Monday, November 25, 2019


I was at my black family dentist's office talking to the husband and wife team as she attended school at Alcorn. We were talking about my son and the fact that he is getting his master's in education on the 12/6/19 and how my daughter has hers in Children Psy.  Danielle has a master's in Edu, and I am about one chapter away from my Ph.D.; also, in education, and last, Daniel is in his 2nd year as a history major.

We all got our (or will get) undergrad degrees from Jackson State University and all this was something that my dentist said he was proud of.  We are a  family that has their problems; however, it is one that believes in education. It was something that David Gotzh had a problem with as he and the judge did not like this one fact.

I go back to the judge's remarks that led me to hit her with a judicial complaint when she said to me that the path Zion was on was not the best one for him; she said that him playing baseball and looking at where he will be going to school might not be best for him. She wanted him to be just another number; she wanted him to be one of those far too many young black men that we see on the news going to jail or being killed, and she and David laugh about this.

That was crazy to me; however, all too real as we do not want to see black children making it; if more black families were focused on making sure that their children do better than they did, we might not have to so dam depended on the government.

Some will say that what we put into Zion will help him make it; well, in the past year, these little boys have moved and gone to more school than the whole dam 12 years that we had him from pre-school to 6th grade. How in the hell does he make it with all those odds stack upon him? How? We love to say that all our children are equal, and they are not; those that grow up with love than to turn out better.

I Want you all never to forget that Name JUDGE SUSAN KENNEDY-SULLIVAN; those in cook county VOTE NO when you see her name on anything; send her back into nursing. I want you never to forget the name DAVID GOTZH; if you need a lawyer, do not hire him. And CVLS; question how it is their job to do what is best for children in this county as they get millions to do such and know that they are no better than DCFS when it comes to children in this state, as they said 79th and Essex is an up and coming part of the city and great for children (it #1 in gang shootings in the city)

As you all give thanks this week; I want you to think about those young men lock up in the jails across American; those on the street and as you get up on black Friday to spend, just hope one of those that we toss away children do not make it your last and put you into the black. We love to point fingers; however, do we question how they got to that point?

Friday, November 22, 2019


Checks and Ballance:
It is a fact that I sued Cook County Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and cook county back in 2018 (2018-L-011291). My case was based on the fact that she allowed her personal feeling and race to interfere with her judicial duties.
My case was dismissed as they would not allow me a black man to sue a judge. Now the facts are clear as there are laws that allow for a judge to be sued, however, as I have learned there is no checks and balance when it comes to judges in cook county and the only time that a judge is sanction is when they are black.
Cook County Chief Judge Evans has a history of coming after black judges for little things and allowed those non-black to get away with murder. Why? This is because it is more vital for him to sit in that office; as such, he knows that he needs the white judges to vote for him, and the black ones will just vote because he is black.
I think that if a Black woman ran for that seat, she would win, as I am sure that this will give those black judges an out. The job of the Chief judge is to run the courts and have oversight over the judges under him and to place them into the courtrooms. So, we need to think about this; when we want to say that this judge should not be in this courtroom, such as there is no way that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should be in probate as she has abused her power for a personal reason.
However, it might be pay to play, it might be that her husband has some dirt, or it is that "good old boy" system in place when black and brown children are the ones that pay the price. I must fight in this court system where the rule of law does not come; first, I have to fight in a system where those that look like me run; however, they do not think like me.
If a person has their foot on my back, keeping me down, does it make a difference if that person if black or white? No, it does not; the fact is that they have their foot keeping me down is all that makes a difference.
I have been talking about this issue for years, and it seems that for the most part many do not care; as they go about their day to day lives, they never ask that question, how did we get here? What makes a person snaps; what makes these young men end up on the streets taking lives without a care.
I keep saying over and over it goes back to the court systems. We have too many judges that sit on the bench, making laws and making killers. Well, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took pride in her body court, and she said; she is the judge, and laws do not matter to her. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Am I my Brother’s keeper

