Thursday, January 31, 2019

Clorox Bleach

Cook County Court is like Clorox bleach, it works perfect for Whites but DESTROYS COLORS!

There is a distrust when it comes to the court system and those people with-it the African American circle as there a reason for that. On January 29, 2019, Judge Susan-Kennedy-Sullivan said from the bench that she could not hear or rule on any motion that was done by Mahdee Muhammad due to the fact that his order of protection case was on appeal. And she allowed the GAL from CVLS David Gotzh to cite a case that supported her ruling.
Now, what is wrong with this, as most judges do not want to move forward until the higher court has had a chance to removed past rulings. Well, since March of 2018 this case has been in the appellate court and going back to May 14th, 2018 before this same judge and gal in her courtroom on a motion to stay or change a date on a hearing due to the fact that Mr. Muhammad son was going to graduate from high school. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said she did not care; she told me that I should have made better plans.
On November 30th, 2018 and January 23, 2019, I was in her courtroom on my motion to vacate the OP due to the fact that Joyce had been violated it from the start. The GAL and Joyce were both not there, and the Judge told me that she got a phone call from CVLS saying they wanted another date and Oh well about Joyce. Now what does the Judge do to me when I miss one date; she discharges my wife and I as the legal guarding.
I beg Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan to change the date, the GAL stood there and laughed at me as he is a full-blown Racist whom as the told me a Proud German! IE Nazi that does not care for black people; he posted on his social media page about his feelings for black men. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took a 12-year-old black boy from the only family he knows and placed him into one of the most gang-ridden parts of the city and told him and us that was the best for him.
There have been so many times during this past year that the case law is evident on what should be done, and each time this Judge allowed a documented racist tells her how to run her courtroom; the people's courtroom. And all the Chief Judge could say to me was “his hands are tied.” Well not only are his hands tied; however; much more is missing from this man.
ARDC failed this child as their only response was that their hands were tied. And unless another lawyer would come forward or he admitted to his bias and what he was doing as it was my word against his. All the motions to show his inclination was not good enough for them to investigate a White lawyer over a black man, I guess.
The Judicial Board could not do anything until the case was over, all those so-called black leaders in cook county did not see any money in this case, so they cover their eyes. The systems in place in cook country is doing just as it was set off to do, and that is destroying colors, it is made to give justice only to whites and time after time this has been proven.
So how can I trust a system that is not made for me? It is not a bleach that is color safe.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


One of the guys that I was in school with is a Pimp; he is not a want to be Pimp, but a full pimp up hoes down pimp. I love this brother as he is my brother and I do not judge how he makes his money. I know that if I was in a fight he would have my back before anyone.
Now he knows Joyce first hand; as she was going to fly out to work for him. Now, she did not go, and it was not due to the fact that she did not want to go; but due to the fact that she was not able to get out there. Now, he asks me how in the hell did we lose Zion to a Ho; I told him very easy a racist lawyer. He said to me that yes, her head game in on point.
So, when I talk about how I know real pimps like CVLS and Cook County Courts, I can tell you that I do. Now my classmate I know I do not judge him and his life; as I am not better than him or less than him. We all are getting pimp by someone; your job is pimping you out, the courts sure pimp me out; so, before I pass judgment on anyone I look into the mirror as I do not judge. What Fly taught me was how to keep my daughter off the pole.
Now I trust this brother as I know where he is coming from and I know that in his life they have a code that they live and die by; the funny thing is to many of do not. Today in Probate Court I got pimp slap by Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan; she told me that she was not able to rule on any of my motion due to the fact that the OP case is on Appeal. Now, what makes this funny is the fact that she locks me up, she discharged us as guarding all while the case was on Appeal.
Now, CVLS is helping Joyce and giving her legal advice, and this is a FACT. Today in the mail I got a copy of the motion that Joyce did as it was mailing the day after I told the supervisory for CVLS that Joyce did not mail out anything. Now, what did Joyce do, she got a paper copy of a notice form and changed the date on it and put it in the mail. Now, it has a mail date of 1.24.19, and she filed her motion back on 1/18/19, and she did not file that noticed.
CVLS is in the business of pimping out young black boys and girls. They file docs and change the dates on them or do not send them out at all. 100% FACT David Gotzh did this, and he is one of their best; this is what they post on their page. CVLS called Zion school when we had him and told his school lies about me, they are the ones that told Joyce to go to Harrison Court House and get that Bogus OP to keep Zion from us. Once more they are the GAL for Zion.
CVLS has one job, and only one and that is to do what is in the best interest of Zion, and they told the court that it was better for Zion, a 12year old black boys to go from living with a family that he has lived with for the past 12 years to go live in a war zone.
They said that it was better for him to stop going to school and working on being something in life; to go and become a member of GD and smoke weed. They allowed Joyce and others to lie on the stand and they knew they were telling lies.
Now I am going to do all that I can to make sure that everyone knows what is going on with CVLS as now they cannot stop me; they have done their best to hurt me, and they are going to have to kill me to keep me quiet.
In Cook County it pays to play all day long, CVLS makes millions off pimping young children in the court system. That probate court in cook county placed these black and brown babies in the care of CVLS, and they destroy them and make killers.
I have to say that today was just the topping on the cake. Joyce has been sending me FaceBook Friends request; she has been on my page tagging my photos, and all these things violated the OP issue on August 6th, 2018. I did a motion to have it withdraw; CVSL augured today that the judge could not do anything in the case as it is on Appeal.
Shut the door, this case has been on appeal since February of 2018 and in that time this Judge has taking Zion from us, she has locked me up, she has lied and let others lie and we have spent over $15k on lawyers. So once more this case was never about facts; it was never about the law, it was only about the fact that as a black man I did something that they did not like and that is to speak up.
I am asking the Ill Attorney General office to investigate CVLS, I am asking ARDC to investigate the behavior of the lawyers that work for CVLS. Let me say that I am 100% sure this is not the first time, and it will not be the last time unless someone stands up and stop them. We were in Adoption court, and we had more than enough proof to show that Joyce was and is an unfit person, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and CVSL with David Gotzh said they were going to do all that they could to stop us and they did.
I have each and every motion, order and I know the facts to this case. If anyone wants to talk to me or see in of the documents, in this case, I have them. I am going to fight this case all the way up to the high courts. David Gotzh needs to be DISBAR!

