Saturday, June 30, 2018

Angry Black Man

Angry Black Man!
This is a term used in sports, and most commonly in basketball. It is when a black player on one team gets really pissed and goes into Angry Black Man mode or ABM. The player then becomes unstoppable and only stops once he is no longer angry. So, I guess I am just going to be that Angry Black Man until I get my son back! 
I could not get it; why? After all, this GAL has done why did they keep him on the case; it was not until I ran his name and came across this story that it hit me, you see I am sure that he painted me the angry black man that wants to control everything; as they always do.
I am sure that they felt sorry for Joyce as all she is was a single woman who all she wants is to have your child in her life so that she can love him and give him life; as they always do. And I read this; all I can do is shake my head and therefore; we have so many young men of color locked up in jails and on the streets with no hope; I kept saying that CVLS is not what everyone thinks. So, when I said that this case was not going anywhere in the courts without someone from the outside coming in and looking at the facts, this is why. All I can do is laugh as I do not trust many, and this is the reason. Now, I am not dumb I am 100% sure I know what case they are talking about and to say that he did a lot of work. OMG, therefore many within the Black communities do not trust, police, and lawyers.
All I can do is laugh at this as I am going to keep this story as it is to remind me of why, the next time, as it will be this weekend that some young brother does something, I can look back and say yes, they had someone like David Gotzh in their lives; and not a controlling father like myself.
The Mayor of Chicago said to best and that is why I can say that I respect what he said ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.” CVLS knew that this Lawyer was biased, and they did nothing. How in Hell can he get cheers for what he did; does this look like or sound like a mother of the YEAR as he painted her!
I have a picture that she posted on social media where she had just cut Zion loc’s out of his head and he is crying and I want you to go to my Facebook as I made it public and you can see it; I want you to do to his Facebook page ( this is the one with his middle name and funny that same picture that on CVLS site)  where he talks about young black boys from Gary IN and calls them "want to be gangbanger".
CVLS is trying to bankrupt my wife and in this case ( I guess that is how they win) as he is asking for hearing on motion to see if they can be file; He is their Lawyer of the month; he turned a 12-year-old Child over to a Woman that is selling sex on the street (FACT); and is living in a house with drugs user; Oh I am sorry that is how most think that many black folks live anyway. So I guess for CVLS it is Job well done!

ZION 101

Let me give Zion 101; when he was 3 months old in Dec of 2006, Joyce, DCFS casework, and family reached out to us to take Zion into our house, they all wanted us to adopt Zion; Joyce did not want him, and there were about 5 open DCFS cases on her for Child Abuse. I said NO, and Danny said YES; so, he came to live with us and it was going to be until she got herself together. Well, she was set on she did not want him, and she signs all the paperwork to give him to us, and I came up with Guardships as in 2007 I was not set on adoption.
Well, it was all done by agreement up to the point that DCFS told her once she lost legal custody of him they were going to stop paying her $110 for him and housing; she changed her mind and told the Judge that we could keep him, but she wanted to keep the money. So, after a year trial, the court gave Danielle legal guardship of him. There were so many issues that came up and was going on up to 2012; when the Courts told her to stop, and DCFS stop paying her legal bills at that point they had to come out of about $70K for her as we were In court for everything you can come up with but they court never took him from us.
Ok, July of 2017 Danny took that job in Memphis, my mom let Joyce moved into her house (after I beg her not to do it as I knew it was going to be problems) and Danny work it out with Joyce to let Zion move also. However, Joyce did not have any rights to say that he could, as it was up to the courts to say that he could, and this was not done. So, I had to go to court in July to become co-guarding as a storm was coming.
So, my mom had to put Joyce our, she was selling sex out of her house, and she was doing what she does best she gave them hell to get her out of their home. Next, it was time for her to use Zion; she wanted money, and she wanted a place to live and when she was told no; here come the courts. She did the paperwork to remove Me as guarding and she never did the paperwork right or send anyone copies.
So, in Dec I did the paperwork to end her court case, and that took us to February when GAL David Gotzh came onto the case. First, call he let me know he was German and that does not come to meet him on CP time; next it was he did not want Zion to see a Black movie. Next, he did a report and did not send me a copy, and at court, he and the Judge said a lot of things in court that force me to make complaints on them.
Ok what is as GAL, well in cook county a judge gave a child back to the mom and that child was killed and the courts put GAL into place as their job is to speak for the child. Now, Zion is old enough to speak for himself, but the Judge gave him a GAL.  So, Zion told him he did not want to live with Joyce; the GAL said that she would have to win the lottery to get him back.
So how did she get him; easy the Judge had a hearing on a day I was not in court due to my other son graduated from High school; she would not set the hearing for a different day, she would not give me time to hire a lawyer, she would not even give me a copy of anything that the hearing was on. She just told me to be there at 2, and she was sending Zion home with Joyce after; yes, she said before we even had any hearing, or I came that she was still going to send him with Joyce; why? She knew that I had hit her with a Judicial complaint and she was getting payback.
So next, I had to go and hire a lawyer, and this Judge has told them in so many ways that she does not care what motion I do, she is set on her personal dislike for me; the GAL is also set on his. Now my Lawyer did a motion on the Judge ruling, and the GAL want to have a hearing on if the Lawyer can make the motions. Yes, we are having a hearing on if the motion can even be file. Now, time after time Joyce has chicken scrap something and he has never said anything; he as helps her lie to get an OP; he has helped her do her paperwork, he has crossed the line, so many times helping her that it is clear he is her lawyer also.
Now, he cannot and should not be doing this; however, the Judge does not care as she is MAD! At the last court date, she wanted to lock me up because I look away from her; she orders the guard in the court to make me keep my eyes on her.
Now when others are taking and looking at each other I have to look and keep my eyes on her; this is unheard up, and she is on a power trip; she first said that Zion could and should call us; and now her and the GAL does not want him to talk to us at all; for the last 12 years we are the only family he knows, and now he cannot talk to us at all; I am sure he thinks that we have forgotten about him.
This case is and has been in the applet court since March as I did the paperwork. I am 100% sure that it will be overturned. However, at that point the physiologic harm it has cause Zion and us; I have not slept in weeks; Danny is not sleeping as I know that many of you do not care and I understand; but he is our son and to have your child hurt, and you cannot do anything eats at your soul.
There are two people that can step in right now and put a stop to this, and I have reached out to on; I have not gone to the Judge over the probate court and the only reason I have not, is due to the fact that she also sits on the Judicial Board. However, I am going to reach out to her; if you look at the paperwork in his case, you will see that this is and has been all about me.
I would give my life for one of my children; so, I am sorry I cannot go about my life as if this is not going on; I cannot eat or sleep or do much as I know my son is living on 78th and Essex in a drug home; with drugs spots all on the block and living with a man that no one knows, and Joyce leaves him there from 6 to 6 am 4 days out of the week.
I cannot get anyone of my family members to help as they all have issues in their own lives. I know that for a fact someone is going back to report what I have said as that was found out in court, I do not care.  As many do not like the way I father mine; but you better know that each one of them will get that degree and they will do more with their life than most that came before them.
Joyce does not have a high school anything, so she did not want Zion to have one; she moves 4 to 6 times a year, and she lives her life on the streets and the court knows this; but the Judge said that she has been living in an apt for 2 months in a row; so that is enough for her; FACT in her report 2 Month! The GAL knows that she sold sex for money, but he said that was last year; she said she has a job now.
This case is a Joke, and you all want to talk about child abuse?

Friday, June 29, 2018

In Chicago just followed the money.

