Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Endangered Species.

I have to come back to Crook County as I have court on Thursday. I am doing all that I can to hold up the light that so many before me carried; this case is with Menard and the fact that they have a practice of stopping black shoppers and shaking them down for payoff.

The way it was told to me is that Jay (black LP) will target blacks’ folks that come into the store and follow them as he is racial profiling them. This is what he did to me. Now, case law is clear on this, and to prove a case, you must be stopped or accused of shoplifting.

Now, this was done to me, and yet the lawyers are trying to say that I should not be able to argue the case law that I site because I was not searched, and I was allowed to leave. Now, the only reason that I was is that I am not a dumb ass nigga.

Now, when he touches me outside the store, that is assault as he does not have the legal right to touch me at all; and he sure in hell cannot do it outside the store. Next to tell me that I was going to pay for a tool that was on display that I used was a Joke to me.

However, I have been told many stories about this man and what he has been doing to black shoppers. Now stop and frisk only work, due to the playing the odds. As I explain to one of the LP guys, if you stop or watch all Clear folks that come into the store, you will have a high number of cases on them as that is all you target.

It is has been said by some that I look for issues and problems or that I am like glue when it comes to them. Well, I have a father of 3 black boys, and I must fight so that they do not. I have less year ahead, and I am not going to spend them on dumb shit. I do not waste my time on such. I am a black father before I am anything else. It is too bad that too many of you do not get this.

When my time upon this earth comes to an end, I will be happy if the only people that see me off are my children, as I know that I have done the job that I was put on this earth to do. And this is to be the best dad that I can. I don’t care about who else like me or not, as they are the only ones who respect what I want or need.

I am going after CVLS, David Gotzh, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan due to the fact that they have a system in place that is set out to destroy young black boys, and this is something that I cannot live with it.

I do not care what you do in your life or who you hate or dislike; however when you use your powers to hurt young black boys-based solo on race, I have a problem with that.

In American, the biggest problem that we have is race! We see everything from a black and white point of view, and it is and will always be in the fabric of American. I have look David Gotzh in his eyes, and I have seen the devil that he is.  I have talked to him, and I know that he is not a real man and will never be one. A real man does not use women and children; only a punk would do such.

Our ex-slave masters did this; they use the act of breaking a man down before his woman and children to make him less, as the fear of the black man is real. They do not fear black women, as they know she is still a woman and can be controlled. However, the fear of the black man is genuine; that is how you destroy a race of people, you destroy their men.

Sad to say, we (black men) have been destroyed, so much we should be listed as an endangered species.

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