Thursday, May 31, 2018


With All Due Respect, that is just lip service.
Tell the truth; we do not care about the killing going on in the streets of Chicago or American. I just spent 24 hours locked up in Cook County Jail due to a racist Attorney who tells lies and a Judge that made the life of my son as a personal attack to lynch me.
I have sat in her courtroom for these past months and listened to her talk to me and about me as I was something that she steps in and was worth nothing. She decided to take a young black boy from a 2-parents educated household and placed him with an uneducated single household where they mother walks the streets to make money, but hey now she can get some link.
She did this because as she told me, she could, and that is what is best for him. Now, I have done all that I can to make anyone and all aware of these facts and each time I get the same lip service. I want to say that I use to feel sorry when I would see on the news how someone lost their lives to crime in the City; but not anymore.  I got the time to sit up in the county jail as the judge lock me up to teach me to be a good Nigga.
Sorry for the language, but it time to take the gloves off and keep it real, what that Judge did to me was simple, I am an educated black man who is trying to bring up young men to not go the way of crime, and that is not what our system wants. We want these killers; we want to see young black male killing; as we housed them in a placed that teach them how to do such.
In 24 hours I learned how to take a life and get out; I was taught how not to catch a pipe case (gun), and the living conditions in the Cook County Jail are like those of the plantations where we house slaves.  African American males make up 5% of the totally U.S population, but we are over 90% lockup. So, save that we want to reduce crime, as to do such will cut jobs and cut making money, and that is not what we want.
I do not have any respect for our system, or those who lead is as they all are a JOKE. The Cook County system is one that is so corrupt that it is a joke to me that we do not lock each one of those in position up. Go out and vote, for who I ask? The same crooked people that run time after time telling lies.
The Judge in 1806 told my wife and I that we are the reason that she is looking at a young man that gets all A’s and might be 12, however, is well above his age. And, for that reason, we have not done the job that she wants or needs us to do. So, she took him and put him with a woman he does not know, and he begs not to go with; so that he can learn the street life. The best interest of the Child; that is a JOKE in courtroom 1806.
If you see something say something, do not make me laugh as I have said, I did that, and it might cost my son his life. I am so upset about now, but I know that you do not care. Why would you, he is not your son and until one of these young killers touch your life personal than keep sending the letter that is not worth the paper they are written on.
The sad part is if my son were a dog or cat he would have never been taking from us; but as I was told he is a young African American boy and how dare he have a father in his life to teach him how to be a man! Society wants him to be gay or a killer as that why they can control him, and if you cannot then, you make it so that you can. Anyone that looks at this case can see that it was some dirty works in play, but that is the Chicago Way.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Letter to Chief Judge Evans

Good Day Chief Judge Evans;

As I think about the letter that came from your office and how you and many keep saying to my family and I that it is nothing you can do; I say sir with all due respect is that true? Your office is telling me that you cannot do anything about a Judge that sits on the Bench making the life decision for black and brown babies?  However,  your office can decide on what to do in a beat of a heart when a Judge lets a Judge elected to sit in her seat and put on her rob.
You all want to tell me that the harm that this Judge did to our son (yes, I call him our son, as we were the ones that have raised him to be the man he is); does not compare to what that Markham judge did (and I have to say that I know that Judge and she was nothing like this one)? As I look at the picture and I ask myself what makes these two judges different; can you answer that for me?
Would or should a Doctor do surgery on someone that has filed a complaint about them?  So why would this Judge hear this case when she made it clear how she felt? I am sick of being sick and I will just deal with the facts.
I ask for time to hire a lawyer; I was denied
I ask for a copy of the paperwork that was file so that I could prepare a defense, I was told yes, I would get a copy (I have been told this twice); and was told no as she gave me nothing.
I ask for 48 hours to stay or to set the hearing that next week and I was told no.
I ask for a court reporter so that whatever happened on the 18th it would be a record of it for appeal and I was told: “yes I can have or order a court reported, but for you, I will not, you can pay for one if you want one.”  The Judge told me that she was not going to have one in the courtroom and it was no way that I could get on in short notice.
I told the Judge that my son was graduating from high school on the 19th out of state, she told me that I should have made better plans. How, have the school change the date.
I came back with an emergency motion asking for another court date and copies of what I was coming before the court on; also a new judge to hear the motion.  I sat in courtroom 1806 for 3 hours; I walked down and got a court clerk (not anyone, but the Asst.) and the Judge stood up in the courtroom and told me to Leave her courtroom as she was not going to hear my emergency motion.
I ask the Judge does the co-guarding or birth father of record need to be giving noticed and the Judge said NO; she decided who get noticed in her courtroom.
There are some of the facts that happen in courtroom 1806 at the hands of this judge. Please do not tell me that it was not any witness as I have one of my own that sat in there one day as the Judge asked me was she the co-guarding as she has never talk, met or ask to see who my wife is.
This was 100% a personal Judicial Lynching, and your office Chief Judge Evans wants to tell me, that a judge letting a person who was just elected Judge is far worse; as your office remover her from the bench ASP. Tell me what the difference in these two judges? RACE!

Monday, May 28, 2018

How Did we Get Here?