Sunday, January 27, 2019


This case is crucial as it lays the foundation into how you can go to court and challenge a judge.

There is an unwritten rule that you cannot sue a judge. However, I have found case law that says you can, and I have applied to my case on Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan. 
One factor is ABUSE OF DISCRETION; the judge abuses her privilege, and it was done in a reason that generally would not happen.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan rule that First I was giving notice and service due to the fact that I knew about the case going on and I did a motion for dismal based on not being given notice. She rules that Danielle should have known about the case due to the fact that her husband knew; 2nd she said this “you were up in the adoption court trying to take this child; you should have come down to my courtroom.”
I joke not; there are no laws on the book for such actions; however, as a judge, she said that she could do what she wants, and she did. Now, this case is in the appeal court, and it needs to be overturned as if this is allowed to stand; do you know that does.
A judge can say that you were giving notice or service because someone posted on Facebook, they were suing you.
They sue you, and you do not show up for the court, and they win, and 30 days pass and you are stuck as in this state that all the time you can get to void an order.
However, that does not make a difference as we file within the time and CVLS with David Gotzh file so many motions to say that we were too late or that we should not be allowed to file anything. This was with lawyers doing it for us. We had to have a hearing on if we could even file a motion to vacate the Judge order. Once more ABUSE OF DISCRETION.
Now, the race card comes into play, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is White, and the Judge in the adoption case is African American, now all adoption cases are SEAL; however, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan left the bench and talked to that judge about our case, she not only talks to her, she and GAL David Gotzh with CVLS LIED! They told the Adoption court that we never told anyone about the adoption, and we were trying to hide it and keep it from the court.
Now, there are laws on the book about this; the Judge broke the law when she did what she did, the GAL also did; and they did this because this type of bend the laws goes on each and every day in Cook County and I am sure in many courts in American. Once more those that makeup 5%, make up 85% of that lock up in jail; We have so many men of color getting out of Jail due to the fact that Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and lawyers like David Gotzh and CVL S bend and break the laws to send them to jail based solo on RACE.
It is not about money, it not about how much or little education you have, it is merely about the fact that your skin tone is not White, as such you are a 2nd and 3rd class in Cook County. The head person in that runs the State attorney office for cook county, and the state both know about this case, and they do nothing. The head person that runs the judges knows about this case, and they do nothing, and all three look just like me.  I would rather have a fair White person, than a Black person that does not know they are black and too many of them think that they have overcome the color band.
The ex-President of these USA was a Nigga to many in American; they did not care why he was, if he were jogging over on 111 and Kedzie he would get stop and ask, Nigga what are you doing over here.  So, I keep reading on the laws, and I keep doing what I need to do as I am in a fight that no one wants to get in and help me as they all love the norm. You see you sit there and point and look at those men lock up in jail and say they are all bad and pass judgment; until they get out and live next to you.
 A white man can kill 50 people and is treated with more respect than a black man that died just walking to the store, how fuck up is that?


