Car Gate; where has the time gone; it has been 4 ½ years since we started this journey to give a child a chance at life and there has been so many up and down along the way and in the end as I look back over all the years I have to say that so far the pain that my family has had to go though has been worth it just to look into Zion eyes and see life in him.
Well a lot has happen since my last blog; the GAL in the case was going to come down on the side of doing what was in the best for Zion; that he should stay in our care. So after being made aware of this information that lawyers that have been working for Joyce for the past 3 years felt that it was best to withdraw her motion to have Zion returned to her. After all it would have done more bad then good to have a trail and have to deal with the fall out of losing for a 2nd time
It wild that it took 2 years for this motion to be withdrawn since it should have never been filed to start with as it was no basic for it. However, in the probate court it seems that you can file a motion for anything, and it was up to us to fight it.
I look back at whom lost and who won; well to me Zion won; before the motion was file Joyce was getting over nights about every weekend and over the last 2 years this was drop from overnight to 3 day visit on Sunday from 8 am to 5 PM. And it seem that this will become ever other Sunday from 8 am to 5 PM unsupervised or supervise after her last issue with stolen cars.
How did we get to this point; well it all has to do with the love of and need for a car. As you can recalled Joyce was arrested for being in a stolen Car last year in 2010 and she only avoided jail for this by doing what she does best and that was giving another middle age black man tears and charm, and who know what else.
This has work for Joyce over the years; she would cry on key and flirt on a dime.
And like most middle age men with this sickness for very young women, they want to become as I will call it Caption Save a HO! This has trend has seem to only work only on middle age black Policemen for some reason; and I have to wonder how many young women have been able to avoid trouble by giving a good cry and said story or more to get out of trouble.
Well during the month of November Joyce was once more got her hands on a car. We personal know about 4 different cars that Joyce would pick up or drop off Zion during the months of November and December of 2010. And I should not use the term pick up or drop off with a smile; after all what Joyce would do is drive these cars and park a couple of block down from the Chicago Heights Police station and then ride the bus the rest of the way and then ride it back to where she would park the car.
Joyce was doing this a lot thinking we did not know; and one Sunday in December she got busted as on this day she park down from the building that I have off of Halsted in the Heights. So on my way to the building one Sunday morning I notice this woman walking in the street pulling a child and I said to my self; that looks like Zion being drag down the street and when I drove up close it was.
When Joyce notices my truck she dash into a car and speed off; I did my best to get the plate number on the car. However, Joyce was trying to keep me from getting it so she cut across traffic and I notice that Zion was not in a car with out a car seat and I stop the chase. Joyce has told so many stories about this day over the last 2 months. At first Joyce did not say anything, she just got lost for a couple of days. She needed time to come up with her 1st story and then we have been told some many stories from that point.
We were first told nothing and then we were told yes Joyce was in a car by herself. Then we were told that Joyce was on the bus and she got a phone call from someone who was going to give her a ride home; so she got off the bus and walk about 3 blocks with Zion to a car that just happen to have a car seat in it. As we were told Joyce just happen to have left it in the car that past Friday; just in case Joyce was able to get a ride home on Sunday!
Now this past week we have been giving a different story and we were giving a name to the person that gave Joyce a ride. And the strange things about this was I did not see anyone in the car with Joyce but Zion and Joyce was driving the car, so I guess this other person was made of glass as I saw right thought them.
Let me quote the words from Joyce lawyer about what happen on this day. (“As I recall, the Guardian raised similar concerns about transportation after the November 21 visit, alleging that Joyce took Zion home in a vehicle without a booster seat. Joyce admitted then that she and Zion got off of a bus to catch a ride with her friend Leslie following the visitation pick-up. However, Joyce maintained that she placed Zion in a booster seat while being transported in Leslie's car. Joyce met with Karen on December 1 to discuss the issue and, the following day, Joyce produced bank statements verifying the purchase of a booster seat.”)
Well after this the lawyers in this case talk about Joyce having supervised visit and this was turn down by Joyce lawyers because they said it was going to be too much of a hardship on Joyce to do. They pointed out the fact that Joyce had no way of getting to the place to see Zion; as she has to take too many bus; as she did not have a car.