I was having a conversation with one of my boys about this fact as I told him that it is my job to make sure that my boys make it, and it is also my job to make sure that his son and others make it. He told me that all he cares about is his sons.
Well, it is this mindset that leads to stories like this; what happened in this man's life that put him into the position where he was out there with a gun robbing banks. I am sure that most of you do not give a care as you just look at him like trash. Something that you feel we should just toss away and discard like the trash we put out each week.
Well, this young man came into this world just as Zion did; with the whole world just for him and one, left or right turn can make all the difference. I talk about the last time that I was able to teach and how I was before four white women, and one ask me why do I want to teach, and I told him to make sure that young black men do not have to deal with this racist system that we have.
It has been over three months since we talked to Zion; it has been over three months since we have seen him, and I have gone out of my way to find him, and just like that, he is lost. I know that someone knows where he is living, I know that he is out in these streets thinking that we just toss him away like trash.
I give you my word that I am going to keep on fighting, I am not only going to fight for him, but all the other Zion is out here,  as I am my brother’s keeper. That young man that was hurt during this shot out was not in the wrong place at the wrong time; he was in a place where the universes wanted him to be.
I want to let CVLS, David Gotzh, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan that I have not gone anywhere, I have just been sitting back watching them and taking notes.  As long as I have life in my body, I am not going to let them forget what they did as racist hope that, like most negro’s, I forget or go off and pray to some god to forgive them. Sorry, that is not who I am.
We have a system that can be changed; however, it will take work to change it, and we need solder’s that want to make that change. Yesterday I watch as a group of people stood in the cold waiting for someone to come and pick them up to take them somewhere to sleep. I get up and drive past this place where women, children, and men sleep on the side of this building. All the shelters in this area have closed; the so-called church folks closed their doors to them.
The next four years of Trump will be what we need; we need someone to come and put their foot on our backs and make us get up and fight or just die off. Cut all the service and let the purges begin. We cannot lock everyone up; we cannot house them all; someday, they are going to get out. Just as you go about your life thinking that this is not your problem, going to the store shopping life will happen.
We do not come into this world to live; no, we come in to die; and the keys to life is how do you live your life to die? Are you going to live on your back waiting to die; or will you stand on your feet and fight like a man, as too many of you are going out on your knees. I have died before, and now I live to fight on my feet as I refuse to go out being buck by anyone.
I spoke about us not having any check and balance when it comes to judges and other political folks, and I was told that we do; it is called voting. The problem with that is we do not vote, and too many of us are dumb voters. We go into the both and just vote blind, we do not read or study about the person that we are going to vote for. We allowed others to tell us whom we should vote for; trust me, your pastor is not the person to tell you who you should be voting for.
Let the church does God's work; open those doors to the poor, and not just to feed them twice a year to make yourself feel good. This is a callout to all black men, be the man that “God” made you out to be. Stand on your feet and stop letting your woman turn you into a she-bitch and fight for not only your family but for all those that look like you. I will offer help to anyone, and it is not one person that can say I would not and have not as I said ‘I AM MY BROTHERS KEEPER!”

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History Today .

History is going on as A President of the USA is having an Impeachment Hearing.
This is the first time in some of your lifetime and might be the last...
This will be my 3rd as it has only happened four times ..
Wow. Look at CNN or some news outlet and watch when you have time...
For those that say it should not happen, do not have a clue about history and how the Laws should word. This must happen just as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should be voted off the bench as she violated her duty as an Illinois Civil Court Judge per all the rules under the laws. ...
David Gotzh, lawyers in that case, also violated his oath they took under the rules of professional conduct and should be disbarred...
However, in the state of Illinois, we do not have the rules of law for everyone; we only lock up or punish those who are of color; or those that help those that are color.  I am not a lawyer; however, I can lay out a case to show how both Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh both lied and commented fraud and allow others to come and put their hand up, to tell the truth, and lie. Per Judge Kennedy-Sullivan, “I do not care who lies; I do not trust you.”
Yes, A cook county judge who sits on the bench in this state said this from the bench, and nothing was done. No one took the time to investigate this, and if it was, nothing was done. How is that fair? They both have life and death in their hands. She sits on the bench where she has and can send people to jail or take someone's life, and she admitted that she allows her personal feelings and race to cloud her views.
How can anyone tell me that we have a system of justice; how can anyone tell me that we have rules and laws that are color blind when I know for a fact that they are not. We go about our days as this is the norm in cook county. What do those that write the laws do; are their laws just simple words on a paper that hold no weight?
If the actions that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan was allowed to do are not grounds to be removed from the bench, what is? This is not about a party; this is not about anything but right and wrong. I showed the courts and CVLS that David Gotzh was a racist and they both said that does not make him a bad lawyer; well, when he allows his personal feeling to come into play, when he lies, when he forages court documents; and when he goes out of his way to allow those racist feeling to cloud his judgment he should be disbarred.
We the people should not be black people or white people; it should be ‘The People”; however, I am too old to buy into the fairy tales and just as the President will not be removed from offices; nothing will be done to Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan or David Gotzh as their only destroyed the life of a young 12-year-old black boy, and his life is not worth the time for those in power in the state of Illinois or Chief Judge Evans.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Writ of Certiorari

I watch this video from 1984, and it just brings tears to my eyes as we (black people in America) are fuck... We allowed our ex-slave master to pull us into this crazy life... Dam, all I can think about is that it has been a year since I have talked to Zion, and we do not know where he is or what he is doing. This is how killers are mad in cook county.

