Saturday, February 2, 2019

Pay $$ to Play in Cook County

A fact as a Cook County Judge you should know that laws of the land and you should be able to take a case and rule on it based on the laws.
Now it is a fact, and the sad part is that many lawyers that are working in the probate division known that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan does not have a clue what the laws are. Now, she is 100% depended on the GAL and to say this is, to tell the truth.  You do not need a lawyer, just sleep with the GAL or pay them off and your case is in the bag.
I was in court on 1/23/19, and she asked the GAL what she should do; Now, I can post this as it is the truth. I stood there and said to myself; wow, if I had hit or asked this gal out, I could get my son back as the judge does not have a clue what she is doing. 
Now, in our case, we had a racist GAL, and I guess for him I could have said yes boss or kiss his ass, and he would not have destroyed our son. As I keep saying I do not know what Joyce did for him or to him; but that hour she was with him alone he came out singing a different note.
Or it could be due to the fact that he talks to me as I was a boy with his nigga time remarks, or it could be that when he was talking to me about his German Nazi background; or who knows what it was.
What I do know is that he and I did not hit it off after he talks to me like I was a boy and his racist jokes in court he might think are funny; however, I do not. And CVLS should have taken control of this case. However, they stood back and allowed a documented racist work for them, and they are 100% liable for his actions.
As the Gal, in this case, he only worked in a way to help Joyce, he did everything in his power to make sure that all her needs were taking care of and he even lied under oath. This case is not about the truth and has never been about that since February 21st, 2018.
I requested the judge to give me an order to have all transcripts added to the case record for the appeal court, and she told me “you think I am going to give you anything.” Now this is a cook county judge saying to me that she wants to cover up her actions.
The Gal and judge told me that I should pay for them, wait what was I thinking; I was that dumb to think that in a cook county court it was about justice and the truth. No, that was clear when Joyce lied under oath and judge told me that she did not care as she did not like me.
Wait, the judge allowed her personal feelings to affect how she ruled in a case, and Chief Judge Evans want to tell me that he has nothing to do with this. So, a judge can sit on the bench and have personal issues with women, men or people of color and allowed those feeling to play in their decision making and that is ok with him? I guess it is as he knows this to be true.
Let me be clear as a black man I know that the justice systems is not and was never made for me. I also know that just because it is someone that looks like me over that system does not say that it is going to treat me fail; as that person was put into that position by the same people that want to see me back in slavery. So, justice in 2019 is the same for black people as it was in 1819. We live in one of the most segregated cities and cook country is more racist as any of those southern towns in the backwoods of the south.
You can buy or bribe a gal, into a judge seat; and just about anything else as Cook County is pay to play type of town, and we want to say that it is not. I have to not only fight a racist; I have to fight a system that goes back to the start of the city.
It was best said “most aldermen, most politicians are hos," corrupt Chicago Ald. Arenda Troutman said, rather famously, on federal tape. Well, so are the judge and those working for CVLS!

#judgesusankennedysullivan White Privilege

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