Saturday, September 29, 2018

16 shots =20 motions

16 Shots were used to kill a young black man and David Gotzh used 20 motions to sentence a young black boy to a generation curse of being supported off the backs of the taxpayers. You help to produce another young person of color that is depending on the government to survive as a baby depends on his mom's breast to be feed. Sir, you are what we called Mr. Willy Lynch as that is what you did in courtroom 1806
David Gotzh you ask us to show or give you some proof that Joyce is not able to take care of Zion day to day living, IE getting him to school and feeding him. Now, the bar that you have in place for her is one very low that a child can overcome For Zion you do not think or see him as being someone that is equal to your own son. Just as that copy that shot that young man 16 times in the street like a dog you did the same with all those motions you drafted
From day one going back to Oct of 2017 there has not been one, NOT ONE motion done by Joyce that was done correctly and you know this, and the Judge knows this. What did the Judge say to this fact, “oh well the appeal court will not reverse her decision”? This is what she said to me when the question about what she was doing and how it was not in lines with the laws.
You have not, I say this with respect for the title of a lawyer, you have not done your job. You have not questioned the fact that legal service was no obtained. May I ask you, sir, do you think that it was done in this case? I was asked by one of the many lawyers “who is questioning that service was gotten” the answer to that is no one. You now pretended as if that is not important, as the laws do not apply in this case.
Fact is that you have drafted motion after motion to dismiss my appeals case based on what I did not do, you have come to court time after time to address that I did not follow the civil codes of producers. Sir, it is no joke that you have a running record of 20 motions to stop me from getting to the truth; you have done 0 when it comes to what Joyce has done. I say that you have worked as her lawyer more than that of Zion as I used this fact to support this.
You are a divorce lawyer, and you cannot tell me that if you were on a case and the other party did not get service to have your client in court, you would not do a motion to dismiss based on this fact. Well, I did that and what did you say to me, did I aspect you to read that. Sir that was your job to not only read it, but also make a decision on It and you did not.
I did a motion to change judge, and you know for a fact that I was entitled to a hearing under the laws of the land, once more you did nothing and said nothing. Sir if your job was and is to what is best for Zion and in his best, you get an F in that job. You want to talk about all that you feel that I have done, you want to paint this picture of me as this angry black man. You are doing all that you can to distracts everyone from the facts in this case.
Well, sir as you know this case is going to judge by the high courts and they are not going to look at what you say about me. They are not going to take all those negative words that you have placed on me; they are going to look at the facts, in this case, they are going to address was this case done correctly within the lines that are set out by the laws in this state. They are going to look at the motion that Joyce file and they are going to look at what I file, and they are going to question why?
They are going to wonder why did you not say or file anything, why did you come before them with all these draft addressing what I did not do and how I missed this deadline and how I did not submit this in a timely fashion, how I did not include something. They are going to say as the GAL who is a lawyer, how come you did not say or do anything about what Joyce did or the Judge and I hope they report you to the ARDC as it is clear that you acted in bad faith.
Sir, I want you to know that I have allowed may lawyers, public officials, judges, and others to look at each thing that you did in this case and they do not look at any of this and say well he did or acted in lines with the laws. They all have asked me who are you and to a person they ALL agree that what you did, in this case, needs to be investigated. However, unless one of them take it to the next step and report you, you will get away with it on its face, but sir I want you to know that what you did is never going away it is on the record and it is in the books.
Now, Zion was in a top school before you; now he is in one of the worst schools in the state. Zion was living in a house with a family that loved him. He had support, he never worried about what he would eat or if his lunch were going to be there. Now, he does.
You want us to talk about what Joyce is doing for Zion now. How can we do that when we cannot talk to him? You stood in court and told the judge lie after lie; you did everything in your power to make sure that I was not able to investigate Joyce, you work overtime to get an order of protection on me that was not legal. Once more this is before the high courts also. They are going to look at what you did in this case, and once more I had someone who does this for a living look at what you did, and they were shocked that you were able to get away with this.
You talk about how Joyce works four days a week from 6 to 5 am; well that is from 5 pm to 7 am she is not taking care of Zion. We asked you who is, and you told us that is none of our business and you did not want us to know this. I was in shock as you are the GAL for Zion. You do not care what he is doing or to you is he just another little black boy that is like tissue, flush when you are done?
Who helps Zion with his homework, who gets him ready for bed; where does he spend the nights. You took a child from the only family that he knew and placed in with people that he knows nothing about and you did not suggest that he gets any help or counseling for this. Once more what is your job, as it is clear, it was not to be there or do what is best for Zion.
I am about to end this draft as my words are like bricks on tissue; you do not care about this case, and you sure did not care about what was in the best interest of Zion. The fact that you know we are not a law of mother and father have rights over that of the child. We are not and for a good reason The Best Interest of the Child; they even have a list of things that you should look at, and you did not do this.
If Zion was your son, David would you have done this to him? Zion is never going to play baseball again with Joyce, all his dreams are and have become a nightmare, and I hope that you pay for this, I hope that Justice comes in and see what you have done. I was told that in able to investigate a case it is better to wait and see how and what the outcome is. Well, in this case, your draft with lies about me tells me what the outcome is for you.

Friday, September 28, 2018

oh STOP!

