16 Shots were used to kill a young black man and David Gotzh used 20 motions to sentence a young black boy to a generation curse of being supported off the backs of the taxpayers. You help to produce another young person of color that is depending on the government to survive as a baby depends on his mom's breast to be feed. Sir, you are what we called Mr. Willy Lynch as that is what you did in courtroom 1806
David Gotzh you ask us to show or give you some proof that Joyce is not able to take care of Zion day to day living, IE getting him to school and feeding him. Now, the bar that you have in place for her is one very low that a child can overcome For Zion you do not think or see him as being someone that is equal to your own son. Just as that copy that shot that young man 16 times in the street like a dog you did the same with all those motions you drafted
From day one going back to Oct of 2017 there has not been one, NOT ONE motion done by Joyce that was done correctly and you know this, and the Judge knows this. What did the Judge say to this fact, “oh well the appeal court will not reverse her decision”? This is what she said to me when the question about what she was doing and how it was not in lines with the laws.
You have not, I say this with respect for the title of a lawyer, you have not done your job. You have not questioned the fact that legal service was no obtained. May I ask you, sir, do you think that it was done in this case? I was asked by one of the many lawyers “who is questioning that service was gotten” the answer to that is no one. You now pretended as if that is not important, as the laws do not apply in this case.
Fact is that you have drafted motion after motion to dismiss my appeals case based on what I did not do, you have come to court time after time to address that I did not follow the civil codes of producers. Sir, it is no joke that you have a running record of 20 motions to stop me from getting to the truth; you have done 0 when it comes to what Joyce has done. I say that you have worked as her lawyer more than that of Zion as I used this fact to support this.
You are a divorce lawyer, and you cannot tell me that if you were on a case and the other party did not get service to have your client in court, you would not do a motion to dismiss based on this fact. Well, I did that and what did you say to me, did I aspect you to read that. Sir that was your job to not only read it, but also make a decision on It and you did not.
I did a motion to change judge, and you know for a fact that I was entitled to a hearing under the laws of the land, once more you did nothing and said nothing. Sir if your job was and is to what is best for Zion and in his best, you get an F in that job. You want to talk about all that you feel that I have done, you want to paint this picture of me as this angry black man. You are doing all that you can to distracts everyone from the facts in this case.
Well, sir as you know this case is going to judge by the high courts and they are not going to look at what you say about me. They are not going to take all those negative words that you have placed on me; they are going to look at the facts, in this case, they are going to address was this case done correctly within the lines that are set out by the laws in this state. They are going to look at the motion that Joyce file and they are going to look at what I file, and they are going to question why?
They are going to wonder why did you not say or file anything, why did you come before them with all these draft addressing what I did not do and how I missed this deadline and how I did not submit this in a timely fashion, how I did not include something. They are going to say as the GAL who is a lawyer, how come you did not say or do anything about what Joyce did or the Judge and I hope they report you to the ARDC as it is clear that you acted in bad faith.
Sir, I want you to know that I have allowed may lawyers, public officials, judges, and others to look at each thing that you did in this case and they do not look at any of this and say well he did or acted in lines with the laws. They all have asked me who are you and to a person they ALL agree that what you did, in this case, needs to be investigated. However, unless one of them take it to the next step and report you, you will get away with it on its face, but sir I want you to know that what you did is never going away it is on the record and it is in the books.
Now, Zion was in a top school before you; now he is in one of the worst schools in the state. Zion was living in a house with a family that loved him. He had support, he never worried about what he would eat or if his lunch were going to be there. Now, he does.
You want us to talk about what Joyce is doing for Zion now. How can we do that when we cannot talk to him? You stood in court and told the judge lie after lie; you did everything in your power to make sure that I was not able to investigate Joyce, you work overtime to get an order of protection on me that was not legal. Once more this is before the high courts also. They are going to look at what you did in this case, and once more I had someone who does this for a living look at what you did, and they were shocked that you were able to get away with this.
You talk about how Joyce works four days a week from 6 to 5 am; well that is from 5 pm to 7 am she is not taking care of Zion. We asked you who is, and you told us that is none of our business and you did not want us to know this. I was in shock as you are the GAL for Zion. You do not care what he is doing or to you is he just another little black boy that is like tissue, flush when you are done?
Who helps Zion with his homework, who gets him ready for bed; where does he spend the nights. You took a child from the only family that he knew and placed in with people that he knows nothing about and you did not suggest that he gets any help or counseling for this. Once more what is your job, as it is clear, it was not to be there or do what is best for Zion.
I am about to end this draft as my words are like bricks on tissue; you do not care about this case, and you sure did not care about what was in the best interest of Zion. The fact that you know we are not a law of mother and father have rights over that of the child. We are not and for a good reason The Best Interest of the Child; they even have a list of things that you should look at, and you did not do this.
If Zion was your son, David would you have done this to him? Zion is never going to play baseball again with Joyce, all his dreams are and have become a nightmare, and I hope that you pay for this, I hope that Justice comes in and see what you have done. I was told that in able to investigate a case it is better to wait and see how and what the outcome is. Well, in this case, your draft with lies about me tells me what the outcome is for you.