I give my word, and my word is bond that I am never going to let judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan, David Gotzh, and CVLS never to forget what they did to Zion and my family. I know that I fight this solo; because most, if not all, do not give a hell about Zion or these other little black children like him. They do not care until one of these lost children put a gun to their head, and at that point, we want to cry and ask why; this is how we make killers.

Vanishings black families have been real, and I talk about the numbers as this was in 1984, and our numbers have double. We gave too many single mothers, and just right down, no dam good mothers a crutch with public aid. In 1984 half of black young women to have a child did not and will not get married; Why? We have all these urban killers that were not born overnight; if we look into the mirror, we see that we made them overtime.

The cook county judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan talk about how to get a link; how to get public service; why? She knows just as CVLS does; if you bring up a child on a link, that child will grow to also live on a link and just like a person on drugs; we have a society that is dope up on public aid; food stamps and sucking the nipple of American.  I am so sick of this, and I hope that the system we have in place comes to an end.

Stop giving money to single mothers to have more babies; that you want to lock up; or teach them how to be killers. We do not educate them; we do not support them; no, we do as David Gotzh said; keep them out of the good none black part of town and put a gun into their hands to teach them how to be a ready-made killer.

Last Friday, I was able to attend the bloom township democratic party, and it was some folks there running for Judges, and they all talk a good game, and with each one, I told them about Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and asks them to tell me what will make them any different than her. You see, when she ran for office, she gave that same bullshit; how she was going to make the world better in the end, she is and was a racist person who sits on the bench.

We have many of them in cook county; the only thing is that I think they would have learned how to be undercover. I think that CVLS did not know that David was a racist; however, they knew the judge was, and with both, they look the other way. I made it clear in court if you are not fighting to end racism, you are a racist... Well, many within CVLS are card-carrying white nationalists.

I am taking this case to the U.S. Supreme Court, as I am just waiting on them to send me the rules of the court, and after that, I am going to do my petition to writ of certiorari, and at that point, I hope that justice can come. In the end, it is too late for Zion as this young man is living a life of hell, and I am sure that CVLS, David Gotzh, and Judge Susan Kennedy- Sullivan can sleep well at night over that.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Mark of the Beast

I was reading something that I received from some Israelite in Jackson (during homecoming), and it was nothing new to me as I am a student of history and I knew about the fact that as the European were going through their renaissance or enlightenment era it was Leonardo De Vinci that painted that picture of Jesus (who was never called by this name). It was Pope Alexander the 6th son Cesare Borgia (yes, that is right; the Pope had wife and children back in the day; they were not all into little boys).
Now, I also know the history of the Bible and how King James wanted a book to be written that would help to keep his people in slaver as some wanted out. Now, was the Bible written from the dead sea scrolls; Hell No. As a child, we were indoctrinated into 99% of the belief that we have; why in Hell would I; a so-called woke Black man still allow my Ex-Slave Master to mental control me.
Now, why waste my time writing this; well, I want all to know that I have fewer days ahead; than I had behind, and I am not going to walk in the dark; I am not going to allow my Ex-Slave master writes my history. The fact that Dr. King told us “do not let any man take your Manhood”; Too many of you have been reduced to the level of an animal and I will call you anything but a Man!
I want you all to study this picture, and I want you all to understand this. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan needs to be removed from the Bench. She stood there and to my face and said that Zion does not need an educated; he needs to be not only poor; however, mental inferior as she and David were doing to do all that they could to make sure that this young black boy life is destroyed.
I have reached out too ALL the So-Called Black groups, newspapers, and so-called woke folks, and not one of them wrote back or said anything.  I have stood in this fight solo, and as a Real Man, I am not going to let anyone take my manhood, and I refuse to bow my head or bit my lip or let anyone Lynch me without a fight.
Revelation 13:15 and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast”, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.!
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and CVLS David Gotzh both said that Zion was bright, he was on track to be something great, and for them, that was not going to happen. They wanted him to be a thug with his ass out un-educated as to be anything else he should be killed. Well, when they sent him down to 79th over east, it was to kill him.