Friday, October 12, 2018

Father Involvement

Let me break this down for those that do not understand how critical it is for parents to understand the effect that parents have on their children and how important it is to have an active father or fique in their life.  Looking at research from 2000 to 2013 that analysis 37 kindergarten, secondary and primary school students.  Notice that when parents have a high academic outlook for their child when it comes to education, the child tends to do much better in school. 
Just a fact. In my house, it did not get that high school degree, and the world is yours. No, it was if you do not get a master or betting than you have failed. Stop looking for others to be mom and dad as it is the responsibility of the family to make sure that there is involvement in the child school by parents as they cannot depend on society to be invested in their child education. Parents need to be involved when it comes to school work, homework and must show a present at their children school. Go there to the parent-teacher conference, make yourself noticeable if you want your child to succeed. 
Now, this was done with all four of them, and now I am sure that this is not going on now with big Z as there is no push for higher anything. For Joyce, her mindset is one that set upon she works the graveyard at Amazon, and she is going to work herself up the day shift. Fact, she was on the midday shift and the fact that she kept trying to sleep with all the guys on that shift they moved her to the graveyard. 
Amazon is a job that is for Highschool and those in school trying to make it, as you are not going to be able to deal with the 11-hour shift in your 30 going up and down and all that walking as your body will not do that. So that is why Big Z is getting C now, he does not have that family support, and he sure does not have any males in his life to give him that male to look up too. 
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and the Gal David Gotzh did all that they could to remove me from the pictures; they talk about me and give hit, and sometimes it was bolder; you will be ok if you just get rid of him. They speak as if I was not there, and reduce my name down to him.  African-American father is moving up when it comes to fighting for their children; they also help to reduce the education gap that is there between White and African-American students. Fathers understand the role that mothers have played in the educational nurturing process when it comes to children education, so they have also embraced this and been more involved. 
The misconception that is placed on African-American father that sometimes make the teacher not want to work with them when it comes to the education of the child. I never faced this as I have been there from dad one. I have been that dad, the one that was at the drop-off and picks up. These Racist wanted to say that Zion did not ask about me as a sign that he does not love me or that I am nothing in his life. Now David as you have a son and I think you are a man, but that right your son is white, and mines are not.  
The research into parental effects and family structure on education has been looked at since Puritans and Pilgrims put a high emphasis on such.  There was not a lot done about parental involvement from a social scientist point of view because at the start of the 20th century there were high numbers of two household parent involvement in education as it was essential for the family.  It was during the 1960’s that there was more interest into this as the numbers for parental involvement was on a 14-year downfall,
 This was the during the time that Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan started to take the role of dads out, she said to me when I asked her about the father rights, you are not the dad so what do you care. Well, I am a black man, and I care about my brothers, and I am a father and parent, and that is something she will never be or can understand. The results of the research show that Father involvement if very important and does affect the child in a positive way when the father is involved. 
So, as I get ready to spend the weekend with my children, I am going to miss big Z. However, I want those clear folks to know that I am not done. I knew that I was not going to get anything from her as she did not do what was in the best of Big Z as she wanted to hurt me. 

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