Saturday, March 23, 2019


I will not lie; I am tired. It has been one Fuck up year for me, and as of now the Case with Zion is in the hands of First District Appellate Court.
Fact the case will go back down to the lower court; what I do not know is how and under what directions will they send it back down.
This is my first time doing an Appellate Brief, and I can tell you for fact that I know how our courts work, It is not about if you did it, it is not about right or wrong it is about one thing and the only one Did the Judge /Jury do what they did under the guild lines of the law.  To be blunt the court does not care about you and your rights or if you did it or not, did they convict you in the right way.
WOW that is so Muck up; Now, David Gotzh wrote the reply brief for Joyce; Yes, it was for her as he has not done a dam thing in this case for Zion. He could not fight the facts; so, he wrote nine pages of Me and only Me. This man talked about me from start to end, and I will attach that with my other proof that he is a racist that wanted to Lynch me in the courtroom.
You might think this is s joke, but if you read his Brief you have to ask yourself who is running CVLS? I do not know, and that is why all that he did and does it with their blessing. Let me put it this way, A cop locks you up or does something to you that is totally based on the fact that he does not like black men.
So, you go to his boss, and you tell them that they have a cop working for them that does not like blacks’ people. So, they do nothing about it, no they do something, they give him the cop of the month after what he does. So that is what CVLS did with David, and that is why I name them in my federal complaint.
I am going to run an add as soon as I can as I want to find others that know about him, I am going to check in Ohio and his birth home town as it is a Fact a racist does not wake up one day and decide that is what and who they are. No, they are born this way, and I am sure that in this man past he has done what he did to me before.
I hope that I can save just another young black boy from his type. I want to look at CVLS records and see how they are when it comes to race. I am just a mouse, and they will come for me, and I know this, and I am ready for that fight. I hope to get some help from a lawyer with the federal courts.
This was something that I did not look for, and it has cost my family a lot of money and time and pain, I know what is going on with Zion as I have a family that loves to talk about sad shit. Joyce is seeing some new man, she is getting high around him, and he is going from house to house as she does not have time for him.
I wish I could post what David wrote to the courts as I got my copy from someone as guess what he did not send it to us. Yes, once more he said that he was going to mail it out and he did not. Well ARDC lets him get away with this, the Judges like him get away with it, and I just hope that the letter that I sent to the IRS does something.
I do not. Let me say this one more time I DO NOT LIKE RACIST. When they use their powers to hurt Black Children, I am sorry I have a problem with that. I made it clear, hurt me, lock me up in jail; but do not hurt my son. And they told me we are going to hurt you by hurting him and that is what they did. SO, IT IS PERSONAL FOR ME!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Chess not Checkers

