Monday, April 29, 2019

White Nationalist!

Woke up to “GOT”; I have never watched this show, and to tell the truth I only look at about 2 hr of Tv a day, and 90% of that is CNN. I have so much going on in my life that when I have time I sleep. Was in bed by 7 and up at 3 am doing some work. So, since my feed is about 99% black; tell me what about “GOT” that has so many of you into it? Same as End Game, something else I do not get into. I Love movies, however, if I cannot even think of when I am going to have 3 hours to sit down and not have something to do or have my phone going off. 
The Appellate Court will have their decision by May 30, 2019, and I am about 99% sure the case is going back. How it goes back, I am unsure about that, as it should go back to the adoption court. However, what it will not do is take away the pain that Zion has been dealing with. I know that we are going to have to get him some help to deal with what he has been seeing. I know about the men, I know about the drugs, and I am sure that it is a lot that I do not have a clue about. I cannot wait to find out what she was telling him when he asks about calling us, or what mental games have been played on him. He is asking where dad is and how come I have not come to get him.
It makes my blood boil as I am so used to fixing things when any one of my children have a problem I go in and fix them as that is what I am Daddy Fixer. My last gift from Zion was that hammer that said my “my dad can fix anything.” You see David lied in court when he told them that Zion said I was coming back to IL to lie and I do not recall what word he used, as he used something that Zion would never say.
Now, Z would say that I was coming back to fix what happens. As that is what I did do, I came back to fix it as legal what was done was 100% wrong. As the GAL CVLS had a duty to do what was best for Zion, not make it personal about me and that is one of many reasons that I did not let the fact that they allowed a White Nationalist to use them to LYNCH me. So, I took them to court (our next court date is May 10).
I have been collection case law and data as I can guess what they are going to come with, so I must be ready, and that is why my case with Walmart’s and Menards has helped me. They have the best lawyer’s money can buy, and they came after me, and I had to know what I was doing to keep my case from being dismissed and when it was, I had to know what to do to get it back going.  I beg CVLS in a letter, after letter for CVLS to remove David from this case as his White Nationalist was getting in the way.  They laugh at me and just said, who am I? they look at me as just some little black man; sorry I am a father, and when you fuck with a real man child, he will give his life to save them.
You see David is like that weak coward White Nationalist that shot up that church last week. He told everyone what he was going to do, he made it clear about his feeling, and he did it because, in his mind, nothing was going to happen to him. Davie did the same, back in February of 2018 he should have told the court to transfer that case into the adoption court, and that would have been the end game for he and I. However, not him, it was personal, and he wanted to show me whom the master was.
I want to find out how many children of color has this happen to; I want to get into CVLS case files and see. Let me be clear they do not have any client privilege with their GAL cases, and they cannot fall back on the lawyer-client shied, and I wish David would do that, as he was the one that told Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan to lock up my lawyer is she did not make me do something. I joke not; this Judge told my lawyer that if I did not tell her something, she was going to lock her up. WOW, I felt terrible for her as the lawyer was standing there in tears, as she did not want to go to jail.
Need to get up and out, and I can hear the rain coming down, and I think we are due for rain the next three days, I need to get my plants into the grow to get some of this free water and rainwater is the best for your garden as it does more for them. I am still looking for any old clients of David.
I have made some more FOIA request. I have sent all the transcript to the Judicial Board as I am 100% sure that the Judge lied to them. ARDC will not do anything about David as it was clear to me that it is his word against mines; that is why I need a jury of 12 to help.