I can tell you that as a man of color I do not care what anyone wants to say clear privilege is as real as it can get.
I did not talk about how the gangster lawyer wanted to make a verbal threat to me about what he was or would do if I kept trying to get my money back from putting my Uncle remains to rest.
Well, let me say that my body woke me at 3 am, and I just wrote my motion and E-filed it to let him know that I choose the last name Muhammad as that was not birth name, and I did so with the mindset that I might get treated differently.
Well, let me give a short story, my uncle Micky as we called him; passed last year. Now, this is Joyce grandfather (father as she called him). Now, all I knew about Joyce was stories I was told by my grandma (a fact I was a grandma boy), and that was all of them are as crazy as the sun that comes up.
Now, grandma was one that said her mind and would let you know that she did not like you (my daughter is named after her and just like her).
So, Micky died broke after a lifelong addiction to anything he could put up into his body; yes, he was a significant drug user. Real story Joyce left Zion at the dope boys house during the three months that she had him and my uncle had to get him, they knew that was his grandson, how did they know; well he was one of their best customers. I cannot make this shit up.
So, he died, and I got hit up for some money to have his remain taking care of, and at first, I said NO. Well, I was told that there was a case in court as he was hurt in the nursing home that he was in.
You know the story no one would go see him, and he was just left that as he lost his leg due to drug use and Joyce did not go see him, she did not go see her mom in the crazy house. The only reason she posted those pictures on her page is due to the fact that she thinks it is going to be a payday in court.
So, I just read the case and let me break it down, one law firm is suing the nursing home, and the other is over his estate. Now, the one over the estate is the one that does not want me to get my money.
The fact there is nothing in the estate right now; however, once the case it settles it will be. So, let’s say they get max $100k (that is a joke as we are talking about an old man of color that was very sick); the first law firm gets their 30% off the bat, and now it is the other law firm as I am sure they are sitting on an excellent 20%.
So that leaves $50k, wow someone is rich; oh STOP! The daughter my first cousin; well she is a guest as Mental INN with the great state of ILL and what do we know about that? When you are in a state-run anything they get your money, they take your house; they do what they must do so that those bills are paid.
As I sit here and laugh as I know firsthand one week with them can cost you a nice $10k on the books. So, they are going to place an excellent hold on those funds; however, the lawyers will not say this to my family (as they are DUMB); to say this will make them not want to keep on fighting in court. So, for me and that $1300 I am trying to get will cut into what they get, and that is why the fight.
The two days that gangster lawyer came to fight me in court, I bet you anything his bill is $4k for that. Who is paying it, well the estate is, once more pad the bill.
So, I am going to do what I do best, and that is come into their case and fact find, I do not think this was the best decision and to be real, it was very dumb dumb.
However, it is what we do a lot to times we go for the low low; we take the pennies as others look for the dollars. I paid over $600 a month in life insurance, and I do such because I am with a great company and I am thinking long term. A fact I am going to leave this place, and if I go after Danny, I know my Co- Caption (Stacie) is going to hold it done and take care of her brothers and the money.
Joyce is DUMB, a lot of my family are DUMB; they are money hungry and will sell their own for such, and it is regrettable that I must feel and say this, but it is true. My uncle Haymon said to me before he left this world that he knows that I am the only one that would never sell the family for gold and this was deep, and I am sure many of you might not get this.

I do not want to spend all this money in court fighting to get Zion back; however, it is a fact that Joyce is pimping him out and I have to do what I need to stop that.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Like does not = Love

What is the trade deadline for a family? This one of mines seems to muck me each time they get. My Uncle died last year, and I get this text/call about giving money to have his remain taking care of. I ask why? The state will take care of that for FREE.
Negros with no money always want to go out like they had money. So, I give money with the understanding that what every case that is pending in court I will get my money back. So, that is a yes that money will be the first thing paid, even before the lawyers get their money. OH no I did not catch that part. Lawyers always want their money first.
So, I say it is better that I get me a court order to get my money just in case. So, what comes next, the person who does not have a dam penny to put on anything is over the case now. As her mother is lock away in a nut house. So Joyce and the GAL does not want me to get my money back.
So, I have court in less than 5 hours for a hearing on if my case should be dropped. Get this; they are saying that the time for me to request my money has past and I did not do it before the deadline. WTF, time; OH hell no. You all did not tell me to make a request and you all knew that I was owe money.
Now, the dumb shit. These family members of mine think in their minds that oh yes we are going to get all that money. You all are some negro looking to get $5 rich dummies; backtrack the daughter is in a NUT HOUSE! The state is and will be the first to get their hand on any money (right after the lawyers get theirs).
So, when anyone asks me why I do not deal with my family. I have been mucked over time after time about my money; I give it out (as to say loaned is a JOKE) and I never see it coming back. I do not even feel like going as I am sick of courts and I know I am sick of NEGROS also (Broke one at that).
I call ADT to get my alarm, and I get told about my outstanding Light Bill in a state that I do not and have never lived in, once more I got Muck on that one also.
I am at the point in my life where I too want to go off and just live by the ocean and write my book; this year I was going off if you all recall it was Africa for my 50. Tickets paid and did not go; why I was in court on some BS that Joyce was trying to do. That was money that I lost, ticket paid for, and I could not go; once more due to the so-called family.
I must fight Clear people out here in these streets as they have one job and that is to destroy black males. I keep saying to my sisters I am happy for you. The jobs, the money and all that you have gotten. But you all better know that saying success is nothing without someone to share and love it with is the real deal. I do not care how or where you think you are in life, growing old alone is not a happy feeling.
The money will not love you, and it sure in hell will not take care of you! Wait if I got money I can pay someone to do that. Sorry boo boo, they do not love you, they do it for the pay and trust me it will be a big difference.
My uncle that Joyce talks about how much she loved him as he was her grandfather and father in her life, well he died in a nursing home where no one loved him, and that is why they are saying he as abused.
Where was Joyce, she sure in hell was not going there to see him. Now she wants to post these pictures on her facebook like she was in his life. The judge asks her where was his remains and she did not know.
Her mom that she talks about how much she loves her is locked away in the funny farm. Wait that is your mom that you love, and you are not taking care of her? Once more love and like are two different words and actions.
She likes Zion, she likes her mom, she liked her grandfather; but she Loves herself and the men in her life! So, I have to say Stop it is 4:44... Carry on; I am at the point in my life where I should not be spending the time to prove things that do not and should not need to be convincing.
I can march a busload of men into court that has paid Joyce for sex; I can bring in women that she has worked with and they can tell stories about her. How she worked them at Walmarts to give her money and food for Zion when she did not have him. Bring in the men that she lied and said was Zion dad, to get money for them.
But in the end, as I was told none of that is essential, as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said it best, she does not like me. I dare to be a Negro that stands up and fights and knows and understands my rights, and since I stand as a man, she is going to beat me like a slave.
The day she locks me up in jail I tell you that I did not bow my head and that pissed her off more as she did not break me. They wanted to BUCK me as that is what master does to those negros that dare to fight back, BUCK THE SLAVE!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Government Push-ups.

