Monday, September 17, 2018


Just took a bath and was thinking about a conversation I had today about this case. I am not a lawyer, and I have never been to law school.  Got accepted in but did not go.
Now for those that have, help me understand this as if I was a 3-year-old. Joyce does not file the proper motion to bring this case to court. Next, she does not mail out anything to us, and I only found out about the case because I happen to be online looking up something.
So I file the correct motion to dismiss, and the judge does not have a hearing on my motion. So, I question the judge about this and she tells me “she decides who should be giving notice.” Now, there is a GAL in this case David Gotzh, and he became a lawyer in 2009, and his practice is divorce. He has field 22 motion to stop or have something that I have done dismiss. Now he has file 0, nothing about what Joyce file.
He has field ten motion in the appellate court towards me; he has asked them to make me stop calling him a racist, and to stop talking about the fact that Joyce was trading sex for money. I am not telling a lie, has asked the court to make me stop.  But he did not feel the need to file anything with what Joyce has done. Now, I have done four emerge motion, and I sent out notices, and the judge has only ruled on one. Now, Joyce has done two that I know, and I do not have a clue what they were or who she files them with.
FACT, in cook county you must file all your motion with the clerk office and get them stamp, Joyce has not done this, this writes something up and takes it right to the judge, and it is put into the file in the courtroom. Now, the problem with that is this, this case right now Is in the appellate court, and they only go off the documents that are filed with the clerk office as legal. Now, all they have is my paperwork.
Why is this, well fact Joyce did file something in another court and got it to stamp and three months after she mailed it out with changes she made on it. This is a fact she sent us something that had been changed and I file something in that case as that is FRAUD (hearing on that late November. Why did she do this, easy she thinks she can. Another fact in this case; Joyce was under oath and told a lie; I called her on this and pointed it out to the Judge ( I had the transcript to prove she was telling a lie).
A cook county sitting Judge told me “she did not care, as she does not trust me.” So she trusts a lie over the facts that I have in black and white; once more I have asked this Judge to remove herself from this case due to her bias. Another fact is that yes, I sued the Judge in federal court and they kick it as they said I need to file it in State court first. The only reason I have not done much so far is that I am putting a case together to go after the other one in federal court.
I do not have anything to lose now, I have walked the line, I kissed the ring and did everything by the book. They tell me to mail out a copy, and I send out 2, and that is not good enough. I have to make sure that all my motion is on point, spell correct and sign and deliver; while Joyce does not have to do anything. She just put her name on a sheet of paper, and that is it.
So yes, I am hot, I am warm at how these so-called black demarcate stand in line supporting racist and want to say that is for the people. I am hot that only the cook county clerk gave me the time of day. Ms. Sims; Chief Evans and all others have not said anything. It is not one black officeholder in Cook County or for that the State of Ill that does not know about this case. I have sent info to the Governor and the one that wants his job and I get nothing.
All that I asked for in this case was to give me someone that will be fair; let the facts speak for themselves. Those that came to court and lied for Joyce I am pushing the State Atty: office to lock them up! I do not care who they are, family or not. So, I was on the fence if I was going to court on my motion as I know that judge is not going to see me, but you know what; I am still going as I know that each thing she does when it comes to me will come out in the end.

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