When I am told that I should not be mad, or that I should not hate the judge and that gal, I want to be very clear as to what they did. I can only sum it up by saying just read the law!
(750 ILCS 50/1) (from Ch. 40, par. 1501) The Adoption Act is very clear, once a case is started in this court all other issues and matter that relate to this minor shell merge with the adoption (but crimes).
As such on January of 2018, we were in the adoption court, and the Judge knew about this, CVLS knew about this, and the GAL knew. All these people who talk about the law and know the law knew what the law was.
What made this case differently? Easy, David Gotzh a racist said something to me over the phone and he and I got into a back and forth where it ended with him saying that he and I will just meet Man to Man. Now, this was the person who was to be the GAL for the probate case, telling the guarding that they were going to meet man to man.
We never had our man to man to talk about it as he cancels the first one after talking to me about nigga time; he did a no show. And the 2nd was cut short due to the fact that he had Joyce come 15 min after me. Now, I do not know what happens with him and her as they were alone, and I was gone. However, what I do know is that he wrote a report that he did not let me see after his time with her.
In this report he talks about her living from place to place, her telling lies about where she works, what she did, and she admitted to him that she sold sex for money and did a motion asking the courts to make me stop saying that as I did not have any proof to support it.
WHAT it is in his report and I had to beg the court to get a copy of. There is not one person in my family that does not know this fact, and now it is not true; this man said that Zion was produced for rape by one of her johns in another report.
So, all the probate court had to do was transfer the probate case into the adoption case as the laws are clear about. I did a motion for this, I talk about this with Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and David, and they looked at me and said BUCK YOU.
The Judge IQ for the law is very low, this is just a fact sorry, but it is, she let the GAL tell her what the laws are. The Judge told me that she was not about to transfer the probate case, as her case was more important
On February 21, 2018, the only motion before the probate court was mined to transfer the case to the adoption case; had this been done. Had the David Gotzh just did like he had done with me over 30 times did a respond that told the judge that is correct we would have Zion right now.
No, the judge wanted to talk to me about how she wanted to make Zion into a little thug, David talks about how he did not like the fact that a child we had for 12 years call us mom and dad; or that he was playing baseball.
Where are all these So-Called Black groups at? These two told me that Zion having a father figure in his life was not best for him, The Judge was on the Bench and on February 21st 2018 told me that him going on to high school, going to JSU to play baseball and major in STEM was not the right path for a black boy, and she was going to do what she could to change that. At that point these two did everything to destroy Zion, they even lock me up in Jail for nothing to get their hand on him.
Once they got Zion, they put an order of protection on me that I could not talk to him, or see him, they told us that it was better for him if he never talks to us. David Gotzh stood in court and said that “he did not want Zion talking to us, due to the fact that he will tell us what going on.” So, I do not see any justice in Cook County; I only see injustice. I feel nothing for those that are killed in the city; I feel nothing for those that are hurt anymore, how can I; when I know what is going on.
CVLS knows for a fact that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is not and should not be on the bench, one of my lawyers quit for only one reason, that was due to the fact that she wanted me to stop talking about this in public. I told her, and I told anyone that would listen I am not that man, I am not about to sit back and let this Judge keep on destroying young black and brown babies and making these dam killers.
It is not one Black Person running for Mayor in the City of Chicago that does not know about her or this case. Out of all those that are running the only one that talks to me or sent me anything is no longer on the ballot. So, for me, I have to say what good does it do to vote for someone that looks like me, when they do not have my best at heart?
Chief Judge Evans knows about this as he is the one that placed her into that courtroom and I have sent him about 50 emails, fax; and letters about this and I have got back the same letter just change the date. It talks about how he has no power over the judges; what he is the Chief judge. I reach out to the father right lawyer as this is a case that it seems they would want to address, well if I had $25k coming in the door it would have got some air time.
I say this, and you hear me well, it was Charles Butler (My Frat brother) that help us on this the last time; he had me come on the air on his talk show for over one hour to talk about this case back in 2008.
I am able to hold my own, I know the fact and trust me anything I put out or talk about I can support as I will not be intimidated. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan loves to talk about how she is going to lock me up; the GAL used her like a trained seal.
We are back in court on January 29th for some BS, and she asks was he going to be there, she needs him to tell her what to do. I do not have to lie about this, and I can stand on my feet and speak the truth, what in the hell can they do to me, kill me?
I am a black man in a world that wants me dead anyway. I talk to my children about my death, and what I want from them, death does not scare me as I came into this world on a one-way path to the grave.

Friday, January 25, 2019

PAY TO PLAY in Cook County.