What effect does an act of "fraud upon the court" have upon the court proceeding?
"Fraud upon the court" makes void the orders and judgments of that court.
It is also clear and well-settled Illinois law that any attempt to commit "fraud upon the court."
vitiates the entire proceeding. The People of the State of Illinois v. Fred E. Sterling, 357 Ill. 354;
192 N.E. 229 (1934) ("The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into which it enters applies
to judgments as well as to contracts and other transactions."); Allen F. Moore v. Stanley F.
Sievers, 336 Ill. 316; 168 N.E. 259 (1929) ("The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into
which it enters ..."); In re Village of Willowbrook, 37 Ill.App.2d 393 (1962) ("It is axiomatic that
fraud vitiates everything."); Dunham v. Dunham, 57 Ill.App. 475 (1894), affirmed 162 Ill. 589
(1896); Skelly Oil Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 338 Ill.App. 79, 86 N.E.2d 875, 883-4 (1949);
Thomas Stasel v. The American Home Security Corporation, 362 Ill. 350; 199 N.E. 798 (1935).
Under Illinois and Federal law, when any officer of the court has committed "fraud upon the
court", the orders and judgment of that court are void, of no legal force or effect.

I hate our system of so-called justice where a person who can help all themselves an Attorney such as David Gotzh #46652: Right out Lie; no not some small lies.  Just one big one after the next and for many, I have all the proof to show that he lied. RACE, yes that word plays into this as he is not Black and for that reason, nothing is done to him. 
Yes, I made a complaint to the ARDC on Attorney David Gotzh, and Judge Kennedy- Sullivan, and ARDC told me in so many words David Gotzh #46652 tells a different story, so since he is an attorney and I am not, they trust him. Well, that Attorney in New York that spoke about his hate for people of color is one also an Attorney, and I am sure he has told some great story in a courtroom. 
I am not a dumb man! I can be sued for what I said publicly and on social media about Attorney David Gotzh. I say that David Gotzh #46652 is a liar and he needs to be stipe of his law license as his actions have caused mental harm to not only my family but the damage that he did to his so-called client he should be arrested for child abuse. He would come to court and say that he sent notice and copies of motions in the mail and showed no proof that he did, and be trusted just because he is an attorney. 
Each thing that I sent I did it at the post office and they gave me a document to show that I mail something, and I had no reason to keep or try to sandbag anyone. I am a fool that thinks more of that courtroom. I look at it and say to myself that we have a system that does not work, but it is the only system that we have, and I respect it for that reason. Well, that respect is gone as I turn my back on the court. 
So, let me be Clear, David Gotzh #46652 (I do not disrespect the title to call him an Attorney) IE the road attorney is a liar.  He commented fraud on the court He said he did not know about the adoption that was a lie; 
FACT: On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 6:14 pm I received my first of few emails from Attorney David Gotzh and it was a text email. (see Exhibit A)
FACT: Thu, Feb 15, 2018 6:33 pm I sent an email letting Attorney David Gotzh that my wife wanted to talk with him; he did not call back. (see Exhibit B)
FACT: On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 7:18 pm I sent him an email with my wife number and ask him to give her a call as she wanted to talk to him. This the day of this letter he has not spoken to my wife; to the date of this letter the Judge in the probate case does not even know what my wife looks like as she has never been called or sent anything from anyone but me.  (see Exhibit C)
FACT: On Thu, Feb 15, 2018, 8:36 pm I sent my wife information about Attorney David Gotzh as I did a digital check on him after having my conversation with him about his German background that the racist remarks (See Exhibit D)
FACT: On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 7:55 am Attorney David Gotzh sent a group email after I ask him not to give Joyce Washington my email. Attorney David Gotzh did not want Zion to go see Black Panthers at the movies and he wanted him to go eat something instead and I did not think this was a good Idea, however he made it seem as if I did not have a choice in the decision.  (See Exhibit E)
FACT: On Mon, Feb 19, 2018, 3:29 pm I sent Attorney David Gotzh an email with a copy of my motion to dismiss and I told him in this email about the adoption.  Once more as I told him over the phone before now and I told him in person at the only meeting where he talks to Zion for 4 min and about 10 for me.  “Now, I know that all this will end with adoptions and it is not about the money it is about the fact that this court does nothing to hold Joyce accountable for her actions, so I must do such.  I do not know if you are going to need time to respond to our motion or not, that is how come I am letting you know beforehand. I Have to get on the train and come into the city, and that courtroom can be pack someday, and I do not want to spend any more time than I need in the city.  As I had to spend 2 hours sitting in the truck on Saturday as Zion told me that he wanted to go after he ate so I had to wait, and Joyce did not let him leave until Noon.” Now it is a fact that in Attorney David Gotzh fist report that he did he talk about the adoption in it as something he did not like. (See Exhibit F)
FACT: On Tue Feb 20, 2018 at 3:57 pm David Gotzh sent me a email where he said that he was going to send me a copy of his report that he gave to the Judge and Joyce Washington and he did not send me anything until Wed, Feb 21, 2018 9:23 am the day of court and the link did not work and he did not send me a copy until that night  Wed, Feb 21, 2018 8:11 pm.. (See Exhibit G). 

Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) These various positions have set statutory roles, with the goal being that the court reaches a decision that is in the best interest of the child. The GAL’s job is to investigate the family situation by talking to all the relevant family members and submit a report to the court stating what he or she believes is in the best interest of the child. Typically, the report is in the form of a recommendation for a certain living situation. The GAL can be cross-examined by either parent, and the GAL does not have privileged communication with anyone he or she talks to. The statute makes no mention of whether GAL’s can file independent filings, but some judges will direct a GAL to file pleadings where the judge deems it appropriate or necessary. 
\Now I was going to call Attorney David Gotzh and question him on what he did, and that is why I had to be killed off. 4.06 Duties of Guardian Ad Litem in Matters Involving Custody or Visitation required Attorney David Gotzh to talk to everyone and as the facts show my wife called him and left a Voice message, and he did not call her back. He did not (as he admitted that he did not) read any of the case files when he changes the supervised visit and he did this for one fact.  He did not want a little black boy to see a movie with positive people that look like him (Black Panther), and I would dare to question him. 
Now at this point, it does not make a difference as Attorney David Gotzh told the court he did not know about the adoption; he told the court that he sent me something and he did not, and this is not I am sure the first time he has committed fraud on the court. He did not see me as a man; he felt that I was some little boy that was just dumb. I will go out and get an ad in the paper where I will call him a Lire as I want him to try and sue me.  I dare him to take me to court so that I can have my day to show just who he is.  As no one cares, as he is a White Attorney and I am just some Black man. So yes, it is about RACE.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

See something, Say Something

See something, Say Something is the motto that rings in my head. As this was used back in the day to help catch runaway slaves; as that was one of the first jobs of the police; to help return slaves back. Now, this was done with the help of other slaves they were to tell the slave owner it any other slave was getting out of hand or breaking any of the slave owner’s rules.
The problem with this was that the slave owners never told on each other; same issues we have today. Cops that are bad are not told on by other cops. Minster with little boys was not told on by other ministers, same things with judges that break the law or do things that are on the grey side of the law.
Yes, I say something wrong and I did what you all love to say, see something, say something and I paid for it. I wrote a letter to Chief Judge Evans and I was told that it is nothing can be done, and it is not the job the Chief Judge office to regulate or monitor what a judge does in their courtroom. WOW; I thought all these years it was the courtroom of the people; how dumb was that. 
Now per Chief Judges Evan:
Our judges and employees focus on ensuring that the 5.1 million residents of Cook County have the utmost confidence in their court system. Most importantly, the judges in the Circuit Court of Cook County dedicate themselves daily to achieving the court’s mission to deliver justice fairly and impartially, case by case.
Please feel free to contact my office with suggestions on how we can improve this website or our court programs to serve you better.
Timothy C. Evans
Chief Judge
Circuit Court of Cook County
Now, I am sorry to say that my son (yes, I call him my SON!) cried today as he, my family and I do not feel that was the case in courtroom 1806. Your office told me that it was nothing that you all could do. You did not call one person to ask, you did not do anything but take my letters (as more than one) and send me something to say that in your mission s statement you all FAIL!
So, I go out and do a Judicial complaint on that Judge and she goes out of her way to make my life a living hell. Now, I will say that when she told me that I better be at her court on Friday, May 18, 2018, at 2pm and not go to my son high School graduation I thought the worse she would do is lock me up. No, she hurt me in the only way she could.
When that Judge discharged my wife and I, she left my son without a family, she left him in a world that he knows nothing about and she did this to make myself pay for seeing something and saying something. For her to give my family justice fairly she should have transferred this case from her docket and sent it to someone else. For her to say that she sat on the bench and did not hold any bias is an LIE.
She told me to get out of her court as she was not going to hear my motion and yes she change her mind and said I can stay but she still was not going to hear my motion.  I am sick of this talk about helping family and doing what is best. I ask for one day, 48 hr. is all that I wanted she could have set that case for Monday, but nope she did the only thing she could do to me and that was to hurt me through my son.
I do not aspect anything from your office as your office see a lot and say nothing! I do not ask your office to do anything for me, but I sure do not look at our office to help all on the weight to bury me.  My family had to go out and take money that was to be used for my other son first year at Jackson State and I had to pay a lawyer to get me justice one day as it sure does not come from anyone in the Cook County court system. 

You all need to change that from if you see something says something to just if you see someone black doing something say something, and it is sad to say that is even trying to BBQ outside.


