I am sorry David Gotzh (he drops his full German name); as I am not your boy, negro or the gang banger thugs that you talk about on your facebook page and CVLS you put yourself into bed with this man. I told CVLS back in March of 2018 what type of man he was, and they stood with him, and it was for that reason I was forced to go to Federal Court.
I am not going to get any justice in Cook County Courts as it has become a rubber stamp to racism that is run by a man of color that knows first hand about all the actions that go on there. And we talk about voting and how we need our votes to court; well start with the Judges that sit on the Bench. The President cannot affect your day to day life as much as these judges can; however, you seem to rubber stamp them into office. As I said and I will keep saying Vote NO to all of them.
Well, on the last day of Black History I got this letter in the mail were CVLS and David Gotzh who are the GAL for Zion our objection to the transcripts that we had to pay for to be admitted to the record. That is right; they do not want the appellate court to read what was said. They do not want to them to hear about how David whom is a lawyer in the State of Ill lied under oath; they do not want the high court to hear about the fact that Joyce lied and the Judge and Davide said they did not care due to the fact that they did not like me.
This Racist does not want it to get out how he talks about me, and he used this court to have me, Lynch. As you can read, he cites all type of case law why they should not be added; this is the same man that said service was done by reading about a case. Or get this; service was done due to the fact that your spouse read about it; so, you know about it. This is the man that said he did not want Zion to tell us about the drugs, gangs and all other issues going on where he lives.
This man asks the court to put in an order that Zion should not call us; he told Danny that is she could get out of her life she might be able to see Zion. This is the man that gave A document member of “GDs” my daughter address and this cause Joyce to drive downstate with some and camp out at my daughters apt.
This is the same that taught Joyce how to lie and fake paperwork in this case as he did the same; if you go back to my post you will see on May 14, 2018, I talk about how the Judge asks him did he take care of that, and he said that he was going to do it; What he was talking about was putting into the recorded a notice that he said he mailed out to try and cover up the fact that Joyce never mailed out service. So, on May 16, 2018, he put a notice saying that he did, and he did not mail out anything.
They did not count on me not being one of the dumb ones; I do not; let me say this. I DO NOT like it when a racist used their power to hurt little black children. A man will fight you man to me, but a racist will use your children to hurt you. I do not know or let me say that I did not know that much about the history of CVLS, but after this case, I will do a Thesis into them and David Gotzh.
I want to know each and every person that he has work for, I will look into his life so much that I want to know what high school he attends as let me tell you the way this man talked to me, tells me that he did not learn how to be a racist by moving to In or living in Ohio; no that was something that was taught to him back in Washington State.
So, if CVLS was about the truth and they were doing what was in the Best of Zion, they would have pulled this man off this case before he got to put him 666 into it. However now they are married to this man and all his racist and I might be one man, but I am going to make sure that any and all know about him and CVLS. How many other little black children have they destroy and how come Cook County has an account with them? They are the go too for GAL in the Cook County Courts and only Cook County I want to know why.
You want to say that I am the issue in this case, well I say just read the record; as the record does not lie; and I have read it, and I know it like the back of my hand. So, I had to stop what I was doing to file something as I keep telling them I am not dumb; play this game as I am ready to go right upstairs with this case (that is the High Court in IL). Fact and all they will look at is the record from this court, and that is why when he files some BS I have to answer it, as there needs to be an answer on the record.
Joyce had to file nothing in this case; not one anything. She has not even done a notice as she thinks in her mind that CVLS and the GAL work for her. I have a tape recording where she talks about her dealing with David that Judge would not let me play. But you better know that I am going to show it in the FED case; I want to see all the emails that were sent by those working at CVLS, and I have been approved to get a lawyer. I have sent all that I have to the new AG and new Governor as I want to make sure that they do not destroy anymore black and brown babies in Cook County.
David, you do not like black people, and I want to ask you why do you not go back to Ind and work there; well we both know why that is. You cannot go where you are not welcome, and after all, there are not that many children that you can destroy. So, as I keep saying this case is not about Zion, it is and has been about me and the proof is in the record.
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