Trump will win in 2020 as there is not one person that is running that can beat him. This is a Fact. We have folks in the race that do not have what it takes to take him on. Also, his base that 40% will come out to vote as they want that last seat on the high court.
Let me tell you what I feel about him; I do not care about that wall; I do not care about what he is doing as it does not affect my day to day life. I do not get the link, or any other public anything, do not make enough to care about the tax issue and at this point, if a woman has the right to choose is not my issue to fight.
I am tired, mental just tired as the last year I have been in a fight to save Zion. Some will say save him, from what. He is with his birth mother, so he should be ok. Well, that mindset is why Trump will win. We (blacks) are the reason that we have a trump as we were saying I am not going to vote, or I will not vote for her.
Some want to say that she did not go to the states in the Midwest that she lost; well, she did not have to do as we should have come out to vote anyway. We must stop playing checkers in life and start playing Chess. You all that play chess understand the game; you must be thinking one to three moves ahead. In life what we do today is not about us; it is about the grandchildren we will have.
I see in 6-year Zion is going to be at the age where he is going to be in someone school, someone jail or just another black man walking around doing nothing in life. I was told that he is selling stuff at his school and how he is doing this and how he is ok and happy.
Now, this is based on what? How can someone tell me that he is happy when in the last seven months he has not been able to talk to see the people that he looks at as his family? Selling stuff at school to make money is not something he was or would have been doing. I used to take him with me to do side jobs and teach him how to do them and give him money for doing it.
Chess is a game of life; you teach your young black man how to work and used their hands, and also teach them that education is first. Once more these are skills that many young black boys do not get due to the fact that they do not have real men in their lives. Zion has yet another man in his life; this would be the 6 or 7 that Joyce has brought into his life.
As a young man, he looks and sees his birth mother having all these men come in and out of her bedroom and this gives him the wrong foundation. We do not think about how our actions can play on what our children think. I see the notices going up as baseball is about to kick off and I know this young man will not be playing a sport that he loves.
You see David little boy will play as he has the money to put into him, he will make the time to take him. Many of you do not understand the work and time it takes as a parent to take your child to sports and the cost. Those days of public aid sports are over, where young men could play for free; the average price for baseball is about $600.
Once more Chess is putting him into a sport that helps him think and gives him something to wish for. It kills me when I look at his 10-year life goal, and I have to think how Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh said that was not the right path for a young black boy to take. His path did not have a prison in it, so for them, it was the wrong path.
Once more chess; those that will vote for Trump understand that in the next 4 years we will have one or two opening on the high court and one will end Roe V Wade; 2 will end all the social programs that are in place and will not only get that wall but make us, even more, a police state.
Chess is making it so that a young woman with children can get a nice payday when she does not have a job and does her taxes and gets back about $5k. In her mind that is something to live for, that once a year big check. As she is playing checkers (just as they do with that link they get), she goes out and buys a car, clothes and other items that do nothing for her long term.
So, what does this do to the mindset of this woman? It makes her think that she does not need to work; she does not need a man. Look at the history of public aid and what it did to black women and the black family and tell me that was not a chess move. We were taught when selling life insurance that you have to think 10 to 20 or more years down the line if you want to be good at your job.
You are selling someone a chess game as life insurance is not checkers. It is not about the next week, month or year as it is ten years or more. The company wants you to live ten years or more as that is how they get paid and it is a chance that you will drop that policy. I bet many of you do not know that most policies have a two-year clause when if you die in that first two years they do not have to pay if.
I have taken the time to learn about the court's system and how it is set up like a chess game; the moves you make during court can come back and affect you in the end. The record for this case is stack; it is stack with a record that shows just what was going on as I was able to put in what I needed. I have the Judge complaint; I have the ARDC about David as I was looking down the road to if this case had to make it way up the courts.
I played chess as I came to court and did not say anything, I let David make the racist joke, I never look at him or gave him or that judge any reaction as I did not play the angry black man in court. I knew that what they were doing was wrong and was breaking the law; and when they would fake paperwork or try and slip something into the record, I made sure that I got copies of everything. I have said all the time, in federal court, it is not the crime that gets you, but the lie.
Trump voter are going to play chess in 2020, and they are going to put a man back into office that they might not like, but he is going to give them what they need. We should have done the same thing when too many of us were going around saying that we were not going to vote for her.
Yesterday I did some training as I am about to do more when it comes to elections stuff as we need to get Judges like this one and others off the bench as these judges to affect our day to day life more than anything that is going on in DC. Cops can kill a black man and walk due to chess.
Paint the picture that all black men are big; bad and angry and you can kill them, and no one cares.

Friday, March 15, 2019

White Nationalism

As I look at the news and the killing in New Zealand, it makes me think about the White Nationalism that works for CVLS. I beg the powers that be at CVLS to remove him from Zion case, and he did like most of them do and was to paint me as the angry Black man.
The gal made the Judge think I was the problem; he did not have to work that hard to convince her or CVLS as they looked at me and said I was a black man and that in itself is terrible.
Now I took my feeling to the Chief Judge Evans and the ARDC and CVLS board, and all three just put their heads into the sand and did nothing. White Nationalism or racism itself can grow and strive when others do as those three did, and that is to say and do nothing.
There was no reason for that GAL to tell me about his German Background and he can lie about these facts all he wants but have the Email that I sent talking about what he said to me right after I got off the phone with him. I do not have to lie; I beg these group to just removed him and let the legal process play out. However, that is not the case as we all love to see the fire after it starts and does little to keep them out beforehand.
When he talks about how young men of color are gangbanger should have been a red flag; however, once more he was just talking young boys of color. We do nothing to stop people like him as this is normal. We have got to the point where we feel nothing, and we all think that people like him will not affect us; that until one of them shot and kills 49 or more.
Time after time I had to stand in a courtroom as he made Muslim jokes and the Judge just laugh as to her, there were funny. It makes me so mad as if he had said something that was toward a Jewish or gay person more would have been done. I know this for a fact; as the proof is in the record that I hope to get my hands on.
What can we do to bring an end to racism in American? Nothing as it will never go away and for many, they do not want it to. Fact is becoming a browner society and those Like David do not want to give up power. So, they will keep destroying young black, and brown babies as that are the only way they can see staying in power.

The KKK does not walk around in white sheets or do they talk about their hate like they use to; Now they are lawyers; gal, judges and any and all another job. The Dr. that pulls your teeth the buy that helps you bag up your bad; the gal who talks about young black boys and class them want to be gangbanger thug. Yes all of them an be a member of the Klan or share their views as the rise of White Nationalism is on the upraise as more and more David can walk around doing what they do best; lynching young black boys.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Jail or Grave; Where Black men End up at.