I have been up since 3 am cleaning up and packing up my little man room as it is 100% chance that he is not coming back to here. I do not know what or where or when, but I am for sure it will not be here.  I play the days over in my mind, and I think about how so many of us walk in life thinking the laws are for us. The laws that were made to build this country were never for us, and we are only fools to think such as life teaches us and shows us they are not.
We look at the young folks out here killing and taking and say oh how bad they are, or where did that come from. Well, it came for the master that taught them well, it is in their DNA as the blood that flows through their bodies. Yesterday as I stood there as Joyce open up her mouth to let the lies flow out; she said that she only found out about the adoption when she gets this read the “LAW REVIEW” funny as that is not what it is called.
LAW REVIEW? What in the hell is that? So, I do not know who ask, as it might have been me as the court only wanted to know about me a Black man fighting to save a black boy. It was asking what? Where did you read it at, and she opens her mouth to say that she read it in the same thing that I use to take her babies rights away. I almost drop to the floor when she said that.
Let me think about it; your baby daddy. Now, you told that GAL that he was a produce of Rape; now you are saying that the man that put his name on the birth record is your baby daddy. Let take a step back into history, she met this guy when she was about 5 or more month with Child, but he is the father now. I guess that how it works now, or does she lie so much that for her the truth never comes out.
She found out because GAL David Gotzh #46652 told her; he told her how and what and when; he has been out to get me since our first phone call and it kills me that we do not have a system in place that stops lawyers like him. I did what I was told to do, and that was to see something say something, and I reported him to the ARDC. Now, he told them; oh no this case is over, and I am just unhappy with one fact; but the overall picture was good for me.
No, I am upset that GAL David Gotzh #46652 is a racist and he is a GAL that has the lives of young black boys in his hand. He is playing God as Hilter did (yes, he said to me that he is GERMAN). He is doing all that he can to have my son put I a position that he has to fight for his life by putting him into the hands of a crazy person.
I am like that pit bull; you put a bone in my face I am not going to let go. I beg this man to remove himself from the case the first two weeks in as he was to give me a copy of a report he did, and he did not give it to me and lied about it to the judge. Now, she is at fault as she took his word for it and she knew better.  Do not talk about how and what I file and say to me that I got a report and did not file an answer to it.
It burns me inside that I see these folks talking about that see something, say something, I say see something keep your mouth shut and do like they do, see nothing, say nothing. We do not have justice, it is and will always be the JUST US. The problem is that we have animal farm into a system that does nothing for us. We want to cheer at Dr. Cosby going to jail in his 80th but say nothing about all the injustices that uncheck.
Ask how a Non-black man can shoot up school, church, movie house and live to talk about it, and a black man can die for driving, walking or for that case trying to support his family; thoroughly, investigate the mirror that is how. We march, and we talk, and we do nothing. We do not vote we are too dam worry about someone might say to us or do. We go to churches that do nothing for us but rape our bank accounts and put that money back into other pockets.
I know that what was done to my family in room 1806 was wrong and I also know that it was illegal and not with the laws and that is why they had to try and Emotionally kill me. I had my self already to go; I was going to call GAL David Gotzh #46652 as a witness (yes, I read the laws, and he could be called and forced to as he did not have a client privileged as a GAL) and ask the courts could I treat him as a hostile one.
I wanted to have a court reporter there (the Judge told me NO). She said to me that she could but if you want one you pay for it. Ok, give me time to do such. They force me to choose to see my son big day or dance with them.  THEY WERE SCARED OF ME, AS I WAS A BLACK FATHER COMING FOR THEM AND I AM STILL COMING YOU BETTER KNOW THAT!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Link Child

I have about one hour to it down, and breath as this has been a week for the books. I was in court today, and the Adoption Judge said that we must go back to the probate judge to get her to give us Zion back. That is right the Judge in Courtroom 1806 took Zion from us because I was not in court last Friday.
Now, one of my boys told me that he would have gone to court and miss his son graduation. Now, I did not think she was going to take Zion form us. I was ready to go into Cook County lock up, and I was going in with a smile as I was there to see my son walk across that stage.
Now, my guy that told me that he would have gone to court and miss this one in a lifetime is the issue that we (black folks) have. Too many sisters are having babies with part-time men. Yes, part-time, he comes on the weekend and buy some shoes and think that makes him a dad.
Hell, no it does not make you a dad, just as it does not make you a mom. I must go pick up 4 of my baseball team members tonight as they do not have a way to the game. Now I do not ask why or where the dads in their lives are as I just step up and do my best to be a dad for them in this way.
I talk to my guys on the team about school and other issues that a father or man might deal with. I do this because I am sorry my sister a nation is only as strong as it men! Yes, this is true we are only as strong as the men that lead us, and the problem is that too many time we have some weak men leading or women who do not want to be lead.
I cannot say anything about the Adoption Judge or GAL as they seem to have Zion best at hand and in the right world the probate court would have taken a step back and let the adoption process play out. However, that Judge in 1806 knows that she cannot hurt me with jail or death, she hurt me in the only way she knew.
Now I stood in her court, and from her mouth, she said that if she feels that Zion is not better with us, she will send him into DCFS care. Now, some have asked why? Why is the birth mom fighting us like this; well easy Link and Cash, she will get more food stamps, and she will get some cash from public aid. Now, this is nothing, but for a person that makes about $15k a year, it is millions.
She does not want to work; she does not want Zion back to give him a better life, she wants him back to get food stamps. So, I am sorry when I talk about our system and how it is set up to keep poor folks mental poor; well like a baby on the breast of it mom; we have family sucking off the same nipple for years.
So, when my family must go into our life saving and fight to save Zion, you better know that we take it personally. I am trying to save my Son from the streets; I am trying to keep him from being out there and putting a gun to your head or taking the life of your child. I do it all myself as I am Dad and it is my job to Fix things

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


FACT:  In December 2006 A 3-month baby came into my family.  He was abused, neglect and mother was using drugs selling sex on the street. So we took him in before DCFS put that number on him.
FACT:  It cost my Family over $50k to keep this child out of DCFS and we paid for everything and never ask for anything but to save one Black boy from DOC.
FACT:  On or about February the 22nd 2018 I file a complaint against the GAL in this case.  He did a GAL report and did not send me a copy of it, and lie about it; he used a racial slur with me, and he did not do his job as he did not interview the child!
FACT:  On March the 1st 2018 I file a complaint against the Judge in this case.
FACT: I have a 24-year-old Daughter with a master’s in psychology. I have a 23-year-old son that is one year from his Master’s in Education with Math as his background. I have an 18-year-old son that was just accepted into Jackson State University.  He will be the 5th Generation to go (my wife, daughter, oldest son and I), None of my children have been arrested.  They do not walk around with their underwear out, non-have children.
So, when A Cook County Judge tells me from the Bench that what I am doing for my son now to give him life; is not what he might want or what is best for him.  Yes, I reported her as she said thing from that bench that left me in shock.
Now, after all this, I became a public enemy.  I was the negro that had to be neuter. They had to teach me my place, and so they came after me. They let paperwork like this go forward. Seh table or denied each motion I did and used Judicial Blackmail to kill me. 
How dare I have Son’s that do not kill, shot or rob.  How dare I have a daughter that uses her brain and not her body.  How dare I am a black man that can read and understand the law;  is what they say to me.
So, look at the paperwork and tell me; was any of this done right why did the Judge let it fly? Why did the Judge tell me from the Bench that the birth father does not have to be told about anything? Why did the Judge go out of her way to do all these things?  Well, go back to that Fact on March the 1st I cross the line. I dare to be a man and stand up and speak about what they (the people in the courthouse) a wild card. We do not need a wild card over the life of young black and brown babies.

