Thursday, July 18, 2019

Black Family Separation

Can I ask about Black family separations? As I look at news, as read the feeds, I ask myself what about this, as I was just awoken from a dream; one that I have too many times. It is one where I am talking to Zion and telling him that I will pick up him at 12. You see it is going on a year since we last spoke, it is going on a year since we last saw him and you all want to talk about separation at the broader.

I do not see the so-called black news media, politician, or anyone talking about black family septations that go on each day right there in cook county. I have personally called every one of those so-called black politicians. My state Senator; I have been in her office talking about this story as she walks in and pretends not to notice me. After all, this story does not get her any new votes.
I have sent a letter to all that say that they are working in these streets to uplift black family, but that is a joke as that does not make or sell the news. The black vote is in the bag; the black support is paid in full; why would anyone want to do anything to gain the support of those that have already?

I laugh when I read that some want to call this President the most racist President in history; well, that person is not a history major. We have had some that have right out own slaves; Lincoln was not the saver to slaves, he did not care about them and besides what you have been taught he did nothing to free them and could have cared less about their freedom.

Racist, I would take a tweet from this one about Zion, I would take the help from the devil himself if it would help us get Zion back. Get this in your heads; Zion was removed from our care for one reason and only one, David Gotzh wanted to teach a nigga a lesson, he wanted to show me that he could hurt me, he wanted to teach me to stay in my place. This is the reason why I cannot sleep; I cannot sleep because I have lived black family separations.

I was once asked by my so-called black state Senators office; what can she do? Well, she writes the laws if I am correct, she works for the people if I can correct, so if there are laws on the books that say the courts should be doing what is in the best for the child; and there are judges that are not doing that would that be something that falls under her? Oh, let me not forget she does not work for the people that look like her, as they are going to vote for her anyway.

Yes, I am that type of mad, I am so dammed sick of these so-called come to church folks; those are the ones that only come to the church to get blacks out to vote. You want to talk about freedom; the slave does not care what color, sex, or anything about the person that helps to end their slaver. All the slave cares about is the fact that they are free.

I am in a land where some want to talk about how the government here treats their people; I come from a land where the government takes children away from their people because of races! Zion was taken from us by Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan; as she said for only one reason; to teach a Nigga a lesson.  To her, CVLS, David and all in cook county, I am just a nigga to them. I have no rights; I have no voice, and I sure in hell did not have any support.

You said we have a court made up of laws; I said tell me another joke. Laws, we have no dam laws, we have words on paper that do not hold any weight. Black folks have been getting lynch thought-out time with laws on the books. They gave us the right to vote; when the majority of us do not use it. They gave us the right to eat, sleep, and spend all our money with them because they knew we would stop supporting each other.

I get to the point where I am just sick of debating issues with many of my own that are not up for debate; studies show that black homeownership is down. And there are going to be some black folks that tell me that is not true; based on what facts I ask them; I know a lot of black folks that own homes.  Once more the un-educated, you do not know all black folks, and this is true as many of them that say they own that house are renting it, as it is a fact that also the black family is down, how can we have a black family when we do not have black folks getting married?

I have so many fights that I need and want to be doing, and I hate that I must fight to save my son from the streets. Yes, he is our son; to this day, he stills calls us mom and dad. Joyce can beat him, she can brainwash him, she can do all that she wants to try and erase that from him, but time will end that. In time Zion and I will sit down and have that father and son talk, and he will see that I never gave up, he will see that I took this fight all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. I am in the Illinois Supreme Court and if I get one where I am going all the way UP!

Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan discharge us as his legal guardians without having legal jurisdiction over us; as we were never giving service. Not one time did Joyce attempt to get service, and David knows this and CVLS knew this, and they both tried to cover it up, and if they did it in this case, I could only guess how many times before they have done such.

It is 4 am, and I am about to get up and go for a walk, I can walk and not worry about getting shot, stab or rob and that is by the police; let alone by someone in the streets. I have read so many stories about how bad this place is, and I can only say that those stories are the same ones that say a black person has rights in the USA.

So, when you want to post about family separation at the border, may I ask you; what about Black family Separation right in Cook County Probate Courts? How about posting this story, how about saying Zion name, how about taking care of home first? 
I keep telling you all that Trump will win in 2020 because he knows the words to use; he talks about taking care of home; he talks about the issue that middle White American can feel and see, and they might not be exact, but they do not need to be; all he has to do is talk about them.

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