Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My Word is MY Bond

I just receive a copy of CVLS Appellee Brief in Zion case, and they did just as I felt they would, and that was to make it 90% about me.  (They are trying to defend what was done with Zion by producing A Fraud Document as their Proof, as I knew they would)
The reason that I am suing CVLS and David is due to the fact that when you allowed races to become the main factory into a case, that deals with the life and death of a child you need to remove yourself from that case.
CVLS knew firsthand about this, and they choose to do nothing, what they did was to praise him, give him GAL of the month. For what? Trying to destroy the life of yet another child of Color. I am so sick of these so-called liberals with their heads in the sand. They feel just because they give poor people food to eat that helps them.
Do not give a man food to eat; teach him how to feed himself as that is how that man can grow. We give out link to keep people in a slave mindset. Why work, why go to school we can get link and do nothing. This cycle never stops, and the saying that you have welfare babies to grow to become welfare adults is all so true.
I see it each day that I go to the building as I have to pass by the local police station and I ask myself how is it that we only make up 12% of total U.S. population; however, it seem as if we are the majority ones that are in need.  What happens to the black family that we use to know? Natural public aid came into the family and destroyed it.
CVLS proud itself of doing good for the poor, Ya see how well that is working. They have done to the poor people the same thing that the Catholic Church has done; Nothing.  Cook County needs to ban them from receiving any state funds until they have been audit. I know that they talk about how they are for the poor and they have a large number of lawyers that work hard; however, they have many David’s in their mist.
One bad apple does what to the crop? He wants to say that he cannot be a racist due to the fact that Zion, is the same race as I. WHAT? You destroy a child and compare his life to that of a burger. You talk about how this child was conceived of RAPE; when that is a lie.  You help to take a child that had his life in order, and you gave him a disorder and said that was for the best.
I hope what you did to him, comes back to you 20-fold; you watch as your own grow up to get hook on drugs. Heroin is making its way through your city like wildfire. You think that you are living in a bubble when you can come into the City and pat the poor little black children on the head and run back to your little towns and say I am glad those people do not live here.
Yes, Sir, you said that.  You could lie about it, you can deny it, but you did say that. So, to say that you cannot be a racist is a joke into the face of racist.  I will review their brief with my mentor and address it all the parts about me do not and will not be addressed as they are Moot at this point.
I want to bring this part to a close, and My Word is MY Bond and Bond is MY WORD. I am going to take this case all the way up if I have to do such.
I fight for life; I fight to right a wrong; this racist wants to keep on saying what harm has been done. Well, take his two and send them to go live down on 79th street and see how they turn out. I am so hot, I am hot at black folks as we allowed this, in Cook County majority of the significant office are run by people of color and you all know what is taking place in these courts and you do and say nothing.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is a demarcated judge and back by them, and all that she is doing to destroy little black babies is with the blessing of the So-called Democratic party. As the saying goes, it took the Republicans to Free Slaves from Democrats.

Who will free them now?

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