Fraud upon the court

What effect does an act of "fraud upon the court" have upon the court proceeding?
"Fraud upon the court" makes void the orders and judgments of that court.
It is also clear and well-settled Illinois law that any attempt to commit "fraud upon the court"
vitiates the entire proceeding. The People of the State of Illinois v. Fred E. Sterling, 357 Ill. 354;
192 N.E. 229 (1934) ("The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into which it enters applies
to judgments as well as to contracts and other transactions."); Allen F. Moore v. Stanley F.
Sievers, 336 Ill. 316; 168 N.E. 259 (1929) ("The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into
which it enters ..."); In re Village of Willowbrook, 37 Ill.App.2d 393 (1962) ("It is axiomatic that
fraud vitiates everything."); Dunham v. Dunham, 57 Ill.App. 475 (1894), affirmed 162 Ill. 589
(1896); Skelly Oil Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 338 Ill.App. 79, 86 N.E.2d 875, 883-4 (1949);
Thomas Stasel v. The American Home Security Corporation, 362 Ill. 350; 199 N.E. 798 (1935).
Under Illinois and Federal law, when any officer of the court has committed "fraud upon the
court", the orders and judgment of that court are void, of no legal force or effect.

I hate our system of so-called justice where a person who can help call themselves an Attorney such as David Gotzh #46652: Right out Lie; no not some small lies.  Just one big one after the next and for many, I have all the proof to show that he lied. RACE, yes that word plays into this as he is not Black and for that reason, only nothing is done to him.
I made the report to ARDC, and they told me in so many words David Gotzh #46652 tells a different story, so since he is an attorney and you are not, we trust him. Well, that Attorney in New York that spoke about his hate for people of color is one also one, and I am sure he has told some great story in a courtroom.
I am not a dumb man! I can be sued for what I say, and I say that David Gotzh #46652 is a liar and he needs to be stipe of his law license as his actions have caused mental harm to not only my family but the damage that he did to his so-called client he should be arrested. He would come to court and say that he sent notice and copies of motions in the mail and showed no proof that he did.
Each thing that I sent I did it at the post office and they gave me a document to show that I mail something, and I had no reason to keep or try to sandbag anyone. I am a fool that thinks more of that courtroom. I look at it and say to myself that we have a system that does not work, but it is the only system that we have, and I respect it for that reason. Well, that respect is gone as I turn my back on the court.

So, let me be Clear, David Gotzh #46652 (I do not disrespect the title to call him an Attorney) IE the road attorney is a lire.  He commented fraud on the court and if anyone cared they only have to look at the FACTS and stop looking at the Black Man that fights for his Son.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

The best Interest of Z

First and Foremost, I am taking myself out of the picture as I have become the primary focus.
The best interest of Big Z is and has not been in the minds of those in courtroom 1806.
You all do not know me, but I think that many of you can understand just looking at my paperwork you can see that I am not a fool and I am not dumb.
I researched and did each and every motion that I file; I am so good that the Bank Paid me to move out as I had them in the Appeal Court on the house we own, and I was going to stay there until it was over.
The Atty, in that case, would say that (as he told me), I was the best Pro-Se that he has met in court.
Now you do not have to trust me, and you can think that what I say is a lie, and that is your right.
But first It was said that on last Friday I was in the city of Chicago filing the Emergency motions in the appeal court; I know that some might not get this, but you can do this thing called E File. As that is what the courts want, you to do and it is the law now. How in the heck can I be in the City filing anything and turn right around and file a motion to reconsider that fast?
Next, I made it as clear as I can that I was not going to miss my son Graduation and anyone that has children know this. If someone would take a walk down the halls on the 18th floor at the Daley center and ask about the Judge in 1806, they all say the same wild card, not a great understanding of the law, but still, she is a JUDGE?
Now, I have talked to big Z, and he does not want to go live with Joyce, if you get to meet him you will say that he might only be 12; however, he comes off as he is 16 or more.
I am locking down lawyer ’s and let me be Clear no one has not called me, I had like three different police dept call me, and CPD was the one that told me that they did not want any paperwork as this is an issue that needs to be handled in court.
So, that is what I am doing. Last, I did not hide anything, if you read the GAL report from Feb of 2017 it talks about the fact that I file for Adoption and for the GAL to say that I did not say anything is a Lie. For them to say that I knew where Joyce is living is a Lie. If you look at all the paperwork, I have it gives four different address. The one in the City with an apt number of 28 on the east side.
Last, I just want you to know that We have no reason to lie or do we have the money to spend; we need to put our 3rd child through school as he did not get any money and we are about to spend about 10k for this, that is why I was going to handle it pro-se.
I am sorry that some do not like that fact that I am a man (Black) that loves my children and I do what I have to take care of them; Big Z gave me a hammer last Xmas and it said daddy can fix anything. So, he is looking for me to Fix this.
I have email the facts about this case to anyone that I can From the President of the USA, down to the Chief Judge Evans, and below him. I have sent it all Ill state Senator and anyone as it only takes one. I need that One Great White Hope to read the fact in this case and see that it is not about Zion it is about me!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Prayer Without Work is Uselessness