It is an easy as 123! I had a conversation today with a lawyer, and she wanted to know why does it take two days (the time the Judge has set for the trail) to decided and answer something that can be done in 10 seconds.
The heart of the case comes down to the simple civil code of producers; did Joyce file a motion and get service on it? That is a NO! However, after all this time and money we have been dealing with the fact that the GAL and Judge both knew this; however, they still had a hearing.
So, she was not able to be there as she is doing something else on the 10th and 11th; but she said that all the judge must do is ask the simple question and get a simple answer. Nothing, in this case, has been simple.
Going back to last year, not one thing since GAL step into this case.  He stands in court and cites laws and statutes like ABC and not one time did she say anything about the fact that service was not done or attempted. 
So now here comes the bull into the case that gets me, well; Joyce did not get service, and since the judge gave Zion to her what the harm is? That tells you what our courts think about a young black boy; it tells me what the GAL thinks about a young black boy.
For the rest of his life, this is something that he is going to carry with him. That young man does not forget anything, and I am sure this nightmare is going to be glued to his memory.
You go and spend a night, week or month in jail and tell me that it will not affect you, this young man was going to have a summer of his life.
He was going to FL with his uncle Mike and his family, he was going to Cuba to play baseball, and this was the year to try out for the fall ball team. This school year was his year, 7th grade was going to set the path for high school and beyond.
I am so just dam sick of talking about this as it seems that no one cares; we are just talking about a young black boy, and they were going for a dime a dozen back in the day. You can have a black boy and work him, but if you had a black girl, you had a money maker; as she would produce more black boys and girls. Master sure did not need a black boy to help with that, just look in the mirror at all these black folks with clear features.
Do not forget that this election is one that you can stop this, removed these Judges from the bench that are not doing their job, VOTE NO to all the judges that are up (unless you personally know them to be doing their job).
Do not like someone tell you what they are doing as they lie. The church needs to get out of the business of telling black folks how to vote and stay in their lane. The church is there to save souls; not tells us who to vote for.
In courtroom 1806 on October 10th and 11th at 2 pm at the Daily center, we are on the call, and I ask that people come out and sit and hear what the judge and gal does. I am going to pay once more to have a court reporter there as I must persevere the record for the appellate court. I do not have faith in the lower court; not a lot in the higher court, just hope that 2 out of the three want t see justice.
I am up as the rain is coming down and I think about how I had to take something for the first time in a while for my sinus, and I cannot help but think about what Zion is doing. It makes me cry to think that right now he is somewhere with someone one looking for us. That young man is left by himself to make it as Joyce is not there with him, the stories my man is going to tell me about his time in jail. 
I do not have the love for many in my family, as they all had a hand in this.  For those that help Joyce by telling lies; to that dumb one that keeps saying that is her cousin; you are not. To the one that stood in court and put her hand in the air, to tell the truth, and told a lie.
My family is like many others black ones, we are lost, our young people do not value education and they are just looking for hands out. They want government hands out and not looking for government push-ups.  Do not feed me, teach me how to grow my own and cook it. We go out to eat more than ever before due to the fact that we do know how to do it ourselves.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


I was looking at a post that talks about depression and how easy it is for most of us to become such. I know first hand that I have my days and sometimes its weeks where I do not want to do anything. I feel that I have failed as a father; as I was not able to protect Zion. I allowed a racist system to take him away from us, and all he asks of me was dad fix this. I hope that when he gets a little older, he comes to understand that I did all that I could within the laws. I have read stories about what it was like for the man on the plantation to have his child taking from him and sold off, and I know this feeling first hand.
Joyce does not know Zion; she cannot tell anyone anything about his life and what his childhood was like. She does not have his first tooth that came out or the first loc of his hair from getting a haircut. She does not have his babies shot record or anything from his childhood. She got Zion for only one reason, well two; lies and racism. The lies will stop, as I will do all that I can in my power to make sure that each one of those two that came to court and lied for Joyce pay for it.
I do not care who they are, or what they are to my family; they are nothing to me. You do not help to destroy a child just so that someone can get some dam Link. This is what this was all about, Joyce wanted to like and section 8 housing. That is the mindset that too many of us (black folks) have, school and work are not for us, we want to suck on the tit of the US government. I am the first one that talks about the government hand out that significant cooperation gets; well, I hate the ones that people that look like me get more. These hands out keep you hook and helpless.
I hate to see a black man sitting out on drinking like that is their job; I had a lot of men in my family that did this, and I hate it. To be a man and talk about how you cannot wait to get your link., well it is not shocking why so many black women are gay, where the hell are the real men? I talk all the time about that paper; you want to get that lamb wool (is that funny some did not know that the real ones are or should be made out of lamb wool). What happens to us, where or at what points did we too become so dam weak?
I respect that Hispanics bother as they will work, I see them cutting your grass as you are too dam fat and lazy to cut it yourself. They take your money, and it does not leave their neighbors as fast as our does. They buy from self and make each other rich. We are the only group that is making everyone rich but us. It is Saturday night, and I bet half of you are out somewhere getting drunk and getting fatter while you get drunk We are like wet paper towels, but so dam weak.
To my little cousin how does it feel that you did this, how does it feel that you let a snake back into your life? The last time it was here and something about your guy that made you check him. Well, I hope you also did a Self-check.   Well, it late and for me to think about Zion now is not going to help me cover up the pain I feel in my soul. And I need to find Dr. to help me with pain.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pass the Link Card

