Thursday, October 3, 2019

Vote her out!

What President Trump was doing; is what Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan did for the one year that she sat on the bench in the Zion case. She broke the law and allowed others to comment perjury and fake court documents just for personal revenge.
Joyce did not file her documents thought the clerk’s office; no, she took them right to the judge; When the Judge asks David Gotzh in open court did, he take care of that, and he said he was going to do it that day. What was she talking about; well, on that day, Davie filed a notice of services saying that he mailed out something that he did not.
When I question for proof (as a GAL, he was not going to mail out anything and not keep a copy of the bill for tax reason); the judge told me she did not need anything as she trusts anyone but me. Time after time, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan broke the law and time after time nothing for done about it.
So, what happened; A young black boys’ life was destroyed; Zion is living a life of food stamps and hands out. This young man's life was killed at the hands of this judge; CVLS and David Gotzh, and nothing were done about it. I am so dammed sick of hearing about how others go to jail for little things, and these people do not even get a slap on the hand.
What did Chief Judge Evans do; nothing and for that reason alone, he should have been removed as Chief Judge. However, he has the black church and those blacks in power in Cook County that does not care. As long as they have someone black in that office, they feel it is better than not. Well, that Judge from Texas that hug that killer is black; and I guess it was better to have her in that courtroom than not.
I am so sick of sending these emails; faxes, and making phone calls as I know too many they do not care. I am just one person with one vote and once voice, and I don’t have any support behind me. After all, I am a black man, and in this day; my life is not worth a bucket of warm cow waste.
I do not know what I have to do; what I have to say; or whom ear I have to be in to get a sit down; all I want is for something to look at the facts in this case; look at the paperwork and tell me that this case was done correctly. Like a fool, I thought the Frist District Appellate Court was going to do this; however, CVLS wrote the storyline, and my voice and the laws were unheard of.
We do not have laws in Cook County; we do not have rules of laws; We have a system that is broken and unfair. It locks up black men just because and just like President Trump; Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said when asked; how can you do this; She said, “I am the Judge,” so Make sure we Vote her out!

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