Only within the Black Family has the man been reduced and the woman has taken over the role as the head of the family. Now, this is not something that was not placed onto us by accident. However, it was and has been a systematic plot to destroy the black family, and too many black women fell into this hole.
You remove the position of the man in the Black family and make the women feel as he has no valued that is how to destroy the Black Family.
This year I have stood in courtroom 1806 and watch this happen as two devils have stood there and said that as long as I am around, they would do all they can to destroy Zion.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan stood on the bench and talk about how she would rather see Zion living with a pimp, gang members, and or drug dealers than to be raised by me. Why? She did not like that fact that I push education, being a man, doing for self and not dependent on the help of others.
I bet in her house, her husband is the head of that house, they do not have children, but he is the head. David Gotzh talks about what he is doing is for the best of Zion. I bet he would not let his two children come up or go to the school that he said would be better for Zion (he does not even want black folk shopping at his mall).
You see this case was never about Zion, it as and has been about the fact that I stood up to them. I came to court each time as an educated black man. I came to them as a father who loved his children. For Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan to say to me that I am not Zion Father and he is not my son was not about a DNA, but more about a system of removing the man from the family.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said to us that if I were not in the picture, it would be for the better as the two ladies could work on bringing up Zion without me being there.
The GAL David Gotzh condone Joyce coming to court and telling lies that he knew about. Jamie said to me that David Gotzh knew that they were telling lies, and he said nothing. He in fact order her and others not to come to court as he was going to take care of me.
He did just that, we are in a courtroom where it should have been about the truth, and he and CVLS said that they did not want to hear the truth, it was not about that. What in the hell is the courtroom about then?
CVLS is not about helping young brown and black children. The fact that each of these people calls themselves a lawyer and say that they take an oath to uphold justice is and was a joke. I watch the making of a Lynching.
A judicial lynching, that when addressed to the leader of CVLS and Chief Judge Evans they all put their head into the sand and did nothing to stop it. Do not talk to me about how we have a justice system as that is not and was not the case in courtroom 1806.
I have gone to the federal government and requested that the feds come into this case and investigate the actions in this case as I am sure this is not the first time that this judge and CVLS have join forces to break the laws as they did in this case.
When a judge stands on the bench and allows a person to lie under oath and know that person if telling a lie and all she does is say that she does not care because she does not like me, that is not justice, and she is not a Judge at that point.
I ask myself how David knew that I had traveled to Cuba, and it hit me, how once more Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told a lie from the bench. On November 30th, 2018 in room 1806 she said that she did not have a clue as to what I had file or why I was before her.
Now, she also said that she spoke with someone from CVLS that let her know that they were not going to be able to be in court on that day. If the judge did not know what I was there for; how is it that someone from CVLS talks to her and she wants to say that she still did not know why I was there?
Now David Gotzh is saying that he is the GAL still on the case after he was dismissed from the case back on October 10th, 2018. For him to still be the GAL, the court would have to reappoint him as such.
Now, the fact if he is still the GAL why did the Judge set the next court date at the end of January of 2019 since CVLS office is closed in December? There will be no probate cased called in December with GAL on them?
No that was once more a lie. This Judge has lied over and over, and she has broken the law and she does this because she hides behind the shield that as a Judge what every she does from the bench she is cover from.
David Gotzh can lie in court as he is a lawyer and in the state of Illinois Lawyer can tell lies in court. I bet many of you did not know that they can also condone perjury and nothing can happen to them as they also have a shield.
David is the GAL for Zion, he is also the lawyer for Joyce, which should be a conflict of interest. However, once more he can do this as the Judge can allow him to do such. I have found out about all the loopholes in the so-called justice system.
So when someone wants to talk to me about why we should have the death plentily, and I talk about why I do not think so, this case shows why not.
We will send a person to die when that person could be convicted on lies, and we want to say that justice has been served. It is not and has not been about justice in court, it has and always been a joke.
We send a group to jail that makes up about 5% of total US population; however, they make up 90% of those lockups, wherein the fairness in that? That is why there is a breakdown in the black family. We lock up a black man in mass numbers, and we ask the question where all the fathers are at.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan sent me to jail from doing nothing. I investigate the law that David Gotzh the GAL for CVLS used to have my lockup on May 30th, 2018 (I am going after CVLS and him for this in Federal court, Yes David this is that gift you asks me about getting you), and at that time I had not broken any laws.
Once more there are so many of you that are going to say not of this can be true and what I talk about must be a lie; you are a FOOL. You walk around with your head in the sand, as the police can shoot a Black man in the back and is on video and walk away because we do not have a justice’s system.
The police can lie under oath and nothing is done, the lawyer can lie in court and nothing is done, the judge can be biased, and nothing is done is that Justice?
Now some are going to say that we have a system of checks and balance, well let me break this down to you. To overturn something that a judge has done in the court you have to show that the judge or what was done was something that is against the state laws.
This is hard to do as you have to show next that it was done in a way that affected the decision and since judges are giving wide latitude; they can send a person to jail on hearsay or lies. Sorry, this is done each day in Cook County, and for that case, I am sure in many courtrooms thought-out America.
Some will say that A person was convicted by a Jury. Well, if a person gets up on the stand and lies and everyone but the Jury knows this person telling a lie than where is the justice in that?
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan does not want a court reported in her courtroom as she does not want any record of what was done. And when you have a record that does not make a difference to her; as I produce one from someone else courtroom to show that Joyce was telling a lie, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that she did not CARE.
On Thanksgiving, the police shot and killed a Black man in the mall down south and on CNN and all the news outlet they said the police shot and killed a person that had shot and killed two people in the mall, and they saved lives as he could have been a mass shooter.
Did we find out days later that in fact, that man that was killed did not shot anyone, where was the mass news about this? There are some that say to this day he might have still been a shooter. Or he was black he did something as the police do not just shot people for no reason. Well, these are the same folks that say to me, Zion is better off today than he was last year.
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