Saturday, May 15, 2010


56 day; that what it took for our lives to change forever and I can say with all that I am, I hold blame for this at the feet of only one; and that Aunt Martha’s Inc.
Let me take you back to the day that we had a choice; Joyce came to us and wanted us to take in the child (Zion) that she did not want before he was a seed growing in her. As you see like a lot of young women who don’t know much and understand even less, Joyce wanted to have the sex part, she just did not want to take care of what comes out of having unprotected sex.
Joyce mother would not help her to get rid of the baby (Zion). Joyce found her self looking for help from the people in the state of IL and this would lead to the state tax payer taking care of Joyce from that point on and it seem like the rest of her life.
On April the 13th 2007 Zion was drop off with us after we had been taking care of him on and off for about 2 months and with 2 calls of child abuse placed on Joyce before Zion was 5 months it was a know fact that once the 3rd called came in Zion was going to be place into DCFS care and he would forever be a ward of the state of IL.
Now; when we took in Zion we had the choice to adopt him at that point; however it was something that I just did not know if I wanted to get into, my wife did I did not. As you see I had did the baby thing 3 x and my three children were of school age and I just did not know if I had it in me to do the baby and diaper thing all over and I did not know how this would effect my other children life. So we settle on just doing a guardianship at that point; this was on the biggest mistake that we made. We should have just did the adoptions at that point and been done with Joyce and Aunt Martha’s; because the both of them have came back to make my family life a living hell.
So on July 27th 2007 we had gone to probate court to make the guardianship of Zion legal since we could not add him to our insurance with the paper work that we had been getting from Aunt Martha’s to that point and once more we had the choice to do the adoption however we just did not have the money that it was going to take at that time and we just felt like it was no need to rush this; after all Joyce did not want Zion and we could always do the adoptions later.
Now some have asked us how come we just don’t give Zion back to Joyce and let her do what she is going to do any way and after the state takes Zion then we seek to get him back from DCFS and adoption him then. Well that would be good if Zion was a toy or something that could not get hurt; however he has a life that we can't take the chance on; unlike the people in the guardianship court we don’t want to give Joyce the chance to fail with Zion.
Well; after one year in a hard court battle we were giving legal guardianship of Zion and each and ever profession in that case felt that if Zion had gone back to Joyce he was going to be hurt and place into DCFS and they all felt that Joyce did not want Zion; however she just wanted the benefits that came with having Zion.
So on June 24th 2008 we had a trail and the decision was that Zion should be placed (stay) with us and the Judge told Joyce that after she was out of DCFS and had got her life on track, then she could seek to get Zion back if she wanted to then and only then.
Now; after DCFS made a monthly vista to the group home that Joyce lived in August 2008 and the found out that Joyce was still living in that home and she did not have a child that’s when my family got to see the pain that Aunt Martha's could bring on my family life.
Some one from Aunt Martha’s Inc. took Joyce to probate court after that visit from the state to help Joyce fill out the paper work to discharge us as Zion legal guardian. They also use state funds to get Joyce a private law firm to help her in this case and 3 other cases 2 civil and one crime. Joyce did not have a GAL; however a private down town Chicago law firm that has been working under retainer (paid by funds from DCFS) by Aunt Martha’s for the past 2 years now.
My family was told that we were going to get $50 a month for Zion needs; this was going to come out of the $107 the state give Joyce for Zion. We were also going to have Child Care paid by Aunt Martha’s for Zion. Now after we sign this contract with Aunt Martha’s my family has only gotten one payment of $50 from them and we have never had any money paid for day care.
My family has never ask anything from Joyce or Aunt Martha’s but to leave us along all this time; however they both have done nothing but make my family life a living hell for the past 3 years and It seem like this madness is only going to come to a end this year; because on September 24th 2010 Joyce will be 21 and at that point she would not be any use to Aunt Martha’s; so they will most likely leave my family be at that point.
My family has spent over 30k dealing with this case and other issue from the action of Aunt Martha’s and Joyce and we feel that the only way we can see any good come from all this pain that these two has done to my family is to seek some type of civil case.
I know that law is on my side and I have all the proof to back up my case; I just need a good lawyer who will take this case and help me bring something good out of something bad.
I have taking them to court before and I was offer a payoff on one of the cases by Aunt Martha’s however I tuned it down and when my case was set for trial I had the Aunt Martha’s lawyers pull a fast one on me, and I also was going thought a lot in my life and was not on me A game one day and I just let the Judge closes that case after a year of fighting motion by Aunt Martha’s lawyer tying to get the case toss out.
So I know that I can win this case, I just need the right legal mind to take the case and review the files and help with the motions.

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