Sunday, January 27, 2019


This case is crucial as it lays the foundation into how you can go to court and challenge a judge.

There is an unwritten rule that you cannot sue a judge. However, I have found case law that says you can, and I have applied to my case on Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan. 
One factor is ABUSE OF DISCRETION; the judge abuses her privilege, and it was done in a reason that generally would not happen.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan rule that First I was giving notice and service due to the fact that I knew about the case going on and I did a motion for dismal based on not being given notice. She rules that Danielle should have known about the case due to the fact that her husband knew; 2nd she said this “you were up in the adoption court trying to take this child; you should have come down to my courtroom.”
I joke not; there are no laws on the book for such actions; however, as a judge, she said that she could do what she wants, and she did. Now, this case is in the appeal court, and it needs to be overturned as if this is allowed to stand; do you know that does.
A judge can say that you were giving notice or service because someone posted on Facebook, they were suing you.
They sue you, and you do not show up for the court, and they win, and 30 days pass and you are stuck as in this state that all the time you can get to void an order.
However, that does not make a difference as we file within the time and CVLS with David Gotzh file so many motions to say that we were too late or that we should not be allowed to file anything. This was with lawyers doing it for us. We had to have a hearing on if we could even file a motion to vacate the Judge order. Once more ABUSE OF DISCRETION.
Now, the race card comes into play, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is White, and the Judge in the adoption case is African American, now all adoption cases are SEAL; however, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan left the bench and talked to that judge about our case, she not only talks to her, she and GAL David Gotzh with CVLS LIED! They told the Adoption court that we never told anyone about the adoption, and we were trying to hide it and keep it from the court.
Now, there are laws on the book about this; the Judge broke the law when she did what she did, the GAL also did; and they did this because this type of bend the laws goes on each and every day in Cook County and I am sure in many courts in American. Once more those that makeup 5%, make up 85% of that lock up in jail; We have so many men of color getting out of Jail due to the fact that Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and lawyers like David Gotzh and CVL S bend and break the laws to send them to jail based solo on RACE.
It is not about money, it not about how much or little education you have, it is merely about the fact that your skin tone is not White, as such you are a 2nd and 3rd class in Cook County. The head person in that runs the State attorney office for cook county, and the state both know about this case, and they do nothing. The head person that runs the judges knows about this case, and they do nothing, and all three look just like me.  I would rather have a fair White person, than a Black person that does not know they are black and too many of them think that they have overcome the color band.
The ex-President of these USA was a Nigga to many in American; they did not care why he was, if he were jogging over on 111 and Kedzie he would get stop and ask, Nigga what are you doing over here.  So, I keep reading on the laws, and I keep doing what I need to do as I am in a fight that no one wants to get in and help me as they all love the norm. You see you sit there and point and look at those men lock up in jail and say they are all bad and pass judgment; until they get out and live next to you.
 A white man can kill 50 people and is treated with more respect than a black man that died just walking to the store, how fuck up is that?

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