A guardian ad litem (also known as a “GAL”) is an attorney for the parties’ child(ren). The guardian ad litem is required to investigate the facts of the case, interview the child(ren) and the parties, and testify or submit a written report to the court regarding his or her recommendations in accordance with the best interest of the child.  Unlike a child representative, the guardian ad litem may be called as a witness for purposes of cross-examination regarding the guardian ad litem's report or recommendations. 
On June 29, 2018 in court the GAL David Gotzh was in court and said that Danelle (my wife and the only mom Zion has known since he was 3 months, and all our other children should not be able to talk to Zion due to the fact Joyce told him that they were asking Zion questions about what is going on where he is living. He said it was in the Best Interest of Zion that he be cut off from the only family he knows; now he also did not tell the court that Zion told him that he wanted to go back home. Now as the lawyer for Zion that was and is his duty.
The Actions of Attorney David Gotzh is crime at best and also falls under Child Abuse; on his Facebook page he speaks about his dislike for black and brown boys; and I keep asking myself why he would want to be a GAL in Cook County; and it keeps coming back to me; to hurt as many Black and Brown boys as he can. Attorney David Gotzh as he is trying to get my Son Zion killed, or I guess he is just trying to make another want to be gang member as he said
What effect does an act of "fraud upon the court" have upon the court proceeding? "Fraud upon the court" makes void the orders and judgments of that court. It is also clear and well-settled Illinois law that any attempt to commit "fraud upon the court." vitiates the entire proceeding. The People of the State of Illinois v. Fred E. Sterling, 357 Ill. 354; 192 N.E. 229 (1934) ("The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into which it enters applies
Attorney David Gotzh  #46652 is a liar, and he needs to be stipe of his law license as his actions have caused mental harm to not only my family but the damage that he did to his so-called client he should be arrested for child abuse. He would come to court and say that he sent notice and copies of motions in the mail and showed no proof that he did and be trusted just because he is an attorney.
This Attorney has crossed the line he has develop some type of personal something with the birth mother of the child who it was his duty to act in his best; however, he as only acted in the best of his mom. The child told him that he did not want to live with his birth mom and Attorney David Gotzh kept it from the courts; for all these actions I am requested that you sign my petition to have his law license in the state of Illinois revoke and The Road Attorney hit the road to destroy children somewhere else!
The Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan-2051 was elected In December 2010. And was in Elder Law and Miscellaneous Division and First Municipal Division, Traffic Court. Now her background is only civil, an as a judge her background is criminal so how did she get a probate placement? Well her husband is Hon. Daniel J. Sullivan (ret.), who served in Rolling Meadows courthouse, Cook County District 3. So to say that she was giving her position by marriage would be an understatement.  She ran for 1st Appellate District court and was beat hands down as it was no one that felt she had the background or experience; So the question is how did she get a placement as great as probate?
My Late aunt uses to tell me that when it comes to politics in Chicago just followed the money. Today Judge Kennedy Sullivan was trying to get me to lock up as I did not look at her; I joke you not; she stop the court case and ask for the Cook County Guard to come to the back, and she orders her to tell me to look at her; That was a play on Negro you better look at me as I am master, and you are a slave.  Now I have been told to be quite or be a good negro, and I am sorry that is not the man I am.
This Judge is sitting on the Bench in a courtroom that she should not be in and we want to cry tears for those children on the south of the border and do not say anything about those on the south side of Chicago. Those that know me; also know that I do not fear any man as we all are going to leave this earth some day; and you know what I am going to leave this word with my head up high as it might cost my son his life, but his death will be on the hands of Susan Kennedy Sullivan and Chief Judge Evans.
A FACT to think about I have an open Judicial complaint on the judge; I have an open ARDC complaint on the GAL, and I did the paperwork for both of them to be removed, and they have not (FACT ALL MY COMPLAINT WERE DONE BACK IN MARCH); why? WHAT IS THE LIFE OF A BLACK BOY WORTH IN COOK COUNTY? NOTHING

How? The basement traffic court, up to the penthouse, probate court?

It is funny as I sit here today I know this case is not about Zion and has not been about him since GAL David Gotzh ( ) walked into this case. Now I said it before how he became a GAL is a shock to me; he posts about little black boys being gang banger want to be, and all he works with are children of color. The issue at hand was Zion meds and out of nowhere Joyce took Zion to the Dr. and got his meds is what he said today; (what make her take him and how did she pay?). Then next the GAL just happens to go to her house this week and see Zion and Joyce had all his meds out on the table.
David Gotzh is working for Joyce, and this is why I hit him with 4 ARDC complaints and that remark about it being very hot this weekend that was to let me know that he reads my blogs. So, when I said that he has a personal something going on with Joyce I stand behind that. I know Joyce, and I know she will sleep her way into what she wants, and this man is putting his job on the line for what?  It is a personal fight with him and me, and he should not have had put Zion into that fight.
Now Joyce said she had to work at night at 6 pm for the next court date on July 25th so she could not be at court at 2 pm so Judge Kennedy Sullivan change the time.  I ask the judge to change the date, time or give me time to hire a lawyer on the hearing to discharge me so that I can go to my son Graduation; and she told me no. We ask ourselves all the time why? Why are there so many young black boys in the city of Chicago killing and doing other crimes; it is because we have a system that makes it happen.  
I stop at the appellate court to check on my motion, and I was told that the court has not ruled on it; it was a motion to Adm my appeal, and I ask for a stay on the May 18th order or leave to file for a stay. It is taking all that I have inside of me, and now it is easy to see why I did not want Zion to come back here; as in Tenn. this would have been a different case. The funny thing is we love to talk about how racist it is down south, and I say all the time you want to see racism at it best come to Chi-Town
Joyce petition to discharge us was so bad that you could drive holes in it and if this case comes down to it that is the way to go.  Joyce did not get proper service to start with, and even the GAL did not reach out to anyone; but he wants to file any and all the motions that he can to stop our case as he is not acting as a GAL; however, he is and has been acting as the Lawyer for Joyce.
My motion was strong, but it will be a fight as the Judge does not like me; you can say that she hates me! I am sorry my family has to deal with this as the Judges talks to women lawyers like they are her child (I guess that is why she does not have any); as she was dead wrong in the what she did today. The GAL told one of his lies, and I look away; the Judge got off the bench and told the Cook County Deputy in the courtroom to make me look at her, or lock me up. 
Well, she could not find a way to lock me up for the weekend as she was looking; I better stop coming to court in my suits and come with my short showing and a white tee; she might respect me as I fit the profile that she wants me to be.  In courtroom 1806 justice is not being done; we go, Zion, a phone to call and the Judge said that if Joyce does not want him to call us, she does not have to let him.

The Judge said that her rights are over anyone else (that is including the birth father; it is so funny how that is only the case in African- American that fathers have not rights. Oh well, it all comes down to the fact that this is all on the Watch of Chief Judge Evans; so, while he sits up in his office on the 26th floor, all hell goes on in courtroom 1806. I wonder how much was that check for her to get the bump from the basement traffic court up to the penthouse probate court?

