There is a distrust when it comes to the court system and those people with-it the African American circle as there a reason for that. On January 29, 2019, Judge Susan-Kennedy-Sullivan said from the bench that she could not hear or rule on any motion that was done by Mahdee Muhammad due to the fact that his order of protection case was on appeal. And she allowed the GAL from CVLS David Gotzh to cite a case that supported her ruling.
Now, what is wrong with this, as most judges do not want to move forward until the higher court has had a chance to removed past rulings. Well, since March of 2018 this case has been in the appellate court and going back to May 14th, 2018 before this same judge and gal in her courtroom on a motion to stay or change a date on a hearing due to the fact that Mr. Muhammad son was going to graduate from high school. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said she did not care; she told me that I should have made better plans.
On November 30th, 2018 and January 23, 2019, I was in her courtroom on my motion to vacate the OP due to the fact that Joyce had been violated it from the start. The GAL and Joyce were both not there, and the Judge told me that she got a phone call from CVLS saying they wanted another date and Oh well about Joyce. Now what does the Judge do to me when I miss one date; she discharges my wife and I as the legal guarding.
I beg Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan to change the date, the GAL stood there and laughed at me as he is a full-blown Racist whom as the told me a Proud German! IE Nazi that does not care for black people; he posted on his social media page about his feelings for black men. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took a 12-year-old black boy from the only family he knows and placed him into one of the most gang-ridden parts of the city and told him and us that was the best for him.
There have been so many times during this past year that the case law is evident on what should be done, and each time this Judge allowed a documented racist tells her how to run her courtroom; the people's courtroom. And all the Chief Judge could say to me was “his hands are tied.” Well not only are his hands tied; however; much more is missing from this man.
ARDC failed this child as their only response was that their hands were tied. And unless another lawyer would come forward or he admitted to his bias and what he was doing as it was my word against his. All the motions to show his inclination was not good enough for them to investigate a White lawyer over a black man, I guess.
The Judicial Board could not do anything until the case was over, all those so-called black leaders in cook county did not see any money in this case, so they cover their eyes. The systems in place in cook country is doing just as it was set off to do, and that is destroying colors, it is made to give justice only to whites and time after time this has been proven.
So how can I trust a system that is not made for me? It is not a bleach that is color safe.
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