I was once asked why I don’t hang out or kick it with my family as much as I should; the reason that I do not is that I am not on the same mental line as a lot of my family. It is no joke that I was that dad, I was the dad where children came first, and I was a go-to dad. All my children knew that they could come to me and I would always be there as I wanted to give them a father that I did not have. 
So, when I hear the story about Joyce and Zion and how and what she is doing to fuck up his life and make sure he turns out to be a little thug; I say that is what my family wants. 
Someone once said that they were shocked my daughter did not have a baby due to the fact that I was so strict with her. I do not see the need for a child to date when they are young, and in my house, it was not anything until you were out of my house. 
I did not do the I am going to the movies with this guy, or this is my anything; now if it happens, you better know that it was way behind my back. When we first got Zion and Joyce wanted to move into our house, I said hell no. She was and had been out on the street selling ass; she was trouble; she used drugs, and she was a want to be a gang banger. So, to me, she was cancer, and you do not let cancer into your life as it will go to stage 4 real fast. 
So when I look at the state of black American, It hurt to say that we are in a no state. I do not judge anyone or what or how they do their house. I just make it clear in my house it was only one option, and that gets that paper. After that, they are free to do what they want, and it is so sad that some in my life do not like this. It is people in my family that are happy to see Zion living in hell; they smile to know that he will grow up to be just another number. 
I am sorry as I do not dream or think about what will be, I live in a world of what is. It is funny as I can recall years ago, I was with one of my guys who is a CPD, and he was talking to me about my little brother. He told me that he looks at him and that he was going to be in and out of jail. 
I was like how you could say that he is only 13? But he was right; he could see that in him, and that is what I see in a lot of young men that I run into. 
We are and will always become produce of what and who we are. So, for Zion, his life is not about going to get books but hanging out with folks and getting high. Yes, my little man is getting high; as too many weeds is ok. After all the Cook County State attorney just said that she is ok with young folk using drugs. 
I know for 100% that this is true and let me make this clear; you are smoking weed with Zion around, and he is getting high right along with you. 
Now, this is what David wanted; he loves to see that this is going on with Zion, as he what he told me he was an old school German, and we know how they felt about black folks. So, what did he do to get into Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan mind, I want and need to know. 
I have sent the federal government a letter every week asking them and begging them to investigate her; and I have asked them to investigate David Gotzh, his dad and all the people he knows as I feel that they have done this before. 
I am not going to stop blogging about this, am not going to stop doing my 1st amendment right; and if they want to try me; go right ahead. I will see them in court. I have been looking into all their backgrounds, and I know that there is dirt there and I just need someone with the power to look into them. 
I have reached out to the new government in the state; I have reached out about my civil right case as I want to make sure that David Gotzh plays for what he does, I want to make sure that he does no more harm to any other little black boy. 
I have court next week, and the funny thing is that I have to go to court due to the fact that David had Joyce file something and not send me a copy. I only found out about the court date due to the fact that the woman from CLVS told me. David did a brief and did not send me a copy of it, and that is what I have been dealing with all year. 
Any lawyer will tell you that you send the other party a copy of anything you file as there are laws on the book for this. In this case, I have got 0, nothing that Joyce has file she sends us no notice and still get a hearing on her bullshit. 
Ok, let me make it clear; I sue you and do not send you notice, I go to court and win, and you do not know; that the BS that has taken place in this case and CVLS has co-signed this type of work. 
I do not know much about CVLS, however, what I say about them is 100% true and if it is not sue me as I am going to keep talking about it. Today is 1/25/19, and on 1/9/19 they did a brief and did not mail me a copy. They did notice under the penalty of perjury that said they mail it. And they did not. 
There are lawyers that are there to help the poor and children, and this is how they do it. The fact this is how CVLS lawyers win, they do the dirty underhand trick. 
I am not a lawyer, I do not have a law degree and let David tell it, I am nothing to him, I am just another little nigga. They have a Judge in their pocket, and I want to know how much was she paid?
I want to know how much did she pay to get the bench? I want to know a lot, and I beg the Feds or State Attorney office to look into this; as anyone in Cook County is Crook County, and they lock the governor up for what these folks have been doing for years. PAY TO PLAY!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

735 ILCS 5/2-1001(a)(2) (2008

Court was a Joke today 1/23/19, and Cook County is run by folks that do not understand the laws or for other reason they just do not care.
I was at court for the 2nd time, and once more Joyce was not there, and once more the Judge did nothing. I have done all the correct paperwork to have her removed from this case as under Substitutions of the judge as of right under 735 ILCS 5/2-1001(a)(2) (2008) are made by motion. The statute explicitly distinguishes between the substitution of judge and transfer of the cause to another county, a change of venue. By amending § 2-1001 to include the right to a substitution of judge without cause, the legislature has specifically eliminated the requirement that a party provides a reason for seeking a substitution.
 By the same token, the legislature has saved the courts from inquiring into the motive behind a party's motion for substitution. The only exception recognized by the Illinois Supreme Court is when it is shown that the motion was made merely to delay or avoid trial
Now, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan grated my motion back on August 2nd, 2018. However, GAL David Gotzh had them do a hearing on my motion. Now, the laws are clear; however, under Chief Judge Evans; these judges do not go by the laws; they do what they want and how they want, and it takes forever and day to get anything done in the appeals court as I have been waiting on the case record for over 3 months. I have done three motion asking for more time to get the record ready. 
Zion life has been on hold due to the fact that those in power just do not care. What do I have to do to get this record? I have been told get a lawyer, and that will make it better; well after $10k spent on lawyers this case is not better.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan was moved into another courtroom, and now she can just destroy Adult with issues as that is where she is now. I hope she used that nurse degree to help them as she did not help the babies.
So, I must ask the question who do I need to speak to, who do I need to send a letter to; what do I need to do to get this record to the appellate court so that I can do my brief and get Zion back?
On Jan 18th, 2019 Joyce did another motion and like everything she does; she did not send out notice. She has a good teacher as the GAL David Gotzh did a brief and he never mailed me a copy. I only found out due to the fact that I got an email from someone at CVLS as they file his six copies and sent me an email.  I spoke with someone at the appeal court, and I was told that he was required to send me a copy and he did not and what is new
I will keep on keeping on, I will keep on blogging about this case, this judge and that GAL as I have said before I want to make sure that they do not destroy any other black and brown babies