Thursday, June 28, 2018

She Said So

I was sitting here trying to wrap my mind around all that goes on in this country, as I ask myself why? Why do those that have so little owned those with so much everything?
I beg a Judge to let me go to my son graduation and change a date for a hearing that I knew nothing about. While the GAL has known about our hearing on July the 30th since last May 30th. However, he needs to change that date so he can do what he wants in his personal life. I sit here and laugh at this person can take his vacations and change the court date, and I cannot attend something that will only come one in a lifetime for my son.
As a man you should never miss days in the lives of your children; the day they are born and those significant three gradations and if you are lucky the 4th one. I was not going to miss my son walking across that stage for the life of me; I told death do not come for me until after the 19th as I was going to be there.  I got to see my son do something that did not come as easy for him as the first two and I would be damned if I let anyone make me miss that.
The funny part of this story was on May the 9th Joyce stood in the Adoption court trying to get that Judge not to let me and Zion go. I joke not; she asks that judge to stop us from going to the graduation. This is the same person that made us have a hearing so that we could get Zion a passport to take a trip.
I do not get it, I do not, I love all four of my children, and I want to all to do better than I; I want to see parts of the world that I have not; I want to walk the beach in Cuba. I want them to do more in life than I can as Papa Joe said it best and at this stage of my life it is so true; I have less sunrise and sunset ahead; than I had behind me; just a fact.
I hate that Zion misses his baseball season and I told Joyce, and it is so true; Zion is going to hate her; he is going to hate her because he knows that she is not going what is best for him. He has begged her to let him go home. My son has been on the phone with his mom (Danny) telling the person that gave him birth to let him go back home. Now, tell me how is it that he will not feel anything but hate when this is over.
He knows that his dad was put in jail and he knows the reason why and all he wanted to do was to get his dad out of jail, and all I wanted to do was stay in jail to keep him safe. As a man, I have only one job when it comes to those four, and that is to keep them safe first and foremost, and with Zion, I did not do that. I let some racist GAL use my son to hurt me, and as a man, he is not.
You do not use women and children to fight, I am going to make it my life to take away what he loves, I know that he has committed fraud on the courts and I am going to push for him to be held accountable for such. Well, we have court on Friday in room 1806 at 10 am; and I gave my lawyer my word that I would not do anything, I will not say anything; I will be on my best.
As I can tell you this as a man, that GAL is not; he said to me that he and I were going to meet man to man; well, I am still waiting on that day. It is funny and said as this is the person that CVLS will not take off this case; it is his job to do what is in the best of Zion; how can he do that when he is in the bed of his birth mother? He wanted to say that I violated the OP by calling the police to do a wellness check on Zion. Yes, he sent an email to say that I did that; once more he is not the GAL for Zion; however, he is for Joyce (as she has said so!)
We are going down to Jackson to drop off our 3rd Thee I Love JSU child on August 7th, and I find myself putting a care packet together for Zion. I had to go and get his meds (as Egg donor cannot afford to pay for his meds); I had to go and get him a new phone as he broke the last one not to talk to her anymore. So I have to put all this and his insurance card into a bag and take it to court on Friday as once more the woman that the Judge in 1806 gave Zion to; cannot afford to take care of him.
So once more we have to do these things; Zion is our son, and we have to take care of him; as the court is pimping us out so that Joyce can get her weave done. OH, that shit gets me; she will get her hair done before she buys him food and his meds.  Once more the Judge hated me so much that she did not give a care about this little black boy! Judge Kennedy-Sullivan what is the life of a black child worth (and the funny and sad part is she used to be a nurse.) 

King Maker

Long day and I look at what has changed in my life in the past 30 days. I have had to watch my son pay for my actions. I have stood in a courtroom and had a racist GAL and Judge that seem to have a very low IQ when it comes to being a judge, and a crazy bipolar person feel as if she has power when all she is and was is a tool that the GAL and court used to hurt me. 
So, I said it some time ago that this is going to end; good or bad it will end. We have let Joyce used us to the point that it cost us most of our life saving and I have lived my life not man or anger and that all change on May 31st, 2018. I have been a student and teacher of history, and I use to wonder what it would feel like to be a slave in the 1800 and have your child taking from you by the master. 
Well in courtroom 1806 Master took my son away from me as I stood there with leg shackle on and my hand shackle as she talks about what good parents we have been, and how it was her duty to take our son and make sure that the life he uses to know will never be the same. I do not joke about this as it is a sad fact; if Zion were born south of the border, there would be an outcry by all. However, a black child life is not worth that of a dog. 
Now, this is not the feeling that some White people have, however sad to say this is the feeling that some African American have, as self-hate is real. I am not a woman, so roe v wade does not affect me, I was born him, and I hope not to die here, but this is my choice; so someone telling me to go home is not my fight. I have only one fight as a black man, and this is the fight to be a Man. I do not worry about the police shooting me down in the street as I do not run from the police, I do not call them, and I sure will not turn my back on one. 
So for me as a father, my life is to make sure that each one of my sons will grow up to be a man and for that Judge to take Zion and do all that she can to stop that goal is and was child abuse. However, she can get away with it due to the simple fact that many love to forget. Trump might have only a 40% approval rate; however, that is a sold 40% that will come out and vote. That other 60 or 50% would be lucky if they get a strong half of that number out to the polls. 
So, that is why we have a President Trump and will have a 2nd term one also. For me anything that Trump does; do not affect me right now; as it is a man that looks like me that have had more of an impact on my life than Trump will. He is the judge that did nothing; he does not come out of that office and walks the hall of the courts he runs; he sits there like a King. He can do such do the fact that many preachers give him his power. 
They push him into the position as a King, and they are the one to crown him. 
All I know about the man is what I read, and what I read is that he is a father that goes out of his way to make sure his children are taking care of; however, what is the life of a little black boy. I do not know; does he have grandchildren? As his children are about my age; does he have a hate for young black children; I do not know. What I do know is that we the people do not Vote, and we get what we get due to this fact. 
I say, and I stand by this, I need that Great White hope to ride into this case and save my son; that little black boy that we love and will give our lives for. You all do not have to know Zion or like Zion; all you have to do is like and have a love for Justice, and that was not done in this case. FACT.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Under Chief Judge Evans Watch

