Tuesday, August 13, 2019

You’re Either Racist or Anti-Racist

You’re Either Racist or Anti-Racist
I made it clear to CVLS that David Gotzh is a racist lawyer; and being a racist is not a crime; however, when you use your power (that he had as a GAL) and use it to hurt someone base solo on race that makes you a racist and all those that supported his actions are also racist. That is from the Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan; who told me that a black boy playing baseball all his life, going to the best school, mapping out his 10-year goal, going to an HBCU school, and being adopted by the parents that have taken care of him for the past 12 years of his life was not the best life for him.
No, she said that it was better for him to go back to a mom, have her get on a link, trade him off to someone else for that link and she can keep the section 8; that is a better life for little black boys. I want to be clear all that I speak about, all that I have talked about are documented in black and white, and I have the proof to support it all.
Why did the first district Appellate Court not overturn what the judge did? Easy the raciest at CVLS told a story, they told one as they have done this before. They knew that service was not done; they knew that service never obtained in this case. As such they made this case about notice; not service and in the State of Illinois a party does not have to give notice once a judge has service.
That is 100% correct, in the Court in the state per the First District Appellate Court; if I sue you and you know about the case at that point I do not have to send you anything as it is your duty to know what is going on in the case. They have said that Judges in this state have the right do as they wish as the laws are not relevant. I have the order that anyone can read and it right there in black and white.
As a black man, I cannot see how anyone that looks like me can or think that they are or could get justice in a court system that is not set out for that. Yes, the Chief Judge in Cook County is a man of color; however, he has been sold and paid since the late Mayor Washington that he only sits in that office; he does not run anything.
Laws, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said to me that she does not care if someone lies under oath as I think I am smart (she wanted to say “nigga”) and she does not trust me. Why not? I am a Black man that can Read; as we all know what they did to blacks that read during slavery.
If you support Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan, CVLS; and David Gotzh in 2020 You’re a Racist

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Nigga Time

What is Nigga Time or as it is called “CP” time? This is something that is used to describe laze; late color people. it is something that some Racist think that all black people are always late and has become a joke to describe them.
So on about February 8, 2018, I had a conversation with Davie Gotzh, and it was during our first call he said to that the only way Joyce would get Zion back; is if “she won the lottery”.  I have an email about this conversation that can support that this was said; I wrote about him in my first ARCD complaint about him. So, for him to say that what he said to me is in my head; well it was in my head before he tried to judicial lynch me. 
Now, he and I were talking about the motion I had filed to dismiss the case as we were never giving service to anything and it was during this conversation he talks to me about his background and it was in that talk that he wanted to meet Zion. Now during this talk, he talks about not coming on “CP”; he was an old school German and when he says 3 P.M. that is 3 pm; not 3:10 or “CP” time.
Now, I am over 50 and a White man just told me over the phone not to come on “Nigga Time” and I was to say nothing? Well, that is not how I am built. The conversation ended with Davie Gotzh saying to me that he and I will just meet “man to man”. Once more this is all in my reports from day one; this is all the emails to CVLS. So, I had to have the forethought that I was going to be at this point to make this up.
So, I have to ask the question what changes in 3 months; Joyce did not the numbers; she did have a one on one with David alone and it was during that meeting that he came out with one job in life; to make me pay. He wanted to cause me harm; he wanted me to pay. Was it personal due to what Joyce had told him; or done for him; or was it due to the fact that he was upset that as I black man I dare to stand up to him.
Now, I talk about David father and the fact that he killed a 12-year-old Hispanic girl and got away with it; and I think it is this sense of entitlements that made him feel that I was like something on the bottom of his shoe. I was less than a man, and I sure in hell was not on his leave. He wants to talk about me now like I am nothing; he did all that he could to get me out of the way; he has lied in court; he has fake paperwork and as a man, I ask why?
Why would a man put his life on the line; was it due to his racist feelings about me; or was it all about Joyce? Now, this would not be the first time that she has done what she needed to get what she wanted. As I know the stories about the teacher (whom I think is Zion birth father; as the date would be about right); the one that ended it with her, and she told his wife about them. Did she have something over David's head, I know that it was a recorded phone call where she did not hang up and she talks about how her lawyer was going to make me pay.
I know that in 19 days Zion will be of age where he can make his own choices and I am going to be that to make sure that he knows that if he wants to leave, he can. I know that Joyce has been playing the mind game with this little boy as she needs him to live. I know that in the last year my life has been turned upside down. I know that this has not only cost me a lot of money but time off my life and I want to know why?
I want to know why this happened; I want to know what was CVLS reason for supporting him; what did he tell them to make them overlook all that he was doing. Is this the first time CVLS had fake paperwork in a case; is this the norm for them. How many other children have had their life turn upside down; how many other young black boys have been destroyed by CVLS. Last how many other racists do they have working under them that the main job is to hurt young black children.  All these questions I want to get an answer to, as it is the only way I can move on; I need to know WHY?