I was able to get the tags numbers on that car Joyce was driving later; as Joyce and John (her live and die boy friend) came to child support court in it. They tried to hide it from me and I was still able to find it; and get the tag number (475 M 932) it had some IL tempo tags on it. However Joyce is still saying that she did not have a car and she did not drive a car.
So we kept playing the car gate games for the past four months. Joyce would park these cars and get on the bus and once more she was busted doing this. This time Joyce called to ask us about the pick up time for Zion and it was 7:30 am when she called. Joyce was told that the pick up was at 8 am, and we were wonder how could Joyce be at home when she called and make it in time for a 8 am pick up; so I drove to her apt and just waited.
Joyce got off the bus and picked up Zion and got back on the bus and I got a called to let me know that she was on her way home. Well to my shock I did not see a bus come; however I saw a purple car pull up and Joyce once more was driving and she did not have Zion in a car seat.
I was not able to get the plate number on this car without driving into the parking lot of her apt. So I called a good friend of mines to come, so I could use his car to drive into the apt complex where Joyce lives and he could take a picture of the car and see if it had a car seat. He got the picture of the tags number and the car did not have a car seat in it.
I had the tags on this car check out and they were coming back to a Joyce Washington; but they were saying that they should be on a Ford Taurus; and that was a Saturn. So once more I forward this information to the Gal and our lawyer and once more it was passed onto Joyce lawyers. The GAL wanted to know about this car and once more car gate keeps going on and in the well verse words of in Joyce lawyers; “JOYCE DOES NOT HAVE A CAR!” (“Joyce reported that she did not transport Zion in a vehicle following last Sunday's pick up, nor did she use a car to drop him off to the Guardian later that evening. Joyce indicated that she has been taking the bus to pick-up and drop off Zion for visitation. She denies that she got off the bus and into another vehicle. Joyce advised that she has not transported Zion in a car for pick-up or drop-off since the visit that occurred on November 21 of last year. Joyce denies that she currently owns or uses a car, and specifically denies that she has been using a vehicle to pick up or drop off Zion.”)
Now once more Joyce is saying that she does not own a car; even if the plate numbers come back in her name. So after this denied we had to pay once more to have the plates check out by a outside neuter source, Joyce lawyers were are saying why would Joyce lie about this after all they felt that Joyce somewhat admit to having Zion in a car in November; she just does not admit to being the driver in that car.
Now the records come back and it turns out like we knew that the owner of this car was Joyce and on November the 24th of last year the record shows that Joyce has had a loan on this car, Now this is during the time she got off the bus to get a ride with a friend who happen to have her car seat in it. If Joyce owns a car then it seems to me that her car seat would be in her car; but that just me.
Now Joyce own a car during the time it was talk about having Joyce do supervise visit with Zion; but her lawyer talked about how much of a hardship it was going to be on Joyce after all she could not get there since she was riding the bus.
Well this was just another issue of some many that we had to deal with over the past four years. So after Joyce lawyer were shown picture of the car; and they were shown proof from the state of IL office about this car; once more they can’t get in touch with Joyce. As you see each and ever time Joyce does something it hard for her lawyer to get in touch with her. When she was using drugs with Zion and when she was beating on Zion she drop off the map. And when they would final talk with Joyce she would lie about what happen. Then and only then after the proof was put in her face she will talk some truth; as with the beating on Zion; Joyce told the GAL that she hit Zion on his back and she scrape his face; but it was to save his life or stop him from walking into the street: now if a child is walking into the street do you hit their back to push them out into the street or pull them back?.
This past Sunday on February 13th 2011 was the last visit under the motion and once more I got a feeling to drive to Joyce apt. As you see I have spent the last 15 years dealing with High School and young adults and I know how they think. And I knew that since Joyce lawyer had not talk with her she did not know they knew about the car and she was going to be in that car and like clock work she got into the car and drove it to pick up Zion.
Once more Joyce parks the car and got onto the bus and rode about 3 blocks down to the Chicago Heights Police station. However this time when she got there she was told about her action and she was told that she was not going to get Zion.
Now Joyce put on a real show in the parking lot of the Chicago Heights Police station she would not let us drive out; she kept jumping in front of the van and cursing up a storm. I was force to have the Chicago Heights Police come out.
