Sunday, September 29, 2019

TAX Dollars

Why? It has been non-stop raining; however, the killing and shooting do not stop in the city as these are some of the numbers as of yesterday at 6 pm the week in Progress (9/22 – 9/28) Shot & Killed: 12 Shot & Wounded: 41 Total Shot: 53 Total Homicides: 12. (

Who gets the blame for this? Where do we point the finger; as I do not think that more or fewer guns kill. I posted about how a train with cars and cargo stop in the wild wilds, and it parks there for over 2 hours. Now, these young men know what cars have guns and getting their hand on a firearm is not that hard.

So, is this just by choice or is there something else in play here? You will never see a train stop and block the streets like that in a non-black part of town as those that live there would never stand for that. However, we as black people have been allowing our ex-slave master to destroy us since we came over here in the bellies of the ships.

I talk about the courts and how they are not set up to support black people; in fact, as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said; judges allowed their personal feeling to overcome the laws and before anyone wants to talk to me about checks and balances; there is none in cook county courts.
We have a man that looks like me; however, I am sure he does not think like me, as I am sure there is pay to play going on in the courts; why would a Judge with 0 experience land in one of the top-notch courtrooms. How did this Judge go from the basement (traffic court) and move on up to penthouse (18th floor)?

I say follow the money, as you will see how our tax dollars are going to support the killing of black boys and girls. These 41 people that were shot over the past week was paid for by cook county taxpayer. This is not a joke; as CVLS has a job to give legal help to those that need it most; however, as I am going to show that office is full of racist lawyers who also bring their personal feeling into the courtroom and the KKK does not have to lynch black boys in the deep woods of the south anymore; they can do it right in our courtrooms.

The mayor of Chicago talks about how the crime in the city comes from what goes on in our courts; well, she is correct. When Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me in an open court full of black deputies; black clerks; that she does not care about others coming into her court lying as she is the Judge. Well, this is how; and what does Chief Judge Evans have to say about this, he has no control over the judges Dam if he does not know who does? PAY TO PLAY!

You take a Real Man child from him; he is going to fight with all he has in his life to get him back; so for those to keep saying to me; why? There was no legal reason for what was done, and the high courts back and support what the Judge did; for one reason and only one; as she told me “she is a judge.”

All those folks that took an oath to do no harm; to protect and follow the law; all need to be fire as what was done to Zion was a crime; the butterfly effect has changed this young man life for every. The things that he has been thought and seen will never go away. All this was done with our TAX dollars; we are paying to have these young black boys Lynch in cook county.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Who cries for them?

I have to say that in cook county we have a system in place where it wants black males to fail and the sad part about this system is that many people of color help to keep this system in place. I hope that I can open the doors to what goes on in our courts. Each time I can, I will call into WVON to voice my opinion about Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and CVLS and the cook county probate court.
It has been over a month since we have had any contact with Zion.  This is because Joyce phone is off, or she changes her number. We do not know where she is living or who has Zion. What we do know is that for a young black boy Zion life has been destroyed!  I blamed one-person Chief Judge Evan’s! He is the one that put a judge into a courtroom that she should have never been in.
I have been helping others deal with the courts, and I was reading a GAL report that was done in another case; and I can say that after reading It; it was drafted in the best of that child. Unlike the racist crap that came out of CVLS and cook county. Why do I say CVLS and cook county; well, as I found out, they are hand in hand.
I am trying to get back into court to get Zion back, and I was at the cook county guardianship offices that are in the cook county building. Now, this is an office that is under the finger of cook county, and I am sure they are cook county employees. So, when I was there and told that they work hand in hand with CVLS and that it might be a conflict for them to help me, due to my civil case, I was shocked.
I was shocked to find out that our tax dollars were going to CVLS to hire racist lawyers. It seems that the cook county guardianship offices are just a cover for CVLS. Now, can anyone tell me how; therefore, I want to see those books. I am going to request copies as I want to follow the money. I want to see just how much the taxpayers of cook county are paying to help destroy black boys.
I want to ask the cook county board President how much of the county budget goes to CVLS and cook county guardianship office; who runs both and what type of oversight is in place. Let me get this; young black children go to cook county probate court looking for help; they have to go to the cook county guardship office to do the paperwork, the cook county judge appoints a GAL from CVLS; all of this is being paid by cook county.
In the end, too many black children coming from this courtrooms are killing or being killed, and the taxpayers pay for it.
To me, that is a system that is in places to destroy black children, and it is run and control by black; and we want to talk about how our ex-slave master’s children are doing anything to us. We want to talk about all the pay to play that is going on in DC; we want to talk about children at the border; may I be so bold to ask; How about Black Children right here in Cook County; who cries for them? It is sure not Crook County.
I will love to sit down with anyone of you to talk about these issues; as you can see, I am not going anywhere.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