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


We are not going to get it; we lock these black men up like they are animals. No, take that back; we would not lock up dogs and cats the way we do them. We have a court system that has Judges like Susan Kennedy Sullivan and Lawyers like David Gotzh whom do not care about what they do to them when they are young and pipeline them into a prison system that is set up for them to keep coming back. 
I am so dam sick of hearing these stories as I talk about this last summer; these young men do not give a hell about taking your life; it is a badge to smoke someone as you go upstate with a tag; do not fuck with you. And we only want to say that they need to be locked up; we cannot hold them forever. We do nothing for them when they are there; we take away the books; yes, getting a dam book in jail, you got a better chance of getting some drugs. 
I keep saying this and I wish I could get a job a law school; all lawyers to should spend time or a night in jail. That way they can see what the hell they are sending these young black men. Now baby comes into the world as a killer 19-year-old Jakharr Williams has an active parole warrant. How in hell does someone 19 have a parole anything; he should be going into his 2nd year at someone school.
I bet the house as I have been working on this, at some point in his life he had a Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan; that Judge told me to my face that she wants to make killers. She looks at what we were doing with Zion, and she told me NO; she told me that the life we wanted for Zion would not keep her working. How dare we bring up a young black boy not to go to jail. You all think I am joking about that; I am 100% not. 
The GAL in the case is a racist and new flesh; there are lawyers out here as well as police and judges that work with black folks each day and call them niggas at night. So, what he did to Zion was a judicial lynching. I do not know what I hope for this young man; as he has a target on his back and I just hope he does not stay in the south suburban as these police will shot to kill; he might have a chance getting taking alive in the city. 
So sorry for this long rant as I take this personal; I love helping young black boys make it; I wish that I could be a father, mentor to many more; but we have destroyed them to the point where when I get the time to talk to them; they are lost. 
Yes, this young man took another young man life, and I know that he should be punished for that; how about giving him six years. After all, that is the going rate to shot and kill a black man. I have to get up and go into the city as I have to go to court and stand before Judge Kennedy-Sullivan as she tells more lies. I must stand there and be a good Negro and look at her, or she might lock me up. I have to stand there as GAL David does what he does best and that it tells lies. 
I am going to stand there and not say anything as I do not have any respect for him or her; they are no better than that young man that shot and kill the guy in the mall. These two kill young black men each day; I would love to report the record of Judge Kennedy-Sullivan; what is her go to jail rate How many young men does she destroy as a judge that end up going to jail. 
I hope she was a better nurse than Judge as she good at killing young black men in the court; who know what she did to them as a nurse. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Carpetbagger Democrat

Race is never going away; this word can come and go and race in American is and will always be the number one issue that we have.
We have so many that say race is not important; or that we have overcome race if this week has not taught us anything it taught us that he life of a black man in the American is not worth that of a dog. Many will say that black men kill each other, and this is a fact; it is also a fact that White man kill white people and so on, as we kill what we know.
David, David he did not understand that I am not a negro; he talks to me as such, and he most likely is used to having his way with black folks; he speaks and shut up. However, I am going to make sure that for the rest of his natural born life he never forgets this negro. I know that my fight is one where I am going up to a giant that will not more CVLS is and has a history similar to those Catholic priests.
Let look at the facts; most the Catholic charity work is done in the poorest parts of time, and there is where these priests find their victims; you better know they would not be up in lake park trying that. Same as CVLS; they go and practice on the poor; they have lawyers (many who cannot stand the people that they work with) go and practiced their skills on the cases of poor and children.
David did not do any investigating into Zion case; he told me that he was not “Why do I need to read this, after all, she is never getting him back” That is word for word what he said to me over the phone when he asked me if I expected him to read my motion.
This man had one job and only one, that was to look into this case and make a decision on what was in the best for Zion; and he had an out. Before he came onto this case, it was in the Adoption court, and all he had to do was tell the Judge that it was there, and the law required her to transfer everything. However, that did not happen, and it is only one reason that it did not; This racist told me not to come on NIGGA TIME!
Now, the system is set up so that when you have a lawyer or a person that does not do their job, it was and up to the Judge to run the court. The same Judge that said this Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan said “Schaefer and Mack weren't properly notified about the hearing, and she had no authority to make decisions regarding the child's future”
Now, this is the same Judge that Took Zion from us and during the hearing she said to Danielle that she should have known about the hearing and should have just come into her court. Now there was never any notice mailed out by Joyce, and I made motions after motion about this fact. CVLS knew this to be a fact also; however, it was never about Zion; it was only about the Black man that dare to question this judge and a racist GAL.
My blood as I just do not get this; but what I do know is that this Judges needs to be removed from the Bench and I can tell you that it is not one; not one person in Cook County offices that do not know about this case or this Judge. The Chief Judge in Cook County; sent me a letter saying that he has no power or control over the actions of Judges that sit on the bench. This is a LIE. He removed a judge of color for letting someone sit in her seat, and he does nothing to this judge that put the life of black and brown babies in danger.
This Judge is clueless about the laws, or she just does not care, she told me that she did not care if Joyce lied under oath because she does not like me. She disregards the law that is clear; when a minor case is in the Adoption court, all other cases stop or join. This Judge told me that she does not care about that as her case is more important. This is not what the laws are, and time after time this judge disobey the law and why; as she said, “she is the Judge.”
We need to STOP these Judges who feel that they are above the laws; who feel that they can just rule as they want as the laws do not apply to them. Let Removed Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan from the Bench; I am going to walk the city, run ads in the papers; and I am going to show up at any and all functions that she attends and pass out flyers. She is a carpetbagger Democrat that only turn such to run in cook county as she comes from a lifelong family of rep.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Grade, F

I would give the Cook County Courts a letter grade F.