Now once the police came we let them know about what was going on and we also told them that we were not going to turn Zion over to Joyce as she was not stable and she was in a car and did not drive it to the station so we could see it like the court order told her to do.
Now there were two police office that came; one who knew the law and another one who wanted to be the law. The one that knew the law stated that this was a civil issue and we would have to go to back to court about it and we could go. The other one said he wanted to see the order that said she has to show us a car and car seat if she is driving and we could not go anywhere!
Now during this time Joyce denied over and over that she was in a car; she said that she does not own a car and she took the bus. Now the office who wanted to be the law told us that we all would have to come into the station and to bring Zion in because the desk sergeant wanted to see him and us. On our way in I told them that we were not going to hand over Zion to her and she was in a car and if they force us to give Zion to her they were going to be responsible for him (as we all can recalled this is the same police force that turn over a child to a man that was drunk and he drove off and killed the child!)
So we were place into one room inside the police station and Joyce was in another. We could over hear the police talking to Joyce and like clock work we could tell that the tears came out and then Joyce was giving them the sad stories (lies) about how her mother left her; how she was a ward of the state and how she was some poor child who had a child at 16. And how we use our money to take her child (now Joyce is the one that had a 4 team law firm working for her these past 3 years; that cost us the tax payer about 60k) and she was just this poor little victim.
Now, when the police ask Joyce about this car and they ask her did she drive a car there or park a car; Joyce once more said that she does not own a car; nor did she drive a car and this kept up as the time pass. And we had to sit in this room unable to leave during this time; basic we were being held.
The Officer that knew the law had still been out looking for the car as he knew she was not telling the truth. So about one hour later he found the car park in wal-marts parking lot and it had some 16 year old girl in it waiting for Joyce to come back and she did not have a DL to drive off.
At that point Joyce tears and story change and it was yes she has a car now and she lied about it because she was scare and she did not want her car taking from her. She said we were going to use our money (she must not know that we have spent all our money fighting to keep Zion safe) to take her car from her.
Once more she was trying to say I was the bad persons who has made her life hell, I have been stalking her; I came into her dreams and told her to lie (that was a joke). She told this middle age black police office that each and ever time she tries to do right I do something to make her do wrong.
Now this desk sergeant happen to be another middle age black man who took this bait hook line and sinker and he must had fell in love; because he came out to tell us a thing or two. He told us that we have been doing Joyce wrong; how we have not been helping Joyce to get Zion back. How we have use are money to take her child and how we were going to give her Zion and she was going to get her visit with him that day. I asked about the car and he told me that he had checked it out and she had a reason for not telling the truth to us the courts and lawyers.
This sergeant and I have a talk and he told me about how Joyce was a victim of age (she was too young to know right from wrong) and how when she was arrest the last time for having a stolen car; she did not know it was stolen and she was young and that how come she did not know to get paper work on the car. But he did not know that she was smart to fake some paper work to show the courts and I did not tell him; he had his mind made up on her.
This fool; as that what he was to me, talked to me about Joyce like he had been talking to some nun that he has know all his life. He talked to us about how Joyce lives by her self (yes she has because we as tax payer have been paying her rent and bills) and how life is so hard on her and everyone deserved a 2nd or 3rd chance in life. And he tops it off by saying the most important person in all this is Zion! And to him it was best for him to be with Joyce after all she is his mother.
Now this fool of a man with a gun had just meet Joyce that day and he wanted to tell us he was not taking sides; however he was going to give her Zion for that day; but he is not taking sides. And if he had not had that gun then he would not have got Zion from us.
We had no choice but to turn Zion over to him; as I have been thought this before and I know at the end of the day I was not going to do anything but loose (i.e. my life or freedom).
When you go up against any man who is thinks with his little head and not his big one, then he would do anything. And I did not want to find myself in jail over this like before; I just told him that he was going to be responsible for Zion on that day and he told me that he was not, we were after all we were his guardian.
After all these games with these car it has come out this time that Joyce has a car and she has had one all this time. We personal don’t know why she has been hiding this car or any of them; and we will never get the truth. We know that the court will get some story soon that I'm sure Joyce has already came up or was giving too her. Once more this issue will go UN check if Joyce is never made to be held responsible for her action and it just another never ending story in my families life TRYING TO SAVE THE LIFE OF ONE BLACK CHILD!
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