The meaning of LIFE to me; it has no meaning. On this Sunday, I see so many people of color talking about going to church or put into God's hands; well, I am so sorry; however, I do not subscribe to that. I stop drinking the Kool-aid some time ago as I woke up. I woke up from the mental slavery that I was in.
I look at Zion case, and I look at how Jamil talks about church and those that know here sing that God tune and each one of these folks know that she came to court and lied under oath for Joyce. She did not do it because it was best for Zion, no she did it so that she could get some dam Link. So I ask this question what make her any better than the guy out on the street that carjacking or robbing? Nothing, as she did what she did for her selfish reason.
I think about the Judge and Davie and CVLS; how each one of them knew that it was best for Zion to stay where he was; but for them, it was how dare this nigga (me) question them. How dare do I call them out on their racist way. When Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said that she did not care about anyone telling lies under oath; after all, she did not like or trust me. That right there tells me all that I needed to know about the church and our so-called court system.
There are people of color that know for fact that we have a justice system that is built on racism; it is built on locking up black man and destroying families, and they buy into this system as they feel they got to eat, or they want to tell me that God will take care of it; Get the Fuck out of here with that 1800 slave master mindset. There is NO GOD; sitting anywhere that allows the bad or good to happen; we do that.
It was not a God that took Zion from us; it was a system that wanted to lynch this black boy. You check my post as the post do not lie, and you can see where I was talking about the courts way before Zion was taking from us and I keep saying that the biggest mistake that I made was to go back to Cook County looking for a justice in a system that has time after time proven that it is Not Just!
I want to be clear that I do not ask for anything as there is nothing anyone will or can do; I am going to fight this case and all the other solo as they are my fights. I am going to call Jamila, her husband to the stand in my civil case and I am going to question them about the lies they told and if they lie. I am going to use the tape of him telling her that she cannot go to court and tell the truth after she lied. I am going to ask her what Davide Gotzh knew and how was she able to lie under oath. As she said, the Judge knew; the GAL knew.
Now, for those that buy into the God Kool-Aid; I do not blame you for what you do; after all slavery has an effect on all of us; shit look at how many black men are running around talking about they are a woman in their skin. This is one of the ill’s that has been passed down from our ex-slave masters. We took all his ills and made them out ways of life. So on this Sunday; you do you and I am going to do me!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


The reason why Trump will most likely be reelected is because, behind closed doors, many agree with some of his position. Case in point, in cook county we have a system in place that has one main goal and that is to destroy blacks mental and keep them locked into a system where they have no choice but to vote for democrats.
Yesterday I had to travel to the city as I needed the paperwork to get Zion back. I called the cook county guardianships office about getting the paperwork as I was only able to find about two of the forms online. I needed the number of the forms, and I could search for them. I spent five hours and $15 to come into the city to find out that CVLS is a part of the cook county guardianships office; as such due to my civil case on CVLS that was and would be a conflict.
However, the young lady wanted to help me as she could not understand how Zion was taking from us. She just felt that it was more to this story, as review the case online, she was just shocked that a child would be removed from a family that he has been with for 12 years of his life. However, that is cook county for you, as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said, people can lie under oath, they can fake documents in court, anything can happen in a cook county courts as it is not about the law, it is personal; that is the cook county way.
Just as giving a child back to someone so that they can apply for social service programs. The State is Illinois is BROKE because we have a system that helps people get on social service problems like SNAP and LINK. Make a SNAP house, and you have democrats that will vote for life. Just keep letting them know that vote for the democrat’s you can keep getting that link. Education and uplifting oneself has been lost to get them drunk on social service.
So those of us that see this is happy that Trump is cutting these services; we see how easy it is for someone to come to this state and not even have a social security number and get befits that we pay for with these high taxes. I am paying over $7k a year in taxes on my house; as the person, next door to me is getting free rent, free food, free health care and can work; however, why should they?
I am doing the paperwork to get Zion back due to the fact that Joyce does not keep him; Jamil does as she was able to get the link to feed her family as she gets childcare money for Zion; so for her, it was worth it to go to court and lie. She knew that the Judge and GAL both were ok with it, and in the end, it was a nice payday for her
Why are so many young black men killing in cook county?  Easy, we have too many Democrat!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Open Letter to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle

Madam President as the Chair of the Cook County Demarcate party it is your duty to slate judges on the ticket and support them.  I think that what you did for the little league team in Homewood was great; however, as Zion is one of the biggest Sox fans, if you slate Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan for reelection, you need to retire from that position.
Cook County Democrat has a history of just slating judges without a care about the baggage they bring and carry while on the bench. I have personal file two Judicial Board complaints; I have filed a federal and state civil case on this Judge. All these actions were done because to me her judicial IQ is a “0”.
This Judge stood in our courtroom and said that 12-year-old African American boy should not play baseball, he should not go to school; he should not be adopted by a family that has taken care of him all his life. Everything that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan did was done solo because she felt that I was a “Smart Negro” and how dare I question her.
This Judge did not follow the law; she said that she is above the law; she did not follow the rules of civil procedure; as she said, “she is the Judge, she can do what she wants.” The system of check and balance do not apply to judges in Cook County; we the voters have to vote them out of office. Now, this does not happen as the democrat support these judges, and they are rubber stamp back into office. 
I can go on and on about what the Judge has done; however, should we have anyone sitting on the bench in Cook County overseeing the life and death (as this was what it is about in probate) for children who feel that it is ok for people to lie under oath, after all, she does not like the other party. Yes, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan did this.
Now, Madam President I listen to you when you come onto WVON and I hear your words about doing what is best for the people in the county, well having a Judge name “wild card” is not best for us. I know that you can say that you do not know about any that I speak about and with all due respect that would be a none-truth; as I have been sending you fax and letters about this Judge for the past year.
Judge Susan Kennedy- Sullivan should not be on the bench, and she should have never been plaice into the probate court. I am going to make sure that where every she gives a speech; I am going to be there. I want to ask her about all this in a public setting; I want to ask her is it right for a judge to make laws; is it right for judges using their power for personal reason.
Madam President what is the life of a “Black Child Worth” in Cook County? Well, if you support this Judge, you are sending a message that child life is worth nothing. In the year that Zion has been taking from us, he is living a life of living off-link and begging. Cook County Courts destroy this little boy for one reason and only one. RACE and Racisms.

You have my name and number, and I welcome the time to speak with you as I will be putting my money and time to get this Judge off the bench!