Under Chief Judge Evans Watch
In 2007 My wife was appointed the temporary guardian to Zion because there were five open DCFS cases on his birth mom (who is my 2nd cousin). We have had Zion since he was three months. For the next five years, DCFS paid about $80k to defend Joyce Washington in court (as we paid about $50K) as she was trying to get Zion back so that she could get some housing and link (Facts she told the Judge).  In 2012 she was ordered not to file anything else and DCFS also stop paying for her legal fees she was 21.
All in July of 2017, my wife had to take a Job with Memphis City Schools.  Joyce agrees to let Zion move (she was not in his life anyway). I apply to be Zion co-guarding so that we could do the paperwork to adopt Zion and move to Tenn. Joyce was evicted from where she was living due to the facts that she was still trading Sex for money in the house she was living. At that point she wanted to come and live in Memphis and ask could she and she was told NO.
The mental abuse started the weekend of Zion 11th birthday (it kicks off with text). When Zion and I return from out of town Joyce was coming to our home in Ill with the police a lot. In September 2017 Joyce had a law firm draw up some paperwork to vacate me becoming co-guarding (she did it late after the 30 days’ time). In Dec 2017 Joyce file paperwork to discharge me, she also did this in May 2018. All three time anything was done it was never done correctly; it was not mailed out, and service was never attempted on my wife, the birth father or me. 
In July of 2017, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan was the Judge to hear this case and she issues orders that were correct for the motions that were before her up to Dec 2017.  I file a motion to dismiss what was done in Sept; as I found out about it by looking at the case online as I was working on the adoption paperwork. The Judge table my motion. A fact I file a total of about 5 motions to dismiss and all were table. In Feb of 2018, the Judge said things from the bench that crossed the line into Judicial misconduct.  So, I filed a complaint on her in March 2018. At that point, the case was on appeal due to the Feb 2018.  In that order, the Judge gave Joyce (who was homeless at that point) unsupervised visit every weekend for 6 hours. Joyce never had that in this case, due to the mental abuse, she did not and should not have got it then. Also, there was never a motion asking for that.  The Judge just gave it because the GAL ask for it. The Judge set hearing during the time the case was on appeal and this case has never stop during the whole time it has been on appeal. The Judge on Feb 26, 2018, put an order in place that forbid me from filing anything in this case until the middle of May I was not in court.  
A hearing was set on Joyce March motion to discharge, the Judge would not hear my motion to dismiss. This hearing was set for May 18th at 2 pm. The court knew that my Son was graduation from High school on May 19th in Tenn. At my first time back in court on May the 14th, the Judge said I should have made better plans (I had not been in court since the Feb hearing) The Judge said that I could do whatever I want after the hearing on the 18th; however, Zion is not my son and he was not going to that graduation. The judge said she was giving him to the birth mom on that date. I did an emergency motion on May 16th and sat in the courtroom for 3hr waiting for my motion to be heard.  The Judge stood up as the court clerk was about to put my motion into the system (I had to get one) and told him not to do that.  She first orders me to leave her courtroom as she was not going to hear my emergency motion. Next, she said I could stay, but she still was not going to hear anything from me. On May 18th, 2018 the Judge discharge my wife and me as Zion legal guarding (I was not there, I was at my son graduation and Zion was there also, as he wanted to go).
When I came back (as Zion did not want to come back with all that was going on) on May 30th, 2018 the Judge lock me up and was holding me until Zion was giving to the Joyce. On May 31st the Judge was on the bench as Zion and my wife for the first time was in her courtroom. The judge said that Zion was an honor roll student and has always been one. He was very intelligent and articulate and the young man he is today is due to only two people my wife and me. However, she was giving him to his birth mother.  The courtroom was in tears after that.
The GAL, in this case, is CVLS. However, they place Attorney David Gotzh on the case.  He is German (why is this important, I do not know but he told this to me, and next he told me not to show up to our first meeting on ‘CP” time. Now “CP” time is COLOR PEOPLE TIME! It is a racist term used to say that colored people are always late.  Now, the GAL said to me that the only way that Joyce could get Zion back was if she won the lottery.  He said that she could not take care of him. He said that she did not have a placed to live. He said he did not and was not about to read the case file as it was too long!
So, on Feb 22nd, 2018, he with the Judge change the visiting time to make me go away. I file an appeal on this motion it was my first. The GAL field two motions to get it dismissed the 2nd time work. I refile under the right notice and that one is still open. The GAL has lied to the courts; he has lied to ARDC (I have done 3 ARDC complaints on him). The GAL has a personal relationship with Joyce; he has helped her do paperwork, she and him talk all night on the phone, he helps her get an Order of Protection (that she lied to get) on May 30th, 2018; to keep me from seeing Zion. He helps her on the June 20th hearing date to get another date. He requests that the Judge lock me up when she did in the probate case. He told Joyce not to let Zion talk to my wife or his brother and sister. He said that he does not like that Zion calls us mom and dad and all this kick-off due to the fact that he did not want Zion to see Black Panther movie. That attorney has crossed all legal lines and he is still to this date the GAL in Zion case.
The GAL comes from Yakima Wa.; a person with the same name killed a 10-year-old girl on December 10th, 2009. They ran a red light and said he did not see the girl due to the sun in his eyes; he was not charged due to the fact that he was a Washington State policeman. The GAL bio list that he used to be a Washington, state policeman.
He has two Facebook pages; the one with his middle name and last has racist remarks about how South Lake mall in Hobart IN used to be a nice family mall. Now it is “overrun with want to be gang members”. He tells people not to go there after dark as they are there. He has right out lied on his paperwork, in this case, he said that he mails me paperwork and did not and under the penalty of perjury he certified that he did. The Judge did not ask for any proof when I ask for proof that he mail it. The judge said she takes his word over mine any day.  The simple fact of his personal relationship with Joyce should have removed him as the GAL; however, that is not the case for CVLS and the judge.
The Birth Mother
Joyce Washington in the past one year has lived and been put out of about 6 places. She trades sex for things.  She uses to work at Walmart’s where she had them thinking that she had Zion; they had a fundraiser to help her get money for him to go camping; she used that money to take a trip. They have helped her get food for Zion, she used the fact that she had to pick him up from school and other reasons at work to get off and time off. The facts are she never had Zion; Joyce has never spent more than $10 to get Zion anything in the past 11 years.
Joyce has some deep mental issue (her birth mother is in a mental hospital right now and will never get out; her grandmother was also in one before she passed, and Joyce has been in one). Joyce does not like the fact that Zion was living the life he was. The facts are she has been jealous of him for some time. She did not understand why he got to go on family trips with us and she did not (her words). She and Zion have been fighting since he has been back with her. She locks him in that hot Apt; and will not let him use a phone or talk to us. Zion said she does not feed him (he has got a hold of her phone and called about two weeks ago). Joyce has always been with a lot of men and in the past 6 months she has had six different men around Zion; right now, they are living on 78th and Essex with some man that we do not know.
Zion does not have his meds and the court, GAL or Joyce did not ask about them before they took him. My wife has text and called Joyce about this. Joyce said they will not give her anymore link or more money for Zion; so, she cannot buy them.  I can go on and on, but I will end right here

All that I speak about are FACTS! I can prove all. I have all the paperwork on this case, and Chief Judge Evans knows about it and has since January of this year. So where is Justice for Zion; this is child abuse in so many ways. However, in case number 2007P005201 nothing is done.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Probate yard to the Jailyard

Good Day Chief Judge Evans;

It has been over a week since we have talked to Zion and my wife has sent text’s to his birth mother over and over, and she is saying that she drops Zion off with family. I have reached out to all the family that I know, and no one has seen him, or knows where he is. When Zion was two weeks old, Joyce drops him off at a drug house in the city with nothing. They knew Joyce grandfather as he was one of the better customers, so they called him, and he picked Zion up
Zion was crying to my wife asking when he can come home, and I know that you are a father and for some dumb reason I thought that you might be able to understand this; but I also know that as many of the people that run things in Cook County it is easy to pass it off.
Your letter said it was nothing you can or could do, and that is not a fact; as the Chief Judge you can or could had assigned this case to someone else; you could have come into the court and adjudicated this case. I have been doing as you said, my wife and I have gone into our retirement funds to hire someone.
I want you to know that The Mayor of Chicago said to best and that is why I can say that I respect him as a man ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.” You sire knew that this Judge was biased, and you did nothing.
I did not ask for anything, I am not dumb, and I know that racism is real in 2018 as it was in 1818; that is why I wanted my paperwork to speak for itself; it is no doubt in my mind that what this Judge has done will be overturned as she was 100% not in accord with the laws. I must do a lot of research in doing my thesis, and I have done that with all the parties in this case.  That Judge should not be sitting on the bench in Probate court that is a fact Sir.  I learned from my late Aunt Mrs. Passmore how the games are played in cook county and for that Judge to be sitting in 1806 is a shock to many. I did not make up the name “wildcard” walk the halls and come from behind that desk; when you have a judge called “wild card should she be hearing probate Cases?
The laws in Ill 750 ILCS 5/602.5(c) “Parental Responsibilities” or “Custody” Best Interest Factors
When making a determination as to how to arrange “parental responsibilities” (traditionally known as “custody”), among the factors a judge will consider include, but are not limited to, the following:
The wishes of the child, taking into consideration the child’s maturity and ability to express reasoned and independent preferences as to decision making;
The child’s adjustment to his or her home, school, and community;
The mental and physical health of all individuals involved, including the child and both parents;
The ability of the parents to cooperate with decision-making for the child, or whether the level of conflict between the parents might affect their ability to share decision-making responsibilities;
How much each parent participated in past decision-making responsibilities for the child;
Any prior agreement or course of conduct between the parents relating to the decision making for the child; The wishes of the parents; The child’s needs;
The distance between the parents’ homes, the cost and difficulty of transporting the child, the daily schedules of each parent and child, and the ability of both parents to cooperate in the parenting time arrangement;
Whether a restriction on decision-making is appropriate under Section 603.10 (whether one parent acted in a way that seriously endangered the child’s physical, moral, mental health or emotional development);
The willingness and ability of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing relationship between the other parent and the child; Any other factor that the court finds relevant.
That Judge stood on the bench and said that my wife and I were the reason that Zion is the young man he is today; he got all A’s in school was just accepted for Stem, played shortstop for his baseball team same team for the past five years. And Zion might be 12. However, he is more like 21. And as the Judge said this is due to my wife and me; and with all that, the Judge sent to him to his death.
Chief Judge Evans, I want it to be clear, I have reached out to all the news media that I can; I have reached out to each and every state offices holder in this state, I have even reached out to the presidential office of the United States; as if any harm comes to my son it will be on your watch! You cannot pass this off to you did not know.  As a father you would do what you had to do to keep your son alive, well I am doing all that I can.
I keep saying that all I need is that one! That one great White hope to investigate this case.  I need one person to put their eyes on this case, and they will see that unjust was done in this case and it was because I dare to question a judge, I dare to do judicial misconduct on that judge, and she hurt me the only way she could, and that was with my son.
That case file is not in the Clerk office, and that is no problem as anyone will tell you that I have all the paperwork in this case from Day One. I have been in this case since July of 2007, as I was the one that came to your court to start the process.  So, you enjoy your weekend as one of the children under your watch must go without food, he must go without his med, he has to go without love as you placed him in the care of a woman that has a mental history. The judge and GAL hated me so much that they did not read the file.  I told the Judge to talk to the last GAL on this case; she is a Judge now, and she did not.  Hate takes over and thinking goes away.
I have read your mission statement; as the chief Judge and here they are: “Our judges and employees focus on ensuring that the 5.1 million residents of Cook County have the utmost confidence in their court system. Most importantly, the judges in the Circuit Court of Cook County dedicate themselves daily to achieving the court’s mission to deliver justice fairly and impartially, case by case.”  Justice was not done in this case.
We did not get one Penny to take in Zion, we did not want the state money, Zion is not a child that had money DCFS ask us to take in Zion due to the fact that no one in my family could afford to do such. My wife and I have paid for everything, he will be going to college in 6 years; will you pay for this Sir? Will the probate pay for it? Or when the Judge said that he might not want to do this, is this her way of making sure he does not? From Probate yard to the Jailyard it should read!

