So many of you sit back and love to pass judgment and are very fast to do it when it being passed on a man of color. Our Judicial system is not justice, it is not fair and just as most in American; it is built on racism. I have stood in a courtroom and watch a person lie under oath and to have a judge (Susan Kennedy-Sullivan) say she does not care, due to the fact that she does not like me. I have watched a GAL (David Gotzh) stand in a courtroom and fight not to have witness testily. However, he knows for a fact that there were some whom came to court and told lies. So once more I ask what Justice is?
DNA was made to put more man of color in jail, and it has been one of the main tools to get more out of jail. What does the Justice system do with that, they play games with the DNA, they said that it not reliably or it is no good. To justify slavery, the slave master said it was in the bible, to justly locking up a black man they now say it was justice. I do not say this as a Joke, however, how can we say that anyone did anything as some judges, and lawyers can tell lies, and it is allowed.
David kept paperwork from me or him file stuff and never sent me copies at all. This man in just one year has filed 30 motions to stop justice. He talks about in one of his motions how the judge cannot do anything while a case is pending on appeal. However, he filed everything that he could to get an appeal tossed so the judge could do what he wanted. This person (as he is not a man in my books) only has one job in this case only ONE.
The GAL, in this case, the only job is to investigate and give a report to the court on what is the Best Interest of the minor. The GAL is not and should not act as a lawyer in the case, as they have no right to privacy. They can be called as a witness; so, what happened when I called David Gotzh and asked him about anything the judge said; or what Joyce said; he does not recall, or he did not bring his notes. However, he can recall and said it with a smile on his face that Zion did not ask about me.
Now, this is how sick this racist is; he said that as he felt that it was going to hurt me, that Zion did not ask about me. My son knows about the devil, and he also knows you never open up to the Devil and David Gotzh is that just that a Devil.
This young man was an A student from pre-school to 6th grade and this year his grade drop. What does David say, he tells the court that Zion grade drop due to the fact that the school he is at is much harder. Ok let me wrap my mind around this; a school that is failing, in the heart of a war zone is much harder for Zion.
I want to ask some of my friends that are Lawyers, how do you all sleep? How do you go to church and talk about justice and you know for a fact what is going on. I have been on this case for one year, and I know how the system is not justice, and it is very racist, and it keeps me up at night. As American we love to talk about how much better we are than Cuba; Chin and places like these; and I have to say go into one of the prison or jails in American and ask those people lock up for something they did not do about that.
On May 30th, 2018 Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan lock me up for civil contempt, when in fact she did not have the legal right to do such; on May 18th, 2018 she took Zion from us and once more she did not have the legal right to do such. Now David Gotzh had Joyce going to police trying to get an amber alert for Zion, and it was CPD that said no. They looked at the court order and said that there was a court order in the Adoption court that out weight what the judge in probate did.
So, what does David do next? He goes to the GAL in the Adoption care and gets involved in that case. FACT all Adoptions cases are closed and sealed. However, a racist does not care about that; this man was on a mission.
David is very fast to call black folks Niggas; he loves to think of us as less than human. He believes that all young black boys are gang members, and this is the man that CVLS in trust to be a GAL over who? Yes, young black children. When I address these issues with CVLS, they painted a picture of me as just another angry black man. Why is it that when a black man fights for his children, he is angry; however, when a white one does; he is a great father? RACE!
I was told get a lawyer as they can help. Well, I have got Black ones, I have got White ones, and all they wanted was GREEN. The first question was how much cash you have, as it was never about Zion, it was about how much money I can come up with. I hear this one law firm on the radio all the time talking about father rights (on the black stations at that); do you know that unless you come with $20k those rights for the father get less and less for them.
I am going to take the gloves off, and I am going to fight the devil when he lives; I am going to send a letter about this case to each and every one. The church he goes to, the store he shops at, I want all those around him to know just who he is. David got my daughter personal information from the GAL in the Adoption case, and the gave it to Joyce, and he told her to drive downstate to see if Zion was there. David did not care about her, all he cared about was how he could hurt me.
He goes to court and lies; he lies in his motions, and I bet this man lies so much that he does not know when he is telling one. I am tired of him and on October 10th, 2018 he was discharged from this case however he is still written motions on behalf of Joyce. First, he was never the GAL for Joyce; he was never a lawyer for Joyce; however, he does all her motions for her. I knew back in February of this year that David was a racist and I also knew what type of lawyer he was. In probate court the judges do not work; they do what the GAL tells them to do; so, when anyone wants to say to me that it all about the Judge; not in this case.
David told the judge to lock me up, and she did, he told her to take Zion, and she did. He needs to be disbarred. However, ARDC said to me that they need someone to come forward besides me and give them a statement about what he is doing. Now, the lawyers I have hired, the people working in the court all know what he is doing.
However, not one of them will say anything, as it is better to put your head into the sand than be a man or woman and stand up for what you know is right. So, I take my fight to the street; I take my fight to the people
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