We have a society that is said to be made up of rules and laws as it is these rules and laws that keep us from becoming what we use to be. However, how do you respect or follow those rules and laws when they are not applied equally.
I want to note that he loves his children and they know this and he gives his life to protect them. He wants to first and foremost apologize to the system for not being in court on Friday. However, the court tied his hand and used judicial blackmail; by making him choose to see his once in a lifetime walking across the state and getting his high school diploma or being in a courtroom where the outcome was already predetermined.
All that Mahdee Muhammad was asking for was three days, one week or for that case 48 hours to attend his son’s graduation and be in court after. To tell him that he had to also choose the life of one son over another was not fair. It is not overstating the facts; to say that the minor Z.W life was at hand. The probate court seems to be so focuses on Mahdee Muhammad that they never ask the question who would keep him, what type of environment he would be in and how would it emotional affect him to miss his bother graduation.
There are some that say that these are not his brother, we are not his mom and dad; however, if this court or the GAL, in this case, sit down with the minor Z.W they will get to know that he knows who we are and he loves us as we love him and he did not want to miss his brothers big day as he has seen his two brothers and sister cross a total of eight stages and he wanted to see his bother cross his 2nd  for the total of nine.
The court order Mahdee Muhammad not to talk to the minor about the issues; just tell him nothing, take him downtown and drop him off like he was a pet that I was going to put into the shelter while he was away. The minor Z.W. wanted to leave out early as he missed his mom, and family. He talks about taking his dog down to play with his cousin and how his brother was going to Jackson State in the fall.
I have talked about going to jail on social media, and if I must go to jail for protection my son and seeing my other son walk across that stage, I go with my head up high as Jail does and will not define the man, father, and husband that I have been.  I am a man I give my life for those that I love and if I have to give my freedom let it be such, and I accept what this court gives me.
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, I watch my son cross that stage, and I had tears in my eyes, as I know that I have done all that I can to put that one on the right path and I have one more to go, and I will give my life before I let an unjust system take him. I will do all that I can to make sure no court or anyone sees anyone of my boys and girl on the news at 10.
It has not been one person from the GAL’s in the probate case, to the cook county dept of Adoption that thinks Z.W. should be removed from the only family he knows and loves and loves him just the same.  I have been told so many times to just give the minor Z.W. to the birth mother Joyce Washington, and she will do something, she will leave him somewhere, or she will do this or that. Well, he is not a text subject that we can just put out there and see how it works out.
To some they do not see him as we do, as they have not been up all times of night when he was sick, they have not spent days in the sun and rain to teach him how to catch a pop up; they have not invested all that they have to make sure this little black child has a chance, and if this court needs to sit down with Z.W. and talk to him one-on-one they will see that he is more mature than his 12 years.   
I hate that I must fight this fight alone and have done all that I can do to get help, and it is not about money as I will sell my soul to the devil to pay for one. It is and has sorry to say been about one fact; the fact is that Z.W. is just a little black boy and to some, they do not see him as anything but a number.  I do not sit up a pray for anything as prayer without work is uselessness.
So, I have put my mind body and soul in a position to go to jail as this is the only way to open up the doors and let the light in. As the judge got her payback and she hurt me in the only way she could; as to send me to jail does not hurt me as I am a teacher and to teach some young men who did not have a father in their life is a gift for me.   

