Sunday, February 9, 2020

Butterfly Effect.

Watching the Hernandez story, I do not get all the gay points as besides the high school person, there is no one to say that they were with him or that he was gay, and that has nothing to do with this story.
Now, what does is the fact that I talk and live by the butterfly effects; it is only one thing or one second or one point in your life that will or can change your life forever. His father died at a point where it changed his life forever, and it was at that point all the things that happen in his life was going to be.
I speak over and over about Zion and how it was just one; only one person that changes his life for life. David Gotzh! This man came into Zion's life and changed his life in a way that was not good. I wonder how he would had felt if ARDC had taken his law license from him. How would that hand change his family life; would he be able to live the life that he lives now; would his children have the life they have now?
I speak about Zion and how this young man had a gift, and that was his love for baseball, and it was our job to make sure that he was able to be the best that he could; it was our job to make sure that not only did he have that; also education had to be there. I get so mad when I think about how Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan spoke about how educated Zion is, and she still chooses to send him to live in hell.
I see it so many times; how young black and brown boys have their lives destroyed by a system that is not and was never put in place to help them. Tell me this; how cook county probate or for that any court in American helps them. Locking up young black and brown boys do not help them as there is no system in place to help them.
I know that I have this uphill fight. I know that I am only a fly on the wall as I must fight a system that makes millions off black and brown boys. There is this meme going around about the fact that police do not want crime to go down; doctors do not want people to stop getting sick, and those that make their living off the jails do not want people; esp. black and brown boys/men to stop getting lock up.
I say take any young non-black or brown child and put them into some of the positions that children like Zion must live in now and tell me how their life will be totally different. What makes David children any better than mines, RACE! The issues with Zion and all these other throws away, children are all about race and how raciest do not see them as being equal to theirs.
I fight this battle not to prove a point; it is not about the money; it is about bringing an end to a system that is and has been in place too long. CVLS knew that they have a racist working under their wings, and all they cared about was how can they destroyed another black child. I know that my stories are the same as many others; I know that most if not all of you all don’t care as these young men story do not affect your life; never forget the butterfly effect.

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