Friday, March 15, 2019

White Nationalism

As I look at the news and the killing in New Zealand, it makes me think about the White Nationalism that works for CVLS. I beg the powers that be at CVLS to remove him from Zion case, and he did like most of them do and was to paint me as the angry Black man.
The gal made the Judge think I was the problem; he did not have to work that hard to convince her or CVLS as they looked at me and said I was a black man and that in itself is terrible.
Now I took my feeling to the Chief Judge Evans and the ARDC and CVLS board, and all three just put their heads into the sand and did nothing. White Nationalism or racism itself can grow and strive when others do as those three did, and that is to say and do nothing.
There was no reason for that GAL to tell me about his German Background and he can lie about these facts all he wants but have the Email that I sent talking about what he said to me right after I got off the phone with him. I do not have to lie; I beg these group to just removed him and let the legal process play out. However, that is not the case as we all love to see the fire after it starts and does little to keep them out beforehand.
When he talks about how young men of color are gangbanger should have been a red flag; however, once more he was just talking young boys of color. We do nothing to stop people like him as this is normal. We have got to the point where we feel nothing, and we all think that people like him will not affect us; that until one of them shot and kills 49 or more.
Time after time I had to stand in a courtroom as he made Muslim jokes and the Judge just laugh as to her, there were funny. It makes me so mad as if he had said something that was toward a Jewish or gay person more would have been done. I know this for a fact; as the proof is in the record that I hope to get my hands on.
What can we do to bring an end to racism in American? Nothing as it will never go away and for many, they do not want it to. Fact is becoming a browner society and those Like David do not want to give up power. So, they will keep destroying young black, and brown babies as that are the only way they can see staying in power.

The KKK does not walk around in white sheets or do they talk about their hate like they use to; Now they are lawyers; gal, judges and any and all another job. The Dr. that pulls your teeth the buy that helps you bag up your bad; the gal who talks about young black boys and class them want to be gangbanger thug. Yes all of them an be a member of the Klan or share their views as the rise of White Nationalism is on the upraise as more and more David can walk around doing what they do best; lynching young black boys.

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