Sunday, September 29, 2019

TAX Dollars

Why? It has been non-stop raining; however, the killing and shooting do not stop in the city as these are some of the numbers as of yesterday at 6 pm the week in Progress (9/22 – 9/28) Shot & Killed: 12 Shot & Wounded: 41 Total Shot: 53 Total Homicides: 12. (

Who gets the blame for this? Where do we point the finger; as I do not think that more or fewer guns kill. I posted about how a train with cars and cargo stop in the wild wilds, and it parks there for over 2 hours. Now, these young men know what cars have guns and getting their hand on a firearm is not that hard.

So, is this just by choice or is there something else in play here? You will never see a train stop and block the streets like that in a non-black part of town as those that live there would never stand for that. However, we as black people have been allowing our ex-slave master to destroy us since we came over here in the bellies of the ships.

I talk about the courts and how they are not set up to support black people; in fact, as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said; judges allowed their personal feeling to overcome the laws and before anyone wants to talk to me about checks and balances; there is none in cook county courts.
We have a man that looks like me; however, I am sure he does not think like me, as I am sure there is pay to play going on in the courts; why would a Judge with 0 experience land in one of the top-notch courtrooms. How did this Judge go from the basement (traffic court) and move on up to penthouse (18th floor)?

I say follow the money, as you will see how our tax dollars are going to support the killing of black boys and girls. These 41 people that were shot over the past week was paid for by cook county taxpayer. This is not a joke; as CVLS has a job to give legal help to those that need it most; however, as I am going to show that office is full of racist lawyers who also bring their personal feeling into the courtroom and the KKK does not have to lynch black boys in the deep woods of the south anymore; they can do it right in our courtrooms.

The mayor of Chicago talks about how the crime in the city comes from what goes on in our courts; well, she is correct. When Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me in an open court full of black deputies; black clerks; that she does not care about others coming into her court lying as she is the Judge. Well, this is how; and what does Chief Judge Evans have to say about this, he has no control over the judges Dam if he does not know who does? PAY TO PLAY!

You take a Real Man child from him; he is going to fight with all he has in his life to get him back; so for those to keep saying to me; why? There was no legal reason for what was done, and the high courts back and support what the Judge did; for one reason and only one; as she told me “she is a judge.”

All those folks that took an oath to do no harm; to protect and follow the law; all need to be fire as what was done to Zion was a crime; the butterfly effect has changed this young man life for every. The things that he has been thought and seen will never go away. All this was done with our TAX dollars; we are paying to have these young black boys Lynch in cook county.

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