I have to say that as a man of color it hurts my heart to speak badly about those that look like me in public. However, when the actions of others have an adverse effect on people that look like me, it is not about race; however, fairness. My life has been negatively affected more than I care to think about and it was due to someone within the cook county courts not doing their job. I would love to ask the question how is it that most of the government offices within cook county are run by someone that looks like me; however, those who are having their life destroy also look like me?
It has been over a year since this madness started with Zion, and to this date, it seems that no one within the cook county government cares. I guess I should not be shocked after all this does not personally affect them. I know that there are more Zion’s that have had their lives destroyed by this system and still we as people of color are still asked to vote for these people, and I keep asking why? I do not see anything that they have done to help the day to day life of the ones that keep putting them into office.
I have been calling the clerk’s office about getting the record for this case for about three months, and it seems that all I keep getting is a broken promise. It kills my soul to think about how this same office is the reason that my life has been turned upside down and this is going back to 2008.  I must do all the work myself, and I know that I have been putting in a lot of hours on this case, and it makes me think about if I was not able to do it myself what it would cost to have a bloodthirsty lawyer do it. I saw nothing but failed from the top on down. The Chief Judge is a man of color, and it seems that he runs the court like an old southern plantation.
The system set up to make sure that more men of color or lock up and having a woman of color in the state attorney office does not stop that.  They play this game by saying there are fewer people in cook county jail; well, take them out of jail to house them and lock them up in their homes only allows them to lock up more. Go into the clerk’s office and need help; it likes going into home depot looking for someone to tell you how to change an outlet. From the time you walk into that office you see no one that wants to work, and when you find someone, they treat you like why are you here. 
They say vote democrat as they will help the people; sorry not in cook county. You can go into any courthouse in this county, and it is full of men of color. How does a group make up 5% of total US population; however, they are making up over 90% of those coming through the courts.
Well, it is easy to see that the cook county probate court does an excellent job to help this. Its history shows that it destroys them when they are young to put them onto a path where crime, drugs or failed is their only options. I ask myself is this the mission of that court? Well, Yes, it is, after all, that is what Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me back on February 21st, 2018 that she was going to do to Zion. 
The funny part to all this is the fact that the only office within cook county courts that seems to help those that look like me is run by a person that looks nothing like me, and that is the public defender’s office. Now, I do not say they are doing their best as it still a game of numbers, where it is the wheel and deal with a black man life.
The cook county court system is not about justice; it is about how many men of color can they look up in a week. They are running a pyramid scheme in the courts and playing with the lives of people of color. Can I ask what is the over or under for how many black men you all destroy next week?
Some will say that if they were not out doing the crime, they would not be coming through the courts; or if they were not guilty of something they would not be convicted; all these are myths.
Let me by the myths buster; as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan did what she did, and it was not within the laws. She locked me up in jail, and I had not broken any laws and when I ask her to her face how she can do all this; she looked me in my eyes and said: “because I am the Judge.”
When Judge Kennedy-Sullivan stood in that courtroom and let Joyce lie under oath; when she let Joyce, witness lie under oath and CVLS look the other way. I asked Judge Kennedy-Sullivan how; she told me “she does not like me, or trust me.”
You see it is a game to those that run these offices and they know the mass majority of people will keep voting them into an office for one reason; They look like them, but trust me they do not think like them.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Road Lawyer!

