Thursday, January 10, 2019

One Judge in Life

Had I been Jewish what happens in courtroom 1806 would have never happened.
So, for me as a man of color, I had to sit back and watch this past year as a Racist destroyed a young black boy. I had to watch as a cook county judge broke the laws and used judicial misconduct to get her revenge.
I had to watch all this as Chief Judge Evans knew about it, the cook county board President and the cook county state’s attorney both knew about this. So, for me, I do not feel the need to wonder, or question does race matter or is justice real.
CVLS and each one of its board members knew about this and what did they do? They gave an award to this racist, and a tap on the back for doing such a great job at destroyed another young black boy as that seems to be their actual mission statement.
David Gotzh would have never said the racist things that he said to me had I been Jewish. And he sure would have kept her German history lesson to himself. However, he has been in cook county long enough to understand that the life of a black boy in that county is not worth anything.
I do not like fake people. I do not like to see those folks that we elected to serve the people talk to me about justice. There is no justice in Crook County for a black man. It is and has always been JUST US.
On July 25, 2018, I stood in courtroom 1806, and with my own eyes I watch for the first time in my life, a Judge who was elected to serve the people and be the eyes and ears of justice say to me that she did not care about someone telling a lie under oath as she personally did not like me.
I had to stand in courts as GAL David Gotzh was allowed to make racist jokes. He has been allowed to also lie under oath and once more someone wants to tell me that we have a justice system.
One thing that I can agree with President Trump on, is that we do have a system that is broke and bias. We have a system where all the check and balance do not work as they are not made to work. When a lawyer does something you go to ARDC; however, they say unless another lawyer or the judge come forward their hands are tied.
The cook county state attorney’s office is too busy locking up black men to try and help save one. Nothing has changed under Foxx. You all need to fact check her record.
Under her watch, she is still sending more man of color to jail for crimes they did not do. She is still letting those who job is to uphold the law, break those same laws get off (unless you are a black cop). Foxx office is not the one that got a conviction on that CPD; her office would have done the same thing they did with the judge and the gun, let him walk.
I reach out to the AG office, and once more they do not want to touch a case where they must investigate a judge in cook county. The Judicial board is looking into her actions, but they are an office of 4 to investigate the state.
So, tell me as a black man why I should have faith in a system that time after time has proven to me that it is not made for me. Just because the person that is in charge looks like me; does not say that they think like me. These black folks think they are better than I and they have overcome my skin is my sin problem.
The truth is that our system of justices is a joke. They find out that a man of color did not commit the crime and they still find a way to keep him in jail. The judge can lie, the lawyers can lie, the police can lie; the witness can lie; everyone can tell a lie, and you want to say to me that justices were done.
This is 2019 and has nothing change in the court system since the 1930s in cook county. Percent will show that there is more black man in cook county jail than ever before. Do not get caught up in the number games; they let a lot out on house arrest; just to make room to house more.
I know this case better than anyone, so when someone wants to talk to me about what they think; I can point to them what the facts are. When the GAL wanted to say that this case is about me; no, this case has been made about me due to the fact that when he BUCK me; I buck back.
When he told me, Nigga stay in your place I told him what my place was. When I manned up and did not boy down, I became an angry black man. David looks at me with that Third Reich as to say to me, if he had a tree I sure would be hanging from it, as that is where he comes from; they put negros like me to death in the gas chambers.
I cannot stand up as a man and say that I trust our system of justice as I am not blind. Lady justice does not have a blindfold over her eyes in cook county. Nope, she has a tree where she still hangs blacks’ men from.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan broke the law; she did a miss-justice to Zion and when I look her into her eyes and ask her how she can do this; she looked at me and said to me “Because I am the JUDGE.”
David Gotzh did all the things that he did because he made it clear to me, he is a White man in a county that does not care about black people. When he and CVLS both knew about all the lies told in this case, they knew about the witness who admitted to telling lies; and all they could say to me was tell it to the judge.
Well, sorry as your bible folks like to say, there is only one Judge in life, and that is not the one sitting on a bench in courtroom 1806. If you want to talk to me about facts, I can have that talk, but to talk to me about what you think or feel; sorry I know the facts, and I have lived them.

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