Saturday, August 1, 2020


At what point do we as black people investigate the person in the mirror and take responsibility for the conditions that we are in?
We have been conditions to look for help from everyone but self. What more can the government, your parents, or for that anyone do for you if you do not do shit for yourself? No one owes you anything, and this welfare mindset is one that only grows like cancer among black people.
Trump is the best thing that happens to black people, and another four years of him will be the best thing as we have cancer that needs to die off so that we can start over fresh and new. I do not understand how we love to talk about the white man and how he keeps his foot on our backs and I see educated black folks on here talking about how hard it is. It is only hard because you have become a mentally lazy person that thinks this government owes you something.
No one is going to save black people, as black people are not savable. I look at the young man who is 25 that shot at the police last week, and I say at what point did someone know that the young man was unsavable?
Yes, it is a fact that at some point, it does not make a difference what you do; you cannot save a person. I think about all that David Gothz and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan did to Zion, and I ask myself who holds 100% responsible for what happened to him? Furthermore, it comes back to Joyce Washington and Jamia.
Both of them chose to lie in court for self-benefits; it was never about what is best for Zion; what is best to make sure that he makes it; have a life; growing up in a healthy home with people that love him. No, it was about what can I get from the government to help me, and for them, it was benefits of food stamps.
Now, I have no problem with anyone getting food stamps; what I have a problem with is when you get them to survey. I have been in this conversation with others about how white men benefit from the government more than anyone.
He does; however, he takes to them to build on what he has; not to live day-to-day. The government just cut the $500 unemployment, and I do not care; why?
For the past four months, many have been sitting at home, not doing shit but waiting on that link card or that check to hit. Where they out looking to make a job, but looking for a job, go out, and make a job. I was painting my porch yesterday, and I watch; I watch as the Hispanic men and women near me came home from doing some type of work; as the sister down the street was playing music and cooking on the front porch as her link just came in. The brothers next door had been sitting out since 6 am drinking cheap ass hot beer.
Now, what is wrong with those pictures? We just do not get it, and I am sorry those days of let us try are over; we are at the stage where we want a handout. I know the story; I know many of us feel that we are owed something for what our family did to build the US.; however, what are you doing now to keep building on it?
I am not one to say that anyone can make it; as sorry they cannot; you become what you know and what you know is a life of nothing. Education is the only way that a black person is going to stop living a life of hand-out. Black people do you know that we hand down link cards and section 8 to our children like that is something to be proud of. I see many talking about how they do not have a laptop so that their child can do their schoolwork; well, if your child does not have one, that is your fault.
You can find money to get high; you can find money to give to the shoe company; hair company, to any and all but you, cannot find money to invest in your own child; that is not the government's fault or job. We are a dam joke; our ex-slave master gave us a god and got our dumb ass up in churches prying for him to help us; shit helps yourself.
I look at the young man that is now dating Joyce and I have no respect for him, and to me, he is not a man. How in hell can you call yourself a man when you are living and eating on the life of a child. As a man, what you lay down with is what you are; the same goes for a woman. COVID-19 is doing what the government could not do; it is killing off people at a rate that only helps the economy.
Give any other group one year of free help and they are going to come out at the end of that year, making it on their own; we get ten years of free help, and we are looking for another 10. I do not know how we got to that point; what I do know is that in able to get rid of cancer, you have to kill it off so that it cannot grow; well, we have cancer.
In 2020 we are not going to vote in the numbers that we need, and once more, we are going to need the help of our ex-slave master children to save us, as we are like children and will not do for self.
If I am wrong, show me. I look at those in my own family, and I walk away from them as they are no better; they turned a blind eye as they have this same cancer.

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