Friday, November 2, 2018


I want to be clear why I am so dammed passion about Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL< CVLS David Gotzh.
Joyce Never Mail out any notice of the hearing, her motion was not made correctly and she did not send us a copy.
I found out about the case when I was online and look at the case and saw that there was a hearing.
The GAL made a Racist Remark to me during my first or only Two Phone Conversation with him.
He never has called or asks to talk to Danielle.
I did a motion to Dismiss the case back in December 2017; the Judge did not hear my motion; she has not heard one of the motions that I have done in this case.
In January of 2018, we file to Adopt Zion, and I also did a motion to transfer the Probate case into the Adoption case as that is what the Laws call for. The Judge told me NO! She said to me that she did not care what the laws called for.
I did a motion for the Judge to remover herself from the case due to bias (this is a motion that MUST have a hearing); she put me out of her courtroom and told me that she was not going to hear anything from me.
The hearing that was had on May 18th, 2018 I told the Judge on May 14th as I found out about the hearing on May 9th, 2018 from the Adoption Judge… The GAL and Judge in the Probate case lied to the Adoption Judge and told her that I kept the adoption hearing from them.
In My Judicial Complaint and the one to ARDC I spoke about how on February 21st, 2018 the Judge and GAL both said to me that they were going to stop the Adoption as they did not want us to adopt Zion.
The GAL and CVLS have filed 25 motions to stop something that I file in this case or to get my appeals dismissed. Joyce has filed nothing. Not one motion. They have been working as her lawyer. FACT, IN this case, they are not and should not be acting as a lawyer as they are only GAL, not the lawyer for anyone.
Danielle has been the legal guardian since 2007 and the Judge and GAL both said that since she and I are married, she did not need to get noticed because I knew about the case. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said that since you were up in the adoption court trying to take the mother-child from her, you should have come down to my court and file an appearance.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan on July 25th, 2018 let Joyce lie under oath and told me that “she did not care, as she does not trust me.” Her and the GAL both talk about how they did not like me and how I think I am so smart. The GAL made a joke about me being a Muslim in court and the Judge laugh with him on this day as she thought it was funny what he said. The Judge was going to lock me up for the 2nd time because I would not go and make copies of response that I file and mail out and had proof of this fact.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that she could do what she wants because she is the Judge and the Appeals court will not overturn her as they will not take a child back from the birth mother, so she can do what she wants.
Never in the History has a child been removed from the guardians when that child was taken from the mother in the way that it was done in this case. Joyce had been living in an Apt for two months; she had her job for six months and in the past 11 years she has never been with Zion for longer than two hr.
On May 18th, 2018 the Judge let two people come to court and lie for Joyce, she had a hearing with not one of the Guardians there. She knew weeks before that was during the High School gradations for our son, and during my motion to change the Date Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that she did not care, we should have made better arrangement (we did not pick the date the school did).
Last Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL Lawyer David Gotzh said that they did not want Zion to every talk to us as he “might tell us what is going on where he lives.” They both said that he did not need any help or therapy. They both said told Joyce how to apply for food stamps and get a medical card to take care of Zion.
Now, these are just a few of the facts that happen in this case as there are more. So, when I see the killing going on in the city, and I hear anyone talks to me about how? You can only look at his case and understand that there is a system in place in Cook County that is set up to destroy young black boys; it is set up to make sure that more and more of them end up in jail.
‘THE GOALS YOU HAVE FOR HIM IN LIFE MIGHT NOT BE WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM!” This is what Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan Said to me when she said that it was not in the best for Zion to play baseball or go to college. I cannot make this up. This was said to me on 2/21/18 as she set her mind at that point on how she was going to make sure that she destroyed a black child and FACT Chief Judge Evans Knows about all this and he has told me he does not get in the way of his Judges.

I have filed a civil case where I named the Judge, the Chief Judge, and Cook County as defendants.
I have filed a federal case where I named CVLS and Lawyer David Gotzh
I have two cases in the Appeal Court to overturn what was done in this case.
I have done this all by myself with no help, because I am not a fool and I do not walk around with blinders on; Zion is nothing to anyone but My family and me; the courts do not care about him, the birth mother does not care about him, and the world does not care about him. They only care about how much we can or will pay.

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