Trust that is something that is much deeper than just words. I joke about the fact that it is only one person living that I trust, and the reason I trust them is due to the fact that they cannot testify on me. Out of all wives and husband; it is only one that I can say for 100 % she had his back from the window to the wall, and they left this world together that how strong of a bond they had.
I am going over all this BS in this case with Zion, and I am just so hot that it was about trust. I told someone what to do, and they trusted Joyce over what I told them to do. Go to court and do the paperwork; it was just that easy. Joyce said it as ok and she was cool with anything is like you trust putting your head into a lion’s mouth with the hope it will not bite it off. 
Now, Joyce is doing what she does best. She is telling lies, she did not say this, she did not know that. This has caused me so much dam money and work that I did not want or ask for. I told her not to trust my sister as she was not to be trusted and once more played with a lion. It is one person on this earth that will go to jail for her, and that is the person she should have just trusted what I was saying. 
Yes, I could have done the paperwork; however, I was told that it was taking care of. So, for me, it is always about trust. I had got to the point (and I told them this); where I was not trusting my lawyer. I keep saying how in the heck do you fake paperwork, and all these folks make it seem like that is the norm for cook county. It makes me think dam how many folks are lock up due to fake paperwork 
We have a dirty court system, and it has been like this for many years and to tell you the truth it is not going to change. I wonder how many people can you look them in the eyes and say I trust you with my life? If it is nothing you get out of life, get this, no one is going to do time for you; so, you better be careful what lies you tell. That is why I was shocked when the GAL, in this case, told lies for Joyce, as I know she is a snake (a two heading one at that). So, she will sell him out for a cupcake. 
This same trust is why I can say for sure that trump will win another term. Too many of you think that just because the clear person in your office talks about him says that they will not vote for him. There were the main ones voting for him. RACE AND SEX in that order; we see race first and sex 2nd, therefore we are one of the racist parts of the world. 
I must take some time and get all my eggs into the box, and it is about to be a busy week coming up; I must make sure that I got all the witness lines up. I have sent out my discover request, and I am sure that dumb dumb is not going to send her back, and the judge is not going to say anything. I want so bad for the presiding judge to step in, I have asked her more than once to do such. I understand why she does not; however, it is her job to put a stop to this madness. 
Wow it is almost 9, and I have not eaten anything, I do not feel the need or want to eat as I cannot shake how we got to this point and I cannot shake how all this could have been taking care of with just doing the paperwork. Well, I cannot cry over this as everything in life happens for a reason. This Judge and GAL came into my life for a reason, and I am not going to stop.
I am not going to see Zion years from now on the other side of bars; we have too many young men in there. All al them are these social medal moms; where they play as if they are the dad and mom. Joyce was here talking about how she is the mom and dad; what a Joke. She is the new face of the warfare princesses. Joyce is a cancer on the system we have in place. She does not get the link and public help, because she cannot work, no she gets it because free hands out are her way of life. 
The democrat party (as the judge is a part of it) loves to make Joyce’s as that saying these type of folks (when they do vote) vote democrat is so true; as they know the party that feeds them. I would love to see a stop to this system that we have in place now, well it is not working. Those that need help do not get it, due to the fact that that getting help does not need it. Ok work a job or sit on your azz and get a hand out; well they take the handout.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Just took a bath and was thinking about a conversation I had today about this case. I am not a lawyer, and I have never been to law school.  Got accepted in but did not go.
Now for those that have, help me understand this as if I was a 3-year-old. Joyce does not file the proper motion to bring this case to court. Next, she does not mail out anything to us, and I only found out about the case because I happen to be online looking up something.
So I file the correct motion to dismiss, and the judge does not have a hearing on my motion. So, I question the judge about this and she tells me “she decides who should be giving notice.” Now, there is a GAL in this case David Gotzh, and he became a lawyer in 2009, and his practice is divorce. He has field 22 motion to stop or have something that I have done dismiss. Now he has file 0, nothing about what Joyce file.
He has field ten motion in the appellate court towards me; he has asked them to make me stop calling him a racist, and to stop talking about the fact that Joyce was trading sex for money. I am not telling a lie, has asked the court to make me stop.  But he did not feel the need to file anything with what Joyce has done. Now, I have done four emerge motion, and I sent out notices, and the judge has only ruled on one. Now, Joyce has done two that I know, and I do not have a clue what they were or who she files them with.
FACT, in cook county you must file all your motion with the clerk office and get them stamp, Joyce has not done this, this writes something up and takes it right to the judge, and it is put into the file in the courtroom. Now, the problem with that is this, this case right now Is in the appellate court, and they only go off the documents that are filed with the clerk office as legal. Now, all they have is my paperwork.
Why is this, well fact Joyce did file something in another court and got it to stamp and three months after she mailed it out with changes she made on it. This is a fact she sent us something that had been changed and I file something in that case as that is FRAUD (hearing on that late November. Why did she do this, easy she thinks she can. Another fact in this case; Joyce was under oath and told a lie; I called her on this and pointed it out to the Judge ( I had the transcript to prove she was telling a lie).
A cook county sitting Judge told me “she did not care, as she does not trust me.” So she trusts a lie over the facts that I have in black and white; once more I have asked this Judge to remove herself from this case due to her bias. Another fact is that yes, I sued the Judge in federal court and they kick it as they said I need to file it in State court first. The only reason I have not done much so far is that I am putting a case together to go after the other one in federal court.
I do not have anything to lose now, I have walked the line, I kissed the ring and did everything by the book. They tell me to mail out a copy, and I send out 2, and that is not good enough. I have to make sure that all my motion is on point, spell correct and sign and deliver; while Joyce does not have to do anything. She just put her name on a sheet of paper, and that is it.
So yes, I am hot, I am warm at how these so-called black demarcate stand in line supporting racist and want to say that is for the people. I am hot that only the cook county clerk gave me the time of day. Ms. Sims; Chief Evans and all others have not said anything. It is not one black officeholder in Cook County or for that the State of Ill that does not know about this case. I have sent info to the Governor and the one that wants his job and I get nothing.
All that I asked for in this case was to give me someone that will be fair; let the facts speak for themselves. Those that came to court and lied for Joyce I am pushing the State Atty: office to lock them up! I do not care who they are, family or not. So, I was on the fence if I was going to court on my motion as I know that judge is not going to see me, but you know what; I am still going as I know that each thing she does when it comes to me will come out in the end.