On May 31st, 2018 I came into the courtroom like a slave; I had hand and foot shackles as I stood in a crowded courtroom. I could see my daughter sitting there crying as she looks at her daddy.
The man that she has looked up to and the first man in her life that she loved. I stood there, and David Gotzh stood there laughing at me, Joyce stood there with this grin on her face, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan stood there and talked about Zion.
She talked to Zion, and she told us about how this young man was gifted and way beyond his years and what a job we had done to bring up this young man. She said that everything that Zion was and is was due 100% to us. And in the same breath she said that she was still going to send him to live a life of Hell; after all, he is a black boy, and he will be in jail or dead before he is 18.
I want you to think about me as a man and how on May 31st, 2018 I died; I was broken down; my daughter has never seen her daddy cry, and on that day, I could not help it. The courtroom on that day everyone that had a soul cried. But the Road lawyer David Gotzh stood that and just gave me that look like Nigga What.
So, when I talk about hate that I have for him many of you just do not get it; you all can pass this bullshit around about what you think R. Kelley did, you want to talk to me about support and how I need to feel sorry. Let me tell you this it was a White guard that asked the Sister guard do we need to have him go out like this, and she looked at me and said yes.
I was in jail for civil contempt of court; let me tell you this; in the history of law you will have to look had to find one person that has been convicted of civil contempt of the court; to tell you the truth it is usual a charge that a Judge give a lawyer to make them do something. The Judge, in this case, hit me with this charge because David Gotzh asks her to do it. So, David, it is by the grace of God that I have not taken your home address and printed it up and pass it all around Gary Ind; it is about the grace of God that I have not put you and your pictures all up over that mall and let all those young black folks what you think about them.
Tonight, I was talking to someone about how the police came with one of their relatives to see their mothers’ body before service, and it made me think about a day that I want to forget. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL David Gotzh and CVLS hated the fact that I would come to court dress in a suit each time; so, they wanted to make sure that I came to court as the way that they love to see a black man.
I share my story, and I post about what happened in that courtroom, and many of you do not listen or care, but you want to talk about how someone that you nothing about might had done something. I have told all of you about something that happens to someone that all you all know.
I have told you about how the Cook County Probate Courtroom is destroying young black boys and you all do and say nothing. Only 100 people have signed up to have this Judge removed; to have CVLS removed as GAL in the courts; to have David law licenses revoked in this state.
I am so hurt right now as I look in my head and I see the look on my baby girls face, I look, and I think about how she had to look at her dad. David talks about how I said I wanted to fight him; that punk does not know me; I am not going to fight you; I am going to destroy you.
David hurt Zion due to the fact that you’re a dirty racist pig. He needs to be locked up for what you did, and you will get away with it due to the fact that you are white and he is a little black boy; But I am not going anywhere; I am going to blog, post, hand out flyers and keep his name going.
I have sent a request to the home newspaper where his dad killed that young Hispanic girl as there is not a limited-on murder and I wanted to know how did he get away with it; how did he kill that baby and blame it on the sun? The cook county powers that be know about Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and they say and do nothing because she is an influential Democrat carpetbagger. I have reached out to all those that are running or that hold an office in cook county, and they all know the numbers; Black Folks do not care about Black folks.
I have reached out the new papers, news folk and I have sent this informant to those that are facebook friends of mines that talk a good game about wanted to help black folks, and to me, that is all they are doing talking. I did not have to read or search to find out how bad this judge is; the people in the courthouse told me; Ya that is Judge Wild Card; you have a wild card making life and death choices for black children.
I want to ask those that was a classmate of David in Ohio about him, I know you love to drink, and I know that you love to speed as those tickets that you were getting there show that. I know that you have money issues and I know that you love to use that world nigga, Esp. for me.
I want to dig so deep into his history I want to know how many times he has cheated on his wife. I need to stop right here as I am not going to do anything but get madder.

David Gotzh the Road Lawyer, yes you buck me, you mad me your black boy, but in the end, I am going to make sure that when anyone googles the road lawyer they know just what and who you are.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

