Saturday, November 10, 2018

The hate you give!

I have laid all of Zion clothes and other stuff out as I was going to take them all and give it away and I said no; I am going to box them all up and keep it for him. I want him to know what was done to him; I want to sit down with him and talk about this as time is not going to be easy, but time waits for no one.
In a year he will be 13, and he can tell the courts and anyone where to go, he can decide that he wants to keep being where he is or not. I am in the higher courts with this case, but I am not dumb, it is going to be hard for me to do the right brief and cite the right laws as we have a system that let Judges do what they want. And the sad part is the sister Judge in the Adoption case could have given us Zion back; however, she did not want to make that call.
So, for me when I see anyone talking about what 45 is doing, I say grow up what is new. Clear folks have been doing what they want and how they want to do it for many years. It is us dumb folk of color that thinks we have rules of laws, or that silly ass saying when they low, we go higher. Now when they go low, we cut their dam legs off.
Stop turning the other cheek; It is so much that I can say about David Gotzh that I know and have found out about him that I can post on social media and it is public information. But unlike him I do not use anyone to fight my battles; so, when he gave out my daughter address to those gang members, I could have posted him out there. When he talks about my house getting foreclosed on, I can post his tax issues. When he talks about me, I can come right back at him.
He did not understand that when you live in a glass house, it is not good to toss rocks at others, as I have said it many times and it is public record, he is the only one that has a member of his family that has killed someone. He thinks that his name calling gets to me, or that I am just that weak of a man that I let him get to me; well he is 100% wrong as I said it many times and I stand by what I say.
If the courts do not overturn what the judge did, we will get Zion back when he gets to the age that he can leave. We have taught Zion right and wrong, and he knows what was done to him was wrong, and he is going to hate the person that did this to him. He is going to hate that person that used him for one reason and only one. Life is hard, and Zion is living a life as he said being poor, but it is the life that Joyce wanted for him.
She is never going to be able to give him the life that he was used to; she is going to take another young black boy and destroy him. So, when I hear anyone talks to me about where are the father at; how come he does not have a dad; Well Zion had a dad, as his sperm giving is unknown. Joyce was on the streets selling ass, and she does not know who gave her the sperm to make Zion. 100% Fact Zion is here today because I did not give Joyce the money to end his life; that is a fact; sorry but he will know about this. We did all that we could to make him into a young man, and that is why I am not going to give any of his stuff away.
His games, his books that he just got as he was going into the stem program. All these things he will be able to look back on and say that it was at this point that Joyce came into his life and turned it upside down. Not out of love, but out of anger that she did not have his life. Family, she does not know anything about family and will never know this. You see the GAL in this case his son and daughter are not going to have to live the life that Zion will; they will see a life that he will not.
Zion left his money, in his bank that will be there when he comes back, the food he likes to eat was left (funny but I am going to toss all that out this weekend); his lunch bag still has his stuff in it. What was done to this young man of color is a crime and it was done for only one reason, the hate for me. I very mad about this, as I read more and more about this judge and how she has done this many times in the past and nothing was done to stop her.
The hate you give does come back to you in one way or another, and in this case, there was a lot of hate

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