Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History Today .

History is going on as A President of the USA is having an Impeachment Hearing.
This is the first time in some of your lifetime and might be the last...
This will be my 3rd as it has only happened four times ..
Wow. Look at CNN or some news outlet and watch when you have time...
For those that say it should not happen, do not have a clue about history and how the Laws should word. This must happen just as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan should be voted off the bench as she violated her duty as an Illinois Civil Court Judge per all the rules under the laws. ...
David Gotzh, lawyers in that case, also violated his oath they took under the rules of professional conduct and should be disbarred...
However, in the state of Illinois, we do not have the rules of law for everyone; we only lock up or punish those who are of color; or those that help those that are color.  I am not a lawyer; however, I can lay out a case to show how both Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh both lied and commented fraud and allow others to come and put their hand up, to tell the truth, and lie. Per Judge Kennedy-Sullivan, “I do not care who lies; I do not trust you.”
Yes, A cook county judge who sits on the bench in this state said this from the bench, and nothing was done. No one took the time to investigate this, and if it was, nothing was done. How is that fair? They both have life and death in their hands. She sits on the bench where she has and can send people to jail or take someone's life, and she admitted that she allows her personal feelings and race to cloud her views.
How can anyone tell me that we have a system of justice; how can anyone tell me that we have rules and laws that are color blind when I know for a fact that they are not. We go about our days as this is the norm in cook county. What do those that write the laws do; are their laws just simple words on a paper that hold no weight?
If the actions that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan was allowed to do are not grounds to be removed from the bench, what is? This is not about a party; this is not about anything but right and wrong. I showed the courts and CVLS that David Gotzh was a racist and they both said that does not make him a bad lawyer; well, when he allows his personal feeling to come into play, when he lies, when he forages court documents; and when he goes out of his way to allow those racist feeling to cloud his judgment he should be disbarred.
We the people should not be black people or white people; it should be ‘The People”; however, I am too old to buy into the fairy tales and just as the President will not be removed from offices; nothing will be done to Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan or David Gotzh as their only destroyed the life of a young 12-year-old black boy, and his life is not worth the time for those in power in the state of Illinois or Chief Judge Evans.

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