One Judge in Life

Had I been Jewish what happens in courtroom 1806 would have never happened.
So, for me as a man of color, I had to sit back and watch this past year as a Racist destroyed a young black boy. I had to watch as a cook county judge broke the laws and used judicial misconduct to get her revenge.
I had to watch all this as Chief Judge Evans knew about it, the cook county board President and the cook county state’s attorney both knew about this. So, for me, I do not feel the need to wonder, or question does race matter or is justice real.
CVLS and each one of its board members knew about this and what did they do? They gave an award to this racist, and a tap on the back for doing such a great job at destroyed another young black boy as that seems to be their actual mission statement.
David Gotzh would have never said the racist things that he said to me had I been Jewish. And he sure would have kept her German history lesson to himself. However, he has been in cook county long enough to understand that the life of a black boy in that county is not worth anything.
I do not like fake people. I do not like to see those folks that we elected to serve the people talk to me about justice. There is no justice in Crook County for a black man. It is and has always been JUST US.
On July 25, 2018, I stood in courtroom 1806, and with my own eyes I watch for the first time in my life, a Judge who was elected to serve the people and be the eyes and ears of justice say to me that she did not care about someone telling a lie under oath as she personally did not like me.
I had to stand in courts as GAL David Gotzh was allowed to make racist jokes. He has been allowed to also lie under oath and once more someone wants to tell me that we have a justice system.
One thing that I can agree with President Trump on, is that we do have a system that is broke and bias. We have a system where all the check and balance do not work as they are not made to work. When a lawyer does something you go to ARDC; however, they say unless another lawyer or the judge come forward their hands are tied.
The cook county state attorney’s office is too busy locking up black men to try and help save one. Nothing has changed under Foxx. You all need to fact check her record.
Under her watch, she is still sending more man of color to jail for crimes they did not do. She is still letting those who job is to uphold the law, break those same laws get off (unless you are a black cop). Foxx office is not the one that got a conviction on that CPD; her office would have done the same thing they did with the judge and the gun, let him walk.
I reach out to the AG office, and once more they do not want to touch a case where they must investigate a judge in cook county. The Judicial board is looking into her actions, but they are an office of 4 to investigate the state.
So, tell me as a black man why I should have faith in a system that time after time has proven to me that it is not made for me. Just because the person that is in charge looks like me; does not say that they think like me. These black folks think they are better than I and they have overcome my skin is my sin problem.
The truth is that our system of justices is a joke. They find out that a man of color did not commit the crime and they still find a way to keep him in jail. The judge can lie, the lawyers can lie, the police can lie; the witness can lie; everyone can tell a lie, and you want to say to me that justices were done.
This is 2019 and has nothing change in the court system since the 1930s in cook county. Percent will show that there is more black man in cook county jail than ever before. Do not get caught up in the number games; they let a lot out on house arrest; just to make room to house more.
I know this case better than anyone, so when someone wants to talk to me about what they think; I can point to them what the facts are. When the GAL wanted to say that this case is about me; no, this case has been made about me due to the fact that when he BUCK me; I buck back.
When he told me, Nigga stay in your place I told him what my place was. When I manned up and did not boy down, I became an angry black man. David looks at me with that Third Reich as to say to me, if he had a tree I sure would be hanging from it, as that is where he comes from; they put negros like me to death in the gas chambers.
I cannot stand up as a man and say that I trust our system of justice as I am not blind. Lady justice does not have a blindfold over her eyes in cook county. Nope, she has a tree where she still hangs blacks’ men from.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan broke the law; she did a miss-justice to Zion and when I look her into her eyes and ask her how she can do this; she looked at me and said to me “Because I am the JUDGE.”
David Gotzh did all the things that he did because he made it clear to me, he is a White man in a county that does not care about black people. When he and CVLS both knew about all the lies told in this case, they knew about the witness who admitted to telling lies; and all they could say to me was tell it to the judge.
Well, sorry as your bible folks like to say, there is only one Judge in life, and that is not the one sitting on a bench in courtroom 1806. If you want to talk to me about facts, I can have that talk, but to talk to me about what you think or feel; sorry I know the facts, and I have lived them.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Definition of wild card 1: an unknown or unpredictable factor;.

Now in cards or sports, this is something that might be good; however, in Cook County Probate court this is not something that a Judge should be called. When looking at the person that make the life and death choices to minors that have no voice; you never want a wild card speaking for them. And you do not want a man with racist views being the voice for them; in the case with Zion, we had both.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me on 2/21/18 that she did not think it was the right life choices that were in place for Zion. Now, those life choices where him playing baseball and working on getting into a good school to be a STEM major. This is 100% right, a Cook County Judge who is backed and supported by the Cook County Democratic party said that for a young black child to want to do these things is not the right path for him.
What was the right path in her eyes; well, for him to live on 79th in the hardcore part of the City; for him to go to one of the worse schools in the city, for him to come up in a house with Folks and drugs and sex being sold. I cannot make this up as it is a Fact. The day that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took Zion from us; she talks about how he has got only A’s in school, how he was smart and everything that he was; is due to us; however, she was going to send him to live with someone that he does not know.
This person who took an oath to uphold the laws of the land said that laws do not apply as she is the Judge and she is above laws. Now, the GAL under the supervising of CVLS that makes millions of the taxpayers in Cook County allowed a Racist to oversee this case as the GAL. They help witness to lie; they help to cover up the real facts in this case as I am sure they have done before; and why? They needed to save face, and they did not want to bite the hand that feeds them. The Judge is the one that appoints the GAL for the children, and that prize goes to CVLS.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is called the wild card as she does not have an understanding of the laws and for that reason, you never know what she is going to do. And let’s be honest about the fact that she is only causing harm to young black and brown babies and for that reason, everyone looks the other way. They say she is the Judge and she can do what she wants after all she is the Judge. Well, she cannot do what she wants, however as long as the crooks that run Cook County are in power, she will.
I say that all those in power in Cook County need to be investigated for what is going on; the pay to play is the biggest game in town. Chief Judge Evans placed a Judge who has 0 qualifications to be in that courtroom; she is fresh on the bench, and she got a placed into a position that many judges have years on the bench before they get that placement. Once more she was in the basement wildcarding traffic tickets, and now, she is giving young babies death time.
Once on the bench in Cook County; most judges sit for life as that is the pay to play game; we lock up political people for less; however, time after time these judges have been playing the game and nothing is said or done. Why does someone fight and speak up for these children, when do we say enough is enough? Time after time night after night on the news we hear stories about some young man being kill or killing and over 70% of them at some point in their life has Cook County in their life someway. When does this stop?
At what point do we say enough is enough; at what point does the federal government step in and look into where and how the money changes hands? Riddle me this; a Nurse whom goes to law school at night and pass the bar in is placed on the bench in 2009 in her late 60th has no courtroom anything in her background; does not have children at all, and she is placed in probate court.
They want to say that money did not cross someone hands; sorry I know better.  We all know the games that are played, and the FEDS need to come in and look at the books.   SHOW ME THE MONEY!