Monday, April 22, 2019

See Something you Say Something;

I know that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan feels that she was within her right to do what she did in our case. The funny things that as a Judge she does not have any checks and balance. For the most part, the Appellate Court does not care that she used her bench for personal revenge; they only care if she did it within the laws. So, I have submitted my Brief, and I look forward to seeing what David Gotzh as to say about it.  
We love to talk about if you see something say something, I hear the police saying it, I hear the church folks saying it. A young man is shot and killed, and everyone comes out and say if you hear something you says something. How about our judicial system takes the lead, they see each day that we have judges whom should not be on the bench; we have lawyers like David Gotzh that use the court as their personal racist pulpit. We have a broke system, and it does not want to be fixed as it only hurts those that look like Zion.
For the past week, I have been getting the mail back that I sent to Joyce as the post office is saying that she moved and there is not a forward address. Well, I have been getting this mail back like this since last October and when I question CVLS about this David told his boss to pay me no mind. Now, this is what she did; she overlooks each and everything that he did. David was only able to do what he did because she let him do it. If you see something you say something, well start from the top.
I am 100% sure that the Judge lied if she was called by the board, I am 100% sure that David lied as, to tell the truth, would not be in them. So, I say to those that love to say if you see something you say something; take a seat in the timeout box. I am so sick of how we destroy young black boys; I am so sick of how we have a system that is built solo on race. David Gotzh is a racist that is a Fact, and I hope to prove this fact in a court of law. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should not be on the bench as she used that black rob just as these so-called gang bangers on the streets used their guns; she did a drive-by on me, and Zion took the hit. 
I have copies of all the transcript that I was able to get, and if anyone wants to take the time to read them, they will see that this case was never about Zion. How in hell can anyone say that it was; I still have this little boy baseball bag in the same spot that it was when he left. Those $100 shoes that I had just got him are still in there. His new bats and gloves are still in there as he was kidnaped from us for only one reason. REVENGE!
Do you want to tell me that it was the Judge job to help Joyce get some link? As that was something David brags about, Joyce gets link now; Well that is cool now she can feed Zion slave food and make him just another unhealthy black child. If you see something say something; as soon as the Judicial Board start doing it, as soon as ARDC start doing it; as soon as those in the justice system start doing it. How can a Judge sell black children into a prison system? Easy, everyone saw something and they said nothing.

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