Thursday, June 14, 2018


Dream at home? I look in the news and read on my Facebook feed about the children that are taking from their family down in the border states, and I say what about the children that are taking away from their parents right here in Cook County?
Since he was three months Zion has been our son, as he said to me, we are the only family he knows and loves; so, for all the reason of fact, we are his family and his parents. We might not be mom and dad by legal standpoint; we are by the fact of the pure definition of what parents are and what they do.
So, on May 31st where was the outcry from anyone in the state of Illinois? The courtroom was full of people with tears in their eyes as an unjust system took our son from us. He stood there and begged the Judge and Gal to stay with us. He lives in an unsafe and unlivable prison. He has breathing issue and with the heat reason up to triple digit this weekend in a box with no air, no meds where is the outcry for Zion?
This is a child born right here in the United States, does his life matter. Or does the simple fact that he is a young black child make his life less valuable? I would be rich if I could have a dime for all the what can we do, that is so sad, to our hands are tied. We can do so much of others, but for our own we do nothing.
We blamed all those not in power and overlooked the fact that Zion was placed into the condition by an unjust system that was proving to have a history of looking the other way when it comes to little black boys and girl. Why not, after all, their own tend to look away. The head judge in Cook County is African American man that could have stopped this months ago. However, it does not fit into his reelection.
The church does not come out and say where is justice for Zion, they say nothing as this issue does not make them money or grab headlines.  Can I ask has anyone ask the question, how did this happen? How did a court system return a child that has been living with a family 99% of his life to a person that does not work and has only lived in an Apt for two months that has a 12-year history of average five apt a year and on the street?
I know that Zion does not speak Spanish, he does not get votes, and he has not been killed or killed anyone, so it is not a story right now.  He is just a little black boy that loves to play baseball, play with his brothers, talk with his sister, read with the only mom he knows and goes see the White Sox play with the only father he knows.

This weekend is Father’s Day, and Zion will not get to go to a baseball game with his dad and have a healthy life as he was snatched from his family and home just like the border children; the only differs he was born here! Is this about race, yes, it is, everything in American is about race.  

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