Sunday, December 15, 2019

Born Day!

Well, it is another year in the books for me as I can look back over 2019 as the Anniversary of my date of being born falls on 12/15 with just 16 days left before we bring in a new year. This year I am going to enjoy my day in Cuba. Many have asked me why Cuba; what is about this place that keeps me coming back.
Well, let me drop some knowledge on many of you as I have been told; Oh, that place is a communists' place, and they do not have a system of justice. They only thing different about Cuba and Cook County is the fact that when they BUCK you, it is in Spanish. Pleases stop thinking that we who live in American are so free and we have so many rights.
I have witnessed, not been told, or read in a book; I witness with my own eyes how the so-called justice system that we think we have is a joke. We have judges that do not follow the rules of law, and they do this because they know that they can get away with it. I was told we have a system of checks and balances in place. Let me be clear; it would take an act of your god to overturn anything a judge does. That is why there are so many innocence black men sitting in jail or who have been put to death. 
A judge who allows perjury in their courtroom; allows forge and fake documents, and you want to tell me, but there was proof. As I have been taught, it is not what you say but what you can prove; well in cook county, that is not true. Well, some will say that we have lawyers that are there to make sure that the judge does their job. Oh yes, lawyers like David Gotzh; he is just like all those public defenders that know their client did nothing, however, tell them to plea just so that they can go home or not get put to death.
This man is a White Nationalist that made it clear, he does not like Nigga’s, and he wishes they would go away. The so-called ARDC and Judicial Board are a Joke, as their only job is to pretend that they are doing a job. We have people in political office who cover their eyes to injustice as it does not get them to a higher position, like Drug Police for the state. I only question will she overlook all the un-justice that will take place in that position as she did in her district?
Do not question my facts as I have the proof to support everything that I speak about, I have it, and the problem is that no one cares. The system we have in place is one that is built on racism and will live off that; as long as it is only black men going and being put to death, their systems work. In Cuba, when they do this to someone, it is not about the skin but the politics. 
I come to Cuba to be Free, kind of fuck up that I must come to a so-called communists place to be a free black man. However, they do not see me as such; they do not judge me or treat me different due to my skin, and some do not even know that I am American; until I open up and speak. I can walk around with the freedom that I will not get stopped for just being black. No shopping while black, cabs do not pass me up due to being black, and I do not get the eating out while black treatment.
You do not have to trust what I say, as I am sure that many of you have been brainwash into the false belief that if it is not in a red, white, and blue flag, it is not right.  Our so-called justice system is set up so that 99 guilty men can go free, just to save that one innocence. Well, that is backward as we kill and lock up 99 innocence just to get that one we think is guilty.
As I said, I am sure that many of you will read this and totally disagree with it; I am sure that some of your work in this system that area to brainwash or enjoy the fact that you can drive that nice car and you are not going to say anything. It has been asked how could slaver in American last longer her than any place before; well comfortable, some too many slaves enjoy having a room in master’s house, being able to eat the scraps from his table. Same Today!

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