Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Where are the Black Fathers at?

As I review all these stories in the news about black men being kill, I keep asking the question, where are the fathers at?
We have a problem, and it is nothing new; there are too many young men coming up without a father or father type in their life.
I have been going over in my mind how do I address all the bullshit with Zion; I have done my best to bit my lip and keep my feelings to myself; however, it is about time that I make this clear.
There is nothing; not one thing in this world that is going to keep me from having a father to son talk with Zion when he turns 14 in August. The games that have been played with this young man are criminal in nature and sick in others. Zion is living in a house of prison, and he will know that he does not have to live that way.
To have him begging for love, to want to see his family, and to be lied to time after time breaks my heart. Zion graduated from 8th grade, and he is going to high school in the city, and we are going to get him a laptop and some clothes (he does not and should not have to beg or get anyone hand out cloths). I was told to take the laptop over to someone's house, and Zion might get his birth mother to takes him to get it.
I said HEL No! I am going to send it to him or put it in his hands and let him know do not let anyone take it or sell it. Enough is enough and too much cause the cycle of crazy to never stop. I see and hear about what is being done and how people in my family walk on eggshells as to just see his face or hear his voice is enough for them to pretend this shit is healthy for him.
Fact: Zion had his childhood stolen from him and like it or not; he is about to be a man, and I can live with what I have and will do for him. I do not look back over the years and have any regret as I did all in my power to make sure that he had a life.
I watch his great-grandfather and great-grandmother go crazy; I saw personally how his grandmother would think that she talks to dead people and was not shocked when she was committed to a mental hospital.
What did these people think; that Zion was not going to grow up, that he was going to eat the lies told to him. Like those lock up, he had to survive; he had to play the game, and just as anyone that is held against their will, he had to survive.
Our ex-slave master destroyed black people, and we have allowed their children to do it to us. I only want my children to be better than I; I want them to reach for the starts on my back. In the 14 years of Zion's life, Joyce has cost my family and I over $200k, and I am never going to forget or forgive her. What she did to Zion was never done in love; she does not know how to love as she was never taught what love is.
We have to stop this cycle, I bit my lip about the bullshit that my family has done to me; I bit my lip about the fact that I did not put my hand on David, he wanted me to be a nigga and lay hands on him, and I did my best to let the white man laws do my fighting, and that was dumb for me to think that laws written for him could be used for me.
Let me be clear as I can; we do not have a justice system; that is justice for black people; history shows that we, the ex-slaves, keep looking for justice from a group of people that hate us. My soul cries for my people as I know we are sick, and we are not going to get the help that we need.
I was talking to someone about hate, and they were saying to me that I should forgive those that have caused me harm. I told them BULL; I am a black Jew, and like my Jewish brothers, we do not forget or forgive. I take my hate to the grave.
Do you see clear folks saying they forgive those that do them wrong; hell no; they made a death penalty just for them. Dr, West said it best; Clear folks better be happy that black folk do not do onto them as they did onto us.
However, it will come a day that we will seek a tooth for a tooth!

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