Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Race, Revenge, Like, and Love

Race, Revenge, Like, and Love; this is what Zion case is about.

As it goes, we have not seen or talked to Zion in over a year; and the reason for that it simple race, revenge, like and love.  CVLS David Gotzh was Zion Gal, and he had one duty and only one that is the no adversarial positions of GAL or child representative carry responsibilities every bit as heavy as the adversarial duties of the attorneys for any of the parties. GALs are to act as investigators. They must interview the children and the parties, make recommendations in the children's best interest - including, often, a custody recommendation - and testify or submit a written report as to those recommendations. 750 ILCS 5/506(a)(2).

The very first conversation with David Gotzh, he let me know that he was a racist, he let me know that he was lazy, he told me that his only job to was to do nothing and Zion best interest was not his concern. Now, since that point, he had taken one side and that is the side or race and revenge; he wanted to do all that he could to put me in my place and get revenge for that ARDC complaint.

Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan did not have a view or show any bias in this case until she had a conversation with David Gotzh. I do not know what was said to her; what I do know is that on 2/21/18 she was in court talking about how going to school, playing baseball and all that plans that Zion had mapped out for his life might not be what was best for him. She said that adopting a child that we had for 12 years was not in his best interstate, and she would do all that she could not let this happen.

Now, after I reported her actions to the Judicial Board, this case was only about revenged. As a cook county judge, her ruling was not within step with the laws. She never had legal judications over the parties, and she said she did not care as this case was about putting a black man who thinks he is smart into his place. Let be honest as some will say that is why we have a higher court; to review what judges do. That is a LIE. We have a higher court to rubber stamp what Judges do, and that gives them the privilege to do it.

For Joyce this case was simple about like; she likes the fact that she was able to get a link card; that she applied for the very first day she got Zion back; the first things she did was on June 1, 2018, was to go and apply for link. She likes the fact that she was able to get housing, she applied for this before she got Zion as he put in for Section 8 in other states before she even had Zion. The fact is she did this right after she was evicted from her last apt; David Gotzh helps her apply for a link, section 8, and other state-funded resources.

If Joyce loved Zion, she would have never mental destroy him; if she loved Zion, she would not be keeping him from seeing or calling the only family that he has known his who life. Zion will be 13 in one month, and I gave him my word that I would never stop fighting for him, and when he gets of age, he can leave on his own. As a child, we do as we are told; but once we understand what, we are being told, it is not right we do what is in our hearts. 

The love we have Zion is why we fight, the love that we have Zion is why we do what we do. We had a baby and raised him into a young man, and it kills me to see all these so-called political people talking about how our government is destroying children at the border; what about the ones like Zion we are destroying right at home?

Zion case was and is about race, revenge, like, and love; I have said that this case is in the courts as we fight more lies; the First Dist. Appellant Court believed the lie that David and CVLS told them. They have submitted doctors paperwork to the court, and all I could do was point out to the court what they did. However, as lawyers, my word is not gold; as such, I am in civil
court to get these facts out.

However, I ask of each and all to speak his name Zion; to read about this case, to investigate the facts of this case and tell me that we do not need laws to protect those right here.
We ask why was over 60 people shot over the 4th of July; well, that is because we have a system in Cook County that does not show our children Love!   

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