Trump will win in 2020 as there is not one person that is running that can beat him. This is a Fact. We have folks in the race that do not have what it takes to take him on. Also, his base that 40% will come out to vote as they want that last seat on the high court.
Let me tell you what I feel about him; I do not care about that wall; I do not care about what he is doing as it does not affect my day to day life. I do not get the link, or any other public anything, do not make enough to care about the tax issue and at this point, if a woman has the right to choose is not my issue to fight.
I am tired, mental just tired as the last year I have been in a fight to save Zion. Some will say save him, from what. He is with his birth mother, so he should be ok. Well, that mindset is why Trump will win. We (blacks) are the reason that we have a trump as we were saying I am not going to vote, or I will not vote for her.
Some want to say that she did not go to the states in the Midwest that she lost; well, she did not have to do as we should have come out to vote anyway. We must stop playing checkers in life and start playing Chess. You all that play chess understand the game; you must be thinking one to three moves ahead. In life what we do today is not about us; it is about the grandchildren we will have.
I see in 6-year Zion is going to be at the age where he is going to be in someone school, someone jail or just another black man walking around doing nothing in life. I was told that he is selling stuff at his school and how he is doing this and how he is ok and happy.
Now, this is based on what? How can someone tell me that he is happy when in the last seven months he has not been able to talk to see the people that he looks at as his family? Selling stuff at school to make money is not something he was or would have been doing. I used to take him with me to do side jobs and teach him how to do them and give him money for doing it.
Chess is a game of life; you teach your young black man how to work and used their hands, and also teach them that education is first. Once more these are skills that many young black boys do not get due to the fact that they do not have real men in their lives. Zion has yet another man in his life; this would be the 6 or 7 that Joyce has brought into his life.
As a young man, he looks and sees his birth mother having all these men come in and out of her bedroom and this gives him the wrong foundation. We do not think about how our actions can play on what our children think. I see the notices going up as baseball is about to kick off and I know this young man will not be playing a sport that he loves.
You see David little boy will play as he has the money to put into him, he will make the time to take him. Many of you do not understand the work and time it takes as a parent to take your child to sports and the cost. Those days of public aid sports are over, where young men could play for free; the average price for baseball is about $600.
Once more Chess is putting him into a sport that helps him think and gives him something to wish for. It kills me when I look at his 10-year life goal, and I have to think how Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and David Gotzh said that was not the right path for a young black boy to take. His path did not have a prison in it, so for them, it was the wrong path.
Once more chess; those that will vote for Trump understand that in the next 4 years we will have one or two opening on the high court and one will end Roe V Wade; 2 will end all the social programs that are in place and will not only get that wall but make us, even more, a police state.
Chess is making it so that a young woman with children can get a nice payday when she does not have a job and does her taxes and gets back about $5k. In her mind that is something to live for, that once a year big check. As she is playing checkers (just as they do with that link they get), she goes out and buys a car, clothes and other items that do nothing for her long term.
So, what does this do to the mindset of this woman? It makes her think that she does not need to work; she does not need a man. Look at the history of public aid and what it did to black women and the black family and tell me that was not a chess move. We were taught when selling life insurance that you have to think 10 to 20 or more years down the line if you want to be good at your job.
You are selling someone a chess game as life insurance is not checkers. It is not about the next week, month or year as it is ten years or more. The company wants you to live ten years or more as that is how they get paid and it is a chance that you will drop that policy. I bet many of you do not know that most policies have a two-year clause when if you die in that first two years they do not have to pay if.
I have taken the time to learn about the court's system and how it is set up like a chess game; the moves you make during court can come back and affect you in the end. The record for this case is stack; it is stack with a record that shows just what was going on as I was able to put in what I needed. I have the Judge complaint; I have the ARDC about David as I was looking down the road to if this case had to make it way up the courts.
I played chess as I came to court and did not say anything, I let David make the racist joke, I never look at him or gave him or that judge any reaction as I did not play the angry black man in court. I knew that what they were doing was wrong and was breaking the law; and when they would fake paperwork or try and slip something into the record, I made sure that I got copies of everything. I have said all the time, in federal court, it is not the crime that gets you, but the lie.
Trump voter are going to play chess in 2020, and they are going to put a man back into office that they might not like, but he is going to give them what they need. We should have done the same thing when too many of us were going around saying that we were not going to vote for her.
Yesterday I did some training as I am about to do more when it comes to elections stuff as we need to get Judges like this one and others off the bench as these judges to affect our day to day life more than anything that is going on in DC. Cops can kill a black man and walk due to chess.
Paint the picture that all black men are big; bad and angry and you can kill them, and no one cares.
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