Sunday, June 10, 2018

Not A Fool

I am not a fool, Joyce is too dumb to know how and what to do. She files a motion on 6/1/18 to dismiss child support and like she has done all this time she did not send any notice case for the child support. She pays $20 a week. we only put this on her due to the fact that she kept making these motions to make us have to pay Atty fees; as she was getting free lawyers from DCFS and now CVLS, IE the GAL in this Case.
Now, I want to say that I ask for an Emerge motion to stay be file and it was not; I wanted one in the Adoptions case and or the probate case. I even wrote it up and said that it might not be the best, so just make it great. Now, this was not done. Now, the Judge lock me up, she locks me up on an order that she dismisses as when she discharge us she knew that Zion was in Tenn., she also knew that I was not going to come to court that day.
Now, let me address the facts in this case as it seems that part has got lost in the personal feeling of many about me as a father and as a man. 
Fact On 9/27/17 the Law firm Matthew and Law did a Petition to vacate the July 27th order and the August 29th order. Now, this was never motion up, they did not send notice, and the only way I found out about it was sitting on my coach taking with someone from the City of Chicago Heights about the case. And when I look the case up online, I noticed that something had been done this was in October of 2017
Now, the next thing was on November 16th, 2017 I got a copy of an order for another court date; I did not get a pleading, motion or any type of notices. I did not have to do anything. However, I did. I file a motion to dismiss based on the petition to vacate the order from August as the July 27th order was pass the 30 days to do anything. So, I was at the next court date as I file my motion online and I sent a copy to where Joyce was living as I sent all the other paperwork to that address. That was my mom house. That was the last place she was living, and her mail was still going there. 
So, at the December 11th hearing the Law firm came and asked that they are removed from the case, and the Judge told gave me leave to file a response. Now I do not have a clue as to what I was or needed to respond to as there was nothing before the court but that petition to vacate the visitation order.  All I change in the order that had been in place was to take the children places out because Zion was too old to go there, and he was not into chunky cheese now. The Judge also order a GAL on the case; I did not know why as I had a motion to dims before her that needed to be heard
Next thing I noticed was I was online, and once more Joyce had filed something on Dec 11th. This time she did Motion for Discharge. At this point, she did not even have a place to live, but she listed that address in South Holland. Once more Joyce did not send anything out. She did not motion up her paperwork.  I once more ask the Judge to discharge her pleading as it was not filed properly and once more the Judge did nothing. She put in order after order and these dates were the dates that I motion up for a hearing on my motion to discharge.
Next thing I know was on the February 21st date, this was a date that I motion up for my motion to discharge and the GAL and Judge talk about me as I had done something, and GAL did a verbal motion on behalf of Joyce to change visitation times. This all was done over my verbal objection. He asks the Judge for a six-month return date. I was like what? He gave Joyce every weekend for six hr. Unsupervised visit. This was due to the fact that he told me not to show up on CP time and I check him on that and other things he said.
The fact had I just been a good boy and said yes sir, I will be a good boy he would not have done that, HE told me that “the only way Joyce was going to get Zion back was to win the Lottery.” Well, I guess it was another way.
So, I file an appeal based on one Factor that was the Judge should have stopped this months ago, she should have rule up or down on my motion to dismiss and her not doing such, was in fact, a way to denied it. Now, the GAL did all that he could to get my first appeal toss out, and he was able to do that by his 2nd try once more telling lies about the facts. Now as the GAL he knows that Joyce is not doing her paperwork right and he has said nothing.
Next thing I know is that on March 18th, 2018 Joyce file another petition to discharge and this one was not mailed out until 4/13/18. Now when I got it she did not sign or date her notice, her paperwork had many issues with it... Now Joyce mail it in on 4/13 for only one reason that GAL told her to do such. Now, I know this for Fact...
It was this petition that the Judge dismisses us on, the petition was never mailed to Danielle, it was mail to me and address to me. Now, at this point, the court and all knew where Danielle was living. The fact the Birth father did not notice or giving anything in this case.
So, the fact is that this case is and has been back in the appellate court and this time it will not be kicked out for lack of anything, and I filed it under the right pleading. In my ARDC complaint on the GAL, I told them that he was giving legal advice to Joyce, he was telling her my personal information that I told him, he told her about the PI I hire. But he told the ARDC that the case was over, and I was just mad about some visitation issues.
I am sure that this case and all these orders that the Judge did will be overturned and that is why a stay was needed. I hope that the I can get one in the appellate court as I did not ask for one in the lower court, but I have the email where I said I wanted one. This was before I got on that flight and flew back.
Now, let me do my best to make this as simple as I can, A Black man is charged with a crime and the Police charge him after having a police report saying the man is White and they know he is White. So, the Atty for the case as that all charged be dismiss and the Judge does not. So, the Atty files an appeal and they Judge keeps the case going and next find the man guilty and sends him to death. Now, the Appeal court comes back and rules this case should have never gone forward. Will that bring this man back? That is why this case needed and should have been stayed, but when the Judge and GAL let their personal feeling about me get into the way they put my son's life on the line.  
Joyce has an out, she spent time locked up in a mental hospital and you better knew that is going to be what she runs with; she is going to say that she was not mentally able to understand what was going on and the Judge in Markham said just that.

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