We want to say that in 2006 when we took Zion into our house, it was to keep him from going into DCFS; as they have a history of destroying young black males.  I can recall a phone conversation with the ex-head of DCFS, and how he told me over the phone that it was the fault of African-American that so many children of color were being placed into DCFS. He wanted to tell me how we as parents should allow our children to be and do what they want to sum up the conversation. It was after that it came to me that the problem with DCFS is not the workers; however, it is the person over them.
Well, I will not waste your time as I am sure that you are sick of getting anything from me; as I know, it is nothing anyone can do. We walk around with our heads in the sand saying that our hands are tied, and next we question what we can do with the issue we are having when it comes to young black and brown children as the young White ones do not have to worry about facing a justice system that bases all it decision on race.
I want you to say that If I go into the Federal or any courthouse and file a civil case on you and do not send you a copy of this complaint would that be just? Now, not only do I file one on you; however, I also name your spouse into the complaint and do not send them anything, would that be just? As such you read about the case online, and you are shocked and you do as most would do; you go to court, and you ask the court to damsel the case.
Now, the judge does not do that, they issue order after order, and they have someone to come into the case that tells you that your race of people is lazy as they do not understand time. Now, this person justifies the fact that you and your spouse were not giving notice as now I have been awarded a million dollars that you have to pay me.
So, when you go to court to have this judgment removed the Judge tells you that she is not going to do that as you were in the courthouse on something else so you should have just come to her court. Or that she does not like you, so she is not going to vacate the judgment. To top that off the person that came into a case to guild the case tells you; that you and your spouse are not like McDonald's and Burgan King as such, you are one and do not need notice.
Now, these are some of the things that were said on 10/10/18 In this case, and I have the transcript to prove this. Now the GAL wants to keep them out of the hands of the appellate court as they go to show just how bias this Judge and Gal were. The sad part about this is the little boy who has to now live over east on 78th right in the middle of a shooting gallery.
I said that we get what we get when it comes to the killing in the city as we have a system that is set up to make sure that young black males end up in two places; Jail or Graves. The sad part to me is that most of the head office in Cook County is run by someone that looks like me and those that look like me are still catching hell.
The City of Chicago will have for the first time an African-American woman running city hall, and I say to myself what will change from all the others that have run it, and that answer is Nothing! People that look like me are still going to be locked up or killed at a high rate. Little black boys like Zion will still be living in homes where drug use is the normal and as I have been told they have to hustle to make it. 
So, for me, I say you can keep symbolism of having someone that looks like me in charge and just give me someone that cares.  Do you ask what you can do? Make sure this story gets out, so we do not have more Zion’s.

We cannot have Justice as long as we have unjust Judges sitting in the courts. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Race over Right!

This is the life; OMG being on a boat running and fishing is how you get the big ones. As you cannot get them by standing still, you have to run... I miss this so much... Folks do not get how our lives stop, how we have invested so much money and time into the case with Zion.
I made my Uncle a promise that I was not going to let his Sick Granddaughter destroy him. David Gotzh got into bed with a sick person, a person that left a 1-month old baby in a house with drug dealers, she took a one money old baby out in the cold to jump some girl.
I can go on and on with the stories of how Zion came into our lives, and I do not lie about the fact that I was not on board with this. When Danny asked me about adoption and child, Joyce soon to be child as she did not want him, and I would not give her money to end him. I told her NO...
And one day in December of 2006 I came home, and he was there, and it seems that from that day on he never left until Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan allowed a racist to get into her head. Now the power that a GAL has in the case needs to be understood as some will say that she was the Judge.
It was some years ago a Judge gave a child back to the mom, and the mom killed that child, and since that point, it was and is about how to place the blame on someone else. So that is when the weight of the GAL became like God. I ask CVLS to take him off this case a year ago as I knew that he was a racist and I found out that he was going to used Zion to hurt me.
I can tell you that if that man were a Real man, he would have lace up the gloves and came after me as he told me back in February of 2018, he and I will meet man to man. The funny thing is that when he met me, he understood that I was not some small punk that he was going to buck and at that point, he knew he was not going to Buck me, so he turned in on Zion.
When they did their best to lock me up for anything; if I was late to court, they wanted to lock me up. If I did not stand there and look the Judge in her eyes, they wanted to lock me up. They wanted to lock me up because I would not make copies of a reply motion for Joyce and him. As I had done it before, and they lied about getting it.
I can tell you all some stories as there is always to sides to everything and in this case, it is the same. The only difference is that I have a word for word the transcripts from the hearings. I have a recording of Joyce talking on the phone about her lawyer and how they are going to set me up. I have a recording from Jamail and her husband about coming to court and telling lies for Joyce and how she is going to have to stick with the lie or make up another lie.
But CVLS and I are in court now fighting on should all these items go into the record as they do not want them enter. The Lawyers whom job it is to do what is best for Zion do not want the transcript from the hearing added to the record, and it is a reason for this. I told the lady that runs CVLS to her face what was told to me, and she just looks like a deer in the lights and told me to tell it to the judge.
Miss, you run CVLS, it was your job to tell the Judge lets to have a hearing on this; You put your hand up and said that you were going to be a lawyer in this state, you took an oath to do what was best for those who do not have a voice and you stood there and said nothing as it was about lets get this Nigga.
You choose race, over right, you turn your back on justice for Zion as David told you in court, do not listen to me as I do not know what I am talking about. Yes, so you took the word over a racist over doing what was best for Zion. So, for me, I do not see you as the person that I was told you were.
Our past lawyer talked about you and what a great job you do for CVLS and how you love your job; well during slavery there were a lot of good folks that stood there as black folks were lynched and they said nothing. You knew this Judge was not right for that courtroom, but hey she was only destroying young black, and brown babies and Master use to feed them to the dogs during slavery.

