Friday, November 23, 2018

Hell Freezes Over

As African American's look at the fact that we have been in this land for 300 years come 2019, I have to ask myself, where are we? What Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh did to Zion and my family was and is solo based on Race. Many do not like that I bring this issue up, as they feel that I should be or should have never picked a fight with the Judge. Just think about that, she is the Judge and a God; it was and is her job to look at the facts and rule only on the truth, not her personal feeling about me.
The first week after seeing just who David Gotzh was, A Racist; I asked the Judge to remove him as Zion GAL, and it was too late. He spoke with her before the court date and used his White privilege. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan might be a great nurse, she might be a lot of things, one thing that she is not is a good Judge. She does not understand that when she puts on that robe, it gives her the power to make a life and death decision and from what I have been told she choose death.
Now, does this have to do with the fact that she does not and never will have children? Or does it have to do with the fact that she does not know what she is doing? Now, the safety check should have been the GAL in this case. He should and could have told the Judge that Joyce did not file the correct paperwork, and he did not do this. He was so pissed about the fact that we were going to adopt Zion and I am suing this Judge and CVLS for two reasons.
One is that I want all the money and time back that they cost us, and 2nd I want the TRUTH! I want to know what, why and how this was done and how many times in the past has this been done. I am a man that was born as a Black man, and when I leave this world, it will be as such. So, for me, I love whom and what I am, and I want to help other young men of color so that they never have or give the power of their life to Judges like this one or lawyers like the one in this case.
I do not understand why there were so many in this case that knows what was going on but did not have what it takes to speak up. The Chief Judge; down to the court personally all knew what Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan was doing was wrong, someone said to me after court, that they did not know that David Gotzh was the GAL, he seems like he was the lawyer for Joyce. And this is and was a fact. This gave Joyce legal advice time after time, he reaches out to the people in the Adoption case and lied to them; and once more White Privilege.
I want to make this clear as we look on the 300 years; I am an ALPHA MAN! As such I am going to fight until Hell Freezes over and after I will Fight on the ICE!

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