Monday, April 22, 2019

See Something you Say Something;

I know that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan feels that she was within her right to do what she did in our case. The funny things that as a Judge she does not have any checks and balance. For the most part, the Appellate Court does not care that she used her bench for personal revenge; they only care if she did it within the laws. So, I have submitted my Brief, and I look forward to seeing what David Gotzh as to say about it.  
We love to talk about if you see something say something, I hear the police saying it, I hear the church folks saying it. A young man is shot and killed, and everyone comes out and say if you hear something you says something. How about our judicial system takes the lead, they see each day that we have judges whom should not be on the bench; we have lawyers like David Gotzh that use the court as their personal racist pulpit. We have a broke system, and it does not want to be fixed as it only hurts those that look like Zion.
For the past week, I have been getting the mail back that I sent to Joyce as the post office is saying that she moved and there is not a forward address. Well, I have been getting this mail back like this since last October and when I question CVLS about this David told his boss to pay me no mind. Now, this is what she did; she overlooks each and everything that he did. David was only able to do what he did because she let him do it. If you see something you say something, well start from the top.
I am 100% sure that the Judge lied if she was called by the board, I am 100% sure that David lied as, to tell the truth, would not be in them. So, I say to those that love to say if you see something you say something; take a seat in the timeout box. I am so sick of how we destroy young black boys; I am so sick of how we have a system that is built solo on race. David Gotzh is a racist that is a Fact, and I hope to prove this fact in a court of law. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should not be on the bench as she used that black rob just as these so-called gang bangers on the streets used their guns; she did a drive-by on me, and Zion took the hit. 
I have copies of all the transcript that I was able to get, and if anyone wants to take the time to read them, they will see that this case was never about Zion. How in hell can anyone say that it was; I still have this little boy baseball bag in the same spot that it was when he left. Those $100 shoes that I had just got him are still in there. His new bats and gloves are still in there as he was kidnaped from us for only one reason. REVENGE!
Do you want to tell me that it was the Judge job to help Joyce get some link? As that was something David brags about, Joyce gets link now; Well that is cool now she can feed Zion slave food and make him just another unhealthy black child. If you see something say something; as soon as the Judicial Board start doing it, as soon as ARDC start doing it; as soon as those in the justice system start doing it. How can a Judge sell black children into a prison system? Easy, everyone saw something and they said nothing.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Lawyers will lie, Judges will lie,

Long Night as I had to rewrite my work for school (yes, I redid my Prospectus, I had to redo our Brief as the Truth is that what was done in room 1806 was no way in line with any laws in any state. However, as the Judge told me she could do what she wants because she is the Judge and CVLS and David let the fact that I was that Nigga that would not buck; so they knew what was going on was wrong; however RACE comes before anything in this world.

So, the court struck all the briefs and told us both to redo them. I needed this as I did mines without having the record and it was done merely on memory... Well, I needed to cite and did not have the record to do such.

Today would have been the 99th born day to my grandma and anyone that knows me a Riv, Rivier, Vernell; knows that she was my world. They also know that it is only five people walking this earth that I am going to give my life for; and if you fuck with one of them, I am coming for you.

So, trust me this is 100% personal for me, and I am going to do all that I can in my power to make sure that each one of those that had a part pay. I want my money back as I had to pay for something that was not needed, I want to make sure that David does not hurt another black child; I want CVLS to change its policy when it comes to having racist lawyers working on behalf of little black and brown babies. I want Judge Kennedy-Sullivan off the bench. We also want Zion to live his life and be whom he can be; not to be used as he is now being done to. 

Now as a Lawyer David Gotzh had lied in Court; as a Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan has told me from the bench things about her feelings about me but like the Sky, the truth will come out. On July 25, 2018, in courtroom 1806 Judge Kennedy-Sullivan was going to lock me up due to the fact that Joyce under oath lied about getting a copy of my motion.

Now, a fact I mail out everything, and it is no reason on this earth that I would not send it to her, after all, she would not understand it pass her name. However, on this date she lied; I had the transcript to prove it and what did the Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and David do, they read this and told me that it does not prove that she got anything. WOW; as you read it the judge on Harrison ask me if I had another copy, next that judge called for time and what did she do; she has the court make a copy of it; as it was 45 pages.

I did a motion to remove Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan as right and it was granted; however, David asked for a hearing on that motion. Now once more the laws are clear on this, however, we had one and during it he LIED. If he had told the truth that Judge would have been off this case. You see I can stand up as a man and I can fight anyone on the law and truth, however, that is not what our courts are about. Laws and Truths; Hell no. Lies and Lynching Black MEN!

