To Mayor of Phoenix IL: Terry R. Wells
Good day Mayor Wells, I have to say that I have tried to reach out to your office two times so far; and for whatever reason your office has not felt the need to respond back to me about these issues. I would have thought that by now I would have got a card or something by now. However, everyday I just get a reminder on how one Police officer in your town destroy all 3 branches of government without a care to how this would affect others.
Mr. Mayor Wells, today I receive a phone call from Mr. and Ms. Hoover (the young man who had his car stolen family) and they wanted to let me know that they have been getting tickets in the mail from the city of Chicago for their son Shawn; and all these tickets were during a time that Shawn was not able to be driving his car. It turns out that during Joyce Washington Illegal joy ride in Mr. Hoover car she was racking up tickets for red light. Now; as we both know the City of Chicago does not care who was driving your car when these tickets were issue; they want the owner of the car to be held reasonable for the tickets.
Now once your polices offices found Joyce driving Mr. Hoover car and did not charge her with anything they took Mr. Hoover rights to contest these tickets by the fact that A person had stole his car and he never gave her the permissions to drive it
Now, let me say that I told the Hoover that they should send these tickets to your office and request that the Phoenix Police Dept. pays these tickets since your office took care of Joyce Washington case for her; now this is would only be fair. I feel that the police dept should pay for these tickets and also turn over Mr. Hoover car to his parents since the police officer felt that Joyce had a right to be in the car. I was also wonder did Joyce Washington go to the Calumet City Police Dept and filed her fake report to cover up her crime; and I don’t know why on earth that office would suggest that Joyce Washington breaks the law and file a fake report anyway.
Now the Hoover family wants to know how they can get their son car back, since your police dept has a hold on the car; and personally who is liable for the tow anyway? The Polices are saying that Joyce might have taking the car or she might had not taking it and gave some unknown person money for the car; now I don’t know what are the real facts one way or another but I do know that Mr. Hoover should have his car release to his family and all tickets that Joyce Washington got on the car, should force Joyce be held for them and whatever your police officer did or did not do then that up to the villager of Phoenix to decide that.
Mr. Mayor I gave someone my word that I was going to give you some time to sit down with me and try to discuses what happen that Saturday night on March the 27th and I had wish that for me that night ever happen as it has made this one of the hardest things for me to push. As a black male I look for towns like Phoenix to give young black children a chance to grow up and run the government in their own home town and I feel that this issue is so important to me because the action your officers took that night has a negative impact on black communities. These actions are the reason why there is so much crime that has gone wild in black communities, we have so many polices officer who are taking the laws into their own hand and dealing out unfair justices. I want to know if Joyce was Jerry would he have been giving the chance that Joyce was. I wonder what does or can A 20 year old woman offer to a police officer that would force him to cover up a crime. Now I don’t say these things as hear say; however this was told to me face to face. The problem your officer made was to tell me to my face how he was going to cover up this crime by Joyce so that he can help her in the Guardianship case that she was dealing with. Now those people that he spoke about are my wife and I; so not only did he cheat Mr.; Hoover and the people of the state of IL and city of Phoenix; he has also cost my wife and I about 20 dollars that we are going to have to spend since Joyce told the court what your officer told her to say “that she was never arrested she was just pulled over for not having her paper work in the car”. So these actions have force us to have to come back to court and deal with this issue and this is costing my wife and I since we are the only ones that have to pay for our lawyers. So when you officer was telling me what he was going to do to help Joyce; he was also telling me how he was going to take money out of my family pocket.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bad Cop!
To Mayor of Phoenix IL; Terry R. Wells
Good day Mayor Wells, I have to say that if I if ever get arrested I hope and pray that it is in your town of Phoenix IL; I will tell you why I came to feel this way.
Mr. Mayor Wells, let me tell you something that happened in your town on Saturday, March 27th 2010; and if I did not know it for a fact I would say no way could this happen. Two know gang members of the Gangster Disciples (look at the picture) Joyce and John were arrested in your town driving a stolen car and not only were they allowed to make phone calls from their cell phone all while they were in police custody, but they were let go 4 hr later and they got a ride home by one of your police officer.
