One of the guys that I was in school with is a Pimp; he is not a want to be Pimp, but a full pimp up hoes down pimp. I love this brother as he is my brother and I do not judge how he makes his money. I know that if I was in a fight he would have my back before anyone.
Now he knows Joyce first hand; as she was going to fly out to work for him. Now, she did not go, and it was not due to the fact that she did not want to go; but due to the fact that she was not able to get out there. Now, he asks me how in the hell did we lose Zion to a Ho; I told him very easy a racist lawyer. He said to me that yes, her head game in on point.
So, when I talk about how I know real pimps like CVLS and Cook County Courts, I can tell you that I do. Now my classmate I know I do not judge him and his life; as I am not better than him or less than him. We all are getting pimp by someone; your job is pimping you out, the courts sure pimp me out; so, before I pass judgment on anyone I look into the mirror as I do not judge. What Fly taught me was how to keep my daughter off the pole.
Now I trust this brother as I know where he is coming from and I know that in his life they have a code that they live and die by; the funny thing is to many of do not. Today in Probate Court I got pimp slap by Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan; she told me that she was not able to rule on any of my motion due to the fact that the OP case is on Appeal. Now, what makes this funny is the fact that she locks me up, she discharged us as guarding all while the case was on Appeal.
Now, CVLS is helping Joyce and giving her legal advice, and this is a FACT. Today in the mail I got a copy of the motion that Joyce did as it was mailing the day after I told the supervisory for CVLS that Joyce did not mail out anything. Now, what did Joyce do, she got a paper copy of a notice form and changed the date on it and put it in the mail. Now, it has a mail date of 1.24.19, and she filed her motion back on 1/18/19, and she did not file that noticed.
CVLS is in the business of pimping out young black boys and girls. They file docs and change the dates on them or do not send them out at all. 100% FACT David Gotzh did this, and he is one of their best; this is what they post on their page. CVLS called Zion school when we had him and told his school lies about me, they are the ones that told Joyce to go to Harrison Court House and get that Bogus OP to keep Zion from us. Once more they are the GAL for Zion.
CVLS has one job, and only one and that is to do what is in the best interest of Zion, and they told the court that it was better for Zion, a 12year old black boys to go from living with a family that he has lived with for the past 12 years to go live in a war zone.
They said that it was better for him to stop going to school and working on being something in life; to go and become a member of GD and smoke weed. They allowed Joyce and others to lie on the stand and they knew they were telling lies.
Now I am going to do all that I can to make sure that everyone knows what is going on with CVLS as now they cannot stop me; they have done their best to hurt me, and they are going to have to kill me to keep me quiet.
In Cook County it pays to play all day long, CVLS makes millions off pimping young children in the court system. That probate court in cook county placed these black and brown babies in the care of CVLS, and they destroy them and make killers.
I have to say that today was just the topping on the cake. Joyce has been sending me FaceBook Friends request; she has been on my page tagging my photos, and all these things violated the OP issue on August 6th, 2018. I did a motion to have it withdraw; CVSL augured today that the judge could not do anything in the case as it is on Appeal.
Shut the door, this case has been on appeal since February of 2018 and in that time this Judge has taking Zion from us, she has locked me up, she has lied and let others lie and we have spent over $15k on lawyers. So once more this case was never about facts; it was never about the law, it was only about the fact that as a black man I did something that they did not like and that is to speak up.
I am asking the Ill Attorney General office to investigate CVLS, I am asking ARDC to investigate the behavior of the lawyers that work for CVLS. Let me say that I am 100% sure this is not the first time, and it will not be the last time unless someone stands up and stop them. We were in Adoption court, and we had more than enough proof to show that Joyce was and is an unfit person, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and CVSL with David Gotzh said they were going to do all that they could to stop us and they did.
I have each and every motion, order and I know the facts to this case. If anyone wants to talk to me or see in of the documents, in this case, I have them. I am going to fight this case all the way up to the high courts. David Gotzh needs to be DISBAR!
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