To David; I want you to personally know that I have no respect for you as a man or a lawyer.
I used to wonder why you put the wrong headings on your paperwork; as I always thought it was a sign of you just being a lazy lawyer who does not like to work. As that is what they said about you around the courthouse.
I want you to know that before I talk to you the first time, I knew all that needed to know about you, I knew about your life in Ohio, and your racist background no wonder you vote Republican, and you moved to one the racist city in Lake County.
I check into your background, and I knew where you lived, and your whole family history as I made sure that I research the person who was going to make the life and death decision for my son.
Yes, David Zion is my son, you that Judge and anyone else that wants to say that he is not due to the fact that he is not from my seed is just as dumb and racists the slave master that used to take little black babies and feed them to the dogs.
You talk to me during our first conversation, and you said to me that you and I were going to meet man to man and I told you at that point ok. Well, let me tell you that you are not a MAN. You are whom I thought you were and I want you to know that It is nothing you can do that is going to break me or make me walk away. I know Joyce, and I know that in time Zion is going to end up in DCFS case as that is just how bad it is for him.
Now, I beg you to walk away from this case, and it was due to the fact that you are a racist. You are one of the worse ones; you are just like the family that you spoke so highly about, that being the German ones.
You used babies, women and weak people to highlight your cause. You used your White Man Privilege to fools those folks as CVLS and painted me as the angry black man. You are the reason that CVLS has open itself up to a legal case for a Civil right, and another issue. They knew about you, and they did nothing to stop you, and I have the proof to support that.
You think that I am going to pay you anything, you must be out there smoking that same pipe with Joyce if you think that. I am going to make this blog just about you as I have made it clear I DO NOT LIKE YOU and I DO NOT RESPECT YOU.
I have not posted one thing about your family, outside of the fact that your dad killed a little Hispanic girl and blamed it on the sun. I do not display the issue your family has — the public record tax and other judgments on you and them; as unlike you, I do not use women and children in my fights.
You used Zion to hurt me and let me tell you something in 2 years Zion will be going to high school. And at that point, I am going to talk to my son and let him know to sue you for what you did.
You are a lier, you cheat on your taxes and other crimes; you have faked court document and lied about the fact that you file them. I want you to know that I have reported your actions to the IRS and anyone else that I can think of as you sir live in a Glasshouse.
On May 30, 2018 you had that Judge lock me up, you had Joyce call the police on me for nothing and go lie to get that OP Case (I told you that nut called my wife phone and she told all about you and her to that little girl she sell sex with on that back page). You gave Joyce and her "GD" gang members my daughter information and addressed downstate (I had to move her after that) and that actions could have cost my daughter her life.
Sir, you talk about in a motion how I said to you that I wanted to “fisticuffs” with you; let me tell you this right now to fight you would be like me fighting my son, You are a weak person, and less of a man than I in all ways from top to bottom.
I am going to come after you where it hurts; I want to make sure that it is not one Judge, in one courtroom that does not know about you. I told you I go around the courthouse passing out flyers and telling anyone just what type of lawyer you are.
As your profile said you are lazy, but you are also a fragile man, you could not last one second in that jail you had that Judge put me in.
I spent 30 days locked up in that Jail due to Joyce, so to think that was going to break me was a joke. What it did was help me reach other young black men that have had a lawyer like you, and that is the reason they are in there. You would be the type of man that would eat a gun or hang himself before going to jail; as I said you are a Weak man.
What can you do to me, you hurt my wife, my children and you think I was going to walk away? Sir, you better talk to Joyce as she will tell you that is not who I am.? I lived my life coming up in a city full of gang members, and I never was one. Due to the fact that I know how to used what my bloodline gave me. While yours were walking on all fours in the caves, mines were master builders the real mason.
You were right when you said to me that you wish you could do half of what I can. You cannot take ten hits and put a penny nail into a pine board that is how weak of a man you are.
Today is my birthday and I am not going to spend it doing anything but making sure that my federal complaint is on point. I want to make sure that I outline all that I know about you and I have found out about you. As you are just like your grandfather.
Your family coming to American and changing your name does not change your family tree. I have spent my life doing one thing, and that is helping young black boys I Hate weak racist men as you go after those that cannot fight, you lynch the weak and young boys.
Zion was your Emmett Louis Till, and courtroom 1806 was Money Miss for him. I ask this question of you, were you jealous that you cannot go to Cuba? Is that why you talk about me going. Well, let me be the first to tell you; I go to Cuba as not to have to deal with Racist White Men like yourself.
The Cuban people do not see me as some Nigga as you do and I am sure you have called me many times. I go there to get away from the smell of burning skin from the lynching of so many black men in the county, in these so-called courtrooms in American.
It is a fact that you did not want Zion to see the Black Panthers; as you think that all black peoples do is eat and get fat. Fact for Joyce to say that Zion gains anything she would have to know what his weight before. Also, a fact you did not want Joyce or ZIon to take that Drug test because you know they would fail. DO not worry I am going to make sure Zion tells the court all about you (as I said two years)
I told each one of those lawyers that we were not going to get any justice in that courtroom that is due to the fact that the Judge does not know or understand the laws and she does not care.
You present these motions in her courtroom, and you cite cases without a clue to what you are saying. The Judge takes your word for it as she is not dumb; anything happiness to Zion she is going to drop that on you (Judge in that courtroom had a child die after they gave him back and after that most Judges let that fall on others).
David if that little boy every comes to any type of harm I want you to personally know that I am going to sue you and come after your house (I will get in line behind the tax man), and anything that you think you might own.
Coming back into the USA I was stopped due to my last name Muhammad, and I spoke with the homeland folk, and I told them that I change my name and I did it with the mindset that some were not going to like it. I have spent my life reading and learning about history and I said to myself that I am not a slave and I will not carry my master name.
David, you talked to me as I was a boy that day, and I got you by 20 years. The funny part is I just look like I am younger than you are (Black does not Crack!). But let me tell you now, I am not your boy. I look you in your eyes, as you do not have more education then I, you do not have anything that I do not, but your skin privilege.
I have put two children through their BA and Master's degree and working on the 3rd. Zion was to be the 4th; I was going to make him into a Black man that does not have to hold his head down or beg for anything. You and that judge wanted to make him into cancer on society.
Joyce is just that, she is cancer, as she will never be any more than what she is, and you are very fast to defend her and talk about how she did not see sex. I have the proof that she did, she was on that track so bad that if I am telling a lie, tell her to sue me for it.
If one thing I have said it not the facts takes me to court on it, you all cannot do that, as what I say is fact. By the time you told Joyce about the private investigator that I hire, I had all that I need on both of you.
Now, as I told you from the start you can keep on reading my blogs and playing the games that you play as that is to make up for what you are lacking. Sit in Starbucks looking up cases online as I bet if I was to pull your last 30 motions, they all would be the same format as that is what you do. I bet you are 0.00 when you come up to a lawyer that does not only knows the laws but also know why.
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