I do not understand what is going on in Courtroom 1806, however, what I do know is that the Judge sitting there might be having some issues that need to be addressed. She thinks that I just walk off the boat or her long-term might be lost.
Case in point, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL David (Racist) Gotzh had Joyce go out and get an OP on me. Now, her case for getting one was due to the fact that I sent her a message saying that if she keeps doing this to Zion, he will hate her for life. Now, she also said that in on day I destroyed 5 of her tires and she had to get them fix.
Now, we had a trial over this and no police report, no bills for getting tire fix, no pictures. NOTHING, but a Racist ass GAL and Judge. They gave me a six months OP and said that I could not talk to Zion. Now, Joyce did not even have Zion at that point she did this BS. Now, this was to show me that I am there Negro. Now Joyce sold Sex, sorry this is 100% fact, so for her to do what any tells her is nothing new.
So they took my little man and to top it off the Judge said to them she did not want that boy to see me or talk to me. After all, why do little black boys need a father; oh that right I am not his father, I am just a man that he calls father and took care of him for 12 years. But as Joyce thinks we were her Free babysitter for 12 years. Talking about Free this Crazy (just like her mom) said we owe her $300. I know she must have been smoking some weed that day she came up with that.
So. I have this OP on me, and I am not to do something that I do not have a clue, as the Judge and the GAL both do not have a clue about Op cases and I guess that is why they did what they did. So Joyce has done things that she violated the Op, and I was told to make a police report about it. Now, anyone that knows me, also knows that I do not call or play those game with Police. There is too much going on for me to make a report about this.
So I go back to court to get the OP drop, and that was on Friday, 11/30/18. Now, I had one of Zion baseball button on me and the Judge ask me is that Zion, yes, he plays baseball? He played baseball is what I said, what I wanted to say, are you crazy he was playing baseball when you told that dip sick not to let play or take him to the games. This young man dream sport is baseball. I was sitting in Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan courtroom for 2 hours, and I can tell you all I have 0 respect for her as what she did to Zion was 100% personal.
Now, back to court. The Judge tells me that CVLS was not able to be at court and they are closed in Dec, so she set me to come back on 1/26/19. I shit you all not, the OP ends on 2/6/19, and she wants me to come to get something that ends in 10 days; and to top that off I have to submit my Appleatat Brief on 12/15/18. So, as I said that Judge was trying to play games with me or she thinks that I am Joyce. I hate that fact that as a black man I do it the right way now, I do as I should, and I still see that Justice is not for us (black men).
I can do so many things, and I do not, I cry to myself because the old Riv would have lost it by now as all I do is think about my little man. I think about how my cousin daughter helps Joyce for some dam Link; she fuck up this little boy life so that she could get some like and going to say to me “she feels like Zion Mom.” ZION only has ONE MOM, and that is Danielle. Now, Joyce, I know you read my stuff, and you mark this down, I have kept a record of each and all that you have done, and I am going to sit down with Zion and let him know.
This is going to be one for the books as I keep telling you all that I am not going anywhere, and I am not. I am about to take this issue to the next level. Chief Judge Evans needs to retire; he does not care about Black people. The fact his daughter runs the Probate Court for minors; he started it to give his child a job. Now, I am not mad at that fact; I am mad at the fact that it does not help black and brown children, it is no better than DCFS. We did not let Zion go into DCFS as we did not want that on him, and to have this happen 12 years later; WOW.
As a man, I give you my word that until my last days on this earth I am going to talk about this and you better know that I have a daughter that will take up the fight after I am gone. I do not care what anyone does in their life; but when you hurt one of mines, I am coming for you. We ask the Nut case (Just like her crazy mom, grandma, grandfather and the other dam Aunt she has that no one wants to talk about); to ask Zion what he wanted, and she is dam jealous of that little boy.
It is too bad that the only love Joyce got was from some guy leaving her a tip on the bed. But we told her 12 years ago, we would take care of Zion, but we were not going to be the mom and dad that she wanted. Joyce goes from men to men talking about how she is a J. Witness; I did not know that selling sex was something they did. You say what you want about me, but you better know one thing, I have not posted anything that is not 100% true. I talk about them all, and I speak facts that I am going to back up in court.
Side note CVLS has all these lawyers, and they could not get one to come to court on Friday? I am not a dam FOOL!
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