THE PETITIONER: I want to represent myself. Your
Honor, was I suppose to get a copy of that response because
he never sent me anything.
THE COURT: You are. Did you get -- Mr. Muhammad
did you give a copy to the Petitioner?
THE RESPONDENT: Your Honor, I mailed a copy to the
THE COURT: All right. Would you happen to have an
extra copy on you?
THE RESPONDENT: Yes, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. Can you just hand to over to
the sheriff so the sheriff can hand it to her so that she
can have a copy.
THE RESPONDENT: Your Honor, can I give her this
copy and go get one out of the car, this was my copy I made
notes on.
THE COURT: You don't to write notes --
THE COURT: Can you give it to the -- do you have an
extra copy?
THE RESPONDENT: I have an extra copy in the car.
THE COURT: All right. Give me one second. On this
case did you want to represent yourself or would you like me
to give you time to hire a lawyer?
THE RESPONDENT: Represent myself, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. So Mr. Muhammad, you have
two options. Your first option would be to have a hearing
where the Court decides all issues after sworn testimony by
both sides. Your second option would be to agree to the
entry of on order for a period of -- how long did you ask
for this?

Now, after reading this David said that does not prove she got anything; Ok why in hell would the Judge move on if she did not have a copy? That is why I say, and you can take it to the bank you cannot trust our court systems. As Lawyers will lie, Judges will lie, and we all know dam well Joyce lied time after time.

Fact CVLS and David fought me for five months to keep these transcripts out of the hands of the Appels court. Their only job was and is to do what is best for Zion, David said that the only way Joyce should get Zion back, “is if she wins the lotto.” However, he left out if I do not let him buck me is another way.

When David whom is a lawyer was asked about Judge Kennedy-Sullivan saying on July 25, 2018, that she did not trust me or care for me, and I think that I am smart; he LIED about it and said this. Now, that courtroom was full of 10 Cook County Deputies as I was about to go to jail for not making another copy. Now, I had not got a dam thing from any one of them; but the Judge was going to lock me up if I did not go and pay to make them all copies in 30 min. (The Appel Court now has a copy)

MR. MUHAMMAD: As a GAL -- As a GAL in the case,
from my understanding of the statute, he's a witness.
He can be called to testify. The GAL just stated that
according to his recommendation, he doesn't recall
anything that the judge said on July 25th. I would
like to ask him about that, your Honor.
THE COURT: Well, he's indicated that he disagreed
with your representation. And you've indicated one
thing, and he's indicated the other. I don't know what
else there would be to discuss with regarding that or
to question regarding that. Where do you want to go?
He says up. You say down. You say night. He says
MR. MUHAMMAD: Where I want to go is, your Honor,
we had a hearing on July 25th. He said he doesn't
recall it. I want to ask him was the matter brought
before the judge about did Ms. Washington receive a
copy of my response.
THE COURT: Okay. Counsel.
MR. GOTZH: Judge, all I was indicating was that
his characterization of the specific comments is just
not what I recall happened that day. I know why we
were here. We had a preliminary hearing on objections
filed in the Probate matter. And then we went onto the
OP after the Probate matter was concluded. That's all
I can say.
If you want me to give -- If someone is
expecting me to give a blow-by-blow of what everyone
said one hundred percent, I can't do that. But if
someone is shouting from the bench, I think that is
something I probably would remember. I'm just going to
suggest I don't remember the shouting, the excited
utterances that Mr. Muhammad is representing occurred.
THE COURT: Anything else, Mr. Muhammad?
MR. MUHAMMAD: Your Honor, can I get a yes and no
on his answer?
THE COURT: What's the question?
MR. MUHAMMAD: The question was was the issue
brought up before Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan if
Ms. Washington received a copy of my response?
THE COURT: Do you recall?
MR. GOTZH: Yes. That I recall.
THE COURT: It was?
MR. GOTZH: Yeah.
THE COURT: There you go.
MR. MUHAMMAD: Due to that, if he recalls did
the judge make any remarks as far as she did not
trust me?
MR. GOTZH: That part I don't recall, Judge. I'm
THE COURT: Anything else?