Mahdee. M

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

snitches get stitches!

If you see something, you say something? Well, only If you want snitches to get stitches!  Someone asked me what did I think was going to happen? I felt that a system of laws and justice was written for me also. I did what most are told to do, and that is if I see a wrong report it.  I can say that as I sit here, I got stitches from the Judge in 1806 and the GLA in this case. I reported them both and walked away with the feeling of you see something you say something, and I forgot to investigate the man in the mirror.
Crime is something that happens every day, and all I hear on the news is to see something say something.  When it is a fact that if you see something, you better play blind. You see if I had done this my son would still be with us; had I just said nothing I would not be looking for any help. I have been told that at this point it does not make a difference if what was done was wrong too bad;  as I told on a judge and you do not do that.
I sit here and think about that, I think about how we talk about how we are a people of laws, and I must also think about all the people sitting in jail for falling into that fake news. I want to scream to the sky; if you see something, you look the other way. You see a child being hurt; look the other way, you see someone being killed you look the other way; you see a lawyer breaking the law you look the other way.  If you see a Judge do something wrong you walk away.
The Mayor of Chicago said to best, and that is why I can say that I respect him as a man ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.”
We have a system in place that is a joke; we have people in office that make it such.  We are not a society of laws; we are one of you see something you look the other way. I should have known better.  You do not tell who is selling drugs on the block; you do not say who has a gun in school.  As the Judge in courtroom 1806 taught me personal snitches get stitches.
I was a fool, and now I am a bigger fool to think that anything would be done to make this wrong a right.  The laws say do not kill, but killing goes on every day in the streets. I look at all the guys lock up, as they live by rules on the streets, snitches get stitches; well, in Cook County Court system they also have this rule!
I am sorry for thinking that these laws were for me, I am sorry for not looking the other way.  Someone said to me that I am a Negro with a little education; so I got caught up into thinking the American dream was for me; and for that my son must pay. Let be honest; nothing was going to happen to that judge, this case is not the first one that she did wrong, and it will not be her last as snitches get stitches.
So the next time you want to tell a young black person on these streets if you see something, say something do not forget to tell them that snitches get stitches!


  I understand that for most people the love and care about a little black boy are not first with them.  However, what is and has been going on, in this case, is a crime. The GAL sent out an email today before the case was called at 9 am. As the case did not get called until about 10:20.
Now after the case was called and the court understood that we both were ready for a hearing today and that I file a response; well, after Joyce read my response she ran out of the court and got on the phone, calling the GAL Attorney David Gotzh
Right away she called what she had called him, HER GAL Attorney David Gotzy.
Now Joyce kept leaving the court to use her phone as it is without any doubt she was calling him. Now, Attorney David Gotzy told Joyce not to let Zion talk to anyone in my family. He told her that she did not have to let Danelle talk to Zion, as long as she was still with me (so he is saying that Daniele has to divorce me to talk to Zion, where has that happen in the past, or yes Slaver and Jim Crow).
Now today Joyce said what she has said in the past, her GAL, she has called him this before, she has told people that he is her lawyer and to date, he is still on this case, saying he is Zion's.  So, Joyce told the Judge that the GAL wanted to come to court on her behalf.
Ok what can he come to court and talk about, Joyce said that I flat 5 of her tires in one day.  I sent her a text saying that I was going to kill her. Now, unless the GAL knows these to be facts, anything he comes to court and talks about is and will be an LIE or hearsay.
However, I do not care if he comes to court as I have been waiting for the day to get him under oath. I want to ask him questions about the little 10-year-old girl that was killed in WA; was she black.  I am going to ask him about why he thinks young black males want to be called gang banger.  I have a list of question that I have for him, and that is why I do not want to hire anyone, as I am sure these questions will not get an answer and they are Fair game.
The FACT this GAL has not call and ask about Zion Meds. He has not called Danielle once in this case.  I had a motion before the probate court asking that he be removed as the GAL back in Feb, and nothing was done.
I have hit him with 3 ARDC, and I am going to make it number # four today.  I am doing to get that transcript from court today, also I am going to get a copy of Joyce Phone record to show what I know, he talks to Joyce a lot. Or she is just telling lies. 
Now, today outside to the courtroom Joyce wanted to make faces at me as she was with another guy, each time she has been to court she has been with a different guy; this one is the one that I have on pictures getting high at her place).
Now, I am hot, and I am upset at the fact that all I hear on the news is about the child abuse that is going on south of the border. It is killing me, that right here probate court child abuse is going on and no one has anything to say. CVLS should have removed him from the case when he made that racist remark to me, but they did not.
So, when you all want to talk to about child abuse, you can save that with me as I see it going on right here with my son.  So, and I am fighting this case by myself. As I saw something, and I said something, and I did what was asked of me, and I got burned for doing it.  Once more Zion does not have his meds, and now we are being told that he is what someone else; I guess the GAL knows about this also.
ARDC You all fail this young man, you all did not take the time to investigate this attorney, and I know why.  Let see this lawyer lied and said that he mails out documents, he lied this body and said that what he was doing was in the best of his client. He sent an email out today that was sent before the court, and during court, the birth mother Joyce was in the hallway talking to the GAL; so, tell me who his client is.
He loves to stand up in court and talk about how I file an investigated on him and your body dismiss it as being unfound; it was never invested; you all did not make her prove up any facts; you just dismiss it after he said it was not true. Next time why not just put on your site do not waste your time seeing anything and telling as my case is a prime case as to what will happen to you.

We have a system that is never going to work as it is built on a weak bridge; day in day out we see killing in the city and we ask why? Well; that I easy; we make these killers. That Courts are run by a man that is or calls himself a black man; there are black folks that support him just due to the fact that he black; but this same man runs a house that is set up to keep more and younger black and brown in a slave mindset.
So for the courts they see me as nothing; I am a man trying to raise a young black man to grow up and be something, they do not want that; they want him to grow up and be a drug user or pusher as that will keep many working and we want to talk about the Rep or Dem; that is a Joke; same robe, say mindset. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