Do Your JOB!

This makes me so upset that I had to go into debt because the Judge did not want to do what her job calls for. I did not ask Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan for anything; I did not ask GAL David Gotzh for anything; all I ask of both DO YOUR JOB!
They both get an F in my books; as I must pay someone to do something that I can do in my sleep. I am up getting ready to go battle a big corporation in court as this is not my first time on the bike. I am one that does not fear the legal systems and I did what was correct. Joyce file BS, I came with the right motion to stop it. It was the Judge that did not adjudicate my motion; she tables them as I did not present anything.
I have to say that it makes my soul cry as I could have taking this money and done a lot with it, my son is in his first year at Thee I Love, and I could not send him off in style, he had to get a work study job due to the actions of this Judge and GAL. So, you Dam right I am MAD! I am going to go after any person of color that support any one of them. I am putting them all on notice, stop it, stop saying you support people of color and going out the back door and support those that hurt us.
This Judge should not be in that courtroom, and she needs to be off my case; however, the Chief Judge does nothing but send me these water down letters about what his job is. Sir your job is to police the judges, it is his job to put them in the courtrooms and if they are not doing right by that room to move them. He cannot take them off the bench (unless they do something, and I say she has), but he sure can send them to the basement (Traffic Tickets) where she was before she got up to the 18th floor.
I have been going over and over in my head, do I pay one of these high price lawyers, or do I go solo and just let the chips fall where they are? I am going to ask the judge once more to remove herself from the case. I must fight the GAL, as Joyce is hood street smart, she is no match as the hood does not or should I say should not work in a courtroom. There are rules and laws that you should follow, and I do.
The GAL requested some discovery, and I answer his request the right way, I can bet the ranch that Joyce did not, or better than that he did not ask anything from her. So, I have to fight her and CVLS as there are the GAL for Big Z and David Gotzh works for them. I have been in the war, and I have paid out a black and white lawyer and got nothing from them but a HIGH BILL!
I have made it very clear the next one gives me a price and it is set and over with, no more of this bill me like I am facing a murder case bill. I have let my love for Big Z blind me into paying and taking away from the other three children. All of them agree that I need to do what I must to get Big Z back as that is there little brother and they love him. However, I cannot keep this up; I am going to make my choices from this point on based on what is best for all 4.
Big Z knows that his dads love him, he also knows that what is going on right now is all on Joyce, she was so selfish and jalousie about the life that he was living that she had to do all that she could to destroy him. She does not love him; she does not know how to love she is a user’s and has always been and it is a shame that her mom in lock away in a nut house due to Joyce.

Joyce, you drove your mom crazy, and you are is trying to do the same to Z.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

I am Bless

First and foremost I do not do the religions thing. However, throughout all the bullshit that the Judge and Gal have put me thought I can say as a 50-year young black man I am blessed.
I know that all 4 of my children love me (and their mom also does). I have not bee the best at a lot, but I have been a dam good dad. I have put two through school and working on a 3rd and will get Zion back and see him get back on track.
As they put an order of protection on me for saying to Joyce that Zion is going to hate her when he turns 14. I do not back down from that. She took him from the only family he knows. She took him from living a life of love, to living one with pimps and hoes. Real talk as it can get, he has been placed and sees things that he should never see in his lifetime.
Zion has a passport that he was getting stamps on. He was to play travel ball this fall, and now he plays dodge bullets. That is not the life for any young man of color and it sure in hell was not the life for him. It is this reason and more that make me take a Knee.
I am not some paper made brother like many of you out there, I do not take a knee and watch the game out of my side eye. Outside of my children, it is nothing in this world that I cannot give up or walk away from.
I am not weak, and I do not look or depend on anyone. I was there trying to see why I had a short and it took me a few seconds; however, I put all new everything in our places, so it was just me going back and tracing the lines.
I have never been to school or taught how to do what I do; it just comes from the blood of those that came before me. Funny as I just thought that I am the oldest Passmore (my mon side) male living; so that makes me the patriarch of the family.
As such I can say that our family is doom, we have young people coming up less educated, or no education at all. My grandma and her brother were not ones that were educated through school. However, it was something that they push.
I have done all that I can to keep this going, I use to talk to Joyce about stop letting DCFS pimp her out, and she pimps them. However, just like many in my family she was and is lost to the streets. I will be dammed if I let Zion go too the streets.
So, I stand by the letter that I wrote her, and I double down on it. If this Judge does not correct this fuck up, I am not going to stop. My case is already in the high court, and I will take it up to the highest court if I need to.
I am blessed where I can write my motions and briefs, bake a pie, do a tune-up, talk politics, and build a house. As I pop my collar, it is not that much a brother cannot do. I am sure that some or you nay-sayer will name something (IE I suck at spelling).
I was not going back over to the building as I was going to call it a night, however, I am going to get that last line in as I have made up my mind that I am going to run my duck work. I have been reading up on it and I know I can do it, I just had a fear about can I do it right.
One good thing about the work I do, I am doing it, so if I do it wrong, I can go back and correct it. SWA is running a special and I want to book my winter trip so bad as I feel that we will have Zion back. I need to take him somewhere to get this pain out of his soul.
I was taking my boys to Cuba over the summer as I wanted them to see what it feels like to be a man and to be somewhere and not be judged by there race. To play baseball and watch how free the people of Cuba are. I want them to grow and love the place as I do.
I do not knock how anyone spends their money, I just question, why give your money to people that cannot stand you? I am thinking about going to my favorite black own restaurant. I do not run from the fact that I am a Black man first and I support my own before I give my money to anyone else.
Like I said I take a knee and keep it real while doing such; can you say the same?