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


This is what Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said to me on May 14, 2018, from the Bench. I was telling her that my son and I had a flight to travel to Tenn. this weekend and she told me to stop, he is not my son. He has been with my family since he was three months and he will be 12 this year. We feed, house, and do all that can be asked but he is not our son?
She told me that he could not go the Memphis for the graduation this weekend as that is not his brother. She told me that the Birth mom who is a Prostitute and we do not know anything about will take him on Friday and keep him for the weekend and I better be at court on Friday at 2 pm.
She told me that she will hear the motion to discharged us as the Guardian and that no one needs to be served as she decided who needs to be there. She told me that she does not care if the case is on Appeal as the appeal court has no standers in this case.
About a month ago a young black child lost their life due to Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan as they feel they are GOD and do not have to answer to anyone. It is funny as She feels that she can do anything from the bench and the check and balance that are and should be in place do not apply to her.
Today I cried, and I cried some more as I am just tired. She wants me to be at court here in IL at 2 pm on Friday; and not get out until late and leave him here, and she does not care if I make It to my son graduation or not and you know what kills me is the fact that I cannot find anyone to help
She told me that I better not tell him anything, I am just to bring him to court and let them tell him he is not going. He is going to be hurt as he just asks me on the way home; Dad can we leave on Wed after my game, and I am so sick that I feel like I am about to die.
My body has just left me as my children are my word and I will not be able to live if something happens to him or if I miss Sat and I do not know what to do. I am stuck without hope, and I just do not know what to do. I must stop crying and man the fuck up as I am not going to get any help from anyone. We have no justice.
I informer Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan that I had filed an appeal under Rule 304 the Judge said she did not care. The Co-Guarding asks the Judge about the hearing to discharge the guarding that was scheduled for May 18, 2018, and was she going to hear his motion to dismiss base on the fact that the birth father and other Co-Guardian had not been served by Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan sated that the birth father does not need to be served and she decided who needs to be served and who does not. 
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan action say that she does not want us to Adopt him, she wants the birth mother to get food stamps and other public aid to taking care of him and sending him to school to become something. She wants him to be on the streets shooting and killing; once more I am not a fool, we have these young men out here because of Judges like her. I file a complaint on her way back for Judicial misconduct, and she is making me pay for it.
I ask her how I can be in court and the other Co-Guardian does not get notice (I did not get any notice) or the birth father not get notice, and she told me she decided who needs to get noticed, and the Father does not. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should have recused herself from hearing my case due to my complaint with the Judicial review board I have on her, but she did not as she wanted me to pay for it. 
Now it is funny as from July of 2017 up to December of 2017 Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan would take the time to read my motion as they were on point when it came to the law, and I do know, where or when she looked at me and said I was nothing but an unpaid babysitter.
In the probate court, there are many Judges who are afraid to be a Judge, and there are some that think they are God; well at some point, she became a God. I told her that the GAL is her eyes and ears in the court and it is too bad that with the GAL we have she is blind. Now, when she told me that she did not care if I miss my son graduated and set a hearing so that I could not go, she put me in a position that as a REAL BLACK DAD I did not want to be in.
I do not play dad, I am a Father, I coach baseball, I cook, I do homework, and I do hair, I do all that I have to do as I must do it. I have been forced to be my own pro-Se because many lawyers think I cannot take a back seat, I can, and I will, but it has to be to someone that is not driving me off a cliff. The GAL talk about having me arrested, and I told him that as a black man in America jail is a teaching tool for me where I can go in and teach others not to come back.
I will give my life for these fours and just because Zion is not from my seed he is my son as he looks at me tells me that daddy can fix anything and as a dad, I must fix it. I did not want to do this, as all I ask the court is to do what is written. We have a case in adoption that should table everything else as if that goes through all this is moot. Now it is a fact that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is trying to keep the schoolyard to prison yard pipeline open and she is doing it from probate court to prison.
When A Judge tells me that bring up a young man to be a man and make something out of himself is not what he might want to do; well let’s just say That's why I created a petition to Stephen M. Brandt, Director and Timothy C. Evans, Chief Judge, which states:

"Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan actions are a clear case of Judicial Misconduct and she needs to be removed from Cook County Probate Court. The Chief Justice will not do anything about her, so I want to start a recall petition to have her name added to the ballot for recall.  "
Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Monday, May 14, 2018


This is what Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said to me today from the Bench. I was telling her that my son and I had a flight to travel to Tenn. this weekend and she told me to stop, he is not my son. He has been with my family since he was three months and he will be 12 this year. We feed, house, and do all that can be asked but he is not out son.
She told me that he could not go the Memphis for the graduation this weekend as that is not his brother. She told me that the Birth mom who is a Prostitute and we do not know anything about will take him on Friday and keep him for the weekend and I better be at court on Friday at 2 pm.
She told me that she will hear the motion to discharged us as the Guardian and that no one needs to be served as she decided who needs to be there. She told me that she does not care if the case is on Appeal as the appeal court has no standers in this case.
About a month ago a young black child lost their life due to Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan as they feel they are GOD and do not have to answer to anyone. It is funny as She feels that she can do anything from the bench and the check and balance that are and should be in place do not apply to her.
Today I cried, and I cried some more as I am just tired. She wants me to be at court here in IL at 2 and not get out until late and leave him here, and she does not care if I make It to my son graduation or not and you know what kills me is the fact that I cannot find anyone to help
She told me that I better not tell him anything, I am just to bring him to court and let them tell him he is not going. He is going to be hurt as he just asks me on the way home; Dad can we leave on Wed after my game, and I am so sick that I feel like I am about to die.
My body has just left me as my children are my word and I will not be able to live if something happens to him or if I miss Sat and I do not know what to do. I am stuck without hope, and I just do not know what to do. I must stop crying and man the fuck up as I am not going to get any help from anyone. We have no justice.
I informer Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan that he had filed an appeal under Rule 304 the Judge said she did not care. The Co-Guarding asks the Judge about the hearing to discharge the guarding that was scheduled for May 18, 2018, and was she going to hear his motion to dismiss base on the fact that the birth father and other Co-Guardian had not been served? Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan sated that the birth father does not need to be served and she decided who needs to be served and who does not.  I ask the Judge to hear my motion to stay and once more Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan denied that motion also; as she said that appeal case does not matter in this case.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that She does not want us to Adopt him, she wants the birth mother to get food stamps and more public aid as that is better than us taking care of him and sending him to school to become something. She wants him to be on the streets shooting and killing; once more I am not a fool, we have these young men out here because of Judges like her. I file a complaint on her way back for Judicial misconduct, and she is making me pay for it.
I ask her how I can be in court and the other Co-Guardian does not get notice (I did not get any notice) or the birth father not get notice, and she told me she decided who needs to get noticed, and the Father does not. Wow; we just paid $250 to give him notice in the Adoption case, and now I find out that no one needs anything as a judge can decide who should get what. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should have recused herself from hearing my case due to my complaint with the Judicial review board I have on her, but she did not as she wanted me to pay for it. 
The funny part is the Black Judge said we could go, and the non-Black Judge does not care after all what is the life of a black boy worth to her? I am going to take a trip out to a town that is Republican and stand out and had out flyers as I know I need a miracle as this is going to kill me. I need a GREAT WHITE HOPE!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Color Me Mother!

