Monday, November 25, 2019


I was at my black family dentist's office talking to the husband and wife team as she attended school at Alcorn. We were talking about my son and the fact that he is getting his master's in education on the 12/6/19 and how my daughter has hers in Children Psy.  Danielle has a master's in Edu, and I am about one chapter away from my Ph.D.; also, in education, and last, Daniel is in his 2nd year as a history major.

We all got our (or will get) undergrad degrees from Jackson State University and all this was something that my dentist said he was proud of.  We are a  family that has their problems; however, it is one that believes in education. It was something that David Gotzh had a problem with as he and the judge did not like this one fact.

I go back to the judge's remarks that led me to hit her with a judicial complaint when she said to me that the path Zion was on was not the best one for him; she said that him playing baseball and looking at where he will be going to school might not be best for him. She wanted him to be just another number; she wanted him to be one of those far too many young black men that we see on the news going to jail or being killed, and she and David laugh about this.

That was crazy to me; however, all too real as we do not want to see black children making it; if more black families were focused on making sure that their children do better than they did, we might not have to so dam depended on the government.

Some will say that what we put into Zion will help him make it; well, in the past year, these little boys have moved and gone to more school than the whole dam 12 years that we had him from pre-school to 6th grade. How in the hell does he make it with all those odds stack upon him? How? We love to say that all our children are equal, and they are not; those that grow up with love than to turn out better.

I Want you all never to forget that Name JUDGE SUSAN KENNEDY-SULLIVAN; those in cook county VOTE NO when you see her name on anything; send her back into nursing. I want you never to forget the name DAVID GOTZH; if you need a lawyer, do not hire him. And CVLS; question how it is their job to do what is best for children in this county as they get millions to do such and know that they are no better than DCFS when it comes to children in this state, as they said 79th and Essex is an up and coming part of the city and great for children (it #1 in gang shootings in the city)

As you all give thanks this week; I want you to think about those young men lock up in the jails across American; those on the street and as you get up on black Friday to spend, just hope one of those that we toss away children do not make it your last and put you into the black. We love to point fingers; however, do we question how they got to that point?

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