Friday, September 14, 2018

Nice does Not Work

Life is but what you make of it, and it is one thing I have always been taught (from the best) never lie to the Fed and always keep a paper trail, you never know what or when it might come in hand. So, when I file anything in court, I print out a hard copy and file that also. We are an e-filing system however when the E goes down the paper will be there. So yesterday I got an email from one of our Senator; Senator Durbin sent me an email about this case it is about the same as I have gained from others put the focus on the Chief Judge and the Cook County system.
So, that is what I have done. If anything happens to Zion, I am going to do a Paul Vallas on them as he just saw his Mayor chance go from high to oh HELL NO!. That letter he got years ago and overlook is what did he in. And that is what most politicians do, they overlook the small things as they do not benefit them. I do not lie, and it has been only one person that has reached out to me, and that was and is Clerk Brown. She gave me 10 min of her time; now I do not know if she cares or not, but she did listen to me.
The Chief Judge does not have what it takes to be head of anything, and the Cook County Democrat party leader had done nothing. She does not have to feel bad, my state senator, cook county board member and so on have not said anything. And they all are women of color; they do not say or do anything as it does not benefit them. They used the backs of black folks to get into office and get so used to being there that they forgot who got them to the dance.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan is not on the ballot this year, but she sure in hell will be next time, and I want to see who get behind her? I want to see the Cook County Democrat come out and support her when it is a joke about how she switch over to become a democrat only to win a seat as a Judge. Her record was nothing, so she was not going to win it on her own. Now, these are facts that were told to me by someone in the ranks.
The Chief Judge had a close call the last go around, this time it will be a toss-up as he is not going the job and will of the people. After all, he looks at it as the Judges are the ones that voted him as Chief, however it was the people that voted him into office. This is whey I am aking each and all of you to VOTE No when it comes to the Judge. If you do not vote that is the same as giving them a yes vote.  This court took my son, changes his life from good to hell bad and all because I had the balls to be a Black (real) Man and stand up and say not that is not right.
I sat in that courtroom for 5 hours this week and case after case Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said the same lie over and over about the rights and job of the GAL. I wanted to stand outside her courtroom and hand out flyers to let any now that their rights are. I want to let each and all mother just to lie and if she says anything to you, just bring up this case and say double standers. As in this case, the dad did not need anything; the guardian did not need to know anything. So do nothing and this Judge will give you the child back as your right are more than anyone that child might have.
I have made up my mind that I am not giving another lawyer anything to talk to them; I do not need anyone to tell me how this case was fuck up by the Judge and GAL and how I need to be nice to them. Being nice did not and will not get my son back. I am going to be in their sleep. I want them to never forget that name ZION!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Slaves Catchers

Today I spent five hours sitting in Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan courtroom just for her to give me a court date on my motion to vacate her August 6th six months OP.   She had me sit there for the Am call, and I was still sitting there for the afternoon call. That was until the court clerk told me that she was not going to hear my motion. This is the 2nd time that this Judge has done this to me.
Now, my motion was and is on point, I file it online as we are asks to do. I did each and everything that is ask of me under the laws. I mail Joyce a copy back on 9/4/18, and the funny part is on May 24th, 2018 the Judge let Joyce do a motion, wrong, never sent out a copy before or after and did not file it in the clerk office and she gave her an order on it that to this day I have not got a copy of it.
Now, the Judge used that order to lock me up and still to this day Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan will not do the right thing and take herself off our case. So once more I am going to do a motion to remove her; this time I am asking that the case is moved from that courthouse. I was told by so many that it is no way I am going to get a fair hearing from this Judge.
So, I do what I must do and what gets me, and this is not to step on the toes of anyone, but there are too many scared asses African American Lawyers out here. Let me drop this on you, the reason that might be the case where there are police eating a bullet; well they know what they have done and cannot live with it anymore.
I said this, and I stand by it, for the dirty cops and wrongfully Blackman lock up in jail; there was and is someone that looks just like them that knew about it and said nothing. You are more at fault than the clear person that set them up. You see they would never let you do what they do to use, to someone that looks like them.
Case in Point, once more not to step on the toes of anyone, but there is no way I can or would want to be a mason, I have been asked, but no sorry. Tell you why rosewood (I think) the black cop did something to a white person and the white cop slapped him like a child and told him you do not touch White Folks. Now, other parts, White Mason asked are you a traveling man, and they were both masons until the other mason came with the ropes to lynch.
I am sorry, it is not in my DNA to forgive or to forget (I am a history major); so, for me, I think about the White man that spit in my step-father face when I was a child. I think about going to school in upper Michigan when a White Judge told me to stop dating White women; I can go into the times and ways that I have been taught over and over that in their eyes I am a nIgga. But what gets me and hurts me is that they do this with the blessing of someone that looks like me.
So, when you ask me over, and over why I am so dammed hard on my sisters and black folks, well, I say this, and you take it for what it is, Master did not Catch runaway Slaves; other Slaves were the best slaves catchers. I say this, and this is the truth a Judge is not God, she/he is and were elected by the people do the will of the people. Now fact these Judges are not doing our will, so this fall VOTE NO TO ALL JUDGES ON THE BALLOT.
I Am voting No to each one of them, as they are in a club where they get into that position and die there as they get the God mindset and they do what they want, good or bad they do this. You are paid by the people to do the will of the people, and they are not doing that. Black or White Vote them Off the Bench. Do you know what message the people will send by doing this? However, like sheep, I am sure many of you will not. You do not know the power of a Judge until one is doing you wrong, I knew and know their power.

