Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Am I my Brother’s keeper

I was having a conversation with one of my boys about this fact as I told him that it is my job to make sure that my boys make it, and it is also my job to make sure that his son and others make it. He told me that all he cares about is his sons.
Well, it is this mindset that leads to stories like this; what happened in this man's life that put him into the position where he was out there with a gun robbing banks. I am sure that most of you do not give a care as you just look at him like trash. Something that you feel we should just toss away and discard like the trash we put out each week.
Well, this young man came into this world just as Zion did; with the whole world just for him and one, left or right turn can make all the difference. I talk about the last time that I was able to teach and how I was before four white women, and one ask me why do I want to teach, and I told him to make sure that young black men do not have to deal with this racist system that we have.
It has been over three months since we talked to Zion; it has been over three months since we have seen him, and I have gone out of my way to find him, and just like that, he is lost. I know that someone knows where he is living, I know that he is out in these streets thinking that we just toss him away like trash.
I give you my word that I am going to keep on fighting, I am not only going to fight for him, but all the other Zion is out here,  as I am my brother’s keeper. That young man that was hurt during this shot out was not in the wrong place at the wrong time; he was in a place where the universes wanted him to be.
I want to let CVLS, David Gotzh, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan that I have not gone anywhere, I have just been sitting back watching them and taking notes.  As long as I have life in my body, I am not going to let them forget what they did as racist hope that, like most negro’s, I forget or go off and pray to some god to forgive them. Sorry, that is not who I am.
We have a system that can be changed; however, it will take work to change it, and we need solder’s that want to make that change. Yesterday I watch as a group of people stood in the cold waiting for someone to come and pick them up to take them somewhere to sleep. I get up and drive past this place where women, children, and men sleep on the side of this building. All the shelters in this area have closed; the so-called church folks closed their doors to them.
The next four years of Trump will be what we need; we need someone to come and put their foot on our backs and make us get up and fight or just die off. Cut all the service and let the purges begin. We cannot lock everyone up; we cannot house them all; someday, they are going to get out. Just as you go about your life thinking that this is not your problem, going to the store shopping life will happen.
We do not come into this world to live; no, we come in to die; and the keys to life is how do you live your life to die? Are you going to live on your back waiting to die; or will you stand on your feet and fight like a man, as too many of you are going out on your knees. I have died before, and now I live to fight on my feet as I refuse to go out being buck by anyone.
I spoke about us not having any check and balance when it comes to judges and other political folks, and I was told that we do; it is called voting. The problem with that is we do not vote, and too many of us are dumb voters. We go into the both and just vote blind, we do not read or study about the person that we are going to vote for. We allowed others to tell us whom we should vote for; trust me, your pastor is not the person to tell you who you should be voting for.
Let the church does God's work; open those doors to the poor, and not just to feed them twice a year to make yourself feel good. This is a callout to all black men, be the man that “God” made you out to be. Stand on your feet and stop letting your woman turn you into a she-bitch and fight for not only your family but for all those that look like you. I will offer help to anyone, and it is not one person that can say I would not and have not as I said ‘I AM MY BROTHERS KEEPER!”

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