Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Letter to Chief Judge Evans

Good Day Chief Judge Evans;

As I think about the letter that came from your office and how you and many keep saying to my family and I that it is nothing you can do; I say sir with all due respect is that true? Your office is telling me that you cannot do anything about a Judge that sits on the Bench making the life decision for black and brown babies?  However,  your office can decide on what to do in a beat of a heart when a Judge lets a Judge elected to sit in her seat and put on her rob.
You all want to tell me that the harm that this Judge did to our son (yes, I call him our son, as we were the ones that have raised him to be the man he is); does not compare to what that Markham judge did (and I have to say that I know that Judge and she was nothing like this one)? As I look at the picture and I ask myself what makes these two judges different; can you answer that for me?
Would or should a Doctor do surgery on someone that has filed a complaint about them?  So why would this Judge hear this case when she made it clear how she felt? I am sick of being sick and I will just deal with the facts.
I ask for time to hire a lawyer; I was denied
I ask for a copy of the paperwork that was file so that I could prepare a defense, I was told yes, I would get a copy (I have been told this twice); and was told no as she gave me nothing.
I ask for 48 hours to stay or to set the hearing that next week and I was told no.
I ask for a court reporter so that whatever happened on the 18th it would be a record of it for appeal and I was told: “yes I can have or order a court reported, but for you, I will not, you can pay for one if you want one.”  The Judge told me that she was not going to have one in the courtroom and it was no way that I could get on in short notice.
I told the Judge that my son was graduating from high school on the 19th out of state, she told me that I should have made better plans. How, have the school change the date.
I came back with an emergency motion asking for another court date and copies of what I was coming before the court on; also a new judge to hear the motion.  I sat in courtroom 1806 for 3 hours; I walked down and got a court clerk (not anyone, but the Asst.) and the Judge stood up in the courtroom and told me to Leave her courtroom as she was not going to hear my emergency motion.
I ask the Judge does the co-guarding or birth father of record need to be giving noticed and the Judge said NO; she decided who get noticed in her courtroom.
There are some of the facts that happen in courtroom 1806 at the hands of this judge. Please do not tell me that it was not any witness as I have one of my own that sat in there one day as the Judge asked me was she the co-guarding as she has never talk, met or ask to see who my wife is.
This was 100% a personal Judicial Lynching, and your office Chief Judge Evans wants to tell me, that a judge letting a person who was just elected Judge is far worse; as your office remover her from the bench ASP. Tell me what the difference in these two judges? RACE!

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