“My baby momma.”

That is my Baby Mommy; Wow, we ask ourselves why do clear folks look at us in the light that they do. I was in court, will address that next. So, these two brothers were there as the mother of their children had died, and they wanted their child. Now, these are sibling that will grow up in 2 different households. Of them said when asked who does he live with? He said, “my baby momma.”
Now, I do not give a fuck what or where you walk into those people house you need to be on point. Next both of them were in their 30’s, and both had the sag going one. One just got out of the joint, and yes, the other just lived with his baby momma. It makes me want to cry at how we are looked at in the eyes of others as they do not respect us. How can they when we lack respect for self.
Now, to court, I was there on an emergency motion about that OP that Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan placed on me. I did the paperwork right, I e-file on 94/18, and I took it to court for an emergency hearing. Now I was there last Friday, and I was told right away that it was not going to happen, and the case was on the call this week. Now, I knew it was not and said such; however, I was told it was.
So, it was not on the call, and I sat in that court from 6 hr. (left and came back for the Judge Break); and in the end, I was told that she was not going to hear my motion. Fact Joyce took some chicken scratch that she put on paper and did not and to this date has not sent us anything she has file in this case. Well, the judge listens and gave her motion life and an order. I am so sick of this game; this Judge does not like me, and I do not care. Why does she not leave this case? I tell you why; she knows that the voters of Cook County are Lazy and will just voter her back in.
I called Atty Sam Adams (I know I cannot buy him lunch, let alone afford his bill); however, I need help as this is not working out. I am tired, and I am just sick of this court. I am going to do all that I can to get this case out of her courtroom, and it would seem that she wants me gone. If so why does she fight so hard to keep the case, well the Judge has much up so much that she does not want anyone to see what she did to a little black boy.
I am going to take one hr. to get myself some cold water and pop me a few pills for my head and get back out into these streets as I have work to do. I Am always knock upside my head as this system likes to test a black man; however, I am in this fight until I take my last breath as I know what I am fighting for. That Judge said something from the bench that makes me question a lot about her. However, in the end, if you all do not care about she is doing to young black and brown children in cook county, I do not. I am just going to do what I can to save one.

Monday, September 10, 2018


FACT 3 months December 2006 is when Zion came into our lives. Now he was born on Oct 20th, 2006. Now, today someone said to me, how could a judge do that, you all have had Zion since he was 3. NO, that is not true we have had him since he was 3 Months. He was not breastfed, as there was no breast to feed him with. I took him to all his Dr. Appt after that point. Zion and I were talking about the new house, and I posted this. I asked him will he miss the old house and room and he said yes, and no, he said to me that is the only house he knows, all his memory is from there. He can go into that house and point out where he wrote on the walls in his room. 
We are MAD AS HELL! Joyce posted on Facebook for Father’s Day about how all she has done in her life was for him and to give him what he needed, and she is not a man, but she has been a father to him. WTF? So, when anyone comes into this picture and want to say to me that he is his mom and she has rights. Well, it is a dad on his BC, he did not have rights? Or better, she lost her rights when the courts took him from her. Get this Fact in your head; as she likes to spin this BS that she gave him to us.
She gave him up before he was born to us, and we did not get him until he was three months old, as I did not want a baby in my life. So, next, when he was seven months, and they told her that she was no longer going to get any money for Zion, Joyce told the Courts NO! She said, “we can have him, but she wants the check.” This is a fact that I talk about and it will be in my book. Zion is not a dumb child, and he knows what she has done to him, and the world will go no.
We do not talk about those border children anymore as the American have ADD, where they will focus on issues for a week or two and after that their mind is on something else. Now in the news is the policewoman that shot the black man, in a month that will not be news, for that in one week that will not be news. Zion is not news now to anyone but us; most of you do not know the Judge's name, and I want to make that comfortable KENNEDY! All you must do is say President of the US and her name will come to you.
The GAL, all you must do is think ROAD ATTORNEY; if you are looking to hire someone and that comes up, run for your life. I am not going anywhere; I am not going to stop posting, blogging until I get my SON back. I am not going anywhere. As we get closer to our trail date Oct 10-11 I am going to post the information about the Judge and GAL as I want the world to send the letter and let them know set Zion FREE. He is going six years in hell. Last night he spent the night with a killer, drug dealer, gang banger. Do we know this man, hell no, but what we do know is that from 5 pm to 7 am 4 days a week he is left with the dick of the week for Joyce?
I have a busy week as I must find a new lawyer, I have got to the point where I do not want to hire anyone, as I told someone today I can do this case in my sleep and if I were able to get a Judge that was not Kennedy I would. However, she does not like me, she said this to my face; and that is the reason she gets the GAL to make sure she is kept on this case. I do not know what they have going on, or what deal they have made, as this is Crook County and pay to play is in full effect, so go get a late pass.
I am about to get up and out as I have some filing that needs to be done, I need to reach out to the Feds today about my case.  I have to reach out to the IRS about what I think; I told you that I am going to use my training on doing research and I will dig into the life of both of them.  I must get my football list of people that I want to bring to trial; I am doing to bring those two people that lied for Joyce back in May. I am talking to the State and Feds about how come all these people are putting their hands up, to tell the truth, and telling lies.
Well, that is easy as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me to my face, she does not care who lies, ‘SHE DOES NOT TRUST ME”. So lies in a cook county court is nothing new, everyone lies and only those that look like me go to jail for doing it.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Lock and Loaded