(735 ILCS 5/) Code of Civil Procedure

Why should you care about this case? I keep asking myself this question as it is a  fact that the life of one little black child is not enough.  People have to know how it will affect them. Well, let me do my best to tell you why this case is something that you need to worry about. 
Eleven years ago, we did a motion for Guardianship, and it was a case that needed to be adjudicated as it was contested. After a year the Judge, in that case, ruled that the birth mother could not take care of the child and it was in the best interest of the said child that he stays with the guardian. 
It was a fact that under Illinois Statutes (735 ILCS 5/) Code of Civil Procedure. What must be done before a case could move forward? We had to give notice to all parties that might have some interest in the minor; we had to publish for the father of record (as it was a father’s name on the birth record). 
Now fast forward to September 2017; the birth mother had a law firm do a  motion to dismiss the last order that was in place; now this was done after the 30 day that anyone has ( I know this law very well); to vacate an order.  Now the birth mother never mails out any notice about this case; in fact, I got notice of it when I was looking online at the case for something else, and I noticed that something had been filed. 
Next, I got in the mail a copy of an order that was giving for a court date. So, I did a motion to dismiss what everyone had been done.  Next court date in Dec; I was there on my motion to dismiss, and the Judge set the case down for another date and order a Gal to come onto the case. 
Now on this date after court was over the birth mother did a motion to discharge the guardians. Once more she did not mail out anything or tell anyone; once more I found out when I check the case file looking to see what was file back in September because I ask the judge for copies and she told me to check the file for them. 
Next, a GAL comes onto the case, and he did a verbal motion to change visitation in February of 2018; once more no notice was given, and Judge said non-needed to be giving and she decides who need and should get noticed in a case. Ok, the Judge is written laws from the bench. 
Case in point (735 ILCS 5/2-201) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-201) deals with the process what you must do before you can bring a case before the courts; this was not done, and the judge said it does not have to be done; once more she is written laws from the bench. 
Under this statute, the birth mother had to give notices to the father of record this was also not done; now the GAL, in this case, filed two motions to get my appeal case to dismiss and he did not file anything about this.  Let me make this easy as I can; a party can bring a case to court and sue you and never give you notice about it and win; a landlord can go to court to evict someone and not give them notice and get the evicted and come and put your stuff out I the street. I child can be taken away from you, and you never get service on it. Do you all get where I am going? 
So, when anyone asks me why is this case extraordinary.  I will say this, you are on trial for your life and the judge makes a ruling and you appeal that ruling and the judge said she does not care put him to sleep before the appellate court had made a ruling.  You are killed, and the appellate courts come back and agree that you should not have been found guilty or put to death. Well, you are dead what can they do; same in this case; the judge took Zion from us without due process, and she did it for only one reason it was payback for me filing a judicial complaint on her. 
Look up this case and see that what I am saying is 100 % factual; I have a copy of each and all the paperwork done in this case as for some reason the file is not availed. Dads, you can lose your rights and never know as this judge said you do not need to be served. FACTS.

Monday, June 18, 2018

A class action

OMG, I take my hat off to my Non-Black Family as they speak about the children down at the border and how they are treated; removed from their families.  They have never been in Court Room 1806, and they were not there on May 31st when Big Z was there talking to the Judge and the GAL about his love for his family. The Judge Stood there and talked about what a fantastic job that WE have done with big Z (she said Danielle and me); and how the young man he is today is total and only due to us.  With the next words, she mentally destroys him.
Now it is a FACT that Egg donor posted a picture on father day talking about all that has done, she is once more trying to use him to get money. That young man looks like he was in a living hell on that picture. She gave him up when DCFS was about to take him when he was three months. She only changes her mind when they told her she was not going to get $103 for him anymore. That time in court it cost us over $60k in total, and it cost her $0. All her fees, rent, and everything was paid by the taxpayer of this state, and each time the courts came back with the same ruling; that was up May 18th, 2018
This Judge should not be on the bench, and that is a FACT. I did all the paperwork to ask her to send this case to someone else when it was clear that she could no longer rule on this case without bias.  I am sick, yes SICK of hearing about how children are treated down at a border when we have and see this treatment right here in Cook County, and it is Black folks that can stop this and do Nothing.
The Chief Judge of Cook County could have stepped in and remove the judge from the case; he could have sent the case to another Judge, he could have sat in on this case and ruled on it, and he did nothing. He knew it was an issue with the judge; he knew that the paperwork that was filed by the birth mom was not done correctly and he the Chief Judge did nothing; he sent me a letter saying it was nothing he could do.
We need to look at the numbers when it comes to all those young men lock up and out in the street doing wrong, and the numbers do not lie; the majority of them have some foot in the door with DCFS or the Court system before they turn 18. Now, Big Z is going to need love and some help to get him over this, and he is not getting any of them.
He needs his meds and does not get that; the Judge and GAL and his birth mother cannot tell you what meds he takes as they never ask. They discharge my wife and me without asking us one thing about him. The practiced of septarian children right in Cook County has a long history that goes back many years. Big Z was in a home where he got love, and he has been placed into a life of hell, and we ask why?
Why are crimes so high in the city, who do so many young children of color kill and get killed; well, look into them, and I am sure that over 90% have the DCFS stamp somewhere in their past. A class action suit should be file and name DCFS, Chief Judge Evans and the Judge as all of them played a part into the madness that we see. 

Friday, June 15, 2018

24/7 JOB

Danielle calls me at 10 pm saying that Zion called her back and said that he has not eaten in 3 days. Now, Joyce was in the background, and she said that he could eat some of the pizza in there. Now Zion does not eat left over. He has never done that; we have to make his meal for him and only enough for that one time as he is a very picky eater)
Now, she took him to get some Piazza, and he told her that she did not pay for it, that she got it free (she knows someone that works at the place, and he gave them a pizza, she knows a lot of men).
Now, this is not a joke to me as this is and has cost me a lot of money that I did not have. I was working on my building, and I had to put that on hold. Danelle talks to her in the hopes that she will give Zion back and this is a game, and we have been playing this game for too long. I do not play with her, and I do not play games.
I have been the one to have to pay for all this in the past, I have been the one that has to make sure things work out, I have been doing this for so long, and I am ready for it to end. Last summer I told Danielle to do the paperwork where we could take him to Tenn. and she told me that she would take care of it as I have been working on my Ph. D.
Well, her taking care of it was to give Joyce money and hope that she would not just let him move. That was ok as long as she had a place to live and once my mom put her out (I told my mom not to let her move in from the start), Joyce wanted a place to live, and she knew that as long as we had Zion, she could use that.
Joyce ran away from her mom when she was 12, and she did it because she was poor, and her mom was crazy (Save that, She is in a Mental Hospital, so what should I call her?). I told Joyce that she needs to stop as she is going to hurt Zion and in the end,  he will hate her for it. She does not know Zion, and that is why I knew those 6 hours were not going to work as Zion has been spoiled, we have given all our children all that they need, and I do all the cooking, and I had to cook for those in my house and their needs.
So, I know all of my children I am the one that drops them off at school each day, and I pick them up as I made sure that my job and life let me do that. Zion knows that he does not have to want or beg or ask as I made sure that he had all that he wanted and needed as I have done with all 4 of them.
This weekend Zion and I were going to the White Sox game, and we were going to take one of his team members to each game for the 3-game weekend, we were going to New York to see the Sox play and flying to Detroit. That is the life that Zion is used to, and this is something that the court did not think about.
They just saw Zion as some little black child that was like any other, and they just felt that he did not need or want more.
Zion only drinks bottled water, and he must have one at night. He does not drink pop or stuff like that he only drinks 100% juice. We have a son that is spoiled, and he is used to getting the best and having money in his pocket to buy what he wants. He does not eat school lunch never has, I fix his lunch each day.
So, this was a Joke for Joyce and the court, and that GAL was so hell-bent on me that they did not think about Zion. What I do is what parents do, we go without so that our children do not have to.  you cannot be a weekend or weekday parent as it is a 24/7 JOB
 Some keep saying that I should just let Zion stay there and Joyce would give him back, those that say that are not real parents!  A real parent will never play games with their child life or mental; Joyce is crazy (once more she has been in a hospital, also), and she is the type to leave him somewhere or just hurt him. When he calls her by her street name and say that he wants to call his mom (Danielle); I am sure she does not like that, but he is not 5, and you can beat him.
I have put one year of my life on hold due to this, and it is a year I am not going to get back, and for that reason, I am hurt, and I am mad as hell. I have put my life on hold for the last two months to the point that I am just walking on air.
I love my children, and I think for some that is something they are not used to seeing or do not know how to understand. When you see a real dad love his children, you might not be used to it, and I am sorry for you.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Dream at home? I look in the news and read on my Facebook feed about the children that are taking from their family down in the border states, and I say what about the children that are taking away from their parents right here in Cook County?
Since he was three months Zion has been our son, as he said to me, we are the only family he knows and loves; so, for all the reason of fact, we are his family and his parents. We might not be mom and dad by legal standpoint; we are by the fact of the pure definition of what parents are and what they do.
So, on May 31st where was the outcry from anyone in the state of Illinois? The courtroom was full of people with tears in their eyes as an unjust system took our son from us. He stood there and begged the Judge and Gal to stay with us. He lives in an unsafe and unlivable prison. He has breathing issue and with the heat reason up to triple digit this weekend in a box with no air, no meds where is the outcry for Zion?
This is a child born right here in the United States, does his life matter. Or does the simple fact that he is a young black child make his life less valuable? I would be rich if I could have a dime for all the what can we do, that is so sad, to our hands are tied. We can do so much of others, but for our own we do nothing.
We blamed all those not in power and overlooked the fact that Zion was placed into the condition by an unjust system that was proving to have a history of looking the other way when it comes to little black boys and girl. Why not, after all, their own tend to look away. The head judge in Cook County is African American man that could have stopped this months ago. However, it does not fit into his reelection.
The church does not come out and say where is justice for Zion, they say nothing as this issue does not make them money or grab headlines.  Can I ask has anyone ask the question, how did this happen? How did a court system return a child that has been living with a family 99% of his life to a person that does not work and has only lived in an Apt for two months that has a 12-year history of average five apt a year and on the street?
I know that Zion does not speak Spanish, he does not get votes, and he has not been killed or killed anyone, so it is not a story right now.  He is just a little black boy that loves to play baseball, play with his brothers, talk with his sister, read with the only mom he knows and goes see the White Sox play with the only father he knows.