Mother defined as “A mother is the female parent of a child. Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring. Thus, dependent on the context, women can be considered mothers by virtue of having given birth, by raising their child(ren), supplying their ovum for fertilization, or some combination thereof. Such conditions provide a way of delineating the concept of motherhood, or the state of being a mother. Women who meet the third and first categories usually fall under the terms 'birth mother' or 'biological mother', regardless of whether the individual in question goes on to parent their child. Accordingly, a woman who meets only the second condition may be considered an adoptive mother, and those who meet only the third a surrogacy mother.”
So, do we call Astra Volk, Mitchelle Blair, and Andrea Yates just to name a few mothers? I was in court today, and A person came to court that they called the mother was there. She came and did her routine, put on the soft voice, played the victim and look like a deer in the headlights and the court looked at me BIG BLACK AND DANGER!  As I had on a suit, but women still garb their bags when I walk pass as all they see on the news is that Black man = killer.  The funny part to all this is that it is not just non-black folks that feel this way, we have black folks that also do.
11 years ago, I had a Black man (who is an Alpha), and he is Mr. Republican hear about what we were going through in the courts, and he gave me one hour to come on air and talk about it and from that I had a lawyer to call me who did not see up as a cash machine. I had a Black lawyer tell me that if I give her $6k, she can take this case and win and end it like it that easy.  First, I do not have that to give and 2nd I should not have to pay anyone if the courts just follow the laws
However, for me as a Black man, the laws are grey as I have said I have to do it all better and double that.  I can go into court and tell the Judge that is it sunny and 80 out and others can go in and say it night time and snow in July and courts will say put on your snow boots and turn on the light. What I have to say, is like the tree in the forest; no one hears it falls.
It hurt me as I do not fight this fight because I want to, I fight this fight because I must. Let me be Clear as I can today I was in court because the woman that gave birth keeps coming into our lives when she needs money, food or housing and it seems that I must play the GAL game where I will from time to time get one that hates me more than  they want to do their job. I have called Attorney David Gotzh A racist, and I have done it public as I beg him to sue me; as to do such I will get my chance to prove it. When A person that is not Black talks to me about CP (color people) time, and tells me he is German, he tells me a lot.
The funny part is that I just need 50 more of you to click on the petition to have him removed as the GAL. I sit here and laugh as most of you want to talk about Black love, or how bad it is that we have black crime and the system this and that. All you do is TALK as you do nothing to put actions to that talk. I am not mad at you, after all, what and how does it affect you?  Well, just think about it when one of our bothers or sister take someone you love life, think about how that person got to that point. We have too many young men who are a part of the system as did not have anyone to fight for them until they are lock up, you want to say how and why; well you are the how and you are the way.
Mother’s Day is this weekend, and the Person that they court wants to say is a mom, was more worried about trying to stop me from taking him to see his bother graduate than as to see him on Sunday. But you all want to color her mother; I will pass. The courts have told her they would turn him over to DCFS if they feel he is not good with us, and she is ok with that; Color me mother, I will pass!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Attorney David Gotzh is a racist

 RACE; is something that many times we want to overlook, and far too often we act like it does not exist. That is why we need more teachers and attorneys who are culturally relevant to the students and clients that they deal with.  Be it conscious or subconscious, and as teachers/attorneys, we must understand and become consciously in tune to the fact that we come from diverse cultural communities than the people of color that we have to deal with (Kumar et al., 2015). These cultural communities have their own belief, attitudes, and identities that shape and form a cultural mold (Kumar et al., 2015). Our views and opinions influence how we interact, and it also affects how these young people of color look at us, as we have a barrier that separated us more than the religion, language and class barrier (Kumar et al., 2015).
There has been a history of failure in our public schools; criminal justice system here in the US when it comes to giving African Americans an adequate education and justice (Thomas & Warren, 2017). Having an African American teacher or attorney that looks like them has proven to befit the person of color, as they do more than teach or give them legal justice; they also provide these children of color with someone to see as a mentor and friend.
Teachers and Attorneys who are culturally relevant tend to have a feeling of being as one with the area that they teach and is this feeling that is passed down to that child of color (Thomas & Warren, 2017). I do not personally care that Attorney David Gotzh is a racist, I care when he takes his racist feeling out on my son. My first conversation with Attorney David Gotzh was one that became combat.  it ended when the said to me that he and I would just have to sit down Man to Man. I did sit down with him, and he showed me that he is not a Man.  As he came into courtroom 1806 and did as most racists do and that is lie and hid their true feelings.
This is my last week of Classes, and I am going to take the next week dedicated my life to bringing his actions to light, he should have removed himself from this case, and the courts have not done it, and CVLS has not. I will stand outside of both these building and let the world know they have a Racist making life decision for children of color.  To say that it is not about race, this is the same man that told me 2 months ago, that the only way the biological mother should get this child is if she won the lottery; well she has not, so it is about RACE!