Everything in life happens by faith and what you do today will shape what your life is the next day. About two weeks ago I ran out of gas in my truck, and a woman hit me from behind as I stopped and she kept going. Well, I had to make a police report as someone got her plate number. Now, this was not on my mind today as I was working on my building and needed some more pipes.
So, I got into my truck at the right time and drove right past the police station as I have always done, this time I was pulled over, and it was a felony stop. Right way the first thing that came to my mind was what has this Crazy nut done. Well, the offices who are white walk up to my driver window and the other one stood on the side looking in. So, as he made small talk he asks me about Zion and when was the last time I saw him.
Now, he said he stop me due to a backlight being out; at about 2 pm. So, right away I think back to that woman that hit me and how that cause me to get stop today; to find out that Crazy had reported Zion missing months ago. Now, the GAL in the case David Gotzh told her to do this; he did not call us to tell us that we needed to bring Zion back or what happens in court. Now he told dumb dumb to go to the police and file a missing person report on Zion.
They both knew he was not missing, however, that is what racist do; they think of ways to take a black person life. Now, if I did not find out about this today, I could have found out coming back into the country or flying somewhere or down in a red neck town. I am still mad about this; however, all those things in life happens for a reason. I do not think that any spirit or ghost or anyone had anything to do with this. This was and is out of faith from last week.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan took Zion and made his life a living hell; Joyce Is leaving him with gangbangers, and all this is for some reason. I told Joyce that Zion is going to hate her and he is. She is playing games with his head, and for that reason, she is going to pay for hurting him. That Judge said that I made Joyce feel scared when I mention this before. WHAT?
I do not know the family of that GAL; however, as I have said I am a man, and as one I know that no man is going to risk everything unless it for a woman. Joyce sleeps with gang bangers and married guys so to say that the GAL has a wife is nothing for her. I want to know why did the GAL lie under oath for her, why does he call and text her that many times in a day? All these question and answer will show me the reason the GAL worked so hard for her.
Tell me would hate make a person do all that he has done or would it be a woman? Fyi my backlight was not out; but what is the life of a black boy worth? When I get stopped by the police, I fear for my life as I did not want to make a move. The officer on the side had his hand lock and loaded just looking to send me to 6 feet of dirt.
I just want to know WHY?

Missing Child.

My Head hurts as it seems that this is just crazy all the way around. I was driving and got stopped by a Chicago Heights policeman, and the next thing I know it was another one there. So, as I was sitting there waiting this office comes up and ask me for my DL. Now, he said the reason for the stop was due to backlight not being on. Next, it was who Zion Washington is and how is he related to me.
What happens next was just crazy, I was told that he was reported missing and could be with me. My head hurts so bad I just want to scream. This DAM nut was running around to police back in May, and she got the Chicago Heights Police to do a missing person report, and as someone said to me, it was best that I got stop in the heights as I could have been on a flight and it happens to me.
Now, they called her at the station to ask her about Zion, and she told them that Oh she did a report in Chicago letting them know that she had him. Now, that is an LIE. I am so dam sick of this case and what Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan and GAL David Gotzh did to me. I was not Zion guardian by myself; for that case I, not his guardian until last year. However, I am the only black man and when it time to toss someone under the bus; do it to the black man.
Now, the police told her that she must go to the police station with Zion and have that taken out of the system; is she going HELL NO. She did not go in the first place. This is just reason after reason why I am just so mad about this case. I talk about how and what it has done to my family and I am just mad ass hell now. What can I do; NOTHING! I am just a black man and what life has taught me that in this land I am not worth much, and my life is worth even little.
It is Pizza Friday, but OMG it feels like it needs to be GIN Friday for me. That DUMB Twitch was asking about was I in custody as that made her day, I bet she rolled up a nice blunt over that one. I get to the point where I just do not care anymore as I talk to the courts, I do all the paperwork right, and I still get the NEGRO treatment. Why can I not be treated like a man? I am so sick of anyone that wants to talk to me about justice and fairness in American and how we are as one. No, sorry I am not! As that police did not see me as anything but a number.
Felon stop one officer pulls you over, and the 2nd one comes up on the front this keeps you from going anywhere. One has you making eye to eye, and the other is in the rear with his dam hand on his gun looking (or in my case trying to look in as I have tinted windows. One said to me, I have done about three reports about this child, as the GAL David Gotzh had her making a report for anything. That why I was hot that when she tried to run someone over, they did not make one, as they did not want to deal with going to court.
I sit here and can only laugh at this, as I use to know some real live street folks who I could look to for help; now I only hang and know the ones that tell me God will make it better; what a JOKE. While Joyce can get people to come and lie for her in court, she even got the GAL telling lies and risking his law license.
That is why I said you know what, I do not care who I must bring down, If you told a lie for her I am coming for you. Those in my family that took sides and help her, they are dead to me, and as such you worry about your job, well you should had thought about that before you lied for her.
That money they think my uncle might get I am going to reach out the other side an come to court for them to talk about his real lie; the one that they want to keep in the dark. I am just so sick and tired of this Bs. I go to the police; courts and I ask for help they tell me to man up and there is nothing they can do. She goes and tells lies, and they want to beat a black man down; Fact I was in that lock up with some guys that talk about the hate they have, and I can you I understand where that comes from.