first; when we carry his body in a little box after Joyce has taking him off somewhere and he gets a bullet that had her name or her know gang member boy friend name one it. Or how about after Joyce leaves Zion at another dope house; so she can just go off and just enjoy her self.
Last week I was told that CVLS Wartowski wants me to back off or else. However, I was not told what or else means. I have been told that these GAL have said that if I don't they will make it seem as if I'm just some crazy person. So I can guess or else is back off or they will make me spend the weekend with Joyce; like they do Zion.
Well, I'm not crazy; I'm just sick of all this madness that I see ever night on the news about some young black male who has lost his life or taking the life of another. Every time I hear the Judge in this case say to Joyce “you are doing everything they ask of you” I have to ask my self what in hell is being asked of her. Joyce will be 20 this year and will be 21 next year. Joyce has one year left to live the life that she knows of; that’s one that gives Joyce free rent, food, bus pass and $68 a month; now what will happen to Joyce once her year run out.
As I was driving home about 6:30 pm I notice a bunch of people walking down the street heading toward the local church; now I had to call my wife and ask her had she ever seen this. And she told me yes; those are the homeless people that have to check into the church before 7 pm to get a bed. Now I have to wonder, will this be Joyce (and Zion) next year; I can bet you it will. The GAL’s in this case should take the high road and remove themselves from this case as we have requested. Because it hard for them to work on the behalf of the child when they are spending more time looking at my blogs than looking at his mom gang blogs and taking care of what best for Joyce now and not looking at what’s best for Zion.
I think that if these women want to say on they need to look and see what is the duty of a GAL under 705 ILCS 405/2-17. These GAL need to understand that they are not dealing with some weak un education spineless person who will just sit back and let them gamble with this Zion’s life.
The Gal’s and Judge in this case like to talk about what my family is not doing for Joyce; and how it’s my wife job to help Joyce get Zion back. Well, not ever Joyce own Attorney felt that she should get Zion back; so why would my family just hand Zion over to Joyce with out fighting for his life first. Now; I just want to make it clear, we have spent over 6k so fare in this case to make sure that Zion does not go from Guardianship to DCFS into DOC. So why wouldn't we fight for Zion now; and only a fool would just hand Zion over at this point to end up DOA!

If you would like to read more about this you can go to my blog site

Or can you please call CVLS and ask that they remove themselves from the Washington case since they have lost track of what their job is: CVLS 100 N. LaSalle st Suite 900 Chicago IL 60602 (312-332-1624)

Legal Lynching

This might be my last blog; if Attorney Jennifer B. Groszek the GAL for Zion gets her way. As you will see Mrs. Groszeck spends more time looking for stuff about me like my blog on Crag List than she does looking out for what’s best for Zion. Let me give you the facts and the fiction: Fact Attorneys Groszeck and Alecial Waowski of CVLS have spent more time on making claims that I have been arrested many times for domestic battery; now this is fiction. I was arrested once for domestic battery and this was a claim that Zion’s mother made after she attacked my wife in our house; the Cook County Police officer felt the need to come back to my house and take me to Jail because he took a liken to Zion’s mother Joyce; and everyone that knows anything about this knows that this is fiction. Fact: Joyce Washington has been smoking drugs with Zion since he was born; with the last time being February of this year 2009. Fact: Ms. Groszeck and Waowski talked to Joyce’s Attorney Ann Chiumino about this and according to Ms Grosaeck what ever was told to her was so good that she did not feel the need to report this to DCFS; as a mandated reporter should do! You see Ms. Grosaeck is not the attorney for Zion’s mother; however, her job is to look out for what’s best for Zion. Now, I don't know what was told to Ms. Grosaeck, however in open court before CVLS supervisors Waowski listen to the facts and felt that Joyce should have Zion for over night; after Joyce told the Judge that she was not getting high, however she rides the bus and people on the bus be getting high and that how the smell gets on Zion. Fact: Joyce does not feed Zion when she has him and she put this on the fact Zion is a picky eater so that means that Zion does not eat for 36 hours. Now, Ms. Grosaeck and Waowski do not have a problem with this; they felt that my wife and I should just understand that Zion will not eat because he is picky. Fact: if Ms Groszek was doing her job then she would know that Joyce took Zion to a group home that she use to live in and threatened the folks in the home and tried to force her way into the home to fight staff and girls in the home. Now this is something that Ms. Groszeck might know and just did not feel the need to let anyone else know about it. Now Ms. Groszeck and Waowski are so worried about my sending out blog and handing out information about this case that they have forgot their job and when Joyce took Zion to the Cook County Jail to meet his father of the month they had no problem with this. This case has become a joke and the only one whose life is in danger is Zion. And these women spend so much time on what I'm doing that they have not took one second to make sure that Zion is safe. When Joyce takes him on her drug runs or the fact that Joyce has had 10 different men spending time with Zion just this year! I don't personally know these two women; I just know that they don't like me and it has become personal for them. They have forgotten my wife is the legal Guardian for Zion, not me. I'm just the one that feeds him; cloth him and make sure that Zion is in a house where he is loved. For what ever reason these women hate the fact that Zion has a father figure in his life. That an educated black man; that wants Zion to grow up to have a chance to be the next President himself. Those who know me know that my job in life is to educate black men; I have sent more black men to college then either of these women. Now, I don't know about CVLS or the law firm that Ms. Grosezeck work for; all that I know that for what ever reason these women have decided that they want to spend time trying to legally lynch me; then look after Zion. They will be going to court on Wed the 3rd of June to ask the Judge to stop me from doing something; they have ask that I be banned from court because they are scared of me. My family has spent our life saving trying to give Zion a chance, we don't want to fight for him when it is to late; however, we cannot keep on trying to match the funds of Aunt Martha’s or CVLS (you see they are saying that if my wife is able to get a new GAL we will have to pay 5k for it). So, when I ask how much does it cost for the life of a black child; I want to know how much or how low these folks are going to make us pay to give Zion a chance in life. And so that its no misunderstand about what this case is about; Zion’s mother did not want Zion. She tried to abort him and could not get the money to have it done. So Joyce turned herself into DCFS as a runaway; thinking that DCFS was going to pay for her abortion. Now, when Zion came into this world Joyce gave Zion up and only changed her mind after she was told that she would have to move out of her group home. Then after one year court battle my wife was given Legal Guardianship of Zion. Now just 2 month after this Joyce filed a motion to get Zion back, saying that she was able to take care of Zion now; she was still living in a group home, no job and no education. The only thing that changed from the June 24th order was the date. So, my family will fight for Zion, because it seems he does not have anyone beside us that want to do it for him. I have asked what the world’s most hated mammal is. The answer is clear AN EDUCATED BLACK MAN!

I beg you to just come to court on 7/02/09 Rm 1806 @ 2pm