Now, let me give you some facts that I know about this case. The woman that was driving the car said that she got a car from someone, and she does not know his last name. Now she does know this first name guy did not have permission to sell her the car or give it to her and she did know that he was not the owner of the car. She knew the owner of the car and she knew that he is currently in jail. Now, how this person whose last name that she does not know got the car was not an important fact to her; she just wanted a car and he had one.
The person who owns the car is in Jail and he never gave anyone permission to sell his car. However, he did report the car stolen once he found out that his car was in the hands of someone that did not have permission to be driving it. Just because he is in Jail does not take his rights away from having his property protected under the laws in the State.
Now these Gang members told your officer that they paid someone $800 for a car that was not worth $200; and they knew for fact that the person that they gave the money to was not the rightful owner of the car. They also admitted that they kept the plates on the car because they could not take the title in and change it over because the owner did not sign it and they did not have any money to do this part of the law anyway. Oh by the way they did not even have the title on them. They informed your officers it was at their house and they had a bill of sales however they don't know what happen to the bill of sale. Your office put into their head that they were a victim of fraud and should go file a police report on the unnamed car salesman.
Now; they can't produce a bill of sales; or any paper work to prove that they paid anyone money or prove anything that what they are saying is true, however this was ok since they got caught in Phoenix, IL; they don't need these things just a cute smile.
Now for what I have been told this woman told someone else that some guy was going to sell the car to her for $200 and he told her that she had to take the plates off the car asp and forge a name on the title and switch the title over into her name; and after she gave him some money he would try to get someone to sign the title for her.
Now at some point the car owner found out that these people had his car and he reported it stolen. Under the law, the rightful owner of the car never gave anyone the right to sell the car; or drive the car; nor did he sign over any title for the car. Now this stolen car ended up in your town of Phoenix IL and there were two people in the car. Now the officers in your town ran the car and the car came back stolen out of Chicago. Your officers let the woman in the car keep her cell phone and make calls tying to get someone to ok her story and she was also trying to force people to lie for her.
She called the true owner of the car’s mother and father and wanted them to come to tell the police that she did not steal the car. And they told her and the police that they were not going to do that; and that their son did not give anyone the right to sell his car and that she should have never had that car. As I stated before just because he is in jail does not give anyone the right to take his car.
Now; let’s look at what state laws were broke. These gang members were found in a stolen car; and if your officers want to feel that they did not steal the car themselves; because they said that they did not; then they what should they have been charge with. Let's see; how about criminal trespassing of vehicles; or having stolen vehicles. They would have been charged with something in any other city in the state; however in Phoenix IL they were driven home. Now the only thing that was done right was that the car was towed away and impounded like it should have been.
Now from what I can get in your town your office felt that these nice sweet people were the victim. The woman was just so sweet, they felt sorry for her. Now your office knew that she was doing something wrong; however she was just so sweet that they just could not charge her with anything; after all she had a child that she was trying to get back; and this would hurt her chances of getting him back; and your offices had to do everything in their power to help her.
This is the same child that she took with some of her gang crew for a fight when he was 2 and this is the same child that she would use drugs with; and had 3 calls of child abuse to DCFS; but your officers felt she was just so cute and if only your officer would had finger printed them who knows what else these two might be wanted for.
Now, I personally don't know what is the real story behind how these two got this hot car and to tell you the truth no one will ever know for sure your officer cover that up. However what I do know is that your officers not only let them go home without charging them with anything or running their prints for warrants or even doing a police report on this matter. They just felt sorry for them and drove them home.
I have sometimes wondered how it is possible for things like this to ever happen. How do gang member walk the street committing crime? How do drugs dealer sell drugs on the block and the police know who and where they are? I guess they can do this because they are the victim just like these two were; or they might just run into police offices like yours in Phoenix IL who feel sorry for them. Now these two broke some type of law but hey they are just so cute or something happen that they were never charge and now the real victim has to pay.
