Thursday, December 5, 2019

Private Investigator

I have noticed on the news they have been pushing adoptions and have been showing cases. Now, why is it that there are so many Clear folks’ adoption of young black children?
Now I do not care about this; what gets me is there are too many sisters and brothers that could be doing the same; however, you all want to adopt cats; doges, goats, and anything but a little black child.  Let me be clear we did not attempt to adopt Zion until 2017 because we were told that he would get money for school. Once I was told that was just another DCFS lie; we did the paperwork.
It is a fact that we were in court doing the adoption, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh said to me in my face that they were going to everything in their power to stop it. FACT; the Judge said in court on the record that we should have come to her courtroom, but we were up in the adoption court trying to adopt him. 
I shit you not, and I do not joke about this fact, and it makes me question why? Why did the Judge not want us to adopt Zion? Let see all our children have or will get a degree; none of them have been in jail; they are not going around doing drugs, and Zion was an A student. So, on paper, we were doing a dam good job. It is a fact that the Judge remarks on what a great job we were doing and how she wanted to stop that.
I have been told that I need to move on, or what I should just let this go; WHAT THE FUCK! We had a child taking from us; we had a part of our lives ripped out from under us, and it was solo done because a RACISTS wanted such; I will be dammed or dead before I let this go. I am going to fight with the last breath that I have, and I want to be clear DAVID GOTZH did this, and if you hire him for anything, you are a dam FOOL!
I put my life on the fact that this man fake paperwork in this case; he lied and broke the law and was able to do it because he is a white man, and in Cook County, you can get away with murder if you are. What happens in Cook County would have never happened in the deep woods of Mississippi, as they might hate my black skin, but they will say we are not paying to take care of that black child. These so-called Democrats in this state look at the poor as their voting base.
Keep black folks dumb; on food stamps, depending on the government to take care of them and you build a voting base that you will never lose. Vote Democrat and get link; section 8 housing and never have to work a day in your life. Have many babies and don’t worry about taking care of them as the State will do that (and lock them up to get paid back).
I have seen grown black men talking about passing their section 8 down and how, when they get their money on their link, they are going to eat well. The majority of us would love to get some link; the only difference is that we want it for that come up; they want it to live. I wish one of my children would say to me that they are waiting on their link to eat; or that they are going to move to another state to get them some section 8. Hell no, but Joyce wanted and needed Zion back for this reason, and Davide Gotzh helps her get it.
I have a pended civil case where I am taking CVLS and David Gotzh to court for violating my rights; I have been trying to get a lawyer to take this case; however, I am suing lawyers and not too many want to do it. So, like everything in my life, I must put on my big boys’ shoes and do it myself.
I need to find a private investigator in Ohio and Washington State as I have run into a roadblock getting more information on David Gotzh; if you know, anyone let me know.

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