We do not have a Justice system for black folks, and we need to wake up and stop with the game that we do. We have just us, and it has been there way since we came to this land in the belly of the beast. Sad to same we still have some that walk and talk and look just like up, but they do not think like us, and Chief Judge Evans is one!

Saturday, March 2, 2019


“Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan was found not qualified by the CBA.” 
“Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan said Schaefer and Mack weren't properly notified about the hearing, and she had no authority to make decisions regarding the child's future.”
How on 10/10/18 she ruled that Daniele was giving notice because she was on another floor trying to adopt Zion….
For one year I have been talking about this Judge, and I paid over $1200 for the transcripts in this hearing just to show that what I have been talking about is 100% the FACT. Now, they want to keep my death and mute. As CVLS by way of David Gotzh has filed a motion asking the Appellate court to bar me from being able to add the transcript to the record.
He is saying that it will be prejudiced to Zion. That is 100% right he is saying as Zion GAL that he does not want to truth to come out. SO, I am sorry when I talk about how we do not have a justice system we just have a system that is made to lock up black and brown folk that is in fact run by black and brown folks.
Chief Judge Evans placed her in Probate court to destroy the life of Black and Brown babies. She needs to be removed from the Bench, and he needs to step down as he has only found those Black and Brown Judges to have done wrong in Cook County and will sit one of them down in a beat of a heart.
Cook County is broke, and we have too many issues to fix, and it will not change in my lifetime or my children. What I do know is that each day a black person is judicial lynch in Cook County, and it is by the hand of judges like this. And CVLS helps to bring them to the lynching block.
So, for me, I am dammed both ways. What David Gotzh did in the courtroom was only able to take place due to other lawyers and courthouse deputies and not one of them would report him or that judge; NOT ONE.
The GAL who talk about how he was here to help and do what was right for Zion compare him to a hamburger; he compares this little black boy to meat. “My position in terms of arguing prejudice, prejudice in terms of service is not like how bad somebody if feels but whether the prejudice prevented somebody from being able to go before the Court and argue or do something. By way of illustration, if somebody was suing like McDonalds and Burger King, granted they both serve hamburgers but they're separate companies and certainly notice to both would probably be appropriate but in this case, we have a unity of interest of sorts. They're married. They're together”
The court does not care about Zion or if his or our right; all they care about was did the Judge do in right step with the laws. It is not about Justice as we have no justice systems, it is about the fact that they can kill a person; as long as they kill them in line with the laws. If the law says used a grey rope, and you use a red that is not right; but as long as you use a grey rope that is cool
I am not dumb, as this case was about race and it was about race from the start. David Gotzh could tell all the black jokes that he wants as he knew that CVLS and ARDC were not going to give a hoot about that. Had he told me about his German background and told a Jewish joke; he would never practice law. Why is it that people of color are not respected? I want to know what a lawyer has to do in this state to have ARDC look into their actions (besides being a black lawyer).
Same as a Judge; what does a Cook County Judge have to do or say for Chief Judge Evans to do anything; as it seems that if you are a Judge of color the rules are not the same. As in this case, I did what they tell you to do, right outside each courtroom; you reported Judges that cross the line. Well, I did that, and she got her revenge on me by making sure she hurt the one person in my life that she could.
I have to go and prove that Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan not only rewrote the laws; I have to show that what she did affect the case. The GAL is moot as I said it back on February 20, 2018, being a racist and a lawyer does not stop you from being a lawyer with CVLS. You can bring that racism into the case and it does not stop CVLS, the only way to stop the behavior that breeds in CVLS that promotes lawyer like him is to sue them in federal court and I have done that as ARDC, and IL AG office will never do anything.