This weekend is Father’s Day, and Zion will not get to go to a baseball game with his dad and have a healthy life as he was snatched from his family and home just like the border children; the only differs he was born here! Is this about race, yes, it is, everything in American is about race.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Prove it up

I will make this short and to the point; as of right now I do not have a lawyer, and I am giving a copy of all that I have done on my own as I was asked to do. I do not know if this case is going to come back into adoption court or not; however, I must set the record correct.
Now, I do not have a lawyer for only one reason, I ask them to do an emergency motion to stay and they did not. Now the fact that they cried at court, the fact that they made me talk and go to jail, the fact that they sent me a bill saying I owe them $11 after I just had given them $5000; none of those facts were as crucial as I ask them to do something and they said they would, and they did not.
Next the GAL in the probate case.  Yes, I have hit him with three ARDC complaints, the fact that he is a racist was not why.  The fact that he has lied over and over was not. The fact that he stood there as I was being handcuffed and gave me this laugh is not. The fact that to this day he has been giving Joyce legal advice and telling her what and how to do things is not. The fact he has only sent me the documents in the appeal case (as that is the only court that he must prove he did something) is not.  It is that fact he has done all that and is a GAL over children he considers to be gang banger want to be (his words). He told me that the only way Joyce could get Zion back is if she won the lottery.
Now, it is a fact that back on March the 1st or about I did make a complaint on the Judge in the Probate case.   It was done for the fact that it is in my personal feelings she should not hear arguments in Guardianship cases for minors.  Her background is one that should be the main reason, and the 2nd reason is the fact that when I ask about her in the courthouse and I am told that she is a wild card, I must ask why that is.
She allowed this case to get to this point. Many want to say and point the finger at me and say I did this or that, all I did was followed the laws as they were set out to be. It is not one person that can or will say to me that the paperwork Joyce did was done right. Now, Joyce tried this in another court and that Judge laugh at her and told her this is not Judge Judy.
Fact is that had the Judge toss her motion, gave her time to do it right or just followed simple civil code or procedure we would not be here. The Judge took what I did personally and after that her ruling has been biased and that is a fact that is well known on the 18th floor.
Now, what has been lost in this case so far? Well, my wife and I are out of $10k and counting. However, money is not the loser in this case it is and has always been about Zion. He is living in a place that is a war zone. He is living with a person that does not know the first thing about him; and mental it will forever affect him.
Zion came back to talk to the courts as he thought he had a voice in his own life.  He was under this thinking that his voice matters, and it did not.  My family could have let this played out and got Zion back in 2 years or less (he will be 14, or DCFS will be in his life once more). Our other son is going into his first year of college and we have done nothing for him up to this point.
My paperwork is thick, and it is very detailed for one reason, I file an emergency motion to stay the May 18th order, and with all that I do in the appeals court, it comes down to the case file.  I do not get the chance to go before them, so all my words must be in what I file. So, when they go back and look at the record they are going to see that I did all that I was and should do and still I did not get Justice.
I must prove up my case in the appeal court by what is in the case file. I am waiting on a decision on my motion to stay with them, it has been with them since last Friday; just waiting on a decision.

The sad thing is that Joyce has cut Zion Locs out (5 years he was into his); she did that for only one reason to get at me. She has not been back to work (how does she pay bills?) in 3 weeks. It is so much more going on in Zion life that those who did this need to be arrested for child abuse (but they will not as the story will be, the system drops the ball). I am and will have a new Lawyer in place this week as I found someone that is a fighter and this type of law is what her background is in.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Body Count..

My day, I had to go to the Domestic Violence courthouse on Harrison where I can see how Dumb Dumb got that OP, they give them to you there just by saying someone did something, you do not have to prove anything, just say so (the GAL told her to lie)… Now they make you pay $280 to respond to that Bull Shit.
Next, someone cut my tire and did something to my truck where it will not start.
Next, I found out that she cut Zion Locs; Now, that got me. He has been going on four years, and she cut them out, and it was and is nothing I can do about it as the judge and gal; said he is better off with her.
Now, she has applied for Link and got some food stamps; she got him a med card, so that goes private insurance (I love that part as the great folks of Illinois have to pay her to have him, that is just funny).
Now my truck is going to take me a day to fix, but I can fix it, I must plug up my tire, and I must go back to court on the 20th. Now, all this does not take away from the fact that she is nothing, will never be anything, she will leave this world as nothing and all that she thinks she is doing to hurt me does not hurt me, it hurt the son that she talks about how much she loves.
You see I can be like a lot of brothers out here and just wipe my hands and say to hell with it, I can say you know what let the street have Zion and her and wish that he grew up to be just like her and one day grows up to get his body court up. After all, that is what our systems want for him.
I do not say that with me he will be great, I say with me he will not be dead, or lock up or walking the streets begging and he sure in hell will not ask this government for shit. But with her, he will be all those and some.  We have a system that is fuck up; it breeds these welfare girls that have children just to get a check and suck on the nipple of the government
We have a system that pumps these sisters up to have all these young boys, just so that they can have someone to lock up. Shit ask someone as you all do not think this shit is real; they can tell how many prisons they are going to need off how many of your little boys come into this world by 3rd grade.
This weekend it was not hot, it was raining, and the body count was still up.  I want to see how many of you post something about the killing that is going to happen this summer. I told you all that those brothers are coming out and they want to get that body count high.
They want to make that money; they want to knock you upside your head and take you out; as they do not care. And why, you all do not care. You go to your job and think that life cannot touch you and just like that you are looking down the other side of a gun.

I was lock up with this guy (will not say his name); he was telling me about why he was up in there (I shit you, not his case was on the News) and he was saying to me brother Muhammad, I am going to get out. Yes, he is going to walk as he knows how to play the systems and all I can say to him and I said this to all the brothers lock up, get out and run; do not come back, stay out for more than two years and you are good.
FACT if you jump bail and you can stay out of this state for longer than two years they are not going to come and get you (unless you have a body on your name). I was talking to a Hispanic brother that is a real drug dealer (he sells to those folks up north); he was telling me how he is going to beat his case; after all the feds will never tell who their snitch is.  Crime 101 is taught right there at 26th and Calf.
We want to talk about how we want to end crime, we want to talk about how we want to bring a stop to the killing, we do not want to do that, if we did, those folks that are paid to protect us will be out of a job and they will be killing us next. So, for Chief Judge Evans and the Judge in 1806 and that GAL, the next person killed in the city is on you.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Not A Fool