I need to find a Civil Right Lawyer that will help me take on CVLS as I know first, they are going to come with a motion to dismal my case. If I get over that wall, it is all gravy as I can get all the doc’s that I need to show they breed a system of bias and mismanagement. Also, their goal is not to do what is in the Best of the Minors; however, just as it was in this case; personnel revenge and destroying little black and brown babies.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


It has been some time since I have blogged about this case and it is due to the fact that I have been swamped. I am still working on my Thesis for school; I have other children that have issues. I have a son that is trying to complete his work for his master in EDU. I have my other son that in a few weeks would have ended his first year working on his BA in History.  My baby girl was able to find a better job working with DCFS in another state (due to the fact that David Gotzh gave her personal information to Joyce and members of “GD”)
I have to say that as baseball season kicks off, it makes me think about big Z; as this is our time. He and I would talk about whom the Sox picked up. We missed the opening game; we have missed so much in the past nine months. However, I know that this year he will be 13 and he can tell Joyce to Kick Rocks; he can just get up and leave if he wants.
I can tell you this, and you have my word on it, this blog, my work, each and everything that happens, in this case, I am going to share it with Zion. I am going to sit him down and talk to him about what happened to him and why. I am not going to hold back; I am going to tell him each and everything, and I am going to support it with the Record as he is going to know how he was used.
He will know that Joyce used him for Link, to have a place to live, he will know about how he came into this world. He will know about David Gotzh and how races were played in this case. Zion knows race, and he also knows good and evil, and I am sure that he will tell us each and everything that was done to him. Big Z does not forget anything, that little boy can tell you what and where he spent his 2nd bday at.
The issue we have is, do we get him back in time?  Has this year cause him so much mental, physical and emotional harm that it is too late? Zion comes from a line of mental illness, and it was the biggest worry that we had. His grandmother is lock up in the nut house, do to the fact that she was in a store one day seeing and talking to dead folks without anything on. His grandfather, my uncle, was crazy, his wife; Zion Great Grandmother was Crazy and died in a crazy house. Joyce has a history of deep mental issues; so, it was all these issues that we work so hard to change his life. 
Fact is that mental illnesses are a disease that can be controlled; as you take someone and put them into a loved house and show them love the right way you can control it. However, as with any illness it will come out in some way, and with Zion, we knew how it came out, and we knew how to address it. I am past mad; lets me be clear as I can, my hate for David is one built on the fact that since he talks out me about Nigga time; up to the point that he wanted to debate with me about taking a black boy to see Black Panther; he and I have been at it.
All that I asked of him was not to let his personal issues come into this case; he wants to hate black boys do it on his time, not Zion. I bet the house he would not want what happened to Zion to happen to his son; that is the problem with a racist; they feel that their child has a privilege that others do not. His son is white, and for that reason, only he feels his son is better than Zion. He son is and was no better than Zion and in fact, Zion would and could have been and done better than his son due to the fact that he had better parents.
We did not bring up our children to hate anyone due to race; we taught them to love who they are, and they had friends of all races, but they love whom they were more. Zion friends as school was a child that looks like him and one that did not. He did not judge them base on their race; he judges them based on the fact if they like the same girl that he did. That is how a child life should be.
David, son, and daughter are in a house where they are taught that being White is better, and this was passed down to David. I am sure that when his dad hit and killed that Hispanics girl and her sister on their way to school, he did not see them as being human. He did not see two little white girls on their way to school; he saw something that was less, and for that reason, they were not worthy. This is the mindset of a racist, and this is the mindset that grows at CVLS; sorry the fact is what they are.
CVLS knew about David and they choose to let him go wild; they gave him the privilege that he wanted, he wanted to go out and destroy little black children, and he could not do this in his law practice, he needed an outlet, and that was CVLS. They gave him keys to the hen house, and like a hawk, he took his feeling on race out on little black children.  When you invite a racist into your house, what they do you are legally liable for their actions.