Friday, March 1, 2019

CVLS are Priest in the Hood!

Let me make this 100% Clear; this case was never about Zion, it was about the fact that White Racist got upset about the fact that he wanted to talk to me as if I was back in 1930’s Nazi Germany.
I am sorry David Gotzh (he drops his full German name); as I am not your boy, negro or the gang banger thugs that you talk about on your facebook page and CVLS you put yourself into bed with this man. I told CVLS back in March of 2018 what type of man he was, and they stood with him, and it was for that reason I was forced to go to Federal Court.
I am not going to get any justice in Cook County Courts as it has become a rubber stamp to racism that is run by a man of color that knows first hand about all the actions that go on there. And we talk about voting and how we need our votes to court; well start with the Judges that sit on the Bench. The President cannot affect your day to day life as much as these judges can; however, you seem to rubber stamp them into office. As I said and I will keep saying Vote NO to all of them.
Well, on the last day of Black History I got this letter in the mail were CVLS and David Gotzh who are the GAL for Zion our objection to the transcripts that we had to pay for to be admitted to the record. That is right; they do not want the appellate court to read what was said. They do not want to them to hear about how David whom is a lawyer in the State of Ill lied under oath; they do not want the high court to hear about the fact that Joyce lied and the Judge and Davide said they did not care due to the fact that they did not like me.
This Racist does not want it to get out how he talks about me, and he used this court to have me, Lynch. As you can read, he cites all type of case law why they should not be added; this is the same man that said service was done by reading about a case. Or get this; service was done due to the fact that your spouse read about it; so, you know about it. This is the man that said he did not want Zion to tell us about the drugs, gangs and all other issues going on where he lives.
This man asks the court to put in an order that Zion should not call us; he told Danny that is she could get out of her life she might be able to see Zion. This is the man that gave A document member of “GDs” my daughter address and this cause Joyce to drive downstate with some and camp out at my daughters apt.
This is the same that taught Joyce how to lie and fake paperwork in this case as he did the same; if you go back to my post you will see on May 14, 2018, I talk about how the Judge asks him did he take care of that, and he said that he was going to do it; What he was talking about was putting into the recorded a notice that he said he mailed out to try and cover up the fact that Joyce never mailed out service. So, on May 16, 2018, he put a notice saying that he did, and he did not mail out anything.
They did not count on me not being one of the dumb ones; I do not; let me say this. I DO NOT like it when a racist used their power to hurt little black children. A man will fight you man to me, but a racist will use your children to hurt you. I do not know or let me say that I did not know that much about the history of CVLS, but after this case, I will do a Thesis into them and David Gotzh.
I want to know each and every person that he has work for, I will look into his life so much that I want to know what high school he attends as let me tell you the way this man talked to me,  tells me that he did not learn how to be a racist by moving to In or living in Ohio; no that was something  that was taught to him back in Washington State.
So, if CVLS was about the truth and they were doing what was in the Best of Zion, they would have pulled this man off this case before he got to put him 666 into it. However now they are married to this man and all his racist and I might be one man, but I am going to make sure that any and all know about him and CVLS.  How many other little black children have they destroy and how come Cook County has an account with them? They are the go too for GAL in the Cook County Courts and only Cook County I want to know why.
You want to say that I am the issue in this case, well I say just read the record; as the record does not lie; and I have read it, and I know it like the back of my hand. So, I had to stop what I was doing to file something as I keep telling them I am not dumb; play this game as I am ready to go right upstairs with this case (that is the High Court in IL). Fact and all they will look at is the record from this court, and that is why when he files some BS I have to answer it, as there needs to be an answer on the record.
Joyce had to file nothing in this case; not one anything. She has not even done a notice as she thinks in her mind that CVLS and the GAL work for her. I have a tape recording where she talks about her dealing with David that Judge would not let me play. But you better know that I am going to show it in the FED case; I want to see all the emails that were sent by those working at CVLS, and I have been approved to get a lawyer. I have sent all that I have to the new AG and new Governor as I want to make sure that they do not destroy anymore black and brown babies in Cook County.
David, you do not like black people, and I want to ask you why do you not go back to Ind and work there; well we both know why that is. You cannot go where you are not welcome, and after all, there are not that many children that you can destroy. So, as I keep saying this case is not about Zion, it is and has been about me and the proof is in the record.