It is no hidden fact that I am suing Cook County and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan in that probate case. Well, today I did the paperwork to have my fees waived and as it goes when you rock the boat; the judge denied my motion. Now, I do not know if it was the Judge that did this or his clerk and I will tell you why.
I did not go before the judge, and this time they ask for a copy of my complaint with my motion to wave fee; now that is not something they do. So, as I sat in the courtroom for over an hour waiting the judge left the bench and about 5 min later someone came and took me down to the clerk office and put my paperwork into a box and told me to wait in line.
So as I waited for my turn, I came up to the desk, and the lady wanted to know how she could help me. Well, I was just as shock as she was because I did not have a clue how she could help me as I e-filed my case and have a date set. So, after she looks at my paperwork that was put into the box, she did not see the order granting the fee waiver. Now I notice that it was a typed order with the paperwork that I know I did not do.
It turns out that someone denied my request and cited case law on how I cannot sue a judge. Now, this was not how it should have gone, and I knew this. So, I had to go back up to the 20th floor and try to find out why. So I got this young man who was the clerk for that judge I take it, and he was trying to tell me how I cannot sue a sitting judge and the laws. Well, I had to expand that there is in fact case law that does say you can sue a sitting judge.
Now, he asked me to give him the case law; and I told him it was right there in my complaint. He wanted me to find it; now once more this is a clerk that was doing this. So, I found it, and he told me that I should have made that the focus point of my complaint. Slow down; I should have done what? I told him that it was no need to do that for this process as the fee waiver motion is not based on my complaint. Now he said that the Judge did not read that I cited case law.
OK, why would he need to do that; as he only needed to read my motion for the fee waiver, not my complaint? So, I was told that I have to do a motion to reconsider and to make sure that I make it clear how I can overcome the burden to sue a sitting judge. Now, this is not going to be an easy case as I have to go before a cook county judge to sue a judge.
I am going to do that as this has to stop; these judges get into these courtrooms and play god from the bench. Now only did the Judge destroy Zion, she made a joke to this case. She did things in the case that are coming back now where I have to do motion in the appellate court due to what she did. Now, I can only say that I do not have a law degree, but what I do have is an understanding of the laws.
I know criminal and civil, and I know how to write a motion, and I also know how to look up case laws to support what I write. Now what I have that hurts me is my skin, I am a non-gay black man, and for that, I must do everything 20 times better. I am the one that they fear; I am the one that they want to kill as I am something that they do not want to grow.
I must fight each day to get what others get by just being born, my skin is my sin, and you all think that was going to end just because a black man sat in the White House, well it did not. I can respect that racist that tells me they are and let’s make this money; I have 0 respect for those that hide what and who they are.
In the City of Chicago, they are lynching black folks each day. They are not hanging us from trees now; they are doing it in ways that lock us out. Lock us out of the jobs, lock us out of the housing, and unless you bend over and let them buck you; they still might find a good old oak tree and hang you from it.
Well, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan stood there and told me what she thought about me, and the GAL David Gotzh came to the party with the rope. They both told me on 2/21/18 that I was a nigga and unless I kept in my place I was going to be a dead Nigga