Your officer blame everyone for what happen but the two main people this man and woman. They knew that they were driving a car that they never had permissions from the owner to drive. They knew that the person who owns the car never gave them permission to buy the car from anyone. Its like if know someone has taking your stuff out of your house and I give them cash for it. I get caught and say; I'm sorry it not my fault; the person who sold it should not had sold it to me.
I have watched this woman and man work the system for far too long. The woman has said that it not her fault that people would use drugs with her son. It’s not her fault that others would use bad word and teach her 2 year old son these words. It’s not her fault that she was defrauding the link card system for a child that she did not have; after all DHS had given her the link card. This woman will be 21 in 6 months and to this date she has wanted to blame everyone for what has happened in her life and as I look back on it she is right. It’s not her fault; after all when she has giving her a free ticket to break the law and blame everyone else for it; so it the people fault.
These thugs told your offices a good story and they had not one thing to support it; they just took the woman word for what she said So much that they never ran her or the guy that was with her finger print to see if they were wanted anywhere; they let them sit and make calls from her cell phone. I don't know what happen with this car and at this point I don't care; however I do know that the action your office took on that day will make sure that the people of the state of IL, will never know and I have to make sure that these types of cases come to light who knows how many more are their.
Where was the justice for the owner of the car? How does he get his car back? These are things that your office never though about, they just took two gang bangers word. If your office feels that these two were the victims in all this, then how come they just did not give the car back to them? They did not do this because they were not the legal owner of the car and never had the permission from the owner to drive the car, so if one was to look at the way the laws are they would say that they broke the law However in Phoenix IL this is not against the law, its like your officer said none of this ever happen; and without the police report I guess it did not.
Mr. Muhammad
Good day Mayor Wells, I have to say that if I if ever get arrested I hope and pray that it is in your town of Phoenix IL; I will tell you why I came to feel this way.
Mr. Mayor Wells, let me tell you something that happened in your town on Saturday, March 27th 2010; and if I did not know it for a fact I would say no way could this happen. Two know gang members of the Gangster Disciples (look at the picture) Joyce and John were arrested in your town driving a stolen car and not only were they allowed to make phone calls from their cell phone all while they were in police custody, but they were let go 4 hr later and they got a ride home by one of your police officer.
Now, let me give you some facts that I know about this case. The woman that was driving the car said that she got a car from someone, and she does not know his last name. Now she does know this first name guy did not have permission to sell her the car or give it to her and she did know that he was not the owner of the car. She knew the owner of the car and she knew that he is currently in jail. Now, how this person whose last name that she does not know got the car was not an important fact to her; she just wanted a car and he had one.
The person who owns the car is in Jail and he never gave anyone permission to sell his car. However, he did report the car stolen once he found out that his car was in the hands of someone that did not have permission to be driving it. Just because he is in Jail does not take his rights away from having his property protected under the laws in the State.
Now these Gang members told your officer that they paid someone $800 for a car that was not worth $200; and they knew for fact that the person that they gave the money to was not the rightful owner of the car. They also admitted that they kept the plates on the car because they could not take the title in and change it over because the owner did not sign it and they did not have any money to do this part of the law anyway. Oh by the way they did not even have the title on them. They informed your officers it was at their house and they had a bill of sales however they don't know what happen to the bill of sale. Your office put into their head that they were a victim of fraud and should go file a police report on the unnamed car salesman.
Now; they can't produce a bill of sales; or any paper work to prove that they paid anyone money or prove anything that what they are saying is true, however this was ok since they got caught in Phoenix, IL; they don't need these things just a cute smile.
Now for what I have been told this woman told someone else that some guy was going to sell the car to her for $200 and he told her that she had to take the plates off the car asp and forge a name on the title and switch the title over into her name; and after she gave him some money he would try to get someone to sign the title for her.
