Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Definition of wild card 1: an unknown or unpredictable factor;.

Now in cards or sports, this is something that might be good; however, in Cook County Probate court this is not something that a Judge should be called. When looking at the person that make the life and death choices to minors that have no voice; you never want a wild card speaking for them. And you do not want a man with racist views being the voice for them; in the case with Zion, we had both.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me on 2/21/18 that she did not think it was the right life choices that were in place for Zion. Now, those life choices where him playing baseball and working on getting into a good school to be a STEM major. This is 100% right, a Cook County Judge who is backed and supported by the Cook County Democratic party said that for a young black child to want to do these things is not the right path for him.
What was the right path in her eyes; well, for him to live on 79th in the hardcore part of the City; for him to go to one of the worse schools in the city, for him to come up in a house with Folks and drugs and sex being sold. I cannot make this up as it is a Fact. The day that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took Zion from us; she talks about how he has got only A’s in school, how he was smart and everything that he was; is due to us; however, she was going to send him to live with someone that he does not know.
This person who took an oath to uphold the laws of the land said that laws do not apply as she is the Judge and she is above laws. Now, the GAL under the supervising of CVLS that makes millions of the taxpayers in Cook County allowed a Racist to oversee this case as the GAL. They help witness to lie; they help to cover up the real facts in this case as I am sure they have done before; and why? They needed to save face, and they did not want to bite the hand that feeds them. The Judge is the one that appoints the GAL for the children, and that prize goes to CVLS.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is called the wild card as she does not have an understanding of the laws and for that reason, you never know what she is going to do. And let’s be honest about the fact that she is only causing harm to young black and brown babies and for that reason, everyone looks the other way. They say she is the Judge and she can do what she wants after all she is the Judge. Well, she cannot do what she wants, however as long as the crooks that run Cook County are in power, she will.
I say that all those in power in Cook County need to be investigated for what is going on; the pay to play is the biggest game in town. Chief Judge Evans placed a Judge who has 0 qualifications to be in that courtroom; she is fresh on the bench, and she got a placed into a position that many judges have years on the bench before they get that placement. Once more she was in the basement wildcarding traffic tickets, and now, she is giving young babies death time.
Once on the bench in Cook County; most judges sit for life as that is the pay to play game; we lock up political people for less; however, time after time these judges have been playing the game and nothing is said or done. Why does someone fight and speak up for these children, when do we say enough is enough? Time after time night after night on the news we hear stories about some young man being kill or killing and over 70% of them at some point in their life has Cook County in their life someway. When does this stop?
At what point do we say enough is enough; at what point does the federal government step in and look into where and how the money changes hands? Riddle me this; a Nurse whom goes to law school at night and pass the bar in is placed on the bench in 2009 in her late 60th has no courtroom anything in her background; does not have children at all, and she is placed in probate court.
They want to say that money did not cross someone hands; sorry I know better.  We all know the games that are played, and the FEDS need to come in and look at the books.   SHOW ME THE MONEY!

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