I am not a fool, Joyce is too dumb to know how and what to do. She files a motion on 6/1/18 to dismiss child support and like she has done all this time she did not send any notice case for the child support. She pays $20 a week. we only put this on her due to the fact that she kept making these motions to make us have to pay Atty fees; as she was getting free lawyers from DCFS and now CVLS, IE the GAL in this Case.
Now, I want to say that I ask for an Emerge motion to stay be file and it was not; I wanted one in the Adoptions case and or the probate case. I even wrote it up and said that it might not be the best, so just make it great. Now, this was not done. Now, the Judge lock me up, she locks me up on an order that she dismisses as when she discharge us she knew that Zion was in Tenn., she also knew that I was not going to come to court that day.
Now, let me address the facts in this case as it seems that part has got lost in the personal feeling of many about me as a father and as a man. 
Fact On 9/27/17 the Law firm Matthew and Law did a Petition to vacate the July 27th order and the August 29th order. Now, this was never motion up, they did not send notice, and the only way I found out about it was sitting on my coach taking with someone from the City of Chicago Heights about the case. And when I look the case up online, I noticed that something had been done this was in October of 2017
Now, the next thing was on November 16th, 2017 I got a copy of an order for another court date; I did not get a pleading, motion or any type of notices. I did not have to do anything. However, I did. I file a motion to dismiss based on the petition to vacate the order from August as the July 27th order was pass the 30 days to do anything. So, I was at the next court date as I file my motion online and I sent a copy to where Joyce was living as I sent all the other paperwork to that address. That was my mom house. That was the last place she was living, and her mail was still going there. 
So, at the December 11th hearing the Law firm came and asked that they are removed from the case, and the Judge told gave me leave to file a response. Now I do not have a clue as to what I was or needed to respond to as there was nothing before the court but that petition to vacate the visitation order.  All I change in the order that had been in place was to take the children places out because Zion was too old to go there, and he was not into chunky cheese now. The Judge also order a GAL on the case; I did not know why as I had a motion to dims before her that needed to be heard
Next thing I noticed was I was online, and once more Joyce had filed something on Dec 11th. This time she did Motion for Discharge. At this point, she did not even have a place to live, but she listed that address in South Holland. Once more Joyce did not send anything out. She did not motion up her paperwork.  I once more ask the Judge to discharge her pleading as it was not filed properly and once more the Judge did nothing. She put in order after order and these dates were the dates that I motion up for a hearing on my motion to discharge.
Next thing I know was on the February 21st date, this was a date that I motion up for my motion to discharge and the GAL and Judge talk about me as I had done something, and GAL did a verbal motion on behalf of Joyce to change visitation times. This all was done over my verbal objection. He asks the Judge for a six-month return date. I was like what? He gave Joyce every weekend for six hr. Unsupervised visit. This was due to the fact that he told me not to show up on CP time and I check him on that and other things he said.
The fact had I just been a good boy and said yes sir, I will be a good boy he would not have done that, HE told me that “the only way Joyce was going to get Zion back was to win the Lottery.” Well, I guess it was another way.
So, I file an appeal based on one Factor that was the Judge should have stopped this months ago, she should have rule up or down on my motion to dismiss and her not doing such, was in fact, a way to denied it. Now, the GAL did all that he could to get my first appeal toss out, and he was able to do that by his 2nd try once more telling lies about the facts. Now as the GAL he knows that Joyce is not doing her paperwork right and he has said nothing.
Next thing I know is that on March 18th, 2018 Joyce file another petition to discharge and this one was not mailed out until 4/13/18. Now when I got it she did not sign or date her notice, her paperwork had many issues with it... Now Joyce mail it in on 4/13 for only one reason that GAL told her to do such. Now, I know this for Fact...
It was this petition that the Judge dismisses us on, the petition was never mailed to Danielle, it was mail to me and address to me. Now, at this point, the court and all knew where Danielle was living. The fact the Birth father did not notice or giving anything in this case.
So, the fact is that this case is and has been back in the appellate court and this time it will not be kicked out for lack of anything, and I filed it under the right pleading. In my ARDC complaint on the GAL, I told them that he was giving legal advice to Joyce, he was telling her my personal information that I told him, he told her about the PI I hire. But he told the ARDC that the case was over, and I was just mad about some visitation issues.
I am sure that this case and all these orders that the Judge did will be overturned and that is why a stay was needed. I hope that the I can get one in the appellate court as I did not ask for one in the lower court, but I have the email where I said I wanted one. This was before I got on that flight and flew back.
Now, let me do my best to make this as simple as I can, A Black man is charged with a crime and the Police charge him after having a police report saying the man is White and they know he is White. So, the Atty for the case as that all charged be dismiss and the Judge does not. So, the Atty files an appeal and they Judge keeps the case going and next find the man guilty and sends him to death. Now, the Appeal court comes back and rules this case should have never gone forward. Will that bring this man back? That is why this case needed and should have been stayed, but when the Judge and GAL let their personal feeling about me get into the way they put my son's life on the line.  
Joyce has an out, she spent time locked up in a mental hospital and you better knew that is going to be what she runs with; she is going to say that she was not mentally able to understand what was going on and the Judge in Markham said just that.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

10-year goal

Last night I got a text from someone as they wanted me to see where my son is living, it was after midnight and on the back pouch was his birth mother and an unknown African American male. Now, the male was out there enjoying some loud (as that is the name for this new drug as it smells loud) and she was standing in the doorway. Now, this is the life that Chief Judge Evans, GAL Attorney David Gotzh, and Cook County Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan-2051 hade for Zion.
Fact Judge Kennedy-Sullivan made these remarks from the bench back on or about February 21st, 2018 that the life I have set out and prepared for Zion might not be the life that he wants or needs. I have set out a plan that includes Education, going to Jackson State University, to be a STEM major and playing baseball. This is what he wanted in his 10-year goal.
Judge Kennedy-Sullivan who sit on the bench in Cook County Probate Courtroom 1806 said that if she takes him from us (for no reason), she was going to place him into DCFS.
Fact; so I hit her with a Judicial complaint right after that, for this and other reasons. I let the Chief Judge Evans know everything. It is no way that anyone can say I was Judge shopping, as up to those words and actions on that day I had no issues with this Judge.
As a man of color that knows the only way up for young Black boys is by Education, I took offense to these words coming for a judge that does not know the first thing about me or what is best for my son (or as she called him nothing to me). I spent that time in Cook County lockup due to this judge, and it opens my eyes.  We get an F when it comes to how we have handle young African American males.
It was a time in our history where being a slave was life, well today many of us are mental salves as she keeps on voting these people into office. I do not care what your race might be; I care about are you working to do what is in the best for those that look like me.  I am sorry, but Chief Judge Evans is not! He does not understand that as the Chief Judge it is his job to take control of those courtrooms. He can sit in on any case and hear and judged that case.
He chooses not to, as to do such he would be calling this judge out.  So he sits back and does nothing while she destroyed young black and brown babies. I do not know that man that was getting high with my son there last night.  I do not know anything about the people that his birth mother has him with him as the GAL did not care. He is a  Racist and for the life of me, that is a shock to many.
He can be a racist and lawyer also, that does not make him a bad person, it makes him dangerous when he does not care about the life of a person he took an oath to protect, and they are black and brown.
Zion came to talk to the courts about his family.  He wanted to talk about his sister and how she has her master’s in child psychology.  He wanted to talk about his older brother and how he is one year from getting his master’s in education with a background in Math. Also,  how he looks up to him and he want to beat his ACT scores by acquiring a 26 or better. He wanted to talk about his other brother and how he is going to Jackson State in the fall and will be the 5th generation to go and he would be the 6th.
Zion wanted to talk about the love he has for his dad; the only dad he knows and how his dad can fix anything.  He wanted to be like his dad and fix this. Zion did not bring anything to court as he just knew he was going back home. Judge Kennedy-Sullivan stood there and did what she said she was going to do; she made sure his life was destroyed and she calls her self a JUDGE!
So I want to thanks those that feel that I should not post or blog about this story as I might get someone mad.  Well, I am MAD! I am a Mad father. They came after me by going through my son, so I am not going to sit back and let these people castrated me. That GAL stood there and looked at me and Laugh at me when I was going to jail. 
I ask myself is that the same look he (or his dad) had when they ran over that ten-year-old girl going to school. When they said, they ran that red light due to the sun. We all have a past, and it is a good thing my history is open as a book as I do not have anything to run from.

What is the life of a Black Child Worth?