Now at some point the car owner found out that these people had his car and he reported it stolen. Under the law, the rightful owner of the car never gave anyone the right to sell the car; or drive the car; nor did he sign over any title for the car. Now this stolen car ended up in your town of Phoenix IL and there were two people in the car. Now the officers in your town ran the car and the car came back stolen out of Chicago. Your officers let the woman in the car keep her cell phone and make calls tying to get someone to ok her story and she was also trying to force people to lie for her.
She called the true owner of the car’s mother and father and wanted them to come to tell the police that she did not steal the car. And they told her and the police that they were not going to do that; and that their son did not give anyone the right to sell his car and that she should have never had that car. As I stated before just because he is in jail does not give anyone the right to take his car.
Now; let’s look at what state laws were broke. These gang members were found in a stolen car; and if your officers want to feel that they did not steal the car themselves; because they said that they did not; then they what should they have been charge with. Let's see; how about criminal trespassing of vehicles; or having stolen vehicles. They would have been charged with something in any other city in the state; however in Phoenix IL they were driven home. Now the only thing that was done right was that the car was towed away and impounded like it should have been.
Now from what I can get in your town your office felt that these nice sweet people were the victim. The woman was just so sweet, they felt sorry for her. Now your office knew that she was doing something wrong; however she was just so sweet that they just could not charge her with anything; after all she had a child that she was trying to get back; and this would hurt her chances of getting him back; and your offices had to do everything in their power to help her.
This is the same child that she took with some of her gang crew for a fight when he was 2 and this is the same child that she would use drugs with; and had 3 calls of child abuse to DCFS; but your officers felt she was just so cute and if only your officer would had finger printed them who knows what else these two might be wanted for.
Now, I personally don't know what is the real story behind how these two got this hot car and to tell you the truth no one will ever know for sure your officer cover that up. However what I do know is that your officers not only let them go home without charging them with anything or running their prints for warrants or even doing a police report on this matter. They just felt sorry for them and drove them home.
I have sometimes wondered how it is possible for things like this to ever happen. How do gang member walk the street committing crime? How do drugs dealer sell drugs on the block and the police know who and where they are? I guess they can do this because they are the victim just like these two were; or they might just run into police offices like yours in Phoenix IL who feel sorry for them. Now these two broke some type of law but hey they are just so cute or something happen that they were never charge and now the real victim has to pay.
Your officer blame everyone for what happen but the two main people this man and woman. They knew that they were driving a car that they never had permissions from the owner to drive. They knew that the person who owns the car never gave them permission to buy the car from anyone. Its like if know someone has taking your stuff out of your house and I give them cash for it. I get caught and say; I'm sorry it not my fault; the person who sold it should not had sold it to me.
I have watched this woman and man work the system for far too long. The woman has said that it not her fault that people would use drugs with her son. It’s not her fault that others would use bad word and teach her 2 year old son these words. It’s not her fault that she was defrauding the link card system for a child that she did not have; after all DHS had given her the link card. This woman will be 21 in 6 months and to this date she has wanted to blame everyone for what has happened in her life and as I look back on it she is right. It’s not her fault; after all when she has giving her a free ticket to break the law and blame everyone else for it; so it the people fault.
These thugs told your offices a good story and they had not one thing to support it; they just took the woman word for what she said So much that they never ran her or the guy that was with her finger print to see if they were wanted anywhere; they let them sit and make calls from her cell phone. I don't know what happen with this car and at this point I don't care; however I do know that the action your office took on that day will make sure that the people of the state of IL, will never know and I have to make sure that these types of cases come to light who knows how many more are their.
Where was the justice for the owner of the car? How does he get his car back? These are things that your office never though about, they just took two gang bangers word. If your office feels that these two were the victims in all this, then how come they just did not give the car back to them? They did not do this because they were not the legal owner of the car and never had the permission from the owner to drive the car, so if one was to look at the way the laws are they would say that they broke the law However in Phoenix IL this is not against the law, its like your officer said none of this ever happen